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Jenna's Eye Candy. This month, our creative director (or as we like to call her: the commander in chic) picks her favorite fashion treats– minus the calories (plus an extra something sweet from our sister store, Madewell).What are your thoughts on the items selected? Do you like the color palette? Which items would have made your top picks of new arrivals that you are loving this month?
I feel ... nothing. Could it be that I'm going to take a season off and let my checking account recover? Hmmmmm. :-)
ReplyDeleteI will buy those oxfords when they offer them in the pink color. Other than that, none of Jenna's picks appeal to me. Not that there aren't a bunch of other things I want!
ReplyDeleteI like the number 7 shoes- that's it. I am so bummed we have yet again more washed out pastel colors with just a few neons thrown into the mix. I hope the next roll out is better....
ReplyDeleteThe new jewelry collection is great! Some hot colors in pink and copper really brighten up an outfit. Jenna picked my favorite piece: Faceted raindrop ribbon cluster necklace. I love those faceted drops (when they're not too big). It has everything I love in a necklace, but I'm not so sure about the ribbon until I see it...Guess my checkbook isn't going to recover this season!
ReplyDeleteNo I do not see anything either in Jenna picks. I like the purple color but that is it, I would like to see more blues and greens. There is only 1 or 2 items that I want for Spring.
ReplyDeleteI like the colors for this rollout because I don't have these colors. I bought all the pale green/blue colors during the promo when I could get cashmere for $70. so a couple of these and the pink oxfords would be nice.
ReplyDeleteThis layout kind of melts together because of the colors. Individually, I'm really only a fan of the Brisbee (aka MAM-alike). I love the hyacinth color, but the featured olive is a great neutral and less expected than grey. I have an olive suede bag from Anthro that I've gotten WAY more use than I expected. The rest of it... eh. I'm especially disappointed in the shoes. These pastel man shoes are way too ice cream suit for my taste. Some of the jewelry is nice, the simple round stone bracelet and the 18 inch necklace in the same vein are simple and pretty, and may not look dated in two years!
ReplyDeleteI am with you completely!
I was originally attracted to #4 (petal clutch) but I think it's too tweeny upon second look to last me until I'm 30ish for my lifestyle. the alternating round stones is cute in theory but the length won't be at all choker-like for me. I ordered the Madewell Jigsaw necklace #11 the day of the new arrivals for $50ish in the gunmetal to wear under a blazer. Might be removing the rhinestone layers (or at least making them removable) but I looooved the geometrical bead chain!
ReplyDeleteI am luke warm about the picks...
ReplyDeleteI don't even pay attention to the picks anymore since to me, they look the same month after month. It could be May 2009!
ReplyDeleteDisappointed, not too excited about these particular picks. I'm debating on the long beach cardigan but hoping to see it IRL before buying. Actually, the items in the Aficionada site header have more of the look and feel that I like. I also don't mind some of the girly pieces, it's just hard to create winter outfits when it's freezing out. Still a bit early to be thinking about spring.
ReplyDeletedrab, boring, overpriced.
ReplyDeleteI gravitated the to Macalister boots as they bring me back to my childhood- I should get them this week so I will review and see if I can justify keeping them at $145-ouch. I also love the Majesty stone ring. Interesting that her picks are all accessories- Don't they usually have a few clothing items? Overall I usually like 1 maybe 2 of her picks per season.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteI just got the new catalog in the mail today. I received a free shipping code in the catalog on a little card, but it can only be used once and "one per family".
Did anyone else receive a code like this?
Now I am really tempted to buy one of the ruffled Gabriella dresses!
anyone know where i can get a FS code for LE Canvas?
ReplyDeleteI am in LOVE with the Alecia platforms (number 7 shoes)! I wish they didn't cost so much.
ReplyDeleteNothing for me in Jenna's picks. I liked the canvas tote I saw in my B&M this week-end but it's too big. Hoping they come out with a smaller version for summer. I need a new casual summer bag.
