Tuesday, May 24, 2011

J.Crew Catalog Archive {yes, yes, yes!}

Fellow JCA, Life as a Cat, started a new blog called The J.Crew Archives. She has patiently uploaded & archived several J.Crew catalogs. She shares:
So far I've uploaded the Feb 2008 catalog and will continue to upload more in coming days and weeks. I have all the 2010 catalogs, most of the 2009, and just a few from before then. I will be uploading the older ones first, so hopefully the longtime JC fans here will have something to enjoy looking at!
First, thank you Life as a Cat!!! Second, it really is "a must see" that I just had to share immediately! :)

P.S. Anthropologie has an active archive on their blog that goes all the way back to like the early 2000's. It's too bad J.Crew does not keep more than their last 2 catalogs up for reference.


  1. Thank you so much for the mention, Alexis! This project has kept me busy and awake working on it the last few days as I've been so excited. I hope people find it to be useful. Btw, if anyone wants to contribute older catalogs for me to scan, um, I'll get a third party emailing widget up on the blog soon. In the meantime maybe comment and I'll contact you!

    1. Hi Life as a Cat, would you be so kind as to invite me to your J. Crew catalog archive? It would be so so appreciated!

    2. Hello life as a cat! Would you mind inviting me to your J.Crew archives as well? I really appreciate all the work you've done compiling everything! Thanks!

    3. Hello life as a cat! Would you mind inviting me to your J.Crew archives as well? I really appreciate all the work you've done compiling everything! Thanks!

    4. Would you please add me? Thank you!

    5. Life as a Cat, please could you add me to your J. Crew archives? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

    6. Hi - could you please add me to your archives? Thank you!

    7. Hi, Life as a Cat! Would love to see your archive! Can you add me (pretty please!)? :) Thank you!!

    8. Hi, Life as a Cat! Would love to see your archive! Can you add me (pretty please!)? :) Thank you!!

    9. Hello, Life as a Cat. I too am requesting permission to access this catalog archive, if you would be so kind.

    10. Could you please add me to your archives? Thanks so much.

    11. Could you add me too?!! Thank you!

    12. Life as a Cat, would you also be able to add me?

    13. Can you add me to your archives please?

    14. Hi - can you please please add me?? Thanks!

    15. Hi Life as a Cat, can you invite me to your J. Crew catalog archive? I am trying to track down some older J.Crew items and looking at the older catalogs would be super helpful!

    16. Howdy Life as a Cat, may I please have an invite to the archive? Thank you kindly!

    17. Hello Life as a Cat, may I please have an invite to the archive? Thank you very much!

    18. I would love to be added to the list, please! These old catalogs are so nostalgic for me. Reminds me of my considerably older brother leaving for college and thumbing through his J. Crew catalogs trying to be like him.

    19. What a wonderful thing to do. Would you please add me?

    20. Can you please send me an invite? I regret the day I recycled my catalogs! Thank you!

    21. Hey! Could you also add me to the invite? Thank you!

  2. Life as a cat: Seriously, THANK YOU!!! This is an amazing project that I am super grateful for. :)

  3. This is great... and also makes me super depressed! I wish I could climb in a time machine and buy some of this stuff!

  4. AAAAAAAAHHHH! How wonderful! :D Thank you soooooooooo much, cat. This will be so amazingly helpful for me a styling-challenged individual. :)

    Can I put in a request for catalogs from 2006 and 2007? Maybe even 2005? *bats eyelashes profusely*

  5. oh and if you need me to purchase said catalogs online in order for you to add them to your site, i would be happy to do that. LMK -- elaine dot hamill at gmail dot com

  6. Elaine - I would certainly do the catalogs from 2005-6! I don't have any, so you're welcome to get some from online and send them to me. However, I'm wondering if anyone else already has some who would be willing to lend them out for a few weeks :). You're welcome to go ahead and get them if you'd like - or wait and see. In any case I'll send you an email with my contact info for future reference. Be sure to check your spam box! But I'll put something JC-related in the subject line.

  7. Btw, if anyone else feels like parting with some catalogs for a few weeks, here are the ones I could use:

    2007 and before: anything except Town Coat 2007
    2008: everything except Feb, Holiday (the orange cover that I have on the site)
    2009: May, (was there a December one besides the Holiday in Chile and Holiday 2009 with the red cover?)
    2010: both Holiday ones (also, was there a separate December?)
    2011: March

  8. life as a cat, my sister and I donated this morning! And we'll donate again as more catalogs go up. Alexis, if you are not supported by sponsors, I'd like to donate to you too. I so appreciate your efforts! I used to maintain a web site, I know how much work it can be. And scanning page after page is downright mind numbing!! I just prey J Crew doesn't object to the archive, I really believe it increases interest in their clothing and increases brand loyalty. Since coming to the JCA blog and looking for catalog images here and elsewhere on the web, I'm probably 90% brand-loyal now. I have purchased very very few other brands' clothes and shoes. This is what you all mean when you say Crewlade, isn't it. :)

  9. Just want to add that if someone wants to assign me to one or more particular catalogs to watch for on eBay or anywhere else and buy them if I find them, I'm very willing to do that. I would love to help.

