There are some new arrivals for men (click here) & women (click here). {wahoo!} It looks like Crewcuts (click here) has been updated, but not the J.Crew Collection (click here).

I am off to check out the new arrivals!
What items are you most excited about and why? Which items are you surprised (or not surprised) to see? Which items did you hope would be included? Were you expecting a bigger roll-out today? Also, did you receive the latest catalog? :)
I love all of the pretty shoes and would buy them but they end up at Jimmy Choo prices by the time they reach UK what with taxes, shipping etc.
ReplyDeleteBased on our discussion last week on Dani's website, the 2" Lucca's are AMAZING. I bought 2 pairs last summer and am now eying the navy and the fuschia - you can walk for ever in them!
I like the lattice peacoat but that's about it - it hasn't even really gotten cold or snowed here yet (quite unusual!) so it's weird to think about transition pieces for spring that I wouldn't be able to wear for months.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite color is green so I am def thinking about no 2 in warm jade and the tilery bag in green. I would consider some of the sweaters but need to feel them
I am safe this time...no real 'must haves' for me. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try the pullover Jackie sweater, basketweave pencil skirts and cotton sweaterdress. I'm in no rush to buy though, I'll wait for a promo. I spent about $50 shipping back returns yesterday, a lot of it due to quality concerns. I'm not anxious to place another order right away.
ReplyDeleteThe warm jade pencil skirt, red valentina pumps, lattice peacoat, a couple of the enamel link bracelets, Tillary purse and colorblocked stripe long sleeve tees are my picks from this roll-out.
ReplyDeleteWinter just arrived where I am though, so I won't be wearing spring arrivals for months yet.
I am always excited to look through the new arrivals though I'm not seeing very much I would consider buying. xoxo I also like that basketweave pencil skirt and ouchie as far as your postage fee to send your return box! I can understand why you're not rushing to order anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteWMM the Lucia sandal does look nice and it is hard to find a nice navy heeled sandal.
Oh noes!!! J. Crew has changed one of my favorite dresses, the Sophia dress, from SILK to POLY without lowering the price, and it's still dry clean only! How awful and cheap. I am horrified.
ReplyDeleteI bought two Jackie pullovers and one basket weave pencil skirt. I want to see some of the other new pieces in person before I buy...I always have to pre-screen the fit on anything described as "boxy".
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to see spring, however we haven't had winter yet where I live. :>
ReplyDeleteI also like the basket=weave skirt; and I have a pair of Lucca's so I'm looking forward to their spring low heeled shoes.
I am hoping JCrew doesn't do what they did this past fall season: release EVERY single item in the same 5 color choices that are bright! and crayola-like.
Well of course I bought the pencil skirt in Jade. I also bought two Jackie pullovers as well in Canvas and Byzantine Blue. Everything else can wait for sale.
ReplyDeleteDani, the shipping fees are high enough and then there is the added insurance. Good thing I was not returning any bulky coats or shoes this time!
ReplyDeleteWhitney, I look forward to hearing what you think of the Jackie's and the basketweave pencil. It's great to have a "size twin". I hope they all work out.
Ditto on the Sophia dress, Starfish28. And the Jubilee jacket is acrylic, and at $250!!!
ReplyDeleteJust a comment on the new boy shirt in flannel that has been out in the stores for a while now. Well, they are not kidding when they say flannel, it is a very heavy shirt, definitively a winter and not a transition piece.
ReplyDeleteOn another note I tried the new gimlet skirt in stripe yesterday and it is much prettier in person. It flares out a lot though so it is more of an occasion piece than an everyday piece IMO . I felt a little bit like the ballerina of a music box. It looks like organza but it is a nylon and cotton blend and the lining is cotton.
I bought the festival green toothpicks instead, they are gorgeous!
Hi Carolyn from Vancouver here
ReplyDeleteMy return shipping with insurance was $38.the order was worth $600 plus. the extra ins. was only $6 the rest was Can. post charge.
I like the jackie pullover and a few other pieces.
I notice my biggest error on my order the jardin skirt is at $108 now...please don't be fooled ...I am sure someone posted a short while ago about in store for $20 something...that is about priced right for quality.
I like the edie and older bags better than than the new style ones. Never was a fan of the bucket as I can't find anything I put inside.
