So if you are stopping by a J.Crew store this weekend, maybe you might be willing to share that with us in this post. In particular, if you could share with us a few sale items that are available, at what prices, and potential sizes the store is carrying (as well as the store location)- that would be fantastic! Moreover, let's make this a weekly post (the "sale watch") so we can help each other out. ;) Thanks in advance!!! :)
P.S. I noticed that some of you have already been reporting sale items (in which stores) in other posts, which by the way "thank you!" :)
Alexis: It will be great for the Store Sale Items to have their own posts...not sure if I will make it out to my store this weekend, but I know this is the last week of their sale, as the new Fall merchandise is coming in...at least that's what the Manager told me last week. :)
ReplyDeleteI think that's a great idea!
ReplyDeleteAlso, would love to see that fall lookbook :)
Fall lookbook would be scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteHey Alexis:
ReplyDeleteIn northern NJ, the Short Hills Mall JC still has 25% off all sale merchandise (final sale), and the Rockaway Townsquare has 25% off women's and 40% off men's. I was at Short Hills yesterday and got 2 lovely T shirts for my boyfriend ($9.99 +25%) and dug through the decimated women's section (it had really been picked over, but they still had some good stuff) and uncovered an Ocho Rios cotton cardigan ($29.99+25%). I'm going to go back again today!
As to visiting my local store at Willow Grove, I won't be buying anything there for a while. Too rude. If I happen to walk through though, I would be happy to post anything I see.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning! I received an Email Notification from UPS this morning through their Brown Bulletin warning about a fradulent Email being sent with a Virus attached...with the permission of Alexis I am posting the email I received that warns against it...this is NOT the email with the virus. Here it is:
ReplyDeleteAttention Virus Warning
We have become aware there is a fraudulent e-mail being sent that says it is coming from UPS and leads the reader to believe that a UPS shipment could not be delivered. The reader is advised to open an attachment reportedly containing a waybill for the shipment to be picked up.
This e-mail attachment contains a virus. We recommend that you do not open the attachment, but delete the e-mail immediately.
UPS may send official notification messages on occasion, but they rarely include attachments. If you receive a notification message that includes an attachment and are in doubt about its authenticity, please contact customerservice@ups.com.
Please note that UPS takes its customer relationships very seriously, but cannot take responsibility for the unauthorized actions of third parties.
Thank you for your attention.
I hope this will be beneficial, since most of us are awaiting packages from UPS, and could easily fall prey to this type of email. :) Have a great day!
I am going to my first J Crew outlet this weekend. Never been to one and not sure what to expect. I'll be out of town and found out their was one where I'm going.
ReplyDeleteIs it like BR outlet where they have clothes made for the outlet? Or is it clothes from actual J Crew stores just past season? Thanks!!!
The outlets I've been to in PA (The Crossings) and NY (Woodbury Commons) are very like the Banana Republic outlets in that they mostly stock merchandise that is made specifically for the outlet, and very little actual merchandise from the catalogue (although I have seen some pieces). I've found a couple of nice things, but overall it's better to wait out the sales on line--quality tends to be better and the bargains are unbeatable (that is, if they ever get the darned thing running properly again!)
ReplyDeleteI will be there friday afternoon/early evening... If I see anything good in the sale section I will let you all know. Also, I will note if the extra 25% off is still going on.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mary on the outlets.
Finally, someone posted on another thread, I think it was Vivian about a CS rep who said that we couldn't combine discounts... no free shipping on sale items, no teacher's discounts. I would really like Jcrew to create firm store policies. I think its a snub to say no free shipping on sale merchandise and I think its an even greater snub and going against their core beliefs if they say educators and students can't use their discount on sale items. They have those discounts available as supports to teachers and students because they support education. They should honor them at all times, otherwise, it is pretty obvious where the company's ethic lie.
Going back to the outlets, Jcrew will have items at the outlet that *look* like items in their regular collection i.e. similar prints and styling, but the materials are no where near the materials in the regular collections and the fit is slightly off as well. I also find the outlet prices aren't *that* great, I've found better deals online/b&m for regular jcrew stores
ReplyDeletei.e. outlets have a version of the jackie cardigan, but its not as soft, material is stiffer, colour selection is limited, for a reg (outlet) price of $49.99, vs. at end of season, I've seen the jackie cardigan fall down to around taht amount. Granted, you have to wait but your getting a much much better product.
