Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Changes To the JCA...

Okay- here's the deal. I just got another email describing how disappointed (which is the nice & easy way I will put it) she was by my handling of the "Article With J.Crew's Jenna Lyons & Production" post. I get it, I suck as a moderator, even as a blogger. No really, I do. Please, no need to defend me- I got it, loud & clear.

Here's the deal... Come this Mother's Day marks the one year anniversary of this blog. I can't believe a whole year has passed. There have been some amazing moments and a few not so great ones. With that said, as of lately, any post published seems to draw an incredible amount of mean-spirited comments- and I am not referring to different views (which I enjoy reading), but snarky comments and personal attacks. I just think that any personal attack is unnecessary.

There are days when even I actively avoid this blog because I fear what will happen with the comments. And when I do avoid the blog, I get called out for not removing certain comments fast enough or get called out for removing some comments but not others. (A lose-lose for me.)

I am not going to lie, for the past few months I have been stressing out about this blog and "what the comments will be today". So much so, that I am strongly considering the discontinuation of the blog. I know I have mentioned it before, but I am tired.

I try very hard to keep my posts and comments positive. And I continue to post because I know some members find the content useful. However, what I find is I am not posting follow up comments anymore- mainly because I am worried about being personally attacked myself (which I am).

So come tomorrow, I am changing the format- no longer will there be anonymous posting. I have hesitated doing this before (and to be honest, I really hate the idea), but I am willing to try it for a couple of weeks to see if the spirit of the blog can improve. If the blog stays negative or the comments dwindle, I will just retire this blog altogether.

Lastly, I am really sorry about everything- I feel like a failure for not maintaining the blog in the positive direction. And now, I am getting off my soapbox...


  1. You have 100% of my support. I love this blog and admire what you do :)

  2. Me too! 100% support from me. You've created an amazing community for us aficionadas and I honestly can't remember what it was like before your blog existed. Checking your blog is my regular break from a dull workday, so thank you!

  3. I read other blogs that have also stopped allowing anonymous posts.
    And, the snarky comments have
    decreased considerably.

    I think you're making a wise decision.

  4. Alexis, whatever you decide to do, I really appreciate the time you put into this blog!

    I check it several times a day and I'm able to go through useful comments and ignore all those negative ones. If you're not, I completely understand it. This should be your little pleasant "escape" and not a source of stress.

    I hope you keep blogging, perhaps you should allow other people to be moderators as well, I remember a lot of people who offered to help :)

  5. Alexis- I love your blog. It is one of my favorites along with FFM. My day would not be the same if JCA was missing. I don't know why some people find it necessary to be so ugly and negative. After all, this is a blog (a great blog) about clothes and a retail store that we are all devoted to not a discussion regarding some of life's more serious issues. Reading your blog is fun and I feel connected to like minded shoppers. I understand your frustration. I really appreciate all of your hard work and hope that you decide to keep your blog going for those of us who benefit from the forum. Take care.

  6. Dump Anon. Keep the blog. I love it!

  7. Alexis, my two cents - adding additional moderators will only add the issues you're facing - you'd just be opening the door to more complaints. That said, sorry to hear about the unpleasantness - you should make the decision that's best for you.

  8. And, I totally don't get why you are beating yourself up over your posts.

    To me, that is the purpose of blogs, to offer differing opinions and points of view.

    Really offensive comments likely should be removed, but otherwise, IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH A POST, DON'T AGREE AND/OR DON'T READ IT!
    Respectfully offer a differing point of view.

    The job of the blog moderator is not too make everyone happy. It's
    your blog. Everyone else can kiss off if they don't like something.

    I just re-read the Jenna Lyons and Production post and I appreciate it quite a bit. I see nothing inappropriate about the post and it
    is important to be aware of how our clothes are manufactured and the impact on others.

    So, please keep the blog, I enjoy it on an almost daily basis. I hope that removing anonymous posts will be helpful.

  9. Alexis,
    Glad to hear anon posting will be gone. I know it's something you've been considering for a long time, asked for feedback from us, etc. I'm sure it was a difficult decision.

    I thought the article was interesting and there were some great comments. I figured there would be differing opinions which is always good to see-- but also, unfortunately, anonymous jerkiness. Still, sometimes it's nice to talk about JCrew topics beyond how green or blue is tropical aqua, and I'm glad you posted it (but I am sorry it caused you stress).

    I've been following almost since the beginning, and it was cool to find a place to talk about all aspects of the company. You have created a great blog and I hope it continues! :)


  10. @SE Mom - the problem with the comments is that people who have expressed differing opinions ("siding" with J.Crew for example) usually get attacked simply for saying that they disagree.

    As for the Jenna Lyons/Production post, judging by the comments that were posted and Alexis's post, the disappointment was probably with the way the comments were handled, not the post itself. Some people on this blog are allowed to say whatever they like, and others cannot even express a valid, opposing opinion, because others immediately jump to the default "personal attack!" cry.

  11. Alexis, good for you! There have been too many garbage comments from too many people.

    I agree that opinions are valid and worth sharing, but too many people have been rude, nasty or otherwise.

    You are far more patient and understanding than I would be.

    Once again I thank you for all your time, effort and patience with all of us.

    At the end of the day it's important to remember it's a blog about J.Crew and keep things in prospective. We're not solving the world's problems or doing surgery, just talking about clothes.

  12. Hi, Alexis,
    Thanks for all of your work on this great blog! I too can't believe it's been a year. :) I am soooo impressed that you've stuck with it-- it would have overwhelmed me long ago.

    This is not a criticism, but I would like to say that I don't think you have a thing to apologize for. You do a wonderful job, and JCA stems directly from your good will. I am sorry for you that some commenters feel the need to be terrible to others, and particularly to you.

    Looking forward to JCA: Year II!!!!

  13. I sincerely hope you decide to keep this blog alive and going because it is such a joy to read and is always full of insightful and informative posts. I know that sometimes the comments do get out of hand, which is why I like your proposal to limit comments from anons. I feel like people tend to be more loose with what they say in comments when they don't have to answer for their own response. If you put your name on the response you are probably less likely to write a personal attack or something mean. Now, I am not talking about differing opinions. Bring those on, I love them, but let's keep them friendly and non-threatening.

    That said, I hope you keep this blog up, I know I enjoy reading it :)

  14. Alexis, you have done a wonderful job with the blog, and I know there are other JCAs who appreciate your hard work!

    I think getting rid of anonymous posting will help decrease the negative comments.

    Things we must remember:

    We live in different cities. We vary in age, culture, background, etc. and have unique experiences. We have different styles and like different things. And of course, we have different opinions! But that isn't an excuse to be rude to each other (or Alexis).

    And now let's get back to the clothes!

  15. Alexis, I've enjoyed reading this blog from the beginning -- you've put so much hard work into this. I hope that removing the anonymous comments will cut down on the snark and give you some relief.

  16. It's really simple: Keep the blog focused on reviews and discussion of products.

    Many of the topics posted turn into the same class warfare tirades time after time.

    Obviously if you post an article about political subjects such as international factory production, you will get a heated debate. At this point it's impossible to buy that you are naive enough to think this won't happen. It has happened enough times that anyone would get it by now.

    It is also clear by now that you support an anti-materialism mindset, and many, many of your posts regarding discounts are petulant, entitled, and unrealistic.

    Your outlook sets the tone. So far I've seen you blame everyone but yourself for the fights that break out. A good start would be accepting some responsibility for creating posts that set people off.

  17. Thank you for the time you have put into this blog. I enjoy reading your posts. I hope that your upcoming change will help this become a forum you enjoy again.

  18. I don't understand the people that are so negative about J.Crew. If you don't like J.Crew why are you even on this web page!?!?

  19. Dear Alexis, I love your blog, and I am really glad that you are doing this. So many ridiculous, stupid, and mean anon comments. Lots of good anons too but it's pretty easy to make a blogger account or just use your google account. I feel really bad that your own blog makes you feel bad, and you feel you have to avoid it. That is horrible :( I hope that this change will do the trick because I know I am also tired of reading all of the distasteful comments.

