This is the weekly "sale watch" post, to help each other find sale
items at our
various local J.Crew stores. ;)

you are stopping
by a J.Crew store this weekend to see
what's available (if
anything!) in the
SALE, or to see some
NEW ARRIVALS {sigh!} in
person, maybe you might be
willing to share that with us in this
post. In particular, if you could
share with us a few of the
noteworthy items that are available, at
what prices, and potential sizes
the store is carrying (as well
as the store location)- that would be
please let us know if your local store is
carrying an additional percent
off sale. Thanks in advance!!! :)
I noticed that many of
you have already been reporting sale
items (and in which stores) in
other posts which by the way "thank
you!" :) I really appreciate how
helpful we are for each other!
ReplyDeleteNutshell: Can CS retroactively charge us MORE for an item they deem to have been incorrectly price-adjusted?
Situation: For a long time I've wanted a nice red t-neck sweater, and during this great JC discount season where I've been buying too much, I found a great red rollneck 2 weekends ago that reduced to $48 once their 50% discount kicked in. A day later--before it even shipped out--I chanced upon what appeared to be a 7am pricing glitch in their system whereby this previously $96 sweater (which I bought at half price for $48) was now an amazing $19 that reduced to $10 with that morning's 60% discount. I got right on the phone with CS and took advantage of the too-good-to-be-true PA for what came to be right around $10 with tax...and free shipping! SCORE!
Or so I thought.
Fast-forward to last night. I called into CS about a non-related matter, and at the end of the convo when she offered the obligatory, "Is there anything else I can help you with today," I referenced the above red t-neck.
"This item was adjusted on the phone to @$10, but it is still showing in my account summary as $48. Can you confirm that I was in fact PA'd?"
That started off my most bizarre CS encounter to date.
After 30 seconds of silence she finally asked, "So how much are you saying you were finally charged?" I reiterated that it was around $10, after the 60% adjustment to the $19 blow-out price.
"May I place you on a brief hold, Sir?"
Uh oh...
She kept coming back after 3 minutes of me on hold/listening to musak to say, "I'm still with you, Sir, but I am just holding while my supervisor investigates this for us. It shouldn't be much longer."
After 8-10 minutes of this and her 3rd "I'm still with you," I finally said, "What seems to be the trouble? Was there a PA or not?"
"Well Sir, it appears that, um, you were overcompensated on this item. My supervisor is in the process of re-adjusting the price so that..."
"So you're saying that I shot myself in the foot by calling this to your attention? Why does my order history still say I paid $48 for it?"
"Well to be frank with you, yes; you were credited $55.75 for an item you originally paid $48 for."
I started to sweat a little bit. "Can I speak directly to a supervisor please? I keep holding, and I don't understand what's going on"
"Yes of course, Sir. I honestly don't understand either."
DeleteAfter 30 seconds of holding, another voice came on the phone and identified herself not as a supervisor but as another CS rep, and she told me she was going to try and go over this with me as a courtesy so I didn't have to wait on hold for the supervisor to come available.
"As best I can tell, Sir, you got too much credit in error: I'm seeing a $39 credit, then a $6 and another $9 on top of that, which gave you a $55.75 credit for an item you only paid $48 for. Appears they made an original credit and then a 50% and a 60% on top of that."
Long story slightly less long, I asked her what the exact status was at that moment: is a supervisor right now redoing the deal or not?
"Well Sir, do you not like the sweatshirt?"
"I'm not looking to return it, but I don't want to pay $48 for it either. I want to confirm the PA of $10 that I was given."
"Now you would get 0 for it if you returned it since you have been credited more than you paid to begin with. If you want to keep it, my advice would be to leave well enough alone."
"So what is the status at this exact second?"
"At this point it's too messy and I honestly don't know what to subtract or add to what. Let's just leave it in your favor as-is."
With that "out," I made like a track star, so to speak, and got right off the phone.
What say you, JCAs? Was this CS rep #2 merely kicking the can down the road to avoid a confrontation? CS rep #1 distinctly told me it was in the process of being re-adjusted, but #2 said no. My order history still reflects $48.
Can they retroactively re-work the deal and charge my card in this circumstance?
Thanks for reading through...
Hi Every Mann - personally, I don't get involved with PAs, especially in cases where the item price is probably a fluke. In your case, I would've just ordered the $10 sweater and returned the first. There are a lot of JCAs on here that PA frequently and don't seem to have any issues, but I find them to be more trouble than they're worth.
DeleteI would just wait for the item to ship and see what your card is charged and go from there - but other JCAs may have better advice. Good luck!
I don't think CS2 was trying to kick the can down the road, as much as she was observing a huge tangle of PA mess on their end and knew it was going to take forever to figure out what happened (sounds like a CS rep messed up doing it somehow) and in the end would just put it in your favor anyway. She was thinking that if you didn't intend to return the item, then it was easiest and quickest for everyone to just let it be. I can see why you are skeptical that the PA will be reflected on your bill, though (hope it's right in the end).
DeleteAgree with silver_lining that for future it is easier to quick re-order at the fluke price and cancel or return the first order.
this has happened to me before. I return an be told i have already been credited the amount of said item because of PA's/ I am sooo happy everyday now that I
Delete1. Have no orders coming vis dog sled to Canada
2. no calling for pa's...this is what always has caused me the most work...just ridiculous items to donate as I have already done the 'BIG CULL' of 2019
I agree you should wait until the item ships to see what is actually charged to your credit card. Don't trust the order history to reflect the actual price that you will pay for the item, because it is not updated in real time and varies on whether you got a PA before or after the item shipped. Remember that you are charged when the item ships, so don't worry about what the price says when the order is still in placed.
DeleteAgree with what others said in regards to just purchasing the item at the super sale price and returning the original. I had a similar issue over the summer. I got a blazer on super sale (around $22)due to a pricing error and it was too big. I mailed it in to exchange (local store closed) and they never even credited me for the return let alone sent a replacement. I emailed them first and was told I couldn't exchange at that price but they would gladly send me one for $110. They did
Deletenot even address the fact that I was not credited for the original return. I called after I got the email and was told the same thing. We can't allow an exchange. I mean since when? It was their error. I didn't want to make a huge deal out of it so I dropped the exchange issue and just wanted to make sure I got my original payment back. Had I have know they were going to not allow an exchange I would have kept it and resold it for the price I paid. As other said check your credit card. Often times the amount on the website doesn't match what you are charged in the end.
@Every Mann, no JC can not charge you without authorization. So they can not reverse their mistake. If you get a price adjustment post-shipping you do not get a new invoice, and the order history screen is not updated, but a return would have the price adjustment deducted. If you review your credit card you should see the original and the refunded amounts as separate transactions.
DeleteHmmm. Despite the rep’s error, the total should still be around $7 pretax. The overcompensation of $6 emphasized by the CS likely comes from a misplaced decimal during the first half of the calculation before matching to the new price of $19. The rep mistakenly gave you a 60% off the original price: 96x0.4=38.4. Upon realizing that the total comes up short of $48, the rep then added a $9 credit, which comes to $38.4+$9=$47.4, a number still short of $0.6. But instead of adding $0.6, the rep added $6.0, hence giving you another $6 credit instead of the correct $0.6. So before the additional 7am magical error, you would have paid $42.6 instead of $48. Hence: 39 + 9 +6
DeleteBased on the wrong number of 42.6, if the rep did the math correctly to match the $19, the following would be the total before tax:
$42.6x0.45=19.17 , 19.17x0.4=$7.67, whereby the percentages off are 55% and then 60% respectively.