They also have some sweater jackets available (the last time I went to the outlets which were the Howell outlets in Michigan) - again they are not as weighty as the sweater jackets in the normal store (Corrine, Kelly), the fit was a bit off and they were at a regular (outlet) price of $89.99, and both teh Corrine and Kelly jackets were priced much lower than this ($49.99 and $69.99) during the final sale. I have both jackets actually and I got them at $70 for the Corrine and $55 for the Kelly. (both are excellent jackets btw, I've gotten so much use out of them! and they will transition nicely into the fall as well!)
Blumre: I agree. I just had an argument with the people at Willow Grove yesterday about that very subject. They ended up giving me the discount "this time," but they would not listen to me even though I showed them the page from the website and told them that customer service always gives the discount on everything, and that I have gotten the discount at other stores. They put out cards in the store that says the discounts are on all purchases, but they told me that it's really just full price merchandise. They said they aren't even supposed to do it on sale merchandise, because it's "just too big a discount." They kept cutting me off, and they acted like they were doing me a huge favor by even entertaining the discount. I personally think they should honor the discount at all times, especially when even the website says "any purchase," but honestly what I would really like is some freaking consistency. And to not be treated poorly because I am a student with loans pouring out of every orifice who wants to take advantage of discounts where I can get them.
ReplyDeleteI used to work in retail for a while, and I know it can be a drag at times (although I'm sure they make sure they get their employee discount on everything possible). But there is no excuse for the condescension these people hurl at you when you ask for a discount they clearly don't think you deserve. I seriously felt like the subtext of the exchange was "maybe you should shop somewhere else if you can't even afford sale merchandise," and the store was full of people. Contrast that with the Albany store, who asked ME if I am a student or teacher and happily applied my discount and gave me free shipping on the antique fleece shawl cardigan I ordered from them. Calling the Albany store was a pleasure, and I wish they weren't like 300 miles away or I would shop there exclusively :P
Regarding the outlets, they take last years collection and pretty much create pieces based on this. I agree, quality is much poorer and price isn't that great. Especially the wool sweaters, they feel like hay :) Sometimes the cuts are really really big too, it's odd. Definitely the discerning eye of the aficianadas would not be pleased by much of their stuff.....
ReplyDeleteAt lunch yesterday I swung by the Lenox Square J Crew in Atlanta - they are still having their 25% additional off Final Sale going on, but have not put out a lot of new things. In fact, there were so many Small sizes that I didn't try anything on. The same sale (and mostly the same items) were there over the 4th, so I don't think there's a need to go in unless you're a size S or a 2.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, the new Madewell just opened up in Atlanta. I didn't have a chance to go in, but I really want to see what they have. From the window it looked like an Abercrombie.
On another another note, I still cannot get to the web site!! Is it just me?
stephanie: I am able to get on the website.
ReplyDeletethank you so much for this post Alexis!
ReplyDeleteI'll be hitting several j.crews in the next couple of days (maybe even one this afternoon :) and will definitely report back. Hopefully with the new fall arrivals coming in, the shoulder season stuff like the belle skirt and the florentine print sweater will get marked down!
any more word on the scanned fall look book? I'm drooling for it...
michele that sucks I am sorry you had to go through that.
ReplyDelete(am posting this here bec. this is the newest thread and I see some PR fans on here)...just wanted to share my thoughts..
ReplyDeleteFellow Project Runway aficionados: Great opening episode, I thought. The girl who won totally deserved to - that was brilliant what she did with the coffee filters. The Cup dress was a deserved second - so innovative, and I loved the veggie neckline on the third top finalist.
Among the others, I really liked the yellow dress that had a flower on the shoulder (I think - it went so quickly, I barely got time to notice details), as well as the oven mitt dress. The mop top was to die for - just so creative.
Among the bottom three: Yeech. The tan guy (who seems kind of creepy) created something that was hideous. He was only saved by the other two's disasters. My guess Stella was saved because at least her garbage dress had form - the other guy, it was just incredible how bad that outfit was all the way around. The shapeless jacket, the boring dress, and the yellow gloves...just awful.