    Also, anon @ 8:05, there's a difference between "heated debate" and posting mean comments directed at individual people that are unnecessary and unrelated to post topics... at least I think so.

    We <3 you Alexis :)

  20. @JCrewCC - Are you kidding? This blog would die without all the people who are so negative about J.Crew!

    @Em - yes, there is a difference, but if you back and read any of these "heated debates", as soon as someone expresses a dissenting opinion, THAT person gets attacked for daring to express their own thoughts.

  21. I support your decisions although I am an Anonymous.

  22. Alexis you have SO many fans- I LOVE this blog, and so many others do to! I would not know so many of the things I know, and love J. Crew so much, if it weren't for this blog :). Please don't let some rude comments get you down, although I understand why you want to remove the anon feature. Whatever you choose will be great, just keep doing what you are doing!

  23. Alexis I love this blog and I really appreciate how much effort and time you put in to it, esp. now that I am blogging. Reading this blog has become part of my morning routine and I would miss it greatly if you decide to retire it but I would completely understand your reasoning

  24. Basically tastymoog was allowed to call people "mindless consumers"

    Alexis supports tastymoog and shares her opinions, so they stay.

    This is a blog about clothes and a store where people buy the clothes.

    People that buy the clothes come here for that reason.

    So, basically the natural audience for this blog are consumers.

    tastymoog is insulting, oh, basically everyone that consumes.

    Alexis allows this, even though ripping on consumers on a blog about shopping makes absolutely no sense.

    Some were offended, and fought back. Their posts were removed.

    Yes, this is a personal blog, and the blogger's opinions win out, but what's the point of supporting an anti materialist attitude on a shopping blog? It makes no sense, unless the blogger feels drama and antagonism drive traffic to the blog. And there's your answer.

  25. As much as I love reading this blog, I rarely ever read the comments. I know we all love clothes, but I can't imagine that they're important enough to get so worked up over. Perhaps you could consider adding another moderator to take some of the weight off? Having someone else to share the responsibility might be helpful. Anyway, I think you're doing a great job and you always seem to remain positive from what I read in the posts.

  26. Alexis, I completely understand why you want to disallow anons. I guess it's time I finally get myself a "real" blog account thing(once I figure out how to do that).
    But I have one dumb question: You said in the beginning of this post that "she" was disappointed in your handling of the article. Who? Did Jenna herself email you? I'm just curious...

  27. Alexis, did you allow comments on this post just to hear everyone say how much they love you, and pat you on the back?

  28. Alexis, I really like visiting this blog, and appreciate the time you put into managing it. I think people easily forget that it's something you do in your own free time, and you are not obligated to "manage" the comments section as if it were a full-time occupation for you.

    I really like seeing the variety of topics related to JCrew that you post... after all, if there is a particular post topic that someone doesn't like, they should just skip over it, instead of writing nasty comments!

    I hope that turning off the Anonymous posting ability will keep people from being snarky and negative.

    I also just wanted to let you know I think you're doing a great job with this blog, and there is a (mostly) really fun community around it that I really love! (sorry this comment is getting super-cheesy but it's how I feel about it :)

  29. Alexis,

    I am so sorry this blog is stressing you out. I think you've done an amazing job with it. I've been following your blog for about 8 months, and now it's one of the first things I check in the morning after checking my e-mail. I love how your blog talks about all the different aspects of jcrew, from the clothing and designers to its financial structure. It's hard not to take criticism to heart. One complaint can sometimes outweigh a hundred compliments. I just wanted you to know that you've got my support. I know there are lots of people out there who agree and think this blog is great. I think you should do whatever you think is necessary for the blog. Fans of jcrew aficionada are behind you.

  30. Well, since you will no longer allow Anon posting I got off my lazy @ss and got a blogger ID. Your blog is something I enjoy and man, I hate it when I can't add my 2c! LOL

    For those of you reading the Article with J.Crew's Jenna Lyon's & Production post now, Alexis has removed the worst comments that were there earlier. I read them this afternoon and they were nasty so I'm not surprised that action was taken. Good for you Alexis.

  31. Alexis,
    A big thank you for the all of your time and energy you've put into this venue, for all of us who've enjoyed it.
    Best wishes, no matter what you decide to do!

  32. Alexis,

    I love & appreciate your blog. I read it all the time.

    If someone has an opinion, they should stand behind it and not do it anonymously. I for one am glad to see it go. I think it just encourages people to hide behind their nasty posts. Just my thoughts.

    Keep up the great blog. I love it!!

  33. anon 8:30,

    ahh yes, some courageously "fought back" by calling me a dumbass, drama queen, faux liberal, and falsely accusing me of being comfortably middle class because I own numerous pairs of tights. Also, someone called out another blogger who never even commented on the post in question. Intelligent!

    My comment was said in passing as part of a larger point about overconsumption, and not directed at a JCA.

    I never hide behind anon and I will always defend myself against insults.

  34. I love this blog but cannot blame you a bit for wanting it to end. I think you have done an amazing job and it's much appreciated by all. You need to do what's best for you! Thanks so much and good luck!!!!

  35. @Anon 8:30 - I'm one of the people whose non-personal attack comments got deleted (while moog's stayed) - think you summed it up perfectly.

  36. Alexis,

    I am completely with Em. I also feel really bad that your own blog makes you feel bad, and having read many of the comments over the past few months, I completely understand why. I have marveled at your resilience, and often wondered how you managed to stay positive. Whatever you choose to do, I'd like to thank you for all the work you've put into this blog to provide such a (usually) fun and supportive community. It's allowed me to connect with some great women, find bargains on items I absolutely love, and learn so much through product reviews and policy discussions. Thank you, Alexis. I never met you in person, but I'm grateful just the same. Please do what will make you happiest.

  37. As a former Anonymous, I just created a Blogger account so I could continue participating. (Guess which JCrew catalog was my favorite ever?) THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG, ALEXIS!! :-)

  38. I recently started reading this blog and enjoy it very much! I can imagine it must be a lot of work to maintain but you've built a great community! I check this site religiously! As someone said in an earlier comment, it's good to hear both sides of the coin on topics. You're doing a great job with this blog, and appreciate you continuing it. Keep up the great work!

  39. My last Anony postMay 5, 2009 at 8:44 PM

    Once in a while I do get the feeling that a certain topic is added to fuel controversy. I'm sure people will hate me for saying this, but the student/educator discount topic was one of them. Yes, it is important to share the info on the policy change, but perhaps a poll, rather than open comments, would have been better. That thread was absolutely vile and who didn't see that coming?

  40. @Tasty Moog - I agree some of the attacks were too personal, but you started crying "personal attack" after the very first comment (which called you out for your hypocrisy, and didn't actually personally attack you at all).

    Whether your comment was intended for a single JCA or not is irrelevant - it's still an incredibly insulting thing to say, especially given the audience of this blog, and it's a double standard on Alexis' part to let that stay up and take all the other comments down.

    In addition, many of the things you presented as "fact" are just your opinion (quality of overseas products, people's willingness to pay premiums, mindless consumption of overseas products, etc.)

    And honestly, of course people are going to "hide" behind the anon label - as others have said, you can't say ANYTHING contrary on this blog without being attacked, and some people are just not looking for that.

  41. 1. Alexis, I love your blog and am thankful for the effort you put into it! As others have said, it is one of the first sites I check in the along with my email and jcrew!), and before I go to bed at night. I have learned a lot of great things about deals, fit, sizing, etc from this blog--it is a valuable resource.

    2. From my understanding, this blog is about the company as well as the clothes. I love hearing about JCrew in the news, and reading other people's opinions on promos, style choices, and labor laws.