If the rep calculated the percentage based on $48, then the percentage off would be 60% and then an additional 60%.
42.6x0.4=17.04, 17.04x0.4=$6.81pretax
The correct way is:
96x0.5=48, 48x0.4=19.2, 19.2x0.4=7.68 pretax
In the end, the $6 mistake does not influence the total, since the adjustment and its subsequent discount is anchored around the new price of $19.
I welcome corrections 😂. are good!!
DeleteOriginal poster here, and thanks to all for weighing in on this issue.
To anyone still following, J Crew can--and in fact did--retroactively "re-do" the deal.
I'm still confused, however. Sifting through my online banking statement, I do see an initial PA credit that brought my payment for the aforementioned $48 turtleneck sweater down to right around $10, as well as another PA for $8 and change on a different item I requested during that same phone call. No idea where their "three credits totaling $55.75" reference comes from.
Sadly, I also see two charges on my card from JC on 1/16--the night I called in to verify the PA on the $48 sweater--for $10.70 and $7.06 amounts. I made no JC purchases for those amounts.
In short, I don't see the $55.75 credit their phone rep referenced, or any other credits that add up to that number. I do, however, see that they made two charges equalling nearly $18 on that fateful night I called into CS.
Definitely disappointing, but I'm not sure it's worth the energy to call in and fight over untangling $18 at this point. In all fairness, they are overly generous with their PA policy (i.e; offering a PA on single pop back items in a size other than what was purchased). Yes it stings knowing that I cost myself $18 by opening my big mouth to check, but I guess I have no choice but to chalk it up to the old saying: Sometimes you eat the bear; sometimes it eats you.
Wait....Please, did I miss something? What is this 25% coupon everyone is talking about? I have placed orders almost everyday for the past 2weeks. Would I have qualified under these circumstances?
ReplyDeleteJ.Crew corporate sent out a 25% off coupon last week to customers(it came from J.Crew factory) as a thank you for being a good customer/sticking with them through the holiday shipping issues, etc. Seems most but not all received and the code is stackable for one time use. A lot of people missed it - mine was hiding in my gmail promotions folder. It's good for a few months I believe.
DeleteHi Girl Friday - this was a one-time use code that was sent out from JC Factory (subject line "As a thank you: 25% off your next purchase"), but can be used at JC retail as well. It's an apology email for all the order fulfillment issues over December and a code which is good until 4/30/19.
Deleteagain US getting good perks. no wonder thy will probably leave Canada...they gave us no luv!
DeleteI never received the code either and I am bummed. I placed less orders than usual but I still placed several orders and definitely experienced a ton of website issues and shipping delays just like everyone else did over the holidays and no code for me. It seems to me if you trying to apologize for the issues and not alienate customers, sending the code out to only certain customers isn't the way to do that. I feel more alienated and not appreciated. That being said of course I still placed an order the other day but was thinking how nice my total would be with another 25% off.
DeleteI don't know the algorithm of how select customers were chosen for the 25% code. I placed orders on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and also during the holiday shipping fiasco. Each time I chose to receive my order after the holidays. One of my post-CM orders took so long that I tried to cancel it via email. I don't know if all of those factors weighed in to me getting a code - maybe it had to do with how many orders you placed after CM where you explicitly chose to delay shipping until after the holidays?
DeleteNever received the 25% off code and placed tons of orders during the holiday season. So many delays, items never shipping and getting cancelled and then showing up on the website in all sizes the next day . . . I agree - it is definitely not making me feel appreciated as a super long time customer.
DeleteI got a 25% off coupon, but it distinctly stated in the fine print that it was solely for purchases at JC Factory; not valid at JC retail stores. I chucked it.
Delete@EveryMann, May I suggest you directly contact a Veteran VPS and by this I mean someone that has been there for more than a few weeks. A suggestion Karen Towne, Dana Jennings, Kim Guthrie or Sydney Gunn. and explain what took place. They will be able to assist you. Good luck!!
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DeleteNo visit especially with the snow we're supposed to get. But as usual I have returns (which in kinda glad about actually). But I may just shop it back and not deal with the store unless I can get to the mall next weekend.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about returns. 😂
DeleteI'm hoping I have returns too!!! But *unfortunately* I have really liked most everything. Except the velour mock-neck in Burgundy that is an unfortunate dry blood color on me. When I get home from the hospital there will be a lot of packages, so I will have a fashion show then and decide about the rest. And my husband will have try-ons too.
DeleteSome things are final sale, so I guess I just have to love them...I was influenced by @Suz Has and @Cheritheberry again and ordered a popback of the black/grey snake mules. They look like they would be great for warm weather. I don't wear open sandals to work, but think mules would work for me. I just hope they fit in my usual size. I'd wear them with my black Maddies, with my black short skirt, my black shift dress, and for sure with black denim. I also have a pair of black linen bermuda shorts that I bought in the fall without considering shoes...I think the heel is low and chunky enough to wear with longer shorts.
I'm babbling! Just trying to justify getting sucked into a pair of shoes.
😂 I've had to stop myself from getting those several times.
DeleteThey are great shoes and very comfy for me, although I can't wear an open back to work unless it's warm, my office it too cold. I certainly plan to in the spring or summer. The heel lends a casual vibe I have really been into. They're definitely my current favorite shoes.
DeleteAlthough I would not have bought them if I knew I'd get the snake boots...which haven't shipped yet...
Favorite sounds good! And $26 was easy. These will be shelved for Spring for me.
DeleteI now have three packages scheduled to arrive today and one tomorrow after nothing so guessing a few items were expedited. My tweed Poppy flats with the glitter bow were canceled last night. No response yet about price adjustments - did anyone have any luck?
ReplyDeleteWe're also due to get snow tomorrow - I have some appointments in the morning and depending on how the weather looks I may stop in. I have two sizes of the cap sleeve tweed dress to match my going out blazer to decide on - I got the 8 and 6T - I need to try them on again but at first pass the only discernible difference seems to be the length. I tend to like work dresses at my knee where possible so if I can make a decision which to keep I may have a return. I'd like to use my birthday coupon too. I have the Monday holiday off as well so if tomorrow doesn't work out then perhaps Monday.
I have been having luck with IG DMs. I received a response yesterday.
Deletethanks Suz, I just sent them a DM!
DeleteForgive the OT post, but in the spirit of closet clean out season, thought I’d share my most recent Thred Up experience. Sent them a 35 lb bag of clothes, shoes and accessories Dec 12. They estimated they would have it evaluated by 1/3. They actually completed it this morning (1/18). Their offer: they accepted 40 items, and will pay $56.98 ‘now’ (in 14 days) or ‘up to’ $98.25 if I consign (wait to get paid as items sell; if customers use a promo code or coupon, I’ll make less than stated). All the items were J Crew or Boden (mine) or UA, Nike or Polo (son). Interesting to note they listed a couple of clearly tagged items as ‘unbranded,’ and listed a pajama top as a T-shirt but must’ve rejected the bottoms (?). Things they’ve changed: their bag used to be free, then for a while they charged for it ($10 or $12)-now it’s free again, but this payout is less than I’ve gotten in the past. In 2017 they took 27 items and paid $122; in 2016, 21 items netted $84, and in 2015 10 items brought $48. I took an instant payout, as the difference in most items was negligible (they offered the most for consignment on a couple Boden dresses and a pair of boots). You can choose whether to get paid now or consign item by item, and you can raise or lower the listing prices. My take? The super low payout is better than having these items cluttering my house, but I might have rather donated them. I didn’t want to fool with listing this stuff myself, but would have gotten more for the kids clothes from my local consignment shop. Hope this helps someone considering Thred Up.
