This post is inspired by two comments from fellow JCAs that are spot on (in my humble opinion):
Silver_lining (in
this post) said...
...JC would be smart to take a look at eBay - their old pieces are getting snatched up left and right. I used to be able to get great deals on there, but as more and more people flock to get the "vintage" (read: QUALITY) JC items, the prices have been going higher. It's saying something when shoppers would rather have years-old (and used!) items than your new offerings. ...
D*ska (in
this post) responded...
silver_lining, You're so right about buying 'vintage' JC items on eBay. They used to be such good deals. Now not so much. Everybody now knows the secret. ...
So very true! Don't get me wrong, I love me some eBay shopping. It was a great place to find pieces that I missed out on at a great price. I remember a few years back getting a NWT Lexington Blazer (the white one with yellow trim) for like $40.
There are still some deals that JCAs find on eBay. However, I noticed a trend in the past year or so with eBay listings for J.Crew merchandise... the prices for final bids are going up and up.
The secret is totally out!There seems to be a flock of JCAs on eBay to find those quality pieces of J.Crew long ago. (Refer to the "
Dear J.Crew, Bring Back the Bella {bank it!}" post as an example.) In addition, I noticed there are lots of Sellers on eBay who are listing J.Crew merchandise with higher starting prices.
I totally get it: Demand is up and the market is reacting.
Guilty as charged when it comes to my demand increasing over the years. I really miss the quality and style of certain pieces no longer offered, so I scour eBay in the hopes of locating one. (Refer to the "
J.Crew Jackets & Blazers... Still The Same?" post.) This now means that I am more likely to either pay top dollar for the item or pass up on the item all over again. It just is what it is.
What are your thoughts on J.Crew prices at eBay? Have you noticed the trend of increasing final bids? Are there still deals to be had at eBay? Please share your thoughts on this topic!