I learned a big lessons on my first on line order.
- I have to see things in person
- I still don't really know my size it is really between two and depends on the cut
-I can survive without the jewellery
-not going to buy their cashmere as per reviews here
- it is the B&M stores in Seattle & the factory outlet for me or nothing. Carolyn
Not a huge roll-out, although there were some tops that I would consider with promo pricing. The lower hemlines and heel heights are notable!
ReplyDelete(I love my Lucca's too - I might buy another pair).
What struck me this morning was the sale section. Some of the stuff was 85% off. We've been looking at many of these items for eight months - some much longer. J Crew - this is a huge turnoff - please find another way to dispose of the yucky stuff.
Just out of curiosity, to anyone who have the Lucca suede low heel sandals from last year in the bechwood or peach....how did those lighter colors hold up in suede? Did they leave an impression of your toe or heel?
ReplyDeleteLoving the Garment-dyed burnout crepe sweater (...but will it hold up?) and the Wool sweater-dress. Excited to try the Jackie pullover and surprised they didn't come up with this sooner! So cute and classic. My only concern is that the high neckline may be just slightly too conservative for me.
ReplyDeleteDisappointed to see that the spring version of the No. 2 pencil skirt again has those back pockets which are just not my thing (also strange that they call so many different pencil skirts "The No. 2 Pencil Skirt" when the winter styles are really very different and I've found the sizing to be inconsistent). Hoping to see the Super 120s pencil skirt in some new spring colors in a future rollout.
While I'll admit I'm generally bored by spring/summer clothes and thus not the best critic, I'm finding this rollout in particular a bit too familiar as all of the skirts, and the jewelry in particular, seem to resemble items we've seen from J.Crew in the not so distant past.
Final sale has reappeared: it is now final but the prices have not changed. with all the percent off promos which were not final sale, it is hard to get excited. i tried to get the encore trench in 14 but it disappeared as I was checking out. I stalk that daily. If anyone wants a 12 NWT I have two at the moment and am returning at least one. Hated the idea of buying a 14 without trying it on, at final sale, but was willing! Poof into thin air (or someone else's bag!)
ReplyDeleteEek at the prices j.crew is charging for cotton pencil skirts. I saw that $110 number, in cotton, unlined, at stores - the quality is poor, it's a wrinkled mess on the hanger, and so stiff as to look unattractive. And $228 for a cotton skirt with a design on it. That "Collection" label has become a joke. No wonder they keep having to offer promos to move stuff- their prices are inflated beyond the ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteWinter is in full swing here, so I won't be shopping spring for a while, but I don't see much I want from this roll-out anyway.
OT, has anyone tried making an in-store return 31 days after an item has shipped? I know the policy is 30 days but it's seriously so cold in NYC today that I made the foolish decision to leave my item at home so I wouldn't have to run out at lunchtime given that I'm getting over being sick. Just wondering if they'll refuse my return tomorrow, or whether they may be more flexible due to the holiday season.
ReplyDeleteloving the turtle earrings!!
ReplyDeleteI really love the basketweave pencil skirt in grass green but really could not wear it in Wis until late April or May so no need to rush to get it. I also like the acorn peach combo in the stripe sweater tee. The t-strap ballet flats are darling but $198! Maybe a version without the gold chain would bring the price closer to the "regular" ballets. The ivy blazer is very nice. I hope it comes in other colors in subsequent rollouts.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing -
ReplyDeleteAll those Top-Siders are this season's Darby's. Has JC hired a shoe buyer who is an 80 year old man from Palm Beach?
They have gone wrong with this "trend". I'm not seeing these shoes on the feet of cool people.
As I posted in yesterday's vent section...
ReplyDeleteToothpick jeans are in great colors... I picked up a few pairs already.
Jewelry is quite nice... picked up an interesting Frog? clasped jewel on tortoise double strand necklace.
Matinee trench in red is really cute for you Northern gals, I don't really need it for my climate.
Think I will hold off on any other purchases until more Spring items roll out...
I love seeing new stuff online, but how long do we think it's going to be before another good promotion (like 30% off)? I still can't seem to figure out how often they come around.
ReplyDeleteIt's so cold and dark here that I can't even think about spring clothing--plus, I have so many things from the holiday promos that haven't even shipped yet. The first thing I look for in a rollout are the new prints, and the Asbury and waterfloral don't work for me at all.