DeleteThis is why I donate everything now.
I mentioned the other day that I've never sold using thred up because I'd her buy from them. The pics and descriptions are too general. I can see its BLACK PANTS but with regards to j.crew, I want to know what style and the online description is a plus. That's why I list everything on Poshmark. Someone here suggested it several years ago and I've had decent luck selling my generally new/like new items that I either tire of or realize they don't work for me. Yes they take a chunk but they make it fairly easy for me and I generally sell for more that I would on my local FB Swap site.
DeleteI'd NEVER buy from them...sorry my iPad is acting up
Deleteyup.donate. drop off stuff...never have to think about it again.
Deleteyou will but less new stuff when you donate...because of buyers remorse.
I’ve heard so many negative stories about Thred Up. They seem like a very sketchy company. It seems common for them to pay a little bit for the cheap Forever 21 type clothes, but to claim that high end and designer stuff was unsellable and was donated to charity. You basically send them a bag full of clothes and trust that they’ll be honest and not steal your stuff.
DeleteI have probably sent about 6 clean out bags over the past 3 or 4 years and have found the payouts getting smaller and smaller plus the evolving consignment policies make it very risky to send anything. You are also stuck with their description of an item which isn't necessarily accurate but will impact consignment earnings. After a period of time if it doesn't sell you are literally paying them to get it back. I have sent back items that I bought from them and never got around to returning and then they rejected the item or described it with flaws which was entirely untrue. I have bought Factory items described as regular and I still was charged return shipping. They have also changed shipping prices and now charge a restocking fee for returned items. I felt like I was lured in to get my clothes but now they don't care about keeping me as a customer.
DeleteI did Thred Up once and would never do it again. I feel much happier donating my things to a local place.
DeleteHypothetical question - if you were a lover of Maddies and could buy a camel wool pair used, how much would you pay? It's not the original seller and they seem fine from the pictures.
ReplyDeleteWill,you not stop thinking about them if you don't get them? I paid about 30 or so for a pair of curator pants. On one hand it's a lot for a second or third hand item, on the other hand, I couldn't really find anything comparable and I actually wore them quite a bit this summer, so I had no regrets! (My only regrets were not buying them when I originally wanted them years ago.)
DeleteHope that helps!
Hmmm. I think I will be able to find them again, at some point. I just paid less for a brand new pair of Ryan pants from Banana in the same color (which arrived yesterday and today is casual Friday so the tags are on them), and I don't need both. They are comparable! I guess I'll sleep on it.
DeleteI've paid less for new too, but they weren't exactly the same thing. I figured better to buy than to obsess. Not sure if you've noticed but I tend to obsess! 😂
DeleteFor me, $20 is my top acceptable used pants price. I just looked at 'sold' on Poshmark for the tan wool Maddies and see from $8 and $10 up to $45. $45 is too much unless you believe a pair of pants really is life changing... can you tell that I've got time on my hands in the hospital?
DeleteI do not want to obsess. I also do not want to spend money on the Ryan's, and then buy these in a month because I obsessed. This is a new color way for me that I have not worn in over a decade so I don't want two pairs, or a high $4 investment.
DeleteI also feel $20 is top acceptable. They are $25 and I think that is too much! Like, my bargain shopping self thinks "is this guy serious?" Plus I can't return them if they are off in any way.
Thank you both. I'm walking away.
How are you feeling p????
Meh, I think I may be here until Monday. Thanks for asking!
Delete@p banos - Aww. I’m sorry to hear you’re not going home today. I hope you’ll be feeling 100% healthy very soon.
DeleteOops, posted my response below.
DeleteSorry to be a PITA - I just bought gray wool Maddie’s used on posh mark for $26.49. Gray is worth more than camel to me lol hope they’re in excellent condition!
Delete@Cheritheberry: You can wear these with the snakeskin boots! Just over my limit, so not crazy. I am a big fan of Maddies too.
DeleteI recently bought ivory bi-stretch in 2 on Posh at $14. I have them in 4 but they are too big even after I put them in the dryer. They are a little short, but there is enough hem on these to get an extra inch. I also bought 2T in black and navy from JC with the great sale price. These I need to shorten an inch or cuff, which looks ok on the dark color. When I am home recovering from this last operation I will have time to hem pants. I also shrank my Maddie chinos, and think they are wearable, since they were smaller in the first place.
How do the wool Maddies run for you in size?
I'm pretty cheap so the fact that I spent over $20 on the pants means I really wanted them! 😂
ReplyDeleteP, feel better!!!! Hopefully you can rest and be well taken care of.
My low buy and declutter are going fairly well. I received my Amex bill this week for mid-December to mid-January. It’s the smallest bill I’ve received in several years!
ReplyDeleteI also have several empty and almost empty drawers now. I am waiting for a few super sale items to ship from the 60% off promo though. I ordered a popback of the Dover blazer in houndstooth wool (H3017) for only $39.99 - $20 rewards and a bunch of socks that probably won’t ship. When I order socks on the website, I almost always receive the “wish we had enough” e-mail.
Way to go, Jeanne! I wish I could say the same... I will have to work towards "low buy second half of January".
Delete@Toronto Modern - I'm still buying crap I don't need (more socks? really?) but I'm doing a little better than I was.
DeleteI am a sock hoarder. And still don't have a decent pair of plain black socks. Gold? Yep! Polka Dot? Yep! Fair Isle? Several! Sparkly? Lots! Penguins? Gotta! Little Doggies? 'Course! But black, I can't find a pair.
DeleteI also am a random sock gifter and hope I have made many feet happier.
Sorry if people are tired of the Reddit frugal male fashion links, but there are a couple of great pictures of stacks J Crew packages from the recent promos. My favorite picture (so far) is the one from "beyondmiles".
ReplyDeleteI find these threads strangely compelling. (And every minute I spend reading these threads rather than browsing the J Crew website is a minor victory that costs me nothing but time and results in no clutter.)
Here's the link
Wow. If I received that many J.Crew boxes, my mail carrier would arrange an intervention.
DeleteThe most (worst) I’ve ever had was five boxes on the same day. They came from two orders. I was so embarrassed.
DeleteAnother time I had a JC package everyday for nine days. The UPS guy said “Dayam son” when I opened the door to take the last one.
@eeps, I think I have moved into that territory when we combine the crazy mens sale + my *unfortunate* run of popbacks at 60-70% . If I ever get out of the hospital hubs and I will have a fashion show...
Delete@p - i of course would demand photos.
DeleteMaybe I will manage to use my empty Instagram account.
DeleteThat is a pile! Wow!! Some of the commentary is hilarious
ReplyDeleteI liked this exchange: *Pic of 9 boxes" Reply: "I see you ordered 9 things." OP: "Nah, one of my shirts came in 2 boxes". Made me literally lol. =)
ReplyDeleteI totally LOLed at that
DeleteIt was nice to have a laugh after a stressful week, that thread is quite funny. I was also laughing about the one for what it takes to get a Jcrew box.
DeleteDuring the FLASH promo madness with the heavily discounted men's items, the Reddit frugal male fashion crowd were talking a lot about 'killshots". Maybe Americans are more familiar with these. I figured they were shoes of some sort, but I finally looked them up.
DeleteHere's another article I thought was interesting.
A perspective into a whole different world.
I had no idea...that's great!
DeleteLooks like my brothers' shoes when I was in high-school! I never knew they were cool guys. Levi's 501's + tennies + paisley shirts with snaps.