    3. Just because someone criticizes a practice of JCrew's, doesnt mean that they hate JCrew! I, for one, disagree with many of their policies, but still buy their clothes. Not agreeing is not necessarily being negative. It may just be your opinion. And if we can't have these, what's the point of the blog?? (This is not directed towards Alex, but people who have suggested that negative comments about JCrew shouldnt be posted).

    4. I think getting rid of "anons" is a great idea.

    5. It is Alexis' decision whether or not to keep the blog strictly focused on clothes/reviews. I, for one, love reading about other aspects of the company. But this is up to Alexis, not us.

    6. I love this blog and would hate to see us lose it as a resource and source of enjoyment.

  42. My last Anony - I agree. Is there anyone who thought that post wasn't going to just be full of more nasty complaining? Is there anyone out there who is sincerely glad that the policy changed? I doubt it.

  43. Hey Alexis,
    I just want to thank you for the effort. As a Ph.D. student myself, I cannot explain how you find time to take care of this space (I do not even have time to shave my legs!). It is true some days the blog has more interesting posts than others, but after all this is your hobby, not your main work. I am one of the people who appreciates the time you invest in this blog. I think others should too!! and we should make it pleasant for you!

  44. Your blog ROCKS!!! I am not sure who is saying what but I love your blog and it has saved a lot of JCrew bucks!!!! If people are too hard on you just make it private (invite only) and keep those who love/value you, like me, on it!

    I am in DC to and am so bummed I missed your last gathering.

  45. 8:44,

    I never presented what I said in my comment in that post as "fact." you are taking that from something I said on my own blog (and yes, I believe overconsumption is a fact).

    Just because this is a fashion blog does not mean we have to say 100% positive and frivolous things all the time. And if someone is going to take offense every time another wants to delve a little deeper about these products, maybe they are a weak skinned, too? Time and a place for both, I think? *shrug*

    (just to be clear I am not saying this in an argumentative tone. It can be hard to tell in this format!)

  46. I support your decision too Alexis!

  47. Jeez Louise, why are women called "catty?" This is ridiculous, and I'm referring to you Anon 8:05, and you Tori. WTF? We're talking about clothes! Quality, style, color, fit, and yes, value, and sometimes ethical responsibility. We are adults (at least most of us). Give me a break.

    I've been an anon poster for about 6 mos., but will gladly create an ID and maybe even a photo to keep up with this blog.

    I have seen plenty of well-intentioned, informative, dissenting opinions. If you feel attacked for your opinion, maybe you are the one with thin skin.

    Alexis -- I get the stress thing, and appreciate what you do more than you know. Keep it going girl, or ask any one of us regulars to help, and you will probably have more volunteers than you can manage!

    Anon @ ... soon to be known as ???.

  48. Alexis - I love your blog and read it pretty much every day, at least twice a day! I have been out of the loop for the past week because I was really sick, so I missed the recent controversy, but I was privy to others and was disheartened by the negative comments directed at people. Often times I would just skip over the snarkiness and read only the comments that offered great opinions on the fit and quality of the clothes. I don't blame you for being tired and stressed out over this, but I hope that you decide to keep this blog going. I feel like I know many of the regulars on here, and it is their opinion that I look forward to reading. Hopefully disabling anon will help with the problem, and we can get back to the fun of talking about the clothes! Thanks for all that you do, I think you rock!

  49. Tastymoog, let me get this straight. When you say something insulting or nasty, OTHER people are being thin skinned. But when someone calls you out on your nastiness, their comments are unacceptable? Wow.

  50. I love your blog-don't let negative people keep you down.

  51. I have to agree with Anon above. You should disable Tastymoog's ability to post altogether. Gypsy.

  52. Alexis: You are the best...I really think you have gone beyond the call of duty. Without you, so many of us wouldn't have dared to create our own blog and so many of us would not have become friends. Thank you. :)

  53. I just wanted to add my appreciation for this blog and the work that you do. As a fellow blogger (inspired by you!) I know how much work goes into keeping content current and responding to posters;you are my blogging she-ro! I think you are making the right decision since the negativity has really spiraled in the last few months. If there is anyway I can help you, please let me know.

  54. Alexis, you are doing a great job. It is important, I think, that there should be a dialogue and discussion about all aspects of the company. This also means challenging us with articles about clothing production and the economic and social consequences of that production, as well as our responsibility as consumers. It is fair to ask, "Is this practice okay, and how do we as a community feel about it?" There will be varied and disparate answers, but occasionally, we can come to a consensus and perhaps change the direction of a company for the better.

    To that end, you've helped by opening a dialogue. Often, I am a mindless consumer, sometimes many people can be mindless consumers. Of course, this is not *always* the case, but it is probably more often than we'd like to admit. I often don't think to look at labels to find out where the garment was made, or if it possibly could have harmed others in its production. Reading articles like that help me remember that not every company is as into social justice as it could be. And not every consumer has the time, energy, or perhaps even desire to face those questions.

    Nevertheless, as a community, it seems important that we have these debates--but have them respectfully.

    Thanks again for offering challenging and thought-provoking discussions about J. Crew and their clothing manufacturing, in addition to fun posts on, say, bug pins. ;)

  55. Tastymoog - I didn't see people taking offense to a non-shopping for fashion post. People took offense to your perceived attitude. You were the one pulling the "personal attack" card just about as soon as a non-supportive (but non-attacking) comment popped up.

  56. love this blog Alexis....there are so many of us that appreciate you and all you have done to keep this going.....don't let those anon's get you down......

  57. I think what anon#2 means to say is that tastymoog instills anger in her replies. She could probably learn to soften her approach as well as others learning not to respond to her caustic comments. It sucks when someone is trying to give their 2 cents and she's jumping on them like she's the only voice that matters. Just a thought.

  58. 9:01pm, Quick, everyone get outraged! :/

    I thought my statement was rather generic/general, and it seems like only anons found it supremely insulting.

    Let's just be done with it here. I don't want to upset Alexis further. :(

  59. I think she should change her name to un-tastymoog. Who'd want to taste that? Not me.

  60. Then you should quit replying, Tastymoog. You're not really helping the situation and by posting, you further worsen the mood. You're like a rash.

  61. Alexis, you put in a lot of time and effort, and it is really appreciated! Yours is a blog I check daily, even if I don't comment daily. :)

    I am sorry that comments have caused you stress! A blog should be fun, not stressful!

    After all, this was something you started, and you run, so really, you can do whatever you want with it. It's not like anyone's paying you to keep this blog up, so why should you be required to do anything? A blog is a hobby for most people, and something they maintain out of their own time. Anyone who feels JCA is not run "correctly" is certainly welcome to start their own blog to their own standards. :)

  62. I was glad you posted the Jenna/Production article. Like others, I am interested in the company that has done such a good job drawing me back after many years a way.

    Alexis: I am an Anon who has encouraged you not to disable anon-posting in the past and not take the crap personally. But I can understand how over the months the negativity and personal crap has become too much of a burden.

    I was in a J.Crew store recently and one of the topics of discussion was people agreeing that they were cutting back or no longer reading the blog because the negativity of the comments. It wasn't just the personal attacks that was putting people off either. It was the endless whining and complaining about J.Crew. And I understood just what they were talking about. I too am so, so sick of reading the JC quality is crap comments from people who are too lazy to return items that don't meet their expectations, and who just want to complain rather than contribute.

    So here's to hoping that those same folks are too lazy to create an blogger id and less negative in the future.

  63. Tastymoog - 9:01 has a perfectly valid point. You cry "personal attack" as soon as someone disagrees with you, and are turning a disagreement over a specific thing you said (mindless consumption, a fact for you) into a bigger, fairly unrelated issue, victimizing yourself for posting a non-fashion issue, which isn't what you were criticized for!

  64. I love your blog thank you thank you for all that you do!


  65. Even though I have been commenting less lately, I am still lurking on this blog pretty much every day. I love how active the community is, for better or for worse. Do what you have to do Alexis and know that you can't please everyone.

  66. No, tastymoog, it's not just anons that were offended. We all know Alexis supports and agrees with you, so we have to post anon when it concerns you and your insults. We get it-she gives you a free pass. Maybe you should apologize to her for ruining her blog.