ReplyDeleteI've already purchased the cafe capri in jade and blue. I like the double breasted jacket...but it's in the knit and tee section and made of slub cotton. Sounds like it could be too unstructured and potentially sloppy looking. Plus it's online order only. Maybe if it goes on sale I would order it. I am interested in the striped skirt the model is wearing in the shoe section (she's wearing pink boat shoes)....I'll have to check everyday for that skirt. Aside from that I don't see anything yet!
ReplyDeleteSome nice things, nothing for me though. I don't need any spring or summer clothing. I have plenty, and much of it was purchased on sale. Chino shorts are chino shorts, no need to update for the season. I am happy to see no temptations.
ReplyDeleteI'm so angry at Jcrew! In the last two years the classic leather ballets went from $98 to $110 and now they're $125! I have so many of their ballet flats, I love them but they are flimsy and I always have to add inserts to them. But $125? That's just rude.
ReplyDeleteWell, being that it's like 50 degrees today in Park City (gasp...the man-made snow is melting), I have yet to wear any of my WINTER purchases. But, because winter will eventually arrive, I am going to hold off but I might ---just might---pick up with one of the several GC's I received at XMAS --- the Tillery Purse in green (Love), and the ballet in green and cafe pant in green. For me, this color is perfect for pulling a bit of Spring with some navy, white and black from winter and will take me through the summer.
ReplyDeleteI am curious by the toothpick jean...I would need to try in person to get an accurate fit and I like the Drea pump and SILK PINTUCK BLOUSE. I am also curious by the new JACKIE PULLOVER...could be cute in person.
I also love the beaded tassel necklace.
So iffy about their sweaters from the fall/winter disaster. Need to view in person.
Overall, nothing I am dying to have in the tee section, skirts.
Wow is the jewelry a disappointment. More enamel/plastic crap. Will still be waiting for the return of crystal.
ReplyDelete@xoxo: Will report back as soon as the shipment arrives :) I have high hopes for those Jackie pullovers - I had actually piled 4 of them in my shopping cart this morning before telling myself to chill.
ReplyDelete@cousy: Haha, the J. Crew colors don't do it for me, but I do love me some "old-man brown" Sperrys in the spring and fall. I should hang out with J.Crew's buyer ;) And you're totally right about the sale section. Time to send that stuff to the factory stores or something - it has been online forever!
Slightly OT: I ended up returning the Casablanca Blue cotton pencil skirt. Took it on a brief tour of my closet and I just wasn't a fan of any of the outfits that I was coming up with for that particular shade of blue. The creases in the skirt were also bugging me...I think that the Superfine cotton pencils have more drape but they don't come in very many colors.
Whitney -
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you wear the old time Top Siders well - sounds like you do it without a contrived sense of irony. I grew up with them, and have a sense of affection for Top Siders, but not when they become a joke like they are with JC.
Please don't tell me that you wear the Darby's though...
I'd also like to try out the Jackie pullover, although if you look at the Bright Violet picture it looks as though the stitching on the left shoulder was done poorly. Zoom in and you can see the boo-boo even more clearly! Just because of that I may only want to look for this in-store.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the red/blue/white striped coat? Can't wait for that to show up!
ReplyDeleteI bought both the beechwood and the mango Lucca's last summer and both held up very well. As soon as there is some kind of promo, I will be purchashing the navy - I found the shoes very comfortable!
OT- but a great deal for JCAs. My wedding coordinator just posted a BNWT Stadium Cloth Boulevard Trench, size 2 on Delaware's craigslist. She's only asking $175.
hope someone can enjoy!
I like the warm jade capri pants, enamel-pave bracelet in red, and the color-block striped tee in cerise. A little disappointed in this rollout - seems they are just taking already issued styles and adding spring colors. No purchases for me - waiting for a % off/sale before buying.
ReplyDelete@Whitney, please do report on the Jackie pullovers when you receive them. Would love to hear about quality and fit.
ReplyDelete@ Dara, what do you mean? The return policy for online purchases is still 60 days. In case it was a typo and you meant 61 days, try the Collection store, they are more "liberal" and will at least give you a store credit.