ReplyDeleteWent through my Portugal catalog and just couldn't get excited. The models with their mouths half open and their vacant stares do nothing for me. I thought back to the Paris catalog and I wanted to be Vanessa. I wanted to be her, in Paris in those clothes. OK, I realize I can't be her or in Paris but I wanted the look she conveyed. I even wanted to be that older lady with the beautiful silver bob. If I walked around looking like the models in the Portugal catalog my boss would have me drug tested!
Still I bought a popover shirt and a tuxedo tank this week-end. Oh, J Crew, why can't I ever resist?
I like the bracelets, the ring, and the Alecia Platforms. I just received my catalog today and noticed that in it her picks get 2 pages and there are actually 24 of them instead of the 15 in the email and online...no clothes, though. Still just shoes, bags, jewelry, and accessories. Btw, I saw a knockoff of the black Brogues at Target yesterday on clearance for $19.98.
ReplyDeleteI like the oxfords, but imagine I would look like the child in them....
ReplyDeleteOff topic, but has anyone fit into the crewcuts cardigans?? I really like the storytime cardigan...
ReplyDeleteIf you go through the regular Lands End site and then click on the Canvas Line link that is now there and your order is $50 or more this CODE MIGHT WORK.
Today and Tuesday only.
code: FEB2 Pin: 00001140
I'm with Elaine. :(
ReplyDeleteCrewcrazy: ITA! What's up with the half open mouth of the model in the catalog?
ReplyDeleteI like the color palette sans the really bright neon colors. Loving the purples, corals, and pinks. I like #7 & 9 heels but too expensive for me right now. I already have the Timex watch and may switch out the straps in new spring colors.
Also, why can't J.Crew make bags that are reasonably sized? It's either too small or too large. Although the Brisbee in Hyacinth is just lovely.
I think the photographer is saying to the model "Look like you don't know what you are doing" Or "Look like you have no idea what is going on" LOL.
ReplyDeleteBaybaybay - did you hear they are offering the Oxfords in a pink color? Someone posted about this the other day, and I asked my personal shopper, and she said these are the only colors.
ReplyDeleteLinda- I got one too! Now if only it had come before some of the items I wanted sold out during the 30% off final sale. Now I'm waiting for the silk tiered cami to pop back.
ReplyDeleteJenny I think someone posted the other day that the shoes would be available in pink suede later. I hope it's true, I'm not loving any of the current colors but pink would be in my cart in record time.
ReplyDeleteSorry Off Topic...
ReplyDeleteNot sure if anyone else saw this in their B&M but yesterday my SA told me that they had to pack up all sale merch except the newly marked down items (like the Ruthie Top) and send them back to HQ. And she said that ALL men's sale items were shipped back as well. Must mean we will see it all on the website later this week?
I just bought some things from the LE canvas line...DID YOU READ THAT J.CREW!! A loyal customer for YEARS (meaning the only clothing I own with the exception of jeans and shoes is Jcrew and it's been that way for years, loyal) just CHEATED!! I'm so sick of the 20 layered, socks with sandals/heels,tons of chunky jewlery,ruffled and chiffon look I could vomit. I just went thru my ruffled tops and I have 18, WTF! Who needs 18 ruffled camis/tops?!?!?! PLEASE PLEASE come out with something new and fresh (and fresh is not buttoning your collared shirt all the way then adding a handful of chunky necklaces--that's ridiculous).
ReplyDeleteSooo sorry for the rant but I was really bummed about this rollout. I was actually a little misty eyed (okay probably a slight exaggeration), but I was very upset. I knew I was going to have to face the inevitable and cheat:( I'm so brand loyal you have no clue how hard this was for me Jcrew)!
Please come back Jcrew and please go away micky and jenna.
ReplyDeleteI understand. I really do.
