Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keeping Time with J.Crew's Classic Timex Watch {double take}

This blog has discussed J.Crew's Timex Military Watch (Item 10884; $150.00) a number of times (refer here, here, & here, as a few examples).

If you flip through J.Crew's catalog, you will have noticed that this watch is *the* accessory to have. In part, thanks to the delicious shades that the Watch Strap (Item 19474; $20.00) comes in, like Neon Rose and Birch.

My initial thought when the watch first came out is that I like it *and* that it is very {very} pricey for a Timex. However, over time I fell in love with it. I tried to find a cheaper alternative online, as well as with visits to Wal-Mart and Target, but found nothing close.

Between the fantastic styling from J.Crew's holiday catalogs & Summerilla's "Sum Sunshine" blog (refer here, here , & here, as some examples), I caved in. I ended up not only getting the watch at J.Crew, but some of the watch straps (in gorgeous Authentic Red & stunning Bronzed Biege).

Sorry for the rambling on. Now here comes the point of this post... A big "thanks!" to Danielle who found a J.Crew-Timex comparable watch for a fraction of the price, from a post over at Trip's "A Trip Down South" blog (click here).

The watch on the left is J.Crew's version. The watch on the right is the Squad Leader Watch (Item #16163; $31.99) from U.S. Calvalry. From the images, the watches are remarkably similar. Even better? Danielle shares that the bands for both watches measure 18mm", so one could use J.Crew's watch straps {in super pretty shades} for the Squad Leader Watch.

What are your thoughts on the Timex & Squad Leader watches? Do you like the style? Do you own either one? If so, please share! :)


  1. I own the JCrew military Timex watch and wear it all the time. I got it during last year's % off promo. I still haven't tried other color straps but for spring I may try a different color other than the black one. The only thing that bothers me about the straps is that it is rather long and it tends to slide out of the second ring even though I tuck it in. It sounds confusing but for those who have it may know what if you have thin wrist the strap tends to stick out if you don't fold and tuck it in.

  2. To those in Canada, the cheaper watch will come to $100.00 with shipping and duties. They ask if you're affiliated with the military (which I am, thought that might get me a small discount but no luck.) I'll pass on this one : ).

  3. That U.S. Calvary watch is beautiful!

    I have the J. Crew Timex Military watch and I love it. I've seen people on other sites criticize it endlessly as overpriced and similar to less expensive watches. While it may look similar to less expensive watches in photos, it usually looks far better in person, with its steel case and high-quality crystal. I also have the Timex Camper watch (which I bought in the crewcuts section) and while I like it, it does look and feel a lot cheaper.

    I have several other J. Crew straps (my current favorite is the solid dark pumpkin one), but there are other sources for them too, including J. Press.

  4. Alexis, like you, I looked everywhere for a similar watch (I thought $150 was a little too much) but I ended up buying the J Crew Timex. I love it and since it is one of those things I wear almost every day, that $150 really goes a long way.

  5. I'd like to get the watch but it doesn't say the band is removeable. Has anyone bought it yet? Because if it does I am definitely in!

  6. US Calavary also has a coupon code going on now: CAVTWEET for 12% off.

    rest- the site sells replacement straps that look strikingly similar to JCrew's, so I would go for it!

  7. I have the J.Crew Timex and wear it more than a watch costing several times more than the Timex. A striped strap from J.Crew and it's even more personalized.

    For the biggest stumbling block was the price. I waited a good six months before jumping off my wallet. I looked around, but with no luck; anything else I found was plaastic and cheap looking.

    Considering how much I spend at Crew this wasn't too bad; for less than the price for a pair of pants and a shirt I have this and wear it almost daily.

  8. Thanks for the shout out! I love this watch and wear it practically everyday. I'm also starting to collect all the additional straps, I'm loving some of the brighter spring colors.

    I just love how I can pair the watch with both casual and dressy clothes and it still looks good. I definitely recommend this! The cheaper alternative looks nice too, it's one of the best I've seen.

  9. I loved the look of this watch, but didn't like the price tag. The Timex Metal Field watch is almost identical, and only $50! I ordered it for my brother in law along with two of the interchangable watch straps from J.Crew and the straps fit it great.

  10. I bought this one for my husband last spring, fully intending to "borrow" it! But he wears it frequently, I seldom get the chance! :)

    But I love it, it's a great size and I'm seriously thinking about getting a couple coloured straps for summer.

  11. The watch looks nice, but I can't help equating Timex with cheap $20 Walmart watches.

    Here is a link to my review of my beloved Bulova watch, that I own in two colors and wear almost every day:

  12. restandrexlax: yes, the band is removable. The lugs (the bars that hold the strap in place) are fixed, so the straps thread through them easily.

    And as other commenters have pointed out, there's a wide variety of straps available from other sources. Check out; most of theirs are $14 and they have a much bigger selection than J. Crew. I like the black ones with the thin colored stripe down the middle.

    All you need to know to get replacement straps is that the J. Crew Timex takes straps that are 18 mm wide.