ReplyDelete@ cousy: LOL! No Darby loafers for me, I'm a Bass Weejuns gal :)
ReplyDeleteThe jewelry looks a bit interesting although overpriced. Milljcrew, can you share a picture of the necklace?
ReplyDeleteAlthough I don't normally love blue, the shades they've done are quite striking.
What is up with the shoes? The shoe section used to be my favorite...
I am obsessed with the colored toothpick jeans!!!! I want every color!
I like the Lucca style because I like my heel to be covered. Are they TTS?
ReplyDeleteYes Margaret, the Lucca style is true to size. There were a few pairs this morning in the sale section fyi...
ReplyDeleteI like the double breasted Ivy Blazer but I've noticed that when the online pic shows the sleeves pushed up on the model that generally means that they will be too short for us tall gals. I may try it just to prove myself it won't work, send it back and then not think about it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI ended up returning the Casablanca blue pencil skirt that I bought with the 30% off promo before Christmas. It's just too soon for an unlined cotton skirt. I'm saving my money to stalk the colors I missed in the wool version on eBay. Or here--still looking for jazzy purple or dark turquoise(sorry for the plug)
I stopped in my local B&M today, and although the store was pretty empty, they did have a few new things out. My favorite was the ripplestitch sweater - it is a nice, thick, chunky knit and 100% cotton. I had to restrain myself not to pick it up at full price! I also saw the new frog necklace - it's a thick, double layer tortoise chain, with a bright yellow enamel frog. The only thing I didn't like about it was the tortoise chain was a light tan color, not your typical brown shade.
ReplyDeleteI agree with other commenters that it looks like they recycled the same exact styles from past seasons, simply in new colors. As for price hikes, the same exact cotton pencil skirt now selling for $110 shows up in last year's version at a $98 starting price, two lines down in the skirt section. Still too much too pay anyway--I picked mine up (in navy and dusty mauve) in store end of summer last year for $35 each.
ReplyDeleteI tried on the ivy blazer in-store a few weeks ago and liked it--style fits me better than regular schoolboy which is too bulky in the chest for me. However it is a "shrunken" fit. I had to size up to 14, which of course they didn't have in store, but they let me pre-order it from online and get the 30% off promo that was going on at the time. FWIW, I am 5'9" and don't recall the sleeves being too short.
The colored jeans are cute but you can get those same colors at the Gap right now for much cheaper. Also, AT has a cute cobalt blue cropped pant online that works with the 50% off promo they are doing now (though you do have to pay shipping). It comes out to $44 plus ship--still at lot cheaper than the $80 cafe capris.
OT but there was a huge update in the sale section, by the hundreds, although most of them are popbacks. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteI also saw the Polka Dot Pencil Skirt in the sale section in store, for something like $179, which is cheaper than the $250 full price, but still a lot of dime for something that is worth $90 max.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually a little bit insulted that the new waterfloral pencil skirt is $228 -- TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for a cotton skirt. Did JC forget that they are a MALL store? Most JCAs know there ain't much difference between Collection items and the rest of the merch. Their print pencil skirts used to cost half that at FULL PRICE.
I'm confused: is the Shrunken Fisherman Sweater available in white or not? It's pictured online in white, the default color setting is white, but then when you click on the drop-down box there is no "white" to select.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Boy Shirt in classic white is gone. Again. It's like they post it online to get our attention, and then take it down in an attempt to force us to purchase the Thomas Mason fabric version for twice the price.
I'm so jealous of all of you who were able to fit into the warm jade cafe capris. I tried them on but I was between sizes (on account of my newly acquired muffin top, so not JC's fault)and there was a lot of bunching of fabric on the backs of my thighs in the larger size. I can't wait to lose weight and try them on again. By then they'll be on sale and it will be spring:)
ReplyDeleteWhitney- I saw a white fisherman in the sale section this AM, Large only. I wonder if it will roll out in other colors later. How did that sweater hold up btw? I recall it from last year and I thought it felt like nubby craft yarn, but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteWMM-thanks for the feedback. That was the main reason why I didn't get mango last year, but this year I may pop for a lighter color.
ReplyDeleteDisappointing that the quality cuts continue while the prices increase. The poly Sophia dress is just shameful.