  67. I love the way Linda put it.

    Things we must remember:

    We live in different cities. We vary in age, culture, background, etc. and have unique experiences. We have different styles and like different things. And of course, we have different opinions! But that isn't an excuse to be rude to each other (or Alexis).

    Well said.

  68. It doesn't feel good to be Tastymoog's human punching bag. :(

  69. I love this blog! Alexis, please keep it going! Thanks to everyone who provides their comments, whether negative or positive, in a kind and constructive manner.

  70. Alexis,
    This blog is both a fabulous resource and a community-builder. Since you're a burgeoning scholar--as a PhD candidate--I know you must value these two things. I sure do. As for the pettiness, water off a duck's arse.

  71. I'm a regular poster too (blue underlined name), but I post anon because I feel that tastymoog offends me and the others. I stick up for the others and she just gets crazier. Alexis, if you agree with her great...I'll go find another blog. I hope you know it takes more than one person to make this a great blog, but it takes one of her to ruin it.

  72. You should NOT feel like a failure. You do a great job and there is no way you can control what people say on here - no one expects you to monitor this 24/7. You do a fine job and I appreciate all of your posts. I hope you continue JCA but understand if you choose not to - you must do what's best for you.

  73. I had no idea you were dealing with this! I love your blog and come here all the time, though don't generally comment (because it would be like "oooh want" every single time, and not very constructive). You have my full support in anything you do! Please keep it up!

  74. Do what you have to, but please don't end the blog. :)

    - Emily (formerly anon :) )

  75. @Anon 9:28 - be careful...people on this blog do not like to be called out for their endless whining and complaining. I got into it awhile ago, because I was sick of seeing every post become a deluge of complaints.

    I even set up a complaints blog (here) to help move some of the negative complaints off this blog.

    I always thought it was kind of interesting that Alexis never posted about this idea, even though she claims to be really down about the negativity on this blog.

  76. I'm really bummed that this blog will no longer be a forum for lots of differing opinions, as many of the "anons" will be leaving and/or not really saying what they really think about things. I have enjoyed my daily visits here to read all the spirited, funny, (sometimes) intelligent, (always) entertaining comments. Then again, I'm somebody who reads the opinion pages in the newspaper everyday and every night I watch various cable "talking head" shows with people arguing. Seeing/hearing people debate is like crack to me!
    I'm dreading the withdrawal...

  77. @Anons 9:31 and 9:33 - glad to hear I'm not alone. I'm a regular poster and a fellow blogger, but I wouldn't dare post under my real ID for fear of backlash by the JOs (JCrew/JCA Obsessed).

  78. I work for Jcrew as a PS and kind of know the ins and outs. I don't post as a logged in blogger for the obvious reasons. I guess I won't be sharing any more information with any of you!

  79. It's a shame when things get negative. I deal with so much of it at work, it's sickening. Truly, this blog has become my little escape from reality and the crap that comes with it. I have met some really lovely ladies on here and this blog has led me to branch out my horizons, both in life and fashion. There should be no reason for people to cause you to feel stressed about something that is YOURS and that you have opted to share with others. Shame on those who make you feel badly! As a fellow graduate student, I say bravo! for the effort you have put into this blog. The time you spend on this blog could be spent elsewhere, but you choose to be here, as part of the JCA community. It's fabulous, as are you.

  80. Nice job Tastymoog, glad you're happy to have it your way, right away, Burger Queen.

  81. One thing I do not like this blog as much as before is there are more and more comments obviously posted by Jcrew personnel without identifying themselves.

  82. DUDE please keep the blog, it is so helpful to check your blog for the website codes and stuff. we all really appreciate the effort and we love j.crew and screw the negative comments! in fact, i didn't even know about the red card until it was on your blog. i called j.crew and they sent me one. seriously, the blog is so helpful..thank you!

  83. Liz- what a cute dog!

  84. Your blog provides a great service with the weekly exchange selling and looking to find! I would sorely miss both!

    I truly believe that the controversial exchanges are healthy and appropriate based on the queries you post. Even today at least one poster said how interesting the exchange was. The ad hominem attacks indicate that the poster is losing the argument and the best solution would be to make no reply.

    I am sympathetic to your feeling stressed though but hope you continue or pass the blog on to another.

  85. Liz, you called and asked for a red card and they SENT YOU ONE??? WTF?? That's not fair!
    (cute doggie, btw)

  86. Liz - that's one of the problems that are accidentally created by this blog. so you didn't get the red card, felt excluded from the club, and called up to ask for one? jcrew didn't send you one for a reason, but you felt entitled to one anyway, called (complained?), and got your way.

    and as for the JCrew employee anons, there are plenty of other blogs who would appreciate your traffic - you should check them out from Alexis's sidebar!

  87. Honestly, there are better blogs at this point, that actually focus on what MOST of us want to discuss--the clothes.

  88. alexis, like many others i love your blog and look forward to checking it everyday. however, i completely understand your frustrations. the negativity is occuring once again in this thread. it's just sad because the JCA community is great, i've had great interactions with many on here, and all it takes is a few to ruin it for everyone. i support whatever you decide, but really hope in the end we all can find a way to make it work.

    koala bears
    joley patent leather peep toes
    "The heart is a bloom, shoots up through stony ground"

  89. Ironically, this is the most exciting post you've ever had, Alexis! Way to go out with a bang!
    It's almost like being in a live chat...I really don't want to go to bed 'cause I know when I wake up tommorow all the fun will be over...:(

  90. Anon at 9:37: my experience has been with other blogs that the loss of "anons" posting has not hindered interesting and spirited discussion. I think the opposite is true in fact.

    Also, several posters here are focused on argueing with folks they don't know and will never meet in person. There are alot of assumptions being made about folks based on a paragraph of
    expression. How can comments made by complete strangers possibly be that impactful to someone's life?

    Again, if you don't like the response you're getting, just don't participate in the blog.

  91. I am a jcrew employee too, sorry I can't be of any help to y'all with the discounts and sneak peeks, etc. Thanks Tastymoog, you nasty witch.

  92. Alexis - to echo the other posts, I *love* this blog and appreciate all of the work/effort you put into it every day. I hope that the changes moves things in the right direction so the site can continue :)

  93. everyone is welcomed at jcrewaholics.com!

    love, leigh

  94. Anon at 9:41: If you create a blogger or google account and post with a screen name, your
    anonimity is protected. The only way someone is going to know who you are is if you post with your real name.

  95. To any of the Anonymous JCrew employees - I send another anon's post - if you'd be interested in contributing anonymously to another fashion blog, please check out the blogs in the blogroll - some of them focus only on fashion, and I'm sure would welcome your participation

  96. Alexis, I thoroughly enjoy your blog, and seeing as it is YOUR blog, it is your choice to do as you see fit. I agree that the negativity has taken on a life of its own. I enjoy reading about J Crew fashion, hearing about sales, reading the weekly exchange, and blogging with an amazing group of people. I support whatever decision fits your life.

  97. Hi Alexis -

    I think that this blog is a great resource - I have gotten so much sensible advice from the JCAs on this blog and I would like to see the blog continue.

  98. I love J Crew so I was glad to find this blog. The negativity didn't really bother me - it's the whining about the quality that does. I just don't understand why people don't take the items back and get their refund. If it's reasonable wear and it's defective they will give you the money back. You won't even need a receipt if you charge using the J Crew card - they can look it up.

    I like the anon feature, and I value my privacy. I won't create a blogger account just so that I can post.

    Thanks and good luck. I think the people who wants to shut down this blog will find means to do so even with the anon posting turned off.