DeleteSlightly OT but I pushed myself tonight to go a little out of my comfort zone and wear the Point Sur wide leg cropped jeans. I got these in tall and Took down the hem since I love that let out hem look and don't like them too cropped. They're right at my ankle now and they could be shorter but as I wash them they'll fringe more.
ReplyDeleteI really wasn't sure but my husband liked them enough to compliment me!
@wearthislikethis on IG
Hooray for you!
DeleteYou can wear those with the tall high heel boots.
DeleteI see you have the metallic gold New Balance too. I wear those with the navy anorak/sweatshirt that has the gold hood. And my stepdaughter liked the combination so much I had to get it for her too!
Hey P, I wish that one came in black, I would have gotten it! I tried the jeans again with the kiltie monk strap leopard oxfords and love them. I let them sit a little lower on the hip (since I have a long torso) and they just sort of graze the shoe. I like it!
Delete@Suz Has, those are some funky shoes that suit your style well. It will be hard not to look at your own feet all day when you wear them! For sure you will get attention.
DeleteThat sweatshirt came in white/silver and navy/gold. Black and silver would have been good. Hmmn, probably just the thing to wear when I get home from the hospital tomorrow. With navy leggings.
From Fox Business News:
ReplyDeleteJ. Crew Group Inc. announced Friday that its chairman, Millard "Mickey" Drexler," will retire to devote his time to developing Drexler Ventures LLC and his other interests. Chad Leat, a J. Crew director since Jan. 2017 and a retired vice chairman of global banking at Citigroup, will succeed Drexler as chairman, effective immediately.
"A retired vice chairman of global banking at Citigroup"? Sure, what could possibly go wrong with that choice?
DeleteTheir debt is as large as some small nations, so they must need a money guy more than a fashion guy.
DeleteHere p this is for you and others.
Early Access is displaying new launch items. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteHi pbanos hope you’re feeling better:)
how do you see early access/?
DeleteCan you share the link/?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSooty can’t paste the link for the Early Access rewards page at the moment site isn’t loading. Red Kackie cardigan with Tango Baci (Kisses) tees with letting of the same driving moccasins in multi colors, classic fit boy shirt in silk Red background with hearts navy/ivory, pleated skirt in everyday crepe heart pattern, Thomas Mason mock neck top in blue and white stripe, pointed toe metallic in silver, leopard calf hair, pink, black etc. shoes, Libert Print shirt White Garden, Puff sleeve cotton poplin, heartprint A-Line MIDI dress with removable belt, vintage tees in pastel colors, (Old Jcrew Colors finally) Lace-up rain boots in Leopard print, trench coat in the same Leopard print, long v neck cardigan (same print) no it’s not all merino wool, Studded Academy Loafer Mules, white and black, lace up rain boots , and L’Amore e Cieco now this is really stupid striped tee Love is Blind. Judge for yourselves on these items.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMispelled Tanti Baci, Freudian slip with my little Shi-Tzu’s name Tango earlier.
ReplyDeleteThank you !
DeleteYou’re most welcome, just hope the link is working now.
Deletejust had a peak. J Crew and I are on a break. after looking at early access....We just officially broke up. Its really bad.
DeleteThe new driving moccasins from the profile look like Tieks!I am assuming that they fold too as they mentioned good for traveling.
DeleteI mentioned this to my former VPS 3 years ago that Tieks had beautiful colors and they were copying Jcrew's colors on the Cece's which they killed. Idiots!! The colors are NOT Red they are Cerise on the Jackie's etc.
They're not featured but I love whatever slingbacks I see in red and leopard.
DeleteI like the full length wide leg pants, don't wear a lot of the colors I see (tan and navy) but I'm sure more will come out.
I know I never like a lot of the early access styles but always find plenty.
I like the preppy style. I wish the turtleneck tunic with the lace neck was regular length and didn't include nylon.
Hoping for good things.
I do love the laceup rain boots. It does seem to be a huge necessity these days.
Deletethanks for posting! January's rollouts are always less exciting for me - I do like the neutral color scheme and looks like a few nice white/shirting stripe tops that I would try. The heart print is ok but I've liked earlier iterations of their heart prints better. I noticed a pair of colorblock snakeskin slingbacks too. My SA texted me yesterday and said she saw pics in store and that the shoes were better than usual this go around. My store is doing a new arrival event Weds but not sure I'll make it in. I'll keep an eye on those white trouser jeans but it's many months before I'll be thinking of those!
DeleteI was just coming to post that I found new arrivals the old fashioned way (searching preorder etc). Thank you Lynn for posting the link! It’s nice to see new arrivals. Driving Mocs look nice but I’ve sworn off more suede shoes due to weather limiting my use. Nice to see more liberty prints as Ina mentioned there will be a few new ones coming. Hope there’s more items next week.
DeleteHappy to see new arrivals. @Lynn thanks for the link. I like the white garden Liberty print and the heart print too. Peony color in driving mocs would work well for warmer temps; I don't typically wear this style of shoe, but I'll try in store if it's available. I'm happy to see a long cardigan, but not a fan of the fabric and the look of the leopard print. I'm a sale shopper and there's nothing that I must have.
DeleteThanks for the link! Nothing at all for me here, no beautiful prints to entice me, and no must-have colours or styles. I was hopeful about the new driving mocs but I won’t I won’t buy them in suede. Meanwhile I’m still waiting on my Flash Sale packages to arrive so I’ve got those to look forward to.
DeleteThis is just disappointing - again a random mix of styles, nothing cohesive or interesting even. The liberty ruffle dress is cute but that's the only thing I bothered to look at.
Delete@MyGoddy, please post on the Liberty and the Heart print after viewing them. Tough call without seeing them in person and I’m not driving to Jcrew just for these. Thanks.
Deletei’m liking the officer patch pants, tipi with liberty collar, the new Liberty midi dress, the Liberty field jacket, and the knit belted shirt dress. i don’t know what’s going on with those studded Academy mules - don’t see how they fit in with the feel and style of the rest of this season’s new arrivals so far. I’ll have to pay a visit to Brookfield next week or so to check some of these out in person!
Deletei too am disappointed with the lack of Drake prints. i wonder if the partnership is over?
I thought the same thing about those shoes. I like them but don't see the relevance, there must be other stuff coming.
DeleteThank you for the link. Snake print sling back shoes that appear in the picture of the tunic sweater look pretty cool.
DeleteThank you for sharing the link, Lynn!
DeleteI like the Wide-leg crop pant (Katherine Hepburn look), interested in how it will fit since I'm petite.
I also like the Le Specs sunnies in cat-eye, and the metallic silver flats.
The pleated chambray midi is cute (and reminds me of the chambray skirt from Feb 2008), but it'll be way too long on me and there's no petite version.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of some of the pieces, but am sick of pajama jeans and cotton/poly/wool, which they're apparently touting as an exclusive new blend. Why can't they make a sweatshirt that's cotton, instead of cotton/poly? That stuff pills. The heart print was done better as the heart throb print years ago (and wasn't poly), IMO. I'll be interested in reviews on how "durable" the new vintage cotton tees actually are.
It's strange, at first glance a bunch of it seems reminiscent of old school 'Crew but the quality of the fabric (and probably the fit, too) just aren't there.
right on every point!