ReplyDeleteHi Ladies, I've been waiting so patiently for these new arrivals and leg me say I did walk out of jcrew today with some goodies! I purchased the no 2 pencil skirt in the basket weave navy color I paired with a white scoop pained tee and this beautiful Teal color belt!! Looks so cute together if I could only get the picture to Dow pad I would share. I also purchased This cute summer dress shown here http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/printed/PRDOVR~59300/59300.jsp.
ReplyDeleteVery flattering on with at waist! I love the new arrivals I would say the only disappointment is the shirt selection, I was looking for some printed tops. Happy shopping ladies!
interested in the blouson dress in stripe, (under looks we love) but it's not online...??
ReplyDeleteI'm already shopping for a spring trip (Scotland, yay!) and was hoping for ... well something to get excited about. Nothing really melted my butter.
ReplyDeleteLattice peacoat looks nice. Thats about it.
I just posted picks of the green toothpick jeans.
ReplyDeleteCass, I tried those colored Gap legging jeans (the blue ones are the same exact shade as the blue grotto) and they looked aweful on me, very 80s (they are high-waisted). Also tried Zara colored pants but they gape in the back. I agree that I would prefer to pay less but the toothpicks are just the right cut for me.
Enjoyed seeing the new arrivals although not overly excited. As others have pointed out, Spring is still several months away. Anyway, my picks:
ReplyDeleteMatinee Trench in Modern Red
Lattice Coat (sad that it doesn't come in Petite)
Jackie Pullover in Byzantine Blue
Blythe Blouse in Pebble Dot (been out for a while. Is it just me or did it use to be $118?)
Gimlet Skirt in Coastal Stripe
Bubble Necklace in Turquoise (this one's not for me though, happy for other JCA's that rock this statement necklace)
Lots of other pretty things but agree that the pricepoints on most of the items are out to lunch.
I reviewed the Marlice popover and Ivy Blazer on my blog a little while ago HERE.
LRA, there was a link for the dress early this a.m. but it went to this one Stripe blouson dress item 42822 and the pink stripe too, in limited sizes. Maybe they'll uodate it soon or they're holding out for a later release date.
ReplyDeleteI think I touched the new space-dyed cardi in grey at the b&m today and it's really, really soft!
Meh, nothing that I gotta grab now. Maybe the blue grotto jeans, but I'm hoping they have them in my store to try on instead of me ordering. In any event, no rush on it.
ReplyDeleteEma, those green toothpicks look so great on you! I would pick the green myself if I were to choose a pair but I don't see that color on the website. I did see it in store today, though. No time to try on but I am going back with my mom this weekend so I'll give them a whirl.
ReplyDeleteI'm not super into any of the new arrivals but usually the catalog sells me on new items more than just the listings on the site. I'm saving the catalog as a treat once my 8 year old is in bed this evening. :)
This is for Carolyn and anyone else in Vancouver -
ReplyDeleteI still order from the US site and have items shipped to Point Roberts for pickup. I rarely have to pay any duty or tax when crossing back (although my orders are rarely over $250). I also have sent things back immediately while down there using the included labels if I don't like them, thus avoiding insurance and Canada Post charges. The Letter Carrier is where I have things shipped - they charge 3 bucks or so per package and if I need to do a return I can tape up my box there and they will give it to UPS.
I get my items much sooner, I pay the lower US prices, and I can also fill up on cheap gas while I'm down there. :)
I don't live on the North Shore, though, which makes it easier for me.
Just thought this might be useful info for some of you!
Ditto what Ema said, I have pair of geen AG cords ( from Anthro) and JCrew does not disappoint in quality in comparison ( and way cheaper too, AGs will set u back $168). I picked up twill toohpicks in light citron and really want a bright blue pair too. I did stop by Gap today on a recommendation from this post and did not like the fit nor the quality of their denim ( sorry, it's just my pesonal opinion).
ReplyDeleteDid they think we wouldn't notice that the "new and improved tricotine fabric" is POLYESTER!? I am horrified. If I want an ugly polyester dress, I'll go to David's Bridal. I shop at J.Crew for gorgeous silk dresses... I just really can't believe they are charging $450 for a poly dress which I would seriously consider if it was silk. They've really gone too far this time.