  99. A little late to the comments...I'm 100% onboard! I LOVE your blog and I'd hate to see it fall by the wayside. Because of you, I've now got approximately 20 other blogs to read on a daily basis (fellow JCAs!) None of that would've come about had you not created such a wonderful and sharing community for us. Thanks so much, Alexis for everything! We'll do what we can to keep a positive spin. :)

  100. Alexis-
    I love this blog and check it daily. Thanks for all your work this past year. I can only imagine how time consuming it must be!
    With that said, I do agree things have gotten out of hand. People are very nice here but it seems a few spoil the mood. Good luck with your decision! I'll support you no matter what :)

  101. Alexis, do what you need to do. I appreciate what you have done in bringing together this community and also helping to inspire myself and others to venture into the blogosphere. But at the end of the day, you have to do what works best for you, and only you know what's in your heart. Thank you.

  102. Alexis, I know for a fact that so many ladies AND gents have supported you and will support you and your "little blog that could". This blog has allowed so many of us to get to know each other and begin new friendships! Thanks, Alexis! :D You rock!

  103. Anon@10:09 pm - I've also had them look up an item for return on my Visa card before I had JC card, so that works as well. Bizarrely enough, for some reason when I purchased that time, no receipt printed ou.

  104. Leigh, I only just found out about the beef between this blog and yours, but that is a really, really lame comment, and is the first one I've ever hoped that Alexis would delete. It's pretty sad that you have to resort to taking advantage of the situation to try to gain yourself some readers. I have a lot of issues with this blog, but there's still a reason I prefer this one to yours.

  105. Alexis, thank you for all of the time and effort you have put into this community. Good for you for taking whatever measure you think necessary to cut down on negativity. I missed the first few months of JCA, but as soon as I came across it I felt at home. It never seemed that different opinions got squelched, so I don't understand why some are crying foul. I guess I'll have to take the time to set up an account now, which sounds like no big deal. If you do decide to end the blog, know that your kindness has been appreciated by the majority, and will be missed.

  106. I actually thought the now infamous Jenna post was one of the best in awhile! People were making interesting points about an important, if controversial, topic. It's so hard to start conversations like that without it spiraling downward quickly but they are important conversations to have nonetheless, even on a shopping blog.

  107. Being an ocassional blogger, I went back to the Jenna post to see what all the controversy was about. It seemed to me to be a very intellectual (or sometimes not) series of posts relating to global economic issues, labor issues, socialism vs. market economy issues, etc. Most, well intended, with very little personal attacking going on ... maybe that came later and was justifiably deleted. I think the thread demonstrates the depth, passion and knowledge (or lack thereof) of the posters and added to the whole blog. Not into it, skip it. Into it, post.

    Although you own the blog, Alexis, I wouldn't stress over one thread. They die off soon enough.

    You do a great job here, and I for one, appreciate it for the info it gives me about the clothes and style.

  108. Anon 10:14 - the comment was most likely not posted by Leigh. There have been periodic posts on this blog claiming to be Leigh but I doubt she would post and leave her name. Don't know it for fact, but I really doubt it having communicated with Leigh via email and followed her blog for months as I have. In addition to this one and many others, of course.

  109. Anon 10:20 - I think it's hard to get the entire context of the Jenna/Production post without reading ALL the comments, many of which are lost now.

    Again, to reiterate, people were NOT taking exception with the topic, and to repeat, a comment that even addressed the issue at hand was DELETED. But you would never know that now, because we had to protect Tasty Moog's feelings.

  110. I love your blog and would NEVER have found the flower pin source without it. I'm from Lynchburg, home of the shipping warehouse... and the holy grail of outlet stores. Let me know if you need directions.

    In the words of Tupac, keep your head up!

  111. Thanks for making this blog! I'm very happy to see this post instead of seeing that the blog was shut down without warning or reason (that would be sad!).

    If I were in your shoes, I might have called it quits with a good-bye post. Sometimes the comments do escalate quickly, and I can see how just trying to keep the peace can take away the joy of running the blog.

    When the site goes without anon, does that mean the Name/URL thing will be removed too?

  112. ...why *can't* we have conversations of depth and substance on a J Crew/"shopping" blog? Clothes are just clothes, but they're also not just clothes. Nothing in this world is simple, every dollar you spend is a vote for something larger than the shirt it buys, and frankly, it's nice to be able to have all kinds of conversations with women whose virtual company I enjoy very much.

    I personally saw nothing wrong with the Jenna thread - thought it was great until the very end. As a regularly posting anon, I probably won't post to this blog anymore, and it's not because I'm thin-skinned (I teach undergrads for a living!) - it's because I like to be able to say what I mean, and feel freer to do so online when I'm not using an identity. I've never launched a personal attack on anyone else here, and have enjoyed the wide range of responses on a wide variety of J Crew-related topics. I've worn J crew since I was 14 - almost 20 years ago - and since discovering this blog a few months ago have really enjoyed the color it's added to my online life. I for one think the general mood on this blog is no worse than the general mood of the world right now - of people trying to figure out what to do with themselves in a recessed world order.

    I also stand with those who would love to see J Crew's standards come back up to where us older JCAs remember them being a few years ago - a kind of loyalty that goes back longer, and thus might seem like complaining to some newer patrons. You can love J Crew overall without liking them every day (or every season!), and you can be a fabulous, stylish girl with some strong opinions that not everyone agrees with. It's all good.

    Alexis, take yourself out for a drink in your favorite pair of shoes, and enjoy the fact that you've created a nice forum. No one has control over anyone else, in the end. Cheers -

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. I support your decision. You have to remember that there's no correct answer however. Just do whatever you think it's right. I don't want to see you close this blog though. You'll just be letting those rude ****s win.

  115. leigh@jcrewaholics.com

    Let's let bygones be bygones...

  116. Alexis,

    Why go back and delete comments....which I have seen happen all the time?

    Because you don't agree with them or you think people are not being nice.

    Honey, welcome to the real world this happens everyday even in real life.

    This is just a blog people should be allowed to say what they want abou the issues at hand. It's called freedom of speech!

    UMMM....there is still a war going on, the economy is going down the drain, people don't know if they will have a job tomorrow.

    And you're worried about comments on a J Crew blog? This is not a life or death situation in my opinion.

    Hopefully this does not get deleted.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Alexis - I think you are fabulous! I'm sorry that some people are ruining it for you - I think you are wonderful and I support you 100%

  119. Alexis

    I am so sorry to hear that you are being stressed out… But please remember that you do a great job. I am with Math Teacher - You don’t have to be hard on yourself and don’t have to feel the pressure to control what people say. Like many of others, I enjoy your blog and appreciate your hard work. The most important thing is that you enjoy yourself at this blog. I will support whatever decision you make if it makes things more enjoyable for you.

  120. I'm sorry, I know this is o/t but I had asked in another post days ago and didn't receive a response.

    Has anyone tried on the
    Linen-cotton beach tunic item 13614

    Is it TTS?
    Is it truly tunic like even though it says 'fitted'?
    In the photo of the model, the top appeared to be pulling at the shoulder seams and neckline.

    All of a sudden the other day all of the tops in White were gone. Not sure if JCrew pulled them or if they really sold out.

    Thanks if anyone can offer any information about this top! :)

  121. I am not an often poster but I love this blog for what it's intended. Sharing emails, codes, reviews etc. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and not everyone will agree with each other. Thats the way most things in life are. I hope you keep the blog going. I think losing anonymous would be helpful seeing that even in this thread that they hide behind it to make their point. So very lame.
    Im sure its exhausting Alexis, but do what you want, why someone who has nothing but nastiness to share wouldnt find a life doing something else is beyond me. Get therapy, move on. Its ridiculous. If you dont like the blog, dont read it.

  122. @laurneypotpie: As other anons have stated, some of us are actual bloggers who do not want to be attacked for expressing a contrary opinion - if that's "hiding" then so be it. I'd rather hide than be attacked.

    And thank you for proving the exact point many of us are making. Not all anons are the same, but those who express their opinions are, according to you:
    lame, have nothing but nastiness to share, don't have a life, and need therapy

    You can like a blog (or anything, for that matter) overall, and still have things that you would like changed about it.