  13. So, if I understand this, the J Crew replacement watch band slips through the bar on one side of the watch, goes across the back and through the other bar so that the actual watch strap is one piece (unlike the ones that you get for a normal watch where a jeweler undoes the bars and puts the new band on that is in 2 pieces (does not thread all the way through? Can any of the J Crew timex owners confirm this and the replacement bands are 1 piece? Does the nylon of the band feel uncomfortable against the wrist?
    Thanks in advance,

  14. I bought the JCrew Timex and found it to be way too big! I returned it and bought the Crewcuts version. Much better fit and a third of the price.

  15. I love my JC Timex. I bought tons of the straps awhile back when the JC retail store had a 2 for $20 deal. The straps are comfortable but a bit long so I have to fold the tip back under the second ring. I do wish it had a date feature. I read somewhere that they may have a white face version coming out. A Japanese magazine that interviewed Frank M. featured the white face watch. I did see a $30 white face Timex with date feature and Indiglo at Target so I may pick up that one. Does anyone know of a good dress watch brand in the vein of a silver Montblanc Timekeeper that doesn't cost $2k?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. L: I was considering the Crew Cuts watch. Are the straps interchangeable? It doesn't look like it can be changed on the website picture.

    edit: I was wondering if anyone had any modeling pictures or measurements for the diameter of the watch. thanks.

  18. As much as I love Timexes, I dislike this watch for its super trendy-ness and for its ridiculous price tag. I recommend visiting the Timex website and browsing the abundance of great styles, most under $100. You can find something a little more individual rather than looking like you drank the Crewlade like everyone else. Then again, I still love Swatches, too!

  19. i love this watch and have been contemplating getting it. my biggest hesitation is that i get rashes from watches that have nickel in their backings. many cheaper watches might be silver or steel, but the back is a composite material that always breaks me out. does anyone know what the back is?

  20. Sharon, the crewcuts Timex Camper watch comes with a two-piece fabric band. I eventually plan to have a jeweler remove the band so that I can try to wear it with a changeable, one-piece band, but the way the case is designed (hard to describe), it might not work so well.

    Kendra, the Military watch says "stainless steel case" and the Camper watch says "stainless steel back" (the rest of the case is clearly plastic). Hope that helps!

  21. The other thing to keep in mind is that the Stainless Steel in the Timex is probably made to EU standards (read: People with Nickel allergies can wear EU standard Stainless Steel) And while it seems silly to invest $150 in this, Nickel allergies develop from wearing it often. And the cost of a gold watch is much more than this.

    I really like the timex watch, and have been hoping for a price drop, however, I suspect it might be worth the investment, especially with the interchangeable straps.

    If people want a dressier nickel allergy friendly watch, I suggest Fossil. I have had a watch from them for some time now with no problems, and I am very sensitive.

  22. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this! :)

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  24. Thanks so much for posting this, JCA. And Devon, your coupon code made up my mind. I ordered the Squad Leader watch tonight. With next month's allowance (I'm grown, on a budget), I'll start playing around with the Crew's replacement straps (neon rose + tbd), I can't wait!

  25. Thanks so much for all the posts and suggestions! I have just about decided to purchase the U.S Cavalry version. But I want to make sure the jcrew straps are interchangable, that is really the reason I would buy either watch. I love the neon rose strap. Are we sure that they switch out? Has anyone tried it successfully?

  26. I'm almost a year late posting to this thread :), but today I was at American Eagle and FYI saw that their Timex-replica watches (unisex) are on sale for $14.99 (originally $24.95), plus buy one, get one half off. They had 4 face colors (black, navy, cream, and off white), and have color straps, respectively: black, navy, navy with middle cream stripe, and olive. The straps are the same one-piece construction as on the Timex, and looks like the JCrew straps might fit them.

    I couldn't decide which one to get, so I bought all 4! So it's like getting one free, at about $45 for all 4 watches. The face either has "AEO" or the "eagle" on it.

    I'm ashamed to go cheap, but $150 is an awful lot for the Timex, and as I want both the black and white faces, that's a $300 investment. I'm happy with the overall look of the AE watches. They look close enough to the rugged good looks of the real thing.

  27. limerent, thanks for the heads up on the american eagle watches! Just ordered two online myself. And I got a bright orange band for $2!

  28. I love field watches and have been collecting the changeable for years. I have been using an old Orvis Hamilton for several years. Until now...

    I bought 2 of the American Eagle watches and 6 bands for a song and a dance. Great watches for the $. If they break I'm not really out anything as I have gotten my $ worth already.

    I just couldn't hold off any longer! I have wanted the J Crew military Timex for 6 months and finally bought it this week. It is my favorite! I don't care what others say about the price. The watch was well done with all of the details and it looks awesome with the brown leather NATO band from J Crew as well as the 20+ bands I already have. There is NO Timex from Walmart or Target that looks anything like this one. Nor on Timex's web site. Its a cool watch and I have ZERO buyers remourse. If you like this style, this is an American classic.... It looks really good when I wear my Ray Ban New Wayfarers! Both all American classics!!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I really appreciate in writing this blog for us. I have valued your information about Timex watches for men and women and do like the same collection. Thanks a lot!

  31. Explore the world of mechanical watches, where precision meets craftsmanship. Discover timeless timepieces that offer exceptional durability, design, and a tradition of excellence.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)