ReplyDeleteStrange - but if you look at the twill toothpicks in tall - there are two additional colors available - the green being discussed here and a darker pink. Why tall only? Who knows :)
ReplyDeleteHI all. I have to say I am underwealmed. I saw the yellow frog and tortoise chain necklace in store. I liked the ceramic frog, but why the light brown, plastic chain? I also noticed the Plaid toggle coat is back in stock. I tried this and it fit in my perfect shirt size which is one size down from my Double cloth coat size. The fabric was very rough and scratchy. I noticed in the mirror there was a bubble at the shoulder in the back and on inspection the seam had opened up and I could feel the lining inside. I returned it for this reason and because it really was too much of an East Coast look imo. But, it was NOT warm at all. It seemed out of place in the desert where I live. I also think it is overpriced, like so much of their inventory, for what it is.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone about the tricotine/poly fabric..HORRIBLE!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've said it before but as a relatively newish J.Crew shopper I'm underwhelmed with quality and that certain something I look for in new and yet classic pieces.
The Prabal Gurung top is beyond ridiculous. I cannot think of a single person who would wear that--I think it looks dumb even on the model. It's so memorable I don't know how you could wear it more than once. And for almost $500?! If I were spending that much I'd go to a true high-fashion designer.
Honestly, can someone tell me who they are marketing with those Collection items?
Ema, do the toothpicks stretch? I have always been a matchstick girl, and the recent matchstick cords were very loose! I took my usual matchstick size and i had to get major waist alterations! (it's cheaper than sending it back with international shipping).
ReplyDeleteWould you also say that the toothpicks really hug close to the calves compared to matchsticks?
Thanks for the help!!
I think the crewlade is wearing off. For the 1st time that I can remember, I'm just not interested. The decline in quality has made me think long and hard before I place an order. I am slightly tempted by the jackie pullover but if you zoom in on the purple color you can see the messy stitch on one side. Wouldn't you think they'd find a flaw-free sweater to show online? I'll wait for a promo and free shipping. Maybe.
ReplyDelete@meghan, I wonder if this, and earlier "designs," are things Prabal couldn't sell to real stores.
ReplyDeleteG_g,, in my experience the toothpicks don't stretch at all, unlike the matchsticks (I have both), and yes they hug your calves much more. They are superskinny jeans. However this is a different fabric so I don't know if they have the same qualities. I wear the same size in matchsticks and toothpicks fyi. HTH!
ReplyDeleteTo comment on the toothpicks... I did find them to stretch out. I bought two pairs originally (blue, neon) and sized up. After wearing the blue.. I exchanged the neon for my normal size.
Just my experience.... they do hug every curve you have so keep that in mind. If you want a looser fit, size up.
Not impressed with the new arrivals. Some of the shoes are nice. Regarding quality,as of late, I never ever ever purchase from J. Crew without a discount. The original retail price is always ridiculous! Especially when you see how deeply discounted it eventually becomes. Six years ago I'd walk into a B&M and purchase plenty at full price, but the quality has certainly changed since then.
ReplyDeleteI am probably the lone voice of dissent on the Prabal Garung exploding rose top. If it weren't so expensive, I would buy it. I would wear it under a suit jacket with a pencil skirt to work - ruffles poking out would be pretty. Take off the jacket, change the shoes and it would go out after work. I would pair it with skinny jeans or a pair of flown silky pants too. I think it's gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteSaw a few things of interest, but nothing I must have. I do love the new colors of the toothpick jeans. Hope my store has them in so I can see how they look on me. Anyone seen the bright papaya color irl yet? That intrigues me…
ReplyDeleteAnd I’ve tried on the Gap colored jeans too and prefer J.Crew’s toothpick jeans. I just like the fit better and since I’m petite, the length is perfect. The Gap jeans are too long for me. Someone mentioned AG. I love their skinny colored jeans. They are more $$, but very nice. Beware, they stretch out. Size down.
I'm with Desert Flower - I don't think the exploding flower top is bad - it depends how it is worn.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should save this for the vent column, but I still can't get over some of the sale prices.
I look frequently at the crewcuts ssection since I have kids, and I can;t for the life of me figure out who would pay $90 final sale for a pair of girls jeans.
I have a review of the Ashbury Floral Dress here.