  123. I really hope that this blog doesn't end, simply because I think it would be so ridiculous that a few rude people could actually create so much stupid drama and actually make Alexis feel that bad about a BLOG (really...a blog...that you CHOOSE to visit...). People don't seem to get that this wouldn't even be an issue at this point if EVERY comment, Anon or not, was respectful even if it was opinionated at the same time. And if someone posts otherwise saying that they feel attacked or offended, maybe the mature response would be to take it down a notch instead of repsonding even more rudely and trying to one-up each other...it just escalates to the point of no return! Alexis tries to switch it up a bit by presenting topics outside of the typical clothing posts, but I don't think I have seen a "comment" section that didn't have at least one rude remark, clothing oriented or not - if someone mentions quality, to someone else they should just return it, if someone mentions a rude associate, to someone else that person is entitled, if someone mentions how excited they are for new items, to someone else they don't have their priorities in check. It's impossible to believe that everyone will agree all the time, but to me, it's as simple as showing respect to others, and when that doesn't work, being the bigger person and ignoring the snarky remarks. If not, we all lose out by losing this blog.

    And yes, I am an anon because I don't have a blogger name yet, but will probably need one soon...

  124. "I just think that any personal attack is unnecessary."

    I often find that you delete certain comments that are personal attacks while leaving others that are also personal attacks--just because they are made by regular posters. I can understand how that can be frustrating to some.

    That said, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. It should not be as stressful as it seems to be for you. All the best.

  125. For the record, not all snarky comments are made by anons and not all anon comments are snarky. I've encountered less than friendly remarks made by those with blue names. And not all anons are the same, even though they are often referred to collectively-very annoying.

    Finally, there have been very helpful tips and code sharing allowed for by anonymous postings. I, for one, have shared codes and locations of hard to find items via anon posting. I believe the TJMaxx tip, which many benefited from, came from an anonymous source.

  126. Alexis,

    Wanted to let you know I've enjoyed and learned much from reading your blog (it definitely fueled my obsession with jcrew!). I've often marveled at how you are able to keep it up as it seems like a lot of work! Thanks so much for everything you do and I hope you keep it up, I look forward to checking your blog everyday!


  127. Dear Alexis,

    I love this blog and support you 100% in doing whatever you feel you need to do.

    I've been using the Anonymous ID only because I don't know how to use the other but I'll learn! Getting off my lazy.... and doing it!

    You are an amazing blogger and I'm amazed at and appreciative for all you do.

    Be well and go forth!

  128. Wow! I go out for a few hours and look what happens! Alexis, don't let the snarky people get you down. Just laugh how at how seriously screwed up some people can be and let it go. I LOVE your blog and I read it several times a day. YOU are loved by the true JCA's. Don't stop believing!

  129. Who cares about those negative nancy's?! They are only able to criticize because they are cyber bullies. But you, and most people here love J.Crew and love to read your posts. Keep it up :)

  130. Oh my. Alexis has personally helped me find JC pieces that were literally nowhere to be found. I haven't seen that sort of assistance and willingness from any other high-volume blogger. For that reason and the fashion tidbits, I really hope the blog perserveres.

    Even if you disagree with Alexis/TastyM/JCA-x, I would think if you voiced your opinion in a tasteful manner, there would be no need for anons or ugliness. If someone ruffles your feathers, shake it off. State your piece with tact. Move on.

    Passion behind words always means a bit more if you are not afraid to back it up. With the exception of big wig JC employees, I would hope we could all keep it together and play fair without needing to remain anonymous.

    Alexis, blogging is supposed to be chill. I hope that everyone cools the eff out and shares some much needed hugs. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

  131. Earlier I suggested that those bloggers who don't care for J.Crew shouldn't be on this site. Tori responded that the site would die without bloggers who don't like J.Crew. To the anti-J.Crew bloggers on this site: You need a new hobby. There are many companies that I don't care for their politics (i.e. Wal-mart) and many companies that make clothes that I would never wear (i.e. Forever 21) and I don't waste my time finding their fans and tearing them down. I have more positive things to be doing w/ my time. I focus my energies on things I love.

  132. I just read tastymoog's post. What a toolish response. Obviously she closes her eyes to what is really going on in the world. We can't all be hippies like her...does she know some 5 year old made her shoes? Geezus. Hey tastymoog- time for one of your starbucks - environmentally friendly and really not hurting anyone- coffee enemas.

  133. I love your blog and hope you can enjoy it...not stress over it! Thank you so much for all you do! I get great ideas and inspiration from you and the JCAs!

  134. Alexis, I've really appreciated the shopping codes, outfit tips, and reviews I have found here--and, from here, those offered by many of the great people on the blog roll. I would miss this blog if it went away, as it is a welcome escape from my day. I hope the next couple of weeks (with their changes to the blog) are less stressful for you!

  135. I for one want to thank Alexis for deciding to disable comments from Anonymous. Without this distraction, we can finally get back to taking on the Scientologists.

  136. Alexis- I appreciate all of the time and energy you put in to creating and maintaining this blog, but do not sacrficie yourself or your values to keep it afloat. Do what is best for you. Why not take a blog "vacation" for a couple weeks? You certainly deserve it!

    To my fellow posters:

    Lets all remember this is a blog about a clothing store. I come here for great information about great clothes. I don't participate in the 'heavier' discussions. But I will say that if you express an opinion in a forum like this, you run the risk of someone else not agreeing with you, and they might not be very nice about it. Life goes on.

  137. It never ceases to amaze me why mean spirited, snarky individuals have to spread their venom to areas that bring sheer enjoyment to others. I know that there are so many readers that share your enthusiam for jcrew & love all the tid bits that you gather up & share with us...I personally LOVE it! I very much appreciate your time that you put into JCA and it is like having a great cup of coffee every day....each posting savored...and you never know what the blog will hold. My thoughts have always been....that if you don't have something nice to say.....please find a new blog that brings you joy & don't ruin it for the rest of us who find so much enjoyment out of the blogs that we love. Thank you for all the time & effort that you put into JCA and know that we truly appreciate it.

  138. Dearest Lovely Alexis,

    You will do what is best for you. I would personally miss your blog. Hopefully, not allowing Anonymous postings will help the situation (it did at my blog).

    Wishing you the very best!

  139. Good night Anons!


  140. Alexis, this is the US! You (so far) are free to do as you please, is your blog! It should make you feel happy, entitled, and proud. I'd say 90% of us truly enjoy it, and the other 10% are just people who are plain unhappy about life and look for ways to get off. It's NOT you! Let them be. I truly want you to be happy, you are Jcrew! and I love to feel that I come here to find people who share my love for its style. For some reason, some "anon" feel as is a sin to love clothes. I agree with others who say, why be here in the first place? I love to shop and I'm not ashamed of it.. thanks to people me, thrift stores are so popular to some, but, of course, you'll always attract naives who don't believe in classicism or capitalism.
    I apologize for the runt, I am honestly frustrated by the idea of this blog not existing anymore.. can't go not even a day without it!

  141. Down with the haters!

    You should disallow Anonymous comments and make people responsible for what they post in the comments section.

    It's amazing that a wonderful blog like yours gets bogged down with these losers. I enjoy reading this blogs so much but I'd understand if you decided to discontinue the blog. It's hard to feel good amidst all that nastiness. Words hurt, and people should be mindful of that.

  142. Speedy Canizales- There is no need to call anyone a "loser." As you say, "words hurt and people need to be mindful of that."

  143. J:

    It is hard to understand what you are saying. Maybe you can rephrase your sentences :)

  144. you have my support to...Forget the negatives...

  145. Aw, Alexis, it made me so sad to read this post. You do an amazing job running this blog -- just the process of creating new posts and content every day and generally maintaing such a professional, interesting site is a lot of work and responsibility, and I really appreciate all that you have put in. I'm not in touch with the comments section really, since I rarely have time to read them, but it is sad that there has been a noticeably mean spirit emerging in so many topics, and worse still that people have the gall to blame this on *you* and make you feel guilty and stressed about it. I hope shutting down anonymous comments does do something to resolve the problem; I would hate to see the site go away, it is definitely one of my favorites.