Delete@silver_lining, I agree with you about the Heart Throb tee. I am also missing Donald Robertson and Hugo Guinness tees too. I loved them all and purchased in duplicates and triplicates and they’re in great shape still. A few unworn. Ah those were the days of everything being so beautiful, classic and whimsical with great fabric. I preordered the new yellow vintage tee simply to see what the color is like. This looks old Jcrew colorwise. I also ordered the same color in the cashmere again to see what the color is like. Not hopeful on the cashmere and no featherweight in that same shade. Spoke with my VPS yesterday and she said that all of her clients who are old time customers such as myself requested this color and also screamed about the terrible quality of the cashmere the company is kicking out. Pretty sad.
DeleteI came home to a few packages yesterday (not quite a fifteen box tower, just two boxes and a soft package). Most items were winners and not final sale. I got a velvet mockneck in old forest and similar to p's comment about the red color - the green is not the emerald green I was hoping for. I also got a M when I should have ordered a small (I tried this on and have a pic on my blog and still ordered the wrong size...oops!) The fit in the body is fine but the armholes are big. The color is just a bit faded and almost has a little blue in it - it's exactly that "old forest" a slightly faded forest color not emerald. It was $8 but I think it's going back.
ReplyDeleteThe velvet jumpsuit in 6T is a winner - hoping I can find a reason to wear this out in the next month - we'll be in warm weather for my birthday so would have worn it out for that. The only struggle was getting it on over my curvy bottom - once it's on it fits great on my hourglass figure but there's no give and it's definitely small in the middle to put on. For $20, I love it and the tall makes it still a little cropped but right above my ankle.
Tartan bow flats - sized up a 1/2 size, perfect.
Skinny snake belt is a nice add to my belts - I belt dresses a lot so I will get wear out of this.
Cashmere lined leather gloves in burgundy - these are beautiful. The color is a burgundy almost veering in to berry shade and I will get a ton of wear out of them. Haven't tried the tech capabilities, but I usually can't get much texting done in any tech friendly gloves.
I am a 7 in gloves and the large just fit, they run a tad small. Striped racerback tank dress will be a cute bathing suit coverup for $5...
lastly the tux stripe wide leg pants - got my usual size 8 which worked - they're nice, nothing crazy special though. I need to try with some different shoes, I think I'll need a little more length on them. These were definitely impulse. If I can get the extra 10% off on them I'll probably keep.
Glad to hear so many winners! I'm supposed to get some of those items today!
DeleteI got the tuxedo stripe pants at 60 off so we shall see. I'll definitely try with a belt.
So happy you finally snagged and are happy with the velvet jumpsuit! I remember when it first came out and we commiserated about the crop length. Glad it worked out and what a price! 😃
DeleteI second Suz. It is really nice to here your positive reviews. I think you’ll get more use out of the snakeskin belt with dresses than I intend to with pants, but I’m relieved to not hear of any quality issues.
Lots of winners! That's good news. I have those leather gloves in black and love them. They were the only gloves I took with me when traveling to Paris and they kept my hands nice & warm. They're really well done.
DeleteI've seen the jumpsuit when someone tried it on in store. If you get a good fit it's glamorous. Hope to see a photo someday soon!
DeleteNo sailor style pants from the Old Jcrew. Remember these with the gold buttons? They were a huge success and I purchased at the time. Should have purchased 2 because the fit and quality are excellent.. Wish they would have brought these back. They are so on trend in Europe. Saw this style in Milan and Paris just before I came back to the US for a few months. Tried on a pair of Tory Burch here but they certainly aren’t worth $400+. Not into her name game anyway. Looked at Halogen Atlantic Pacifc odd fit. Biden has a pair not too impressed with their style. So Jcrew bring them back. Kate Middleton still wears hers by the way:).
ReplyDeleteAre you referring to the teddie sailor pants? I loved those but that fit wasn't the best for me. I did buy the linen sailor pants from spring 2017 in white. It's a tough wear for me. I might try to see if I can let out the hem for extra length, I'm not wild about the crop. Otherwise I might make them shorter, either below the knee or shorts!
Delete@SuzHas, I don’t remember the name but they were F5723. I love the linen pants you purchased agree with your take on the crop. At least we have them and they’re right in style.
DeleteYup, that was them. I tried them but that style was too tight on my thighs and too loose up top if I sized up. Just not right for my proportions.
DeleteHave you tried Boden brand at all? I previously posted it as Biden, another Freudian slip:)
DeleteHaha, I only had one boden bag which was,beautiful but I sold it. A lot of it is just not my style or preferred colors. (Aka not black).
DeleteI recall a couple sailor iterations from a while back, pants and shorts. I loved them on the models. Very dramatic. Not something I could pull off.
DeleteMy orders are trickling in, so some thoughts.
ReplyDeleteVelour joggers and hoodie: if I paid $20 for the set at Costco I'd keep it. Even at the sale price of about $50 for both pieces it seems not worth it. It's not horrible but the cut of the joggers is a little off. The Madewell ones were not flattering either but at least they had some style.
Velvet mockneck in black. XS. This is cute and flattering. Not too tight but fitted enough.
Polartec® fleece half-zip, black, size small. This is cozy. I was hoping there was a drawstring at the bottom so I can wear it a more flattering length. The pocket just barely fits my phone. My daughter got something similar at American Eagle for $20 so even $48 I feel is a little high, although in comparison to some of the more athletic brands it's probably fair. The sleeves are long enough, at least. I have a north face polartec that belonged to one of my girls and the sleeves are terribly short. It's not bad but probably going back.
Kiltie monk-strap loafers in leopard calf hair: these are really nice. They only had full sizes available and I got the 9 and it fits fine, so I'd say you could size up if your feet aren't particularly narrow. It's a bit wide around the top but works. I really like them. I tried them on with my red wide leg crops and they worked. I'm going to try them with my pleated faux leather skirt too, and of course jeans and black pants that are the right length.
Veranda cateye sunglasSes in the linen (off white) color. Super cute and lightweight. Fun.
Eastpak® springer fanny pack In denim. For under $10 it's fine, but threads are already loose. Nothing great but a practical purchase. I bought for my girls so not sure I'll keep all of them.
Unfortunately I won't receive some of the items I was looking forward to for another few days at least.
DeleteCompany is using mail innovations now for their shipping more and more frequently. Not surprised. I have a few small items coming with this method of shipping and only one UPS ground direct. Previously all of my purchases were shipped UPS ground. News flash too, they have clamped down on returns past the return date I was told.
DeleteAnother vent , no new Drakes nor Ratti prints. The company should simply release some of their Iconic pieces. I would buy in a heartbeat. Drakes itself has released scarves in the Unicorn print onc again. Same exact print as the one for Jcrew. Bring back the Pink Bengal Tiger print, this was one of their very best by far.
ReplyDeleteThis (re-releasing styles) is not my ideal strategy, yet, it would be better than what they have right now. The vibrant, unique colors, decent fabrics, striking silhouettes, and stunning prints they used to have were something special.
DeleteThis is where I think J. Crew can make its big comeback: release a “heritage” line and center marketing efforts on the nostalgia of quality basics that lasted decades. Maybe even call it slow fashion to set themselves apart from disposable clothing. Slightly disingenuous but I bet it would be effective.
DeleteAfter debating for a bit, placed an order last night: double cashmere wrap coat (re-ordered in a smaller size to try again; hope the fit is better & with 25% off coupon it's a great price), crepe pull on pant in yellow floral print, silk popover in yellow floral print, backpacks for Christmas gifts & lightweight shirtdress in holiday stripe.
ReplyDeleteReceived a batch of sale orders yesterday and today.
Glitter sandals with block heel. They're the closest I have to a white sandal and I'll get lots of wear out of them. This is one of the few heel types I've been able to wear after my foot surgery last year. They were a give away @ $20. I sized up a full size.