ReplyDeleteHi I have to agree with the overpricing! I like the colorblock stripe long sleeve tee but for a "running errands" shirt I cannot believe they want $45.00!!! And, the sale section is about to implode ....why are there no new discounts???? Yeah, I will pay $160.00 FINAL SALE for a pair of pants. REALLY JCREW???
ReplyDeleteSorry for the vents!!!
I know someone mentioned the Jubilee Jacket in tinsel tweed. I tried it and returned it when my hubby said I looked like his grandma and I am no spring chicken. IMO skip it unless you are about 60 years old, or want to look 60 years old. Quality was just so/so for such a pricey, acrylic item.
Hi Rose, thanks for the review of the Ashbury floral dress. It has been in my store for weeks but I knew it was WAY too short for me. Unless they made another longer online version I cannot believe that the model online is wearing the same dress as the one in store. I am that model's height and that dress barely covered by bum.
ReplyDeleteEma- just saw the toothpicks in green and fell in love also! Tried on the gap jeans and theyvwere a hot mess, hoping to try on the toothpicks and take them home! Are you in NYC? Which store did you go to if you dont mind me asking?
ReplyDelete@wellfedfred: HA! probably. don't worry though, he suggest pairing your new $500 top with "some old jeans."
Jessie, yes I am in NYC. I went to the Collection store on Madison @ 79th which is close to where I live but I think all the stores received them. You can call them ahead of going and double check.
ReplyDeleteI went ahead and defied winter by buying the Hot Dot swim top and bottom. Love the mid-century shape -- it looks like such a flattering bikini! I had to order a couple of sizes, not sure where I'll land. Can't wait for my beach trip to wear it. :)
ReplyDeleteI just ordered my first pair of the Ballerina Flats. Do any of you have them? If so how do you find them to be? Do you love them or Hate them?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen the Jcrew Bubble necklace IRL? Can anyone compare the quality of the turquoise version with last years H&M version? I got the the H&M one and contemplating on getting the jcrew one cos the H&M really looks plasticky in my opinion.. Am I crazy? :-)
ReplyDeleteG_g, I didn't see the turquoise one in store yet but I saw the coral one (which is beautiful) and if they are the same the difference with the H&M one is that the stones aren't multifaceted but smooth in the JCrew one. I have a Jcrew one from a few years ago in the violet color and also the H&M and I think the H&M is a good knockoff for the price ($9.95 versus $150) and I have worn the JCrew one very little because it was very heavy (someone commented that this new version isn't heavy but I haven't tried it). In the end it comes down to how often do you think you are going to wear it IMO and from the outside there isn't such a big difference (I got many compliments on the H&M). I think that since you have a turquoise already, another color would make more sense. HTH!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
My store received all the colors of the toothpick jeans and the colors are nice. Unfortunately, these colors just didn't work out for me. I'll just wait a snag some colored chino shorts for my color fix.
ReplyDeleteThe Jackie pullovers were not yet in and SA didn't think they would be in anytime soon. Strange. Not many new arrivals, but did see the new solid boy shirts. Love! But...not for $70. :(
Hope some good sales are coming...I spotted the jean jacket too I want and possibly the maritime dress in black that is never on sale.
Happy New Year!
This probably belongs in the vents section, but it does pertain to new arrivals, so I'm going to complain, lol! I'm really disappointed they discontinued sz. 33 in their jeans and cords. Why? I'm a 10/12, but I think some of their jeans run small and prefer a 33 to the 32. Well, I guess that option isn't available to me anymore. I think that's a big mistake on JC's part.
ReplyDelete@JRRuby: I'm in 100% agreement with you, as I fit in the pants exactly the same way!!!! Even some skirts are only up to 10/12, and if you want it to be loose/longer it's not available any larger. Boo Crew!
ReplyDelete@Mackenzie Anne: I will not ever buy J.Crew shoes because I find them to be very flimsy and rather poorly made. I saw the Ballerina flats in store and a flat is one shoe I won't skimp on; these practically bend in half. I just looked at the product description online and they claim they updated them with more padding--not buying it. And for $125?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteA cousin of mine paid some ridiculous amount for J.Crew boots (don't know the style name unfortunately) and this makes 1 year she had them: the leather is rubbing away.
Thank you Meghan! I appreciate your feedback. I'll see how they are when I get them if I'm not happy I will return. thanks
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