  146. JCREW should be paying you to host this thing!

    Have you ever checked how many hits you get? Sell it to them rather than waste all those hours promoting JC. Heck Bloggers GET PAID

    P.S. I choose to be anon purely for privacy. I find far too many of the JCAs let 'strangers' into their homes, closets and lives for that matter — case in point sharing when you and where you travel to, show pics of your kids (yikes). Are you not aware of pedophiles and wackos out there? All it takes is a sale on the weekly exchange and a predator can monitor your every move. THINK ABOUT IT! Fashion is not everything and many of you are obsessed. Filling a vacuum by adorning your exteriors when you should be nourishing your spirits.

    I rest my case!

  147. This blog has run its course it is time to retire it. Alexis you have to realize it is not just the Anons that are attacking others, some regulars are doing it too. So it is unfair to call out the Anons.

  148. alexis,
    There's only so much you can really do. I think that not being anonymous will help tremendously! You're doing a fine job and if you feel the need to retire the blog I'll understand but will sorely miss it.

  149. I tend not to read the comments, so I have no idea what anyone is talking about as far as the that goes, but I do really love this blog and think you do a wonderful job.

  150. There was nothing wrong with the Jena post IMO.

    Some really nice things were said and most by Anonymous people.

    Comments like GigiofCa at the end are not necessary and just cause more problems.

    I really enjoyed yesterday's Jena post and all the thrift store information.

  151. alexis I love this blog and read it every day, multiple times a day. I'll miss it if you retire it! I for one can completely ignore the anons, and non-anons, for that matter, who post mean/snarky/sarcastic comments. I actually find it quite funny!!

    Looking forward to more reviews, articles, and general J. Crew discussions here!!

  152. As others have said, I really enjoy reading this blog and catching up on it a couple times/day. I was extremely happy to find it via other blogs and would be so disappointed if it went away...please don't let the rotten apples spoil the bunch. Get rid of Anon postings, if someone wants to leave a differing pov, that's one thing, but to bring the mean spirited attacks is another. No one should have to deal with that!!! Keep up your good work. know that we DO appreciate it!

  153. Look how many people you're brought together solely through their love of J Crew!

    This is a great blog: I'm consistently impressed by how you always come up with new ideas for posts, and how they're always interesting well-written. You've tried to maintain a positive atmosphere, and it's not your fault that some people are to snarky to care/appreciate it.

  154. Alexis I support you, do what you got to do. Nastiness is unnecessary, especially for a personal project that you do because you love it.

  155. I agree it can get ugly at times over mundane topics and difference of opinions. I lurk most of the time because of the cattiness and sometimes because I smell phony baloney.
    I do not think it is only Anons that are being catty and mean spirited. Everyone will not agree or sugarcoat their feelings. Posters that are not afraid of speaking their mind or a real debate will still do so under assumed names. Some of us only want to hear what we want to hear but that is not how the real world works. Everyone will not think I am amazing, oh so chic, look great in every outfit, caring or otherwise. Oh well you should not take it personal.
    I don't think anyone that wants YES people should frequent the internet or start blogs because your feelings will get hurt.

  156. Alexis, I do hope you continue with the blog...it is such a fantastic resource for all things J.Crew related. I think it is very sad and frustrating that there are a handful trying to ruin it for the rest of us. Please know that your time and effort are SO greatly appreciated by SO many! I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day! :)

  157. Alexis,

    I haven't been posting here for months after being the target for a few snarky anons. I applaud your decision.

    You have done an outstanding job with this blog and I enjoy reading the articles you post. It is your blog and you have no reason to apologize for anything you post.

    I hope this calms down some of the negativity.

  158. Alexis,

    I really hope you continue the blog. I read it every day (sometimes several times)and I think it is an amazing resource. You're doing an outstanding job and I would hate to see it end!

    I think getting rid of the Anons is a wise decision...people should have to own their comments.

  159. I just realized that this will really impact the Weekly Exchange. I see so many anons and have gotten great deals from many of them. I doubt all of them will create accounts to post. :(

  160. Alexis I think the blog is great and if not allowing anonymous posts help then I'm totally in support. I view the blog to exchange information and to learn things about a company that I obviously have an attachment to or I wouldn't be reading this every single day. I dislike reading the negative comments about the shallowness of my J Crew enjoyment and continue to hope that those folks move along to another blog. You have given me something to look forward to and it's nice to know that others share my interest.

  161. Please stop lumping all Anons together. I've seen many registered users making comments that are just as rude, if not ruder. I don't think the problem lies with Anons, but with people being way too sensitive about a clothing blog. Also, can we please retire the word "snarky" and all of its derivatives? If someone isn't being snarky, then they're personally attacking another.

  162. Alexis, I truly enjoy your blog, which has become a useful and fun daily habit. I completely support your decision to stop anon posts. There have been too many nasty exchanges as of late, and they create a negative mood in what should be a place for all of us to share ideas and opinions about our favorite brand, J. Crew. Thanks for all of your hard work to maintain this blog!!!!

  163. Alexis, I agree with others that it's time to retire this blog. I only started reading this blog at the beginning of the year, and I've already gone from completely loving it and the info it provides to thinking it's an ugly, negative space. I still stand by what I said to you that you should be more consistent if you're going to take on moderating comments. You can't just delete those that offend the people you like.

    @JCrewCC, I agree with Tori - this blog would indeed die off if all of the complainers left. Go read any post - it's already started with the sale post today - Wah wah, where's my extra percent off.

  164. Alexis,
    You've done a fantastic job with the blog. I know you've debated for a while to see if eliminating anonymous posting would work. I'm glad you decided to try it out. If it works, it works. If not, at least you tried it! You have my support no matter what. Personally, I hope you keep blogging!

  165. re: Julie-- I don't mean people who complain about things such as an additional % off-- I am referring to people who say they won't buy anything at J.Crew and they hate J.Crew and blah blah blah. Not the people that complain about a specific item or issue.

  166. @JCrewCC - The blog would die without those people too. Read any post about the clothes themselves, and you will see so many comments that this or that sucks, they'll never buy JCrew again (although they're right back on the blog the next day yapping about amazing scores when there's an extra percent off sale), blah blah blah.

  167. Alexis, I just saw your post and my heart sunk. I've been following this blog since the beginning, and I would hate to see it end.

    I, personally, (like so many others) have taken a huge amount of enjoyment from this blog. I have also enjoyed reading other blogs because of this one and vow to one of these days to start my own.

    I understand and agree that you should do what's best for you. It's not fair to let something that should be enjoyable cause you so much grief. However, I will miss you so much if you go! Thanks for everything you have done :)

  168. Julie,
    Wow, you are really nasty and negative and you have a name. The sale post just has the question does anyone know if a private sale will be happening soon. No one is complaining or being nasty and abrasive like you are in your post. Just goes to show names don't mean anything and Anony. can be very nice!

  169. Alexis, I haven't followed your blog regularly in awhile because of my waning interest in discussing J Crew, but I will say that I think you're a great moderator and blogger. I will be sad if you decide to retire the blog, but it's completely understandable. You shouldn't want to avoid your own blog!
    **Sending positive vibes your way**

    (Formerly known as laura1, now known by my google ID which is.... just Laura. :) )

  170. Alexis, this is a great blog! It not only encompasses the basic points of shopping (size, color, fit) but also quality, workmanship, and value. In this economic times, we are all looking for a good deal and high value for our products.

    I appreciate the "out of box" articles. We as consumers have amazing influence on companies, and it is our responsibility to be aware and informed. It is sad to read that people are attacking, instead of learning, from each other.

    You have my total support.