Strappy knit stripe midi dress with cross back. This is so cute & was $2 after $5 reward. Will take on upcoming trip to South Africa.
Linen tank top in black. I'm stocking up on these every time they popback in my size. They're a great basic and can be layered or worn alone.
Blackwatch plaid Tippi. The pattern is evenly distributed and none of the issues reported by others in the reviews. Fit is tts & it was $14.
SZ Blockprints pink cobalt leaf pants. Love most everything by this brand and can't wait to wear these. I always size up in this brand and like the relaxed fit of the pant. I've seen these popback, but J Crew raised price from $39.99 with 60% off to $62.99.
Madewell painted blossoms silk wrap dress. I love this print & have the silk wrap shirt & skirt. Fabric is very nice & definitely recommend. It's on super sale for $30.
Tara I'm dying to see someone wear that tippi with the blackwatch pants! I really love that look with the striped or white button down under it. You could totally rock that!
DeleteTara, I thought of you when I saw that cashmere wrap coat - I can't wait to hear what you think. I have that knit stripe midi as well and it's going with me to Punta Cana next week :)
DeleteThank you for the tippi review! I keep looking but the reviews had me super scared. Great work basic under a blazer for me. Good lunch right the coat!
DeleteI have two of the midi dresses and they wash and wear extremely well.
@MyGoddy, I tried the cashmere wrap coat,it looked like a blanket on me. Being tall and thin I kept sizing down and felt I looked like a bird, Husband didn’t care for it either said it looked like a blanket:)Quality isn’t there either in my opinion. Good luck though and I hope it works for you. Perhaps you will be the lucky one.
Delete@Anne-The Fab Life, Have a nice trip. We stayed at the Eden Roc. Be careful outside of your resort.
DeleteLynn, thanks! We have been there a few times and this is our laid back resort vacation. We don't typically wander far - I read a few books, lounge on the beach, etc. I love to plan and travel and go/do/see but sometimes you just need some down time!
Delete@Suz Has I finally found the pants in store today (60% off sale) and had a chance to try on. I sized up with my buttocks and hips, so they're work appropriate. Happy to finally find them & great idea about the pairing.
Delete@Lynn & @Anne - The Fab Life, I'm hoping the size down will work. My son's comment about my usual size wasn't favorable. We will see if it works out for me. If not, I have other coats to love for sure, but I've been wanting a camel cashmere coat for a while. It doesn't get super cold in Texas, so I don't need anything too heavy. This would suit my needs if it fits. Enjoy your trip Anne! Beach and books sound dreamy!
@Cheritheberry Happy to help; I think it's really "hit or miss" in the production of this one. I saw it on @naynotso and she didn't have any issues either. I agree that it will work well with a blazer. I wore the Stewart Plaid tippi last week with my Parke cashmere blazer and really liked the look. Glad the midis have worked well for you too. I'm glad to have it for vacation since it will be summertime.
Nice picks! Watching ;) for that Tippi as well. I have the pant from 2 years ago. Hope the double cashmere works out. Didn't love the top I received last time around, but it does seem so variable. I tried burgundy, and both fit and fabric were off from the gray I have. Camel sounds really good, so good luck!
DeleteNearly bought those glitter heels, as I don't have white sandals, either.
I was successful with PAs to on all of my recent 50% orders - I DM'd J.Crew yesterday per Suz's suggestion and they responded this morning. Still no response to my emails. That being said, they were very apologetic via direct message and adjusted everything - the few items that haven't shipped will adjust when they ship so I'll just have to watch everything and I'm really hoping the outstanding items ship! I also caved and ordered the ivory popcorn cable knit sweater this morning for $18.
ReplyDeleteAnne, I picked up the popcorn cable sweater, too. I love the style and I know the fabric content is questionable, but for that price I’m more than happy!
DeleteI was very surprised to find a J.Crew box on my porch this morning, we rarely have Saturday delivery. Inside were my much anticipated Stubbs and Wooten loafers and the tartan puffer scarf. The scarf is comically large. I’m 5’9, and even so the scarf is wearing me rather than vice versa. It truly looks like I have a tartan sleeping bag around my neck. I knew it was a risk on FS but thought it would be fun to wear for the holidays but definitely something I would not have bought if I could have tried it on in-store first.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the Stubbs and Wooten loafers are too small. I ordered my regular J.Crew size of 9.5 as that was the only size available, but I wish I could have gone up to a 10 as Lynn suggested. They are really beautiful shoes and I will be patiently hoping for a pop back in a larger size.
That's kind of funny about the scarf. Someone was wearing the Liberty version today on IG more like a wrap, belted around the waist. Hard to tell from the angle but it looked cute.
DeleteHope the S&W Pop back too!
Delete@shopgrrrl I had the same issue with S&W, so hope you're able to get a popback 10. Hope you can find a use for the scarf. I thought the idea was unusual until I saw that other designers had also produced a similar puffer scarf for the season. I saw a teacher on IG reference how warm the scarf was when she wore it outside during recess.
DeleteThanks, Suz! I can’t imagine having that scarf around the waist. Maybe if it was twisted a few times first?
Delete@mygoddy Yes, the puffer scarves are everywhere. I bought a velvety one last week to go with my Liberty reversible puffer as the collarless style calls for a heftier scarf, but it’s probably half the size of the tartan puffer scarf. As for the shoes, I wish they had fit as now I have to keep checking the site daily, something I’d like to get away from, but nabbing those shoes if they pop back will be worth it.
DeleteShopgirl, not the scarf wasn't around the waist. Let me try to describe it better...the scarf is only around the neck, each side goes in front to about hip length. A belt (in this case a leather belt bag) goes around the waist, cinching the scarf closer to the body. Hopefully that helps!
DeleteWith the s&w sizing being off, there is bound to be a popback :)
Delete@Suz ha ha, now I get it! Sorry for misunderstanding, and yes, the scarf is certainly long enough and bulky enough to warrant belting it at the waist. It’s wide enough to give the coverage of a vest in the front.
DeleteI found it again, @j.crewing posted it. It's a super creative way to wear it, I think! Hers is the liberty floral one, which I realized is a print I actually love so now I'm tempted to get it!
DeleteThanks for the link. It’s certainly a cute/creative look. I doubt I’d have occasion to wear it like that myself, but it’s fun for those that do!
Delete@shopgrrrl, sorry to hear about the sizing on the loafers. I’m sure they’ll pop back. They can be an odd fit for sure. I recently tried a pair on in the store here in Palm Beach and they ran small. Had to size up a 1/2. The store has some beautiful new prints etc. but I always purchase on sale. They simply aren’t worth the full price.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lynn, I couldn’t agree more. They’re beautiful and special, but no shoe is worth $500 to me.
DeleteThanks for the link @Lynn! Silk boyshirt in heart print is calling my name. Overall I like this roll out, feels spring like.
ReplyDeleteThe big question is order the shirt now or wait for the official roll out next week when there might be a better promo than the current 25% off #firstworldproblems
@fleur de lays, take the leap and let us all know. By the time it ships and arrives it may have a 40% off promo:) Nordstrom Rack has a Navy Heart Print silk top elastic waist very short in length for 59.99 in case anyone is interested Madewell. Equipment made a beautiful one that I have from a few years ago. Very pretty, nice silk and I have seen them in the wild as well.
ReplyDeleteYes! Thank you Lynn for the link to early access!
ReplyDeleteI am loving
- the mint and pale citron options for item L2225 (vintage cotton crewneck)!! Might have to get backups of both colors!