Stopped by store today & checked out new arrivals. My observations: Did not care for the Neapolitan skirt - to me it appeared mostly black & brown splotched, with the so-called purple barely noticeable. Also didn't like the texture - didn't seem like it'd drape well because it's bulky. The Unagi pencil skirt was ... interesting. I go weak in the knees for violet, but I question the texture of the skirt - seemed a bit shiny bec. of the polyamide. Pretty much moot, anyway, since it doesn't come in petite and the regular length is dowdy on me. I *really* liked the watercolor potpourri print, but donnez-moi une break, j.crew - the skirt is *ridiculously* short. This seems the case with a lot of skirts in the store - I mean, who are they catering to, now - tweens? Too bad, because had that watercolor potpourri been of decent lengths, I'd have walked out the store with it.
ReplyDeleteInstead, I left with just the catalogue.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love the new LE Canvas? I've gotten a few things from them recently and when I opened the packages, I couldn't help but thinking 'now this is the way J Crew is supposed/used to be!' Quality, preppy with a twist.So cute! I even placed 2 huge regular Lands End orders this last weeked. I really wanted to order from J Crew durring the 30% off promo (it's not in my nature to pass on a sale that good), but am just totally maxed out on ruffled/sequins/make-up colored/tissue thin/overly priced disposable clothing that's just a repeat from the past few seasons at this point.
So don't feel too guilty! I can't consider it cheating if the other party gives up first or doesn't care.
Crewcrazy, you and I should be in a "Paris catalogue adoration" club together :-) I adore that shoot & still have a copy of the catalogue & page through it now - it's just captivating. Love the model, love how alive she looks, how she looks like she relishes wearing the outfits. The styling is impeccable. Now we get vapid, open-mouthed, toothpick-shaped bimbettes who probably aren't faking the empty looks in their eyes. Quel dommage.
ReplyDeleteCount me on the LE bandwagon - I've been very pleased with their cashmere sweaters - great colors, fitted, good price, and I've never paid for shipping.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know what happened to that model? Why no more J Crew shoots?
ReplyDeleteHermes Crew- I understand the rant... My rant is that J Crew makes size 14, 16 and XL but will not stock them in any store! As a curvy gal that waffles between a 12 & 14 and always an XL in tops & Cardis it is SO Frustrating not to even have 1 cardigan in an XL or a cami in a 14 to try on! Yes it is true the B&M's don't get any size XL or size 14 clothes. The only time my local stores receive anything in these sizes is when I return my online orders!! So I too question who is their target market? I love you J crew but you make it hard sometimes...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletesorry for OT, but I just stopped by the b&m tonight and picked up an oxford tunic. It came in gray, pale blue, pale pink and white, buttons down half way and has a matching tie at the waist...has anyone seen this online or is it an in-store only? I just searched the website but didn't see it...style # 24487. TIA
ReplyDeletei like the timex watch and the madewell necklace. but not love...just like... maybe i'd have to see them on?
ReplyDeleteIt worked! Woohoo! Thanks a lot. :) I ordered a cute poplin dress for 49.50 and their version of jackie cardi for 39.50. Will report back on fit.
Speaking of Paris Ladies…
ReplyDeleteTrying to unload a Gayle Ruffle Trench Coat..Details in the Great Exchange. And yes! I loved this coat on the model in the Paris Catalogue!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the LE Canvas comments, the quality is really good, and the colors fit right into your current wardrobe without having to go out and purchase something to go with the item, unlike J Crew current color palette. LE cashmere is better compared to J Crew's, at least you can wear it for more than 1 season without having it look worn out.
ReplyDeleteI wish the old J crew would come back, in terms of QUALITY and new styles, how many seasons have they produced ruffles? and the short mini skirts trend is a look that only teens can pull off.
I third (or fourth?) LE Canvas - I got a really cute dress that's a white tank up top attached to a full khaki-colored poplin skirt. It is just darling, fits great, and already 'goes' with every cardigan and pair of shoes in my closet. Also, I got a card with a free ship code for my next order, so that's nice - keep the impetus for ordering up! I think that's also helpful because the sizing's a little bit different from JC and make take some getting used to.