Can't wait for the next episode :-)
Yeech is right on the tan guy. I think they kept garbage bag girl around because she will add character to the show (kind of alike Angela a few years ago).
ReplyDeleteI like the girl who dressed like she is right out of 1950. I bet the stuff we see from her is great!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletela belle helene and blumre: I am also a huge fan of Project Runway...been watching since the beginning season, and LOVE it! I had to record last night's episode, and haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I will soon...then I will definitely have more input for you. :)
ReplyDeleteBlumre - that was my thought, too, about 1950s girl. I thought there were some very creative designs last night, very innovative. Props to the few who opted not to go the tablecloth route, too.
ReplyDeleteI just love watching the designers come up with ideas and create them, because it's amazing to me how fast they have to work - I mean, yesterday, they would have had to be imagining their final outfit even as they're desperately searching for material at the store...
BTW, I loved Laura Bennett from season 3. Uli, too. Would have worn a lot of what those two made. Hateds the guy who won, Jeff S-something - he was such an unpleasant character, and his creations were ugly.
Liked last season a lot, and totally thought Christian deserved to win. I think, incidentally, tan creepy guy is trying to be this season's Christian, complete with little catchphrases.
The pleated garden skirt- item 5549is on sale for 59.99 in the stores, not all colors though. I also bet it will go down further, it does not appear to be selling. I didn't bother because I don't love it....not sure of the fullness of it-may add unecessary "pouf" to my waist/stomach area.......I wish they would update the website to reflect the store prices! The merchandise on line must just be sitting there!
ReplyDeleteI seriously do NOT think that I could handle that kind of pressure. I am so amazed at the creations that they can come up with in such a short amount of time. I would be nothing more than a sobbing heap in a corner if I had to be that creative, that quickly. LOL. PR and Desperate Housewives...my two favs!
ReplyDeleteI was just in Brinton Lakes, PA store- tons of cotton capris left, some suiting(I dont really look for it, I am a SAHM), tons of buttery soft cargos, 2 madras patchwork jackets ( I think they were 2's or 4's)a BLACK SAN TELMO size 6, 3 yellow tulip kacets ( not sure of sizes), TONS of cotton V neck tees in every color under the sun.
ReplyDeleteAnd they told me they dont have any catalogs yet:(
My store has lots of the Flowy Jersey dresses (95804) on sale 59.99 plus 25% (still full price on-line). They have alot in the Dark Slate and also Fresh Strawberry.
ReplyDeleteThey also have several of the Tulip jacket in Flame also on sale didn't notice the price but is also 25% off.
Southlake, Tx 817-416-1098
I will be moving this weekend (and next!), so no J. Crew store for me :(
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Has anyone tried on/purchased the Cadet pants? They have them back online in my size in the dark slate and I was thinking about purchasing them...
FYI: Just got a hint from the Lenox store in Atlanta that stores will soon be sending all their sale merchandise back to catalog, so there might be some hard to find items appearing online at the end of the month!
ReplyDeleteI am disappointed that the fall stuff is coming out so soon. I would like to see the sale stuff hang around the stores MUCH longer...at least another 3-4 weeks. I don't trust online one bit and it will take at least a month or more of consistent updating and finally receiving my long lost orders for me to order online again...if ever at this rate.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if the few items I have seen are a true picture of the fall line seems like a lot of repetion with slight variations...i.e. the corduroy jacket...similar style and color as last season...
ReplyDeleteI've always tried to buy clothes to suit my taste (which tends to be rather classic, with a few eccentric touches) rather than the current trends. That's part of why I do like jcrew. Apart from a few "what the heck were they thinking!??" items, most of their clothes are classic pieces that do not date easily.
Now if only they'll increase the quality to match the price!
jcrewmommy: I was just looking through the exchange post, and I saw that you are the seller of the ivory/navy striped Katie sweater size S I just bought! Haha what a coincidence. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI actually don't live near Atlanta, I was calling to look for the ever-elusive Polka dot San Telmo (they don't have it :P). The gentleman on the phone was helpful and nice to me, and he even offered me that tip. Other than that, I don't have any experience with that particular store. I know what you mean about snottiness though ... I have the same problem at my local J.Crew (which is why I try not to deal with them at all).