- Harper backpack K7482, the design and color combo reminds me of Marni
- Contrast slub cotton long-sleeve tee L1638 in Grey and pink
J.Crew needs to get back to their strong point , which is the ability to create beautiful colors. The past two seasons' color selection has been less than ideal, at least for me. :'D
I just placed 3 orders in as many minutes. No items were available at the same time!
ReplyDeleteChecked in on the site and saw a size 2 curvy perfect tartan button down. I’m terrified my slim fit size 2T from last year will fade, and I’ve been wanting this inexpensive one to wear under chunky sweaters.
Checked back on the last orange black liberty button down and my size was suddenly available! I have never had a liberty print shirt but I fell in love with this beautiful print as soon as I saw it in store. Hope it fits! I didn’t think it would go lower than $32 and was glad to find it as I never see size 2 in that color way pop back.
Checked black watch plaid tippi AGAIN and there was one xs!
I won’t say I’m on a ban, especially with the prices like this, but I intend to hold out for a while. I’m all shopped out. And I think I have enough plaid.
Ooh, I resisted the sweater, too. I'd like it, but prob wouldn't wear until next winter.
DeleteI have the Stewart plaid button down from last year as well- do you think the colors are just subdued? It has mildly faded aura but I'm not sure it's actually fading. None of my crew button Downs seem to fade.
I did place an order tonight, though. The S&W argyle loafers have always caught my eye. At $95 I felt I could go for it. Also got the navy corduroy blazer. I've been wanting an extra fall/winter layer that I can wear inside. I've not been replacing my cozier sweaters as I haven't found anything suitable yet that I'm confident will last. I'm happy with my Merino, but it's just not lofty and warm enough by itself. Lastly went for the easy pant in navy lace. Hoping they aren't too delicate. They would go with a lot.
@SarahJ, I have that blazer (and the pants) in the melted caramel. It is a great piece. I had ordered the pants and liked them so well I sent for the blazer. The pants in a tall size + let down the hem a bit work as full length for me. The pants ran small, 4 fits a little loose and I am usually a 2. The jacket I think fits as expected. I ordered my usual 6 in jackets. It does have a 70's menswear feel, but the lapels are narrow not wide. So not totally Robert Redford in All The Presidents Men.
DeleteAs soon as I say NO MORE I go and order that navy blazer too. I hope it ships! It sold out in my size long ago and as soon as I saw it, I had to have it.
DeleteCher, that orange black liberty print is SO pretty. It reminds me of the artwork in Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty and William Morris wallpaper.
DeleteI too am tempted by the curvy Stewart plaid short for layering. I am curious about the Stewart plaid tippi since I love those colors. Have you seen it in person?
I haven't ordered in a few days but there's a leather jacket that just made it to sale. I haven't worn a leather jacket in forever but wo see if a sleek fitted one like that would be a good piece for me. Under $200...I'm sure it's nicer than what I'd find at Macy's, though with a bunch of black blazers maybe it's not a need.
Oh I wanted to respond to @sarah j about the lace pants. I got last year's version in red (cerise, not as rich as this years red, unfortunately, but I'm not buying another pair!). I haven't found them too delicate. The only negative I'd say is that it's easy to get the lace caught on rings or other jewelry. Oddly enough I didn't wear mine around holiday at all. They match the light blue with red trim pajama top really nicely so I've worn that outfit to several spring events with red patent Sophia pumps. They're super comfortable. I didn't think I'd like a color but in my case it actually makes them more versatile because the brighter color feels less "holiday" than black lace does.
DeleteOh! That orange black liberty pattern is the same one that comes in the giant puffer scarf. I have to see the JCA who belted it. Now I'm super tempted to get that.
Delete@Sarah and @Miss JR, that is a good price, good score!
ReplyDelete@Suz, I was powerless to resist any of the items. Even worse, this morning I bought the leopard perfect shirt. My willpower vanished. I have not seen the black watch tippi in store, but I’m getting a lot of wear from my old wool crew blazers and with that one and the tartan coming it just makes getting dressed for work SO EASY. Of all the pieces I’ve been joyfully getting rid of (haha) zero have been J. Crew. Like you, I wear my plaid all winter. And now I think I will have nearly every plaid piece offered. Oops.
I saw the belted scarf on insta also yesterday and it looked great! You could definitely pull it off. As for the leather jacket, I find I get non-buyers remorse more than buyers remorse. I have a motorcycle style leather trench from Neimans about 8 years old which I absolutely love pulling out each year. Let us know what you decide!
It sold out before I could even consider. Since it is so fitted I thought it would be great under my wool coats, so I'll keep it in mind.
DeleteBumme, but the extra time to consider will be helpful.
Delete@Suz Has, lucky it sold out so you were not tempted! I saw it too and looked away without checking sizes on purpose.
DeleteI like my leather jacket for and outdoors coat, but for indoor wear find wool more comfortable. I do the opposite, wearing a fitted wool blazer under my leather jacket.
Growing up I wanted to be Diana Rigg in the Avengers, but honestly I've never wanted leather pants. Well, except when I had the Honda Magna motorcycle, then I wore leather pants and a coat for safety.
I've worn faux leather pants on and off since I was a kid (I fondly remember a set my dad bought me from lord and Taylor in 1979) but when the Ryder's popped back I had to try them. They've become my go to for an easy, hip chic and slightly sexy look. I've worn them with sneakers, boots and heels.
DeleteI went through a leather pant period, and have many pairs and styles. I love them and am so glad to have them. I find them incredibly versatile. My absolute favorites are by Helmet Lang. And that’s definitely not in the budget any longer!
DeleteThat was never in my budget! 😂 I'm happy to have these. Think I paid $125 which is probably the most I've ever spent on a garment besides coats and shoes/boots.
DeleteI mentioned how much my 16 year old loves them and they look amazing on her. When I told her I'd buy her faux leather pants she turned her nose up at that...sigh...luckily she's a hard worker and we told her she cannot rely on a man (aka daddy) to support her. 😂
I wanted to add one comment about the fit of The Reeds X J.Crew featherweight mockneck sweater. I love the pattern and the fabric but I am having some difficulty styling because of the pattern being at the bottom. Typically I do a partial tuck but it doesn't really work with this style. I tried it with a red and black check shirt from last winter, which is actually kind of long. Although the scale of the patterns is similar somehow it worked in a quirky way, with today being so yuck outside I'm going to give a hard look at some of my stuff before I have the donation pickup this week and return anything that won't get worn. I feel the price (under $25) is fair if I can figure out how to wear it!
ReplyDeleteI could see it being hard to wear. The skirt sounds interesting! If it’s possible, you’ll make it work :)
DeleteI haven't worn it due to the hospitalization, but I was planning to just leave it untucked over black pants. For casual I can go with the Any Day pants with the front seam & button or black jeans. For work I'd wear the black Maddies. Easy. If I need a layer, guess I will add a black jacket or my long charcoal cardigan. Black booties for casual (or my $6 red velvet sneakers from Gap), black pumps for work (patent with a chunky heel). I'll also look at wearing this with ivory pants. I know for work I will wear with my black wool pencil skirt, sheer black stockings and pumps.
DeleteI'm going to try it a few ways today and see, it might work over my black leather pants because they're Lower rise on me.
DeletePost a photo if you like it! You can be my Diana Rigg stand in :-)
DeleteI tried them with my red wide leg crepe pants. The reds aren't a perfect match but they don't clash. This looks super cute and the pants are like sweats as far as comfort goes.
DeleteTried with the leather pants, cute. Might need to layer a shirt since the leather pants are tight and the sweater is a little loose on my hips, but that would be fun.