ReplyDeletecasual-crew, I think JC's been 'ruffling' it since summer 2007, maybe? I distinctly remember a summer halter dress with ruffles on the front. It has gotten totally OOC in my opinion and seems like they've completely run out of ideas. The ruffles, boy-meets-girl, makeup neutrals with a pop of neon has been done, and overdone - and PS, it's not a 'timeless' look. Next!
La Belle Helene,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the neopolitan print. I thought I might be the only one that didn't like it. I have seen all the items in the print and I really tried to like them but I didn't at all. It just seems like a strange print/color/etc. Love the ice cream though:) Choc. Straw. and Van. together:) Yum!
ReplyDeleteGlad the code worked:)
I love LE.
Yes, I feel like I am opening quality when I get my LE orders. With JCrew I now feel like: will it be defective or not??? I miss the JC tissue. I did reuse it.
xoxo - Yes, that is the post I saw. My PS said she checked the merchant orders, asked other PSes, and asked the pre-sale team, and couldn't find anything about the shoes being offered in a pink or a pink suede. I'm wondering if maybe people are referring to the other oxfords (Elsbeth leather oxfords) and not the Camden brogues.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think Jenna's picks did a great job of highlighting the new arrivals. When I was in a B&M last week I was also a little underwhelmed, but I have to say, I actually took the time to flip through each of the new arrivals online and I think there are some special pieces, and some are actually priced decently (or will be even only after one markdown). The printed Palmera cami and Laporte tank stood out to me as a little left of center of the typical ruffled J Crew cami, a la Victoria or Frances, and the draping on the Laporte is understated and really chic, IMO. Will be stalking for a markdown:)
ReplyDeleteThe vintage bateau top looked like a good staple, though I do want to feel the weight/quality in person. I have to agree that the Neopolitain print looked a little suspect...
OT, but if anyone spots an Ikat Bow Monde strapless dress on sale in a 4 in their B&M store this week please let me know!
sherbie210 at gmail
I like the stud belt, ring, bracelets and the color story but I do find it interesting that it is all accessories. Accessories have the greatest mark-up so I believe that's why they advertise them most heavily as her choices. (I assume they buy a lot more inventory as well.) To follow along with the article someone posted about finding a face for the "New York & Co" brand..there are many people that will buy into the idea that if the lead stylist for J Crew picks these as her favorites, maybe I should add a few of these items this spring. And many will pay full price thinking that they better buy before "her picks" sell out which makes them LOTS of money. Sorry if all that I said seems obvious;)
ReplyDeleteI like the studded belt in natural, it's just that bit wider than the skinny, which is nice.
ReplyDeleteNothing that is making me feel the love, though. Interesting discussion re LE Canvas. I checked it out and it looks like they are borrowing from the old JCrew. Simple, yet well-made (?) pieces, Liberty-inspired scarves. Nothing I need personally but I see the attraction. ;)
I'm not shopping right now, and I'll tell ya, it's EASY!
Regarding the Blush Pink Brogues:
ReplyDeleteCall Jennifer
1-800-591-3802 ext 53168
Oh - for those of you suggesting LE Canvas THANKS.
ReplyDeleteThat is interesting.I was in store and I normally do not like JC jewelry at all nor costume in general. However, I really liked a necklace and bracelet they had but just wasnt' willing to sell out $60 total for both for plastic beads no matter how pretty.
Thank you Elizabeth!! Just called Jennifer and placed my pre-order for the blush pink Camdens, they are looking at a March in-stock date. Hooray!
ReplyDeletejmoon - I tried that tunic on this weekend and really liked it. The ps (my regular ps was out of town) tied it as an empire with the bow in the back and I really liked that look.
ReplyDeletemath teacher - so glad someone else saw it in store too! Can't wait for it to get reviewed on all these blogs :-)
ReplyDeleteHi, don't know where to post this, but does anyone know what the Sophia chiffon dress in Dusty Shale looks like? Shale connotes gray, but it looks light a subdued light blue online. And the Sophia tricotine in light amethyst--is that close to the quartz color JC had summer 08? Any feedback would be great--and where to post appropriate comments. In shopping solidarity.