Michelle: I saw the polka dot San Telmo on ebay in a size 0 item #260262810884. I have the black one and went to a 2 in it although I normally wear a 4 on top. This jacket is boxy enough to allow some room to size down. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sally :) I need a size 4 though ... I have the black in a size 4 and that fits perfectly. I appreciate the info though!
ReplyDeleteI think the sale post is a great idea, Alexis.
ReplyDeleteI've already ranted about this in other threads--but hey, I'm home all this week recovering from a kidney infection and I have nothing better to do! According to the CSR I spoke to last night, the catalog/web will not honor store sale prices unless you are calling from the store. Lot of good that does those of us who don't live near stores :-(
michelle: ok. I'll keep an eye out for it on my end, too.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I just received my matchstick jeans that I ordered from another store since mine didn't have my size and they have significantly more whiskering than the ones at my store, aarrggg! Believe me I don't need more emphasis on the hip area! But as far as fit goes, they are surprisingly flattering for a matchstick jean, I recommend them.
It has been my understanding that if the store does not have the item available in your size, but the website does, only at a higher price...then you are entitled to purchase the online item for the same as the in-store price. It has nothing to do with how close you are to a store...the web should match the store price and vice-versa. :) I have noticed that several retailers actually make the online items less expensive than they are in the store to offset the cost of shipping...that would be a huge incentive to shop online with J.Crew if they implemented that practice...wishful thinking...
ReplyDeleteJ.Crew Mommy, I guess next time I will try to state my case a little better to the CSR :-)
ReplyDeleteBut that's why I'm frustrated--Is it a "company policy" (as the CSR told me last night) or does just it just depend on whether the CSR had her tasty Frappucino that morning?
And it still means that before I order anything off the web I'll have to call a store--or check this blog :-) -- to see if the B&M customers are getting a better deal. I wish they'd just treat us equally. OK, I promise to stop ranting now!
jcrewmommy: I thought the price was fair ... I know that it was less on sale in the store, but they don't have it in stock anymore and I also know that you probably paid more for it. I felt it was a good compromise, especially given what they are going for on eBay. I hope you thought the price was fair too :) You are a great seller and I would buy from you again! I personally like to pay immediately, because I am also a seller and I know I appreciate when buyers do that. I have the Katie sweater in geranium and I LOVE it, which is why I wanted the striped one as well. Thanks again ... I am really excited to receive it :)
ReplyDeleteTo all: I just realized that although it's about a past transaction, this is outside the designated exchange forum ... sorry about that!
hexicon, i am trying to get a matched price on some pants via the website also. i emailed, though, as i often do since getting a quiet five minutes usually means one of the boys is in trouble... i'll let you know what happens.
ReplyDeleteJcrewmommy,ffm,hexicon,michele and others. I have had the store price honored online before. Esp if I already ordered something and then went to the store the next day and my size and color were there and I didn't get it because I already ordered it. They have then honored the price.
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: I'm glad you made your money back ... that's all any of us who buy at our peril during final sale can ask for!
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: YES! Definitely wear the San Telmo with long sleeve shirts this Fall and Winter. I plan to pair it with a Gray Turtleneck and Dark Trouser Jeans with boots, a White Turtleneck with Gray Pants or Khakis, a Tan Turtleneck with Dark Brown or Winter White Pants...I think it will be a really fresh and chic look to have the longer sleeve shirts under the shorter sleeve jackets...it will also allow us to get alot more use out of all of our 3/4 sleeve jackets. :)
ReplyDeleteI live in Manhattan and it seems to be running out of everything. I was in a store the other day and was pleasantly surprised to find that while sometime things online or on sale in the store that it also works the opposite lots of times too. I found the strappy Florence at a store and it was full priced still - they gladly adjusted it for me to the 179.99 and 25% off!! Now I have the dress I wanted for a wedding this weekend!
ReplyDeleteNY store on Madsion Avenue has the 120s line skirts and pants at 39.99 plus 25% off sale items. They has a lot of the black and the navy pinstripe.
ReplyDeleteFFM: I think you mentioned that the Kelly Jacket in S in Flame was one of your MIA items. I just bought one and feel that it's too similar to one of the sweater jackets I bought last year (can't remember the name). I bought it for 52.49 plus tax and shipping (10.50) no they didn't waive it for me either. If you still want it, I'll be happy to sell it to you.