  10. tamara - Thanks so much!! That's really considerate of you, I really wasn't expecting anyone to do it! I was mulling possible legal issues around in my head before and after making the blog. Hopefully this won't result in a situation, or if JC finds the blog they'll actually like it! There are plenty of other examples on the web of what I'm doing, just on a smaller scale. At any rate I'm searching out legal counsel and doing some research on my own just in case.

    And I'm hoping that within the JCA community we'll have most of the catalogs covered by people who already own them, but if you feel like buying some, any of the ones I listed above are well-needed!

  11. This is beyond amazing! Big thanks to Life as a cat for doing this! And I'm with Jessy - there's so many beautiful things in those catalogs that I'm now kicking myself for passing up at the time.

  12. After looking at the archived catalogs, I can really see what I am missing in the current catalogs. It comes down to styling. Because when I am at the stores, I think the styling looks fine (great in some cases). I use to use the catalog as outfit inspirations.

    Jessy & Louise: Viewing the catalogs also makes me sad (& angry) that I didn't buy more when I had the chance.

    Tamara: I am not supported by sponsors or ads of any kind. But no need to donate either. Thank you *so* much for that incredible offer. You are so sweet & kind to even offer- it means a lot to me!!! :)

    Life as a cat: Thank you again! Also, smart move checking out legal counsel. I read a comment from a fellow JCA awhile back ago that another archive was asked to remove their old J.Crew catalogs. She didn't mention who, but I posted about one and double checked it. Sure enough, the link no longer worked. Not sure if it was the one referred to by the JCA, but I found this to be really disappointing news. :(

  13. I have the dress in those photos! It's one of my favorites :) Ohhhhh the good ole days.

  14. The February 2009 catalog is so pretty!!! I remember some of the clothes and shoes. The shoes were too delicate for me but I loved the colors, and still do! And all of those clothes and shoes look absolutely relevant and wearable this year.

  15. Thank you cat!!!! This i s great!

  16. LOL @ "$5 buys a lunch"! That's exactly how I view the contributions, it's not like you can really buy much with the $$, but it can buy you a free meal in exchange for your effort. :)

  17. I have some old catalogs that I might be able to donate to the cause. Mostly, 07 and 08, I think. I really wish I'd saved the earlier ones.

    I agree with Alexis wholeheartedly that the old issues were really inspirational. The styling was fabulous and the way they combined colors made me so happy. I can't wait to see more issues go up.

  18. Alexis - I'm curious and slightly worried about the other situation where they were asked to remove their old catalogs. Can you go to the J. Crew Archives site, go to Contact Me, and email me where that discussion appears and the removed link? Thanks.

    Word verification - "viciest," lol.

  19. I want to see some of the ones from '98-'05. I got my first J.Crew catalog in March 1998 when I was in the 7th grade. *memories*

  20. The colors! The paterns! The structure! I am dying!

  21. OMG this is wonderful. Thank you for mentioning this! and Life as a cat - thank you so much. I really look forward to going through the archives.

  22. Replies
    1. I know I'm commenting on this post 13+ years after it was posted, but - how can I gain access to this amazing archive!? Please add me! (And thanks for the work to create this.)

  23. Thank you so much! I had all my old catalogs and sadly threw them away right before I found JCA. *sob* I'm so happy to be able to see them again. And sadly, what a difference from JC now. I used to agonize over what to buy from those catalogs b/c I wanted it all!

  24. This probably sounds ridiculous, but I actually feel a physical pang when I look at the old catalogues. What gorgeous clothes, what lovely styling and interesting settings. THESE are the clothes I remember and miss. And OMG the shoes! Those plaid wool pumps and slingbacks...my heart hurts.

    Life as a Cat, thank you for this wonderful resource. I'll be using it a lot for outfit ideas, and trying to find comparative pieces from other retailers for my wardrobe.

  25. Dulcie - catalogs from 07-08 would be wonderfully appreciated! Go to "Contact" on The J. Crew Archives page and drop me an email so we can work something out!

  26. I have been trying to find the catalog picture of the woman in the wedding dress from spring 2008 that has a collar and short sleeves. She is wearing this gorgeous purple bib-like necklace with it. Not sure if you remember/ have that photo but it is one of the ones that sticks out in my memory!

  27. Life As A Cat, please add me to access your catalog archives! Thank you!

  28. Life as a Cat, please invite me to your catalog archives, pretty please.

  29. life as a cat, I'm a new eBay clothing seller and would love to have access to your wonderful-sounding blog for reference! Please add my name to the list of the many people who appreciate the great work you do! And if it's not too late, I'd love an invite to your blog, if that's OK. Many thanks!

  30. Hi LifeAsACat- please add me to your blogspot


  31. @LifeAsACat are you still allowing access invites? I would love to view the older beautiful catalogs! Charicetest@gmail.com

  32. Hello LifeAsACat, I wondered if I could be allowed to view your archive blog. Thank you. juliees39(at)gmail(dot)com

  33. Hello LifeAsACat,I would like to be added to your archive blog - thebhbco@gmail.com

  34. Hi LifeAsACat, I too would like to view your archive blog Thank you so much!! janet.lum@gmail.com

  35. Can you please invite me to your J.Crew archive blog? Thanks!

    1. Did you ever get added? Does she still add people?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)