Also tried with white jeans and that works surprisingly well. Again the whites aren't the same but this could also be fun with a shirt layered underneath.
Very easy with black curator pants.
Husband liked the sweater too.
I took a few pics but don't want to post them yet, if you want me to DM them let me know. I can't remember your IG name offhand.
DeleteI just deleted all my payment info from I’m done.
ReplyDeleteTake a long enough break then!
DeleteDid something bad happen or just so it's not as easy to buy stuff?
DeleteBut come here unless it would be too tempting.
DeleteAgreed, I miss everyone when they don't post!
DeleteAgree, sales have been good and I have to many orders. I feel embarrassed. I also don’t need it all, and then there is money issues.... lol.... trying to add structure as
DeleteYou two are so cute! Thank you for your concern! No, I truly love J. Crew. They’re my favorite clothing brand by far. Just so it’S not so easy to buy. The bargains!!
ReplyDeleteI’m not leaving JCA :D
Try to cultivate turning away as a virtue.
DeleteNew Jackie Cardigan with sequins available for pre order in Vintage Citrus Item number J4839. Same sweater only in this new color. VPS doesn’t know what color the sequins will be.
ReplyDeleteHi all.... looking for sizing help on the tweed fringe jacket, f1586
I missed out on it in 2016..... and still looking for it now... eBay has a 0 and 4p
I am usually 0-2 in shirts xs in sweaters
Any help is appreciated
I tried that and returned it. Wanted it so badly but that boxy style doesn't work well on me. I'd go for the zero. Pretty sure I took a 0 and I tend to wear 2-4 in blazers.
DeleteThanks Suz Haz... this helps a lot. Thank you!!!
DeleteI have several other blazers and 2 other lady jackets in size 2. Ian about 115, 5.3 32c...
Trying to figure out a size as both eBay sellers have no return.
If some one has it and wants to sell it let me know...thanks all
I'd ask them to measure the jacket flat across the back and see how it compares with your others.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThey did.... both measurements are little off
DeleteThe one with the zero, says bust is 32, i emailed jcrew and they say it’s 35.75
The one with 4p says bust is 35
Another seller in Poshmark with a zero says bust is go figure until you get it home...:))
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DeleteHi, Kate. I think it depends on your individual proportions. For example, I have broader shoulders/back and I found I had to size up in that jacket. I wear P4 in J Crew blazers 90% of the time (Regent, Campbell) - very rarely I go with P2 and sometimes P6. When there is no petite and the sleeves are not too long, I go with 2 or 4. I bought and returned that jacket in three different sizes: P6, 2 and 4. I hemmed and hawed but eventually returned all three. From a sizing perspective, I found it fit a bit tighter across the shoulders/back and under the arms than some of my other jackets. While it was boxy in the body, the shoulders and under the arm seemed snugger than I would have expected. But that is also my experience with many of the "Lady Jackets", where I have to wear a size 4 (which is the equivalent I'm told of a P6). I hemmed and hawed about keeping the P6 (2 was too snug at shoulders and 4 was too long) but I had a lot of problems styling it. The neckline is more of a "U" and I just could not figure out what to wear with it. I've seen it online at and @tweedandtoile and they both look amazing in it, but even when I tried to emulate (copy) their styling, it never looked quite right on me. Also, the fabric is not really "tweed" - it's more of a textured cotton which was another reason for me to say no.
DeleteFYI, the puffer scarf rocks for shoveling/snowblowing in 5 degree weather.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of my purchases: I got one order ( out of 4 ughh)
ReplyDeleteLong-sleeve everyday cashmere crewneck sweater in cherries, $36.38, Item K2447, Color: BLACK CERISE, Size: X-SMALL
Very soft cashmere, TTS, I took xs... probably could if done a small, but I will see if it pops back...definitely keeping, it’s very different nand special
Everyday cashmere cropped cardigan sweater, $27.88, Item K3746, Color: HTHR CAMEL, Size: SMALL. Fits well, but not soft at all. I have lots of sweater options since I have 3 other order pending
Will likely return.... nothing special
Merino wool tipped cardigan sweater, $23.12, Item J5228, Color: NAVY CERISE, Size: XX-SMALL
Fits TTS, I may keep as I have several flats from last summer in this color(navy/red). Also have a wool princes skirt on order, this may work well.
Long-sleeve everyday cashmere crewneck sweater, item: K1313, ,$30.26, size: X-SMALL, color: HTHR PINK, vey itschy not soft at all. Fits TTS, like the longer sleeve, quality is worst then wool. Will return!
Ribbed cable-knit beanie in everyday cashmere, $19.72, Item K2548, Color: HTHR DUSK
Nothing special, thin almost see through... definitely return and will return the scarf that coming in a another order.
Waiting on my 3 other orders but things are shipping slower then ever....
I decided since this order had 4 sweaters and I have 3 more cashmere sweaters coming to only keep 3.... will wait on all of it to make a decision but definitely keeping the black cherry sweater!! It’s my favorite for quality and design!
I have those flats and was just looking at them today. They're adorable but only worn once, if you're a size 8 and interested!
DeleteI have the flats, both covered toes and sandal, also in 8.... they we’re like $12 each at end of summer.... I only wore them few times because of the weather and I am not big on flats. I need heels is at least 4 days a week... otherwise my back
DeleteBut if some one has the tweed blazer I would be interested....
Thanks all
Adding my 2 cents again about the English Tweed Lady Jacket G2603 in Blue with Lavender. Fits me true to size and probably one of the best pieces Jcrew ever had manufactured. Got together with 2 French girlfriends last night for dinner who are with Van Cleef and Arpels and the other for Chanel Paris they love the jacket and remarked except for of course certain details, it could pass easily for a Chanel at first glance. I had previously mentioned in another post that last weekend women commented and thought it was a new Chanel that hadn’t been released yet. They wanted to know where they could order one:). P are you reading this? You have a winner, Company made only a few of these given it was originally selling at a high price point. Wish they would make some more in different colors coming from the same British Fabrication. Even at huge discounts which I am afforded in Paris it would save me thousands as well as you others here. $67.00 on EBay new with tags, extra buttons. Seller was foolish to part with this item for whatever reason.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great find!! Enjoy!!!
ReplyDelete@Kate, Thank you so much, so in love with this. I know I go on and on but if the company would get back to producing quality items such as this on all fronts I wouldn’t mind paying more. So disappointed with most items they’re throwing out at us long time buyers. I enjoy your posts and feedback as well as everyone’s here. With everyone being so forthright the info is so helpful and for this I’m so grateful.
DeleteAgree. Disposable clothing.... I am searching for older items
DeleteCurrently looking for K1586.. lol
Any thoughts? Do you have it by any chance?
Thanks again
Item K1313 Long sleeve cashmere sweater displays 60% off. Misleading, sent a screenshot to VPS reply was for select items only on their website landing page. Not interested in their cashmere as it’s crap. I was only interested in seeing the vintage citrus color. Decide to order a vintage tee in the same color. Hopefully can’t go wrong with the tee.
ReplyDeleteI am returning that sweater. It’s not even worth $30 I paid. It’s like construction
ReplyDeleteSame for the everyday cardigan....only $27.... but not worth it as I won’t enjoy wearing it...
Good for you, astute cashmere buyer. They’re DOA on the cashmere story. I returned a Dark Moss Featherweight the good old excellent one recently by mail and posted here. It was too large for some crazy reason in a medium. If anyone sees it and needs a medium go for it. Perfect condition appears it was never worn. They must hiding these in a basement somewhere:)