ReplyDeleteI just got back from a trip to the Short Hills Mall in NJ, and picked up some more tee shirts for my boyfriend...I know some of you have been having trouble with salespeople stacking the additional 15% educators discount along with the 25% off on final sale items, but they did it for me at Short Hills, no problem...just showed them my NJEA card, and I got two nice shirts for under $15.00. BTW, the salespeople tend to be super-nice at that store, and the Rockaway salespeople are very nice as well, so they are good stores to visit if you are ever in NJ.
ReplyDeleteThe pinstripe jacket is on sale at stores for $69.99 but the sizes are limited.
ReplyDeleteI just had a new experience with the final sale items. I had an item set to me from another store. They marked a red line through the SKU on the price tag and also put a red stamp on the receipt noting it was a final sale item. I know they do it all over the on-line purchases.
ReplyDeleteBut this was a first for me in all the years I've been shopping with J Crew, I never saw this before. I guess they are really trying to buckle down on final sale. I frequent my store so often that they still return fs items for me but I wonder if this now makes it pretty impossible???
Also, when I was at my store, they made a note to tell me I was purchasing a final sale item, also Never had this happen before...
Jcm: What photographer link are you talking about - I think I missed something.
ReplyDeletesally: Thanks so much for thinking of me for the Kelly Jacket! I am going to wait it out a few more days to see if mine actually ends up on my doorstep...fingers crossed...I know it is a long shot, but the price I was to get it for just can't be beat. Plus...I already spent that money (yes, already...I am quick about that sort of thing ;), as I found a really great sale on kids' clothes and purchased my 3 youngest boys several outfits each, plus swimsuits for just a little bit more than the jacket and blouse together would have cost me. I will definitely check back with you if anything changes...thanks again for thinking of me! :)
ReplyDeletekatdep: it's this one daymion Mardel
ReplyDeleteunder portfolios, go to advertising/commercial I
enjoy!! :)
jcrewmommy: Thanks for the compliment! I am always glad to help! :)
ReplyDeletethanks so much!!!
ReplyDeleteOh such pretty photos! It almost looks like it could possibly be J.Crew Collection based on some of the richer fabrics... and the other pictures are definitely from Madewell, I remember seeing them on the website.
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy and katdep: i know, i love looking at those pictues...very pretty...i have that website bookmarked! :)
ReplyDeleteffm: no problem. I hope yours does show up.
ReplyDeleteI may try returning it but I love the SAs at my store so much that I hate to put them in an awkward position. If anyone else is interested in it, let me know. I may hold on to it for a few more days. I guess there's always eBay. :)
jcrewmommy: that glitter pencil skirt is divine!!
ReplyDeletewhat the heck is up with a floor length madras skirt. OH EWWWWW. I hope that was for summer and never made it into the catalog. VOMIT
ReplyDeletejcm: no problem! I live near NYC so I'm hoping to visit Madewell one day this summer just to check it out, since there's no e-commerce site. Although, I hope they will have fall stuff when I go because supposedly they have nice leather boots.
ReplyDeleteAlso, those pictures from the photoshoot remind me of the 70's, especially that brown and yellow print jacket. =)
whoops, meant to say brown and yellow print DRESS.
ReplyDeleteIt was me that was asked to scan the photos but it's not the look book, it's the catalog. My husband sold the scanner in a garage sale this past spring. Oh well. Anyway, ALOT of those photos ARE a JCREW!!!!
ReplyDeleteThose clutches, necklaces and bracelets are in the new cat. Oddly these clothes are a little different from what I've seen in cat. Color are the same though.
blumre: that was summer '07...those jcrew pics at the end are definitely from past seasons...i actually have the t-shirt she's wearing with the skirt...it's my fav. ringspun cotton t...:) but i agree with you about the skirt ;)
ReplyDeletebtw, the brown coat on page 16 is $2000!!! It's cashmere! It's in the look book, not the cat.
ReplyDeleteccbmum: oh yea, now I remember it. Dude I love madras more than anyone I have ever met... but that one is just too much to be ok. lol
ReplyDeleteccbmum: you're right about those photos towards the end, but the earlier photos are definitely new ones. YAY!
ReplyDeletesally: $2000 for that coat! wow! i don't love the color anyway ;)
ReplyDeletei do however love the chocolate brown with yellow combo...