  171. Bravo! I"m tired of reading negative posts. Constructive criticism is fine, but some of that garbage has to go.

    100% behind you =)

  172. aw, i'm so sorry to hear it's been such a hard year at the end! i will "ditto" the rest who have said how much they look forward to reading this blog's updates. i love the leads to other articles (like jenna talking about production...i thought it was really interesting and encouraging to know they're thinking about it) and the product reviews (which helped me know that the high-heel flares would be a great fit in a size down!). for sure, jcrew should pay you =D i've definitely bought more since subscribing to this blog!

    i agree that the comments can be gross, which is why i don't read them much anymore. that, and there's so many =D.

    hard to know how to fix, huh? i mean, this is something you do out of love for bringing people together to discuss jcrew, so it's not like you'd want to get a background check on every allowed poster =P, but sometimes it might feel like that's what's needed. it's crazy what people will post on the internet but not say in person! well, maybe some people would say it in person =D

  173. Alexis, I am a bit late but just wanted to add my support to your decision to disable anonymous posts. I have been a mostly silent observer from the beginning of this blog and have seen it evolve in an amazing way. It has caused the creation of many things...new friendships, information sharing, cost savings, exciting debates, new blogs, new sources of income (i.e., those talented JCA jewelry makers) and increased revenue for JCrew, thus, economic stimulus, and yes controversy. All of this I see as being good. The mean spirited comments, when just a few, are easy to breeze past. But long-lasting ongoing personal attacks - whether directed at JCrew or another blogger - can be a downer. IMHO doing away with anonymous posts will not take away from the good things created by JCA (and it may cause even more good!), but will go a long way to reducing the unfortunate spoilage. So Alexis, keep it going, Go Team JCA!

  174. I have no clue what Tastymoog said or didn't say, but the viciousness of the remarks made back to her prove Alexis's point perfectly. I have a feeling the haters are actually 2 or 3 people, maybe even just 1, who have no social skills plus other problems - and don't even realize it!

    Alexis - thanks so much for this blog. Most of us have really enjoyed the info on J. Crew and the discussion on quality, fit, colors, etc. I hope you continue with the blog, but if you don't, we understand.

  175. @himmiefan - if you don't know what was said, then maybe you should reserve passing judgment on the responses.

    I love how the default response on this blog to negative remarks is along the lines of yours - that those people have no social skills, are losers, need help, need therapy - and I also enjoy the conspiracy theories that it's just one person doing all the posting.

  176. Of course it's just one person doing the posting. They're called trolls and they are on every website with anon posting. So get ready to say buh bye to all that!!

  177. Adelaide, if people really wanted to troll, and were that dedicated, what do you think is going to stop them from creating multiple registered blogger handles?

  178. Hello Aficionadas & Aficionados! I just wanted to say that I really value and cherish the support that so many of you have shared. The fact that so many of you are willing to take out time to offer words of kindness to me, really means a lot.

    I won't lie, it was upsetting to see in this post, there were still some mean-spirited comments. Different views and constructive criticism are welcomed, but not vicious jabs targeted at each other.

    I am hopeful moving forward, that we can bring back the positive atmosphere of the JCA. :)

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. Hi Alexis

    Like the majority of posts before me, you have my full support too. I recently discovered your blog and honestly love the innovation of your topics and the upbeat tone of your entries.

    Please keep doing what you are doing, and just because a few bad apples are...bad apples, don't let that dissuade you from doing what you do best!

    Much Love and Respect for what you do,


  181. You cannot end this blog! You share such great information and there are so many great leads for fab finds! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to keep us up to date!

  182. Alexis:

    Please keep this blog....I LOVE it! and it has become a part of my day. I agree with the removal of the anon posting....this will force posters to think about what they are posting. I know that you are going through a challenging time right now, but just think about what you have personally created...JCAs...JCA meet-ups...In real life outfit blogs...Alexis, you have created a community! I dedicate about half an hour on most days reviewing this and all of the other JCA blogs and it is my moment of "me" time...my moment to think about myself and some things that make me happy! I've gotten some great ideas on beauty, travel, outfits, and of course, JCrew from this community and I think that the collective "we" of this community all agree that it would just NOT be the same without you!! So please don't go.....We Love you and JCA!!!

  183. Just chiming in like several other posters -- today I figured out how to sign in under my name, so I am accountable for my comments.

    I love this blog and appreciate Alexis and the many other fabulous JCAs I have met!

  184. Again, thank you so much for your kind words of support and encouragement. It means more to me than you will know!!! :)

  185. The Sartorialist allows anonymous posts, but he (some how) previews and tosses out what he thinks is bad. Not sure if he reads all the comments or auto-filters out certain words.

    Not sure what has gone on here before, but I do not think things have REALLY deteriorated until there's outright cursing or people are selling viagra. Do not be too hard on yourself; some people are sarcastic or ideologoically pure, but you did not make anyone the way they are. It's your blog- if it offends you, toss it out.

  186. Alexis, please keep the blog!!! There are only a few naysayers. Most of us really appreciate all your work.

    (Though my sage advice would be to hone in on your school work!!!! Of course you know that there are quite a few academics taking that stolen moment for brain candy, and thanks! ;-) )

  187. LolaJones12 - again, you're proving Alexis's point. Please be civil.

  188. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this blog Alexis! I think my expenditures at JC have quadrupled in the last year, but it is self-inflicted. :) I've loved getting to meet a few JCAs in the DC area too!

    I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but awhile ago I thought I saw someone suggest having 'guest moderators' purely for comments? Removing the Anon function is a good idea, but I really think you could use some help too. If a few trusted JCAs could assist you in filtering out the snarky comments, I think that would help and free up your time maybe? I'm sure you've probably considered it, but just thought I'd mention it again.

  189. Wow,

    I haven't been on the blog for a few days, and I am sad to read about the events that have happened...
    I think I would be frustrated also, if I created something out of love and got punished for sharing the love with others..
    I hope the blog stays - you have done an excellent job with it, and even with rude and mean-spirited remarks that find their way into this blog on occasion - I love it and would be sad to see it go...

  190. @himmiefan - how was my response not civil? If anything, yours wasn't.

    And I don't mind proving Alexis's point...you can get rid of Anon posting, but people will still find a way to post.

  191. Alexis: I can totally relate to what you are saying. I LOVE this blog and I think you are doing a great job. But there are so many mean people out there who, I guess, have nothing better to do with their lives than ruining other peoples' days. I stopped posting regularly after someone posted (anonymously, BTW) a mean comment. I changed my blogger's ID (I never post anonymously) and have posted at times, but not as regularly as before. Yet, I visit your blog almost daily.
    So please, DO NOT think it's you. You are doing a wonderful job. I think that removing the anonymous posting will help. And mean people out there, go somewhere else to vent...

  192. Please keep this blog going - I've really enjoyed reading it and the constructive comments that people have made regarding product fit, style etc. It is also great to know when special promos are running like free shipping. I think you are right to block the anonymous posts.

  193. Hi everyone,

    Wow! I've been watching this post for a few days. I think I can truthfully say that people are very passionate about this blog.

    Oddly enough, I recently read an related article in the SF Chronicle. It was called "Sharing your life online: How much is too much?" & spoke of how changing tech (like blogs) can effect individual & community behaviour.

    I esp. like how one of the people interviewed in the piece described her self-enforced rules as NSFM (not safe for mom). Essentially, if you're not comfortable with your mom knowing you wrote something, maybe you should re-examine what you said before posting.

    The paper also printed some related articles... One of which mentioned that the number of negative posts dropped significantly after they est a login requirement for comments. People can still use nicknames & gmail accounts - but the comment has to have an identified source.

    It will be interesting to see how the new policies will play out on this blog.

    As for me, like many JCAs I have found this blog to be very helpful & engaging. I sincerely hope to see another year of J.Crew Aficionada.

    Thanks again Alexis!


  194. I'm so sorry that some haters have gotten you down. I love your blog and think you do a wonderful job. I think there is nothing wrong with not allowing anonymous comments, and I hope this move allows you to continue blogging happily! We would all miss you so very much!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)