Pages1-8 are definitely new J Crew. I'm not sure what 10- 14 are, maybe madewell (not familiar with them). But 15-18 are directly from J crew's new look book. After that, it's old stuff.
ReplyDeletethe middle ones are madewell...they show some of that stuff on their website and some was in a sneak peak on the fabsugar website :)
ReplyDeleteccbmum: did you check out the shoes in the same photo as that brown and yellow dress? They are super cute in the cat! They're a spectator-style maryjane for $228! I think that's TOO much! I would pay that for some Louboutins or Manolos on sale but not for J crew shoes. Isn't that strange.
ReplyDeleteI like the green jacket on page 7 ... does anyone have any idea how much that one costs?
ReplyDeleteactually under advertising/commercial II is all madewell also :)
ReplyDeletesally: i LOVE those shoes...are they like a natural tan color? it's hard to tell for sure in the pic. i've been eying those. unfortunately i don't wear heels very often...and yes they are too much $$ for jcrew shoes...i would pay that much for cole haan's too...but they are gorgeous!
ReplyDeletemichelle: that jacket is in the catalog but only says to see jcrew.com for details it's one of those "shown with" items so no details except for "Metalic Giraffe Day Coat, item 96171J". Sorry no price though. :)
ReplyDeletethanks sally! I'm going to keep my eye on it :)
ReplyDeleteccbmum: Totally agree about the Cole Haans too. The color is called Ember. It's darker than tan but lighter than chocolate. Actually, it's close to the color of the coat. ;)
ReplyDeletethanks sally! they are yummy! :)
ReplyDeletei should add that i love that color on the shoes but not as much on the coat :P
ReplyDeletebtw, for those of you who like clutches, the one on pg 3 is, HELLO $495!!! It's geniune python and part of the "Collection".
ReplyDeleteThe dress on pg4 is also in the cat for $328.
I hope we're all saving up because we are talking about some serious investments here!
To all of you mommys on here...I mentioned in a previous post that I had purchased numerous items for my 3 youngest boys on sale...well, I'm not sure how many of you ever shop at The Children's Place, but they are having a fantastic 50% off sale right now. I bought 21 items for $70, making them roughly $3.50 each...not too bad...that's about the same cost of my Kelly Jacket and Joelle Blouse that are MIA, and the clothes are really cute, too. Tons of plaid shorts, cute tees, and polo shirts, as well. I was able to get free shipping, as I intially went to the store at the mall, but since they didn't have all of the items I was looking for, the associate gave me a coupon for Free Shipping. It's only good for one time use, otherwise I would share it here. I actually placed an order online last night, and then decided to purchase more this morning, but my coupon didn't work again. SO...I called the store and the assoc. gave me a new code over the phone. It might be worth a try calling to the store to ask for one if you happen to want to shop the sale. :) Oh yeh...there is a code for 15% extra off: FA78...that's part of the reason I got the deals I did.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the daymion mardel link, I haven't gotten a new catologue yet (got another summer repeat yesterday, grrr). I really like the cream color cardigan with ruffle. I also like the swissdot ruffle shirt (on pg22). I also love the royal blue skirt with white hem. I may try to make it!
ReplyDeleteI like the orange heels, I have been looking for a pair ever since a year or two ago, I waited too long to buy a pair of orange suede pumps on zappos, then they sold out.
Honestly, I'm not wowed by this crop of new clothes... I'm not liking the proportions. Being very petite, I simply cannot do these sweater tunics, oversized jackets and belts. I also do not like the long skirts and dresses. Might as well throw a blanket over me, it'd have the same effect. I also *hate* bootie heels or whatever they are called... throw on a cosby sweater and leggings and they remind me of my mother and her sisters' outfits in the 80s-- not something I am trying to emulate.
Does anyone else think the model's pose/look on page 8 is super cheesy? :P It's like glamour shots. I can't picture that in jcrew.
ReplyDeleteSome of this stuff seems like repeats (madras maxi skirt, gold sequin top, ruffle cardigan), but I think it's all new. jcrew does tend to offer the same item several seasons in a row (sometimes with updated style and fit), which I like.
jcrewmommy: where are you from in southern illinois? I just moved from paducah to lexington.
ReplyDeleteffm: I know that you have covered this and can't find the post. I bought the orange candace. any idea on how to wear it with jeans? Everything I put on with it hangs way out of the bottom.
ccbmum: yes, that IS J Crew. Several of the pieces shown I have already seen in the new Look Book (the long gloves and the clutch with the rosette for example.) If anyone would like to know what some of the upcoming pieces look like then they need to look at these pics! Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley! Great choice on the Sweet Orange Candace...it's very cute! I think that probably most shirts are going to hang out the bottom, so I would suggest wearing one that is more fitted, such as a navy blue, white, or tan tank...the fact that it extends past the jacket will actually help to give a longer silohuette. I think that it would also be cute to tuck in the shirt and wear a belt, such as one of the metallic belts in Pale Gold, which coordinates back to the coloring on the outer rim of the buttons. The tucked in look with the belt would also look great with the jacket left open. I think that the Sweet Orange would also look pretty with a tan tank and white pants, or a navy tank and khaki pants. You have alot of options on this one. I hope this helps! I know that some tanks and tees are a little bit shorter than others, so you may be able to find one that can be left untucked, but not extend past the jacket too much. :)
ReplyDeletesally: How does the jacket fit? I am usually an XS, but have been looking for that same jacket in the Flame color. Thanks for any info that you can give me.
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: If you remember, last year they showed jackets with shorter sleeves and the tissue tees underneath. I thought that this was so pretty. In some of the pictures the sleeves on the tissue tees were left long, in others they were pushed up. I have the J Crew black Mandy jacket and I pair it with a fuchsia, long sleeve tissue tee and it looks fabulous. You could pick up one of the colors on the inside of the San Telmo jacket (which is so beautiful!) and that would look terrific as well. Since I am always at athletic events I know what you mean about wanting to look nice. Basketball is THE BEST if you want to dress up since, unlike football and baseball, it is indoors! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am wearing my Candace sweater jacket (in sweet orange) right now! :) I have it paired with a white J Crew tank (I live in these things!) and khaki shorts. I also have on a pair of J Crew's gold capri sandals (not the most comfortable, but I wear their capri sandals almost every single day). I did not tuck the tank in, but FFM's suggestion of doing so and belting with the Gold Skinny belt is terrific!
ReplyDeleteWhen I've worn my candace jacket (in sweet orange) with jeans, I've done it with a fitted cotton/jersey sleeveless shell, short sleeve t, or tank tops that are not too long/hit at or just above the hip. Colors have been navy, chocolate brown, heathered grey, and white. I have also worn it with the white/slate grey stripe square neck tissue t from old navy (jcrew has done a similar shirt), which is a little longer than I usually wear my shirts, but I think the length and color combo worked well.
I think the halter with ruffle collar (elizabeth halter I think?) would look nice with the candace, too.
I actually had on the Navy Blue Elizabeth Halter when I tried the Orange Candace at the store, and it looked really pretty together. :)
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know how this happened but somehow I am now seeing the old sale section at jcrew.com
ReplyDeletesee here:
there are some items here that were not in stock at the new website...don't know why i got this screen...
jcrewjunkie: Too me it is pretty true but I do think it's a bit more fitted/snug in the body than some of their other more boxy sweater jackets. Also I think the shoulders are a little more narrow than the typical small.
ReplyDeleteoh it feels so nice to see the old sale site... its like going home again
ReplyDeletea: that is SO strange! It is showing ALOT of items as still available...I wonder what would happen if you actually purchased something?
ReplyDeleteThis really brings back WONDERFUL memories...ahh...the good old days, well...just 3 weeks ago actually, but those WERE the good ole days. :)
a: How I miss that version of the website! it's like being home again. :)
ReplyDeletea - if you try to purchase something, a dialogue box (on my Apple) shows up saying that it is not a trusted certificate. I would stay away in the event it may take your information and not be legitimate or lose your order.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I shop online, I make sure I always look to the security logo before paying online.
blumre: I think smart minds think alike! I hadn't even seen your comment yet when I wrote mine. :)
ReplyDeleteI do want to say I was eager and tempted to purchase from the old site, just because it looked pretty! :-)
ReplyDeleteThis look book people are talking about, is that something that's available to all? I don't think I've ever seen one - I just get the catalogues.
ReplyDeleteIf you try to check out it gives the security certificate error, and then if you opt to continue to the site, it takes you to the new J.Crew website...bummer...
ReplyDeletenicely done sally!!!
ReplyDeletein an update: now 17 days later, it looks as though the madras jacket has gone into the jcrew abyss along with all the other missing purchases. They credited me back my full amount (I will watch to make sure it happens). And if it dose come I am just going to bring it back to the store.
THANK GOD I ran out last week and got the last size 4 in manhattan! And I got it at a lesser price. So I guess my story ends with a happy ending. But I will be very skeptical of ordering online in the future.
jcrewmommy: The San Telmo also looks pretty if you pair it with a purple that matches the lining on the sleeves. The tan, white, and brown also work well because they pick up the color of the lining, and the brown of the buttons. :)
ReplyDeletelbh: the look book is at the stores for pre-ordering items. Many people receive them in the mail also. I usually do but did not this time. Come to think of it I got my last one with my rewards card. So maybe I still have one coming, not sure.
ReplyDeleteoh ok, I've seen the look book on line - I didn't realize one could also get an actual copy. That would be nice.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check at my store if they have a look book. From some of your descriptions of the fall offerings, Sally, I may want to place a pre-order... :-)
ReplyDeleteExactly what was wrong with the old site again? Ah, memories!
ReplyDeleteFFM: Thanks for the info regarding the sale at Children's Place. There's a b&m store near us and it's usually well stocked, not too crowded, so I'll make a trip over there tomorrow.
ReplyDeletewebbysuzy: do you know about their PlacePerks program?
ReplyDeletethe most expensive jcrew item I have purchased is a wool toggle coat with hood in light blue, about 7 years ago. It was almost $300. I have another jcrew jacket, a kelly green peacoat w/ thinsulate that is about 9 years old, and was a christmas gift. I'm poor/ currently unemployed/ in massive debt from college + grad school, so I tend to either buy on sale or save up if it's something I really want (not buying much right now anyway b/c of the lack of job situation). Either way, I still agonize over every purchase.
Meant to add that I think the winter coats are worth the money.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know how I got to that site...I was on jcrew.com earlier this morning for the Super 120s Ludlow wide-leg trouser which appeared to be sold out in Navy and Black on the new website when I looked under Women-Suiting, however when I did a search for Ludlow, I found them on sale for $89.99 in black/navy. When I clicked on that item, I noticed that the site headers looked different (like the old site), and then I clicked on sale and was back to the old final sale.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that the sale prices hadn't been adjusted since the old website was operational but was wondering if I had placed an order, if I could call into CS and get them to change the price back to the new website
But if there are security certificate problems, I'm not risking that
I bought an ivory suit (lightweight wool) in 2003. I know that is two pieces technically and not one but...Paid full price for the jacket and the pants and it is still my most favorite suit - I bring it out for special lectures, etc. I'm a grad student right now so I'm a j crew sale junkie. My only full price items now come at Xmas time:)
ReplyDeleteAlexis actually had a post on paying full retail back in June... What Do You Pay Full Retail For ...just in case anyone wants to read it. :)
ReplyDeleteHi! I'd like to buy the sea glass tank. Does anyone know if it has the same fit as the solid piper tank? I normally wear a 2 for jcrew. Can I size down on the sea glass piper tank?thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe most expensive item I purchased from Jcrew was the Double Faced Wool Lexington Jacket...I believe it was $200 or $250 when I purchased it...but I wore it throughout winter! I absolutely love that blazer and can't wait to break it out this year! I *WISH* I had purchased the bella jacket at full price...I just wasn't sure about the fit and kept waiting for it to get marked down...and by then it was gone :(((
ReplyDeleteThey're going to know about this bug. I couldn't resist looking either. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. :)
ReplyDeleteThat post was more about paying full retail for "recent" purchases. :)
ReplyDeleteIs this the tweed skirt someone was talking about from the new collection, or is this something old?
What I'm on the look for this weekend either on sale or in the new line (so I can watch for it to be on sale) are some dressier cotton tops that can go with dress pants for work. I work at a hospital and whatever I wear needs cleaned every time so I'm not too keen on buying anything dry clean only. Let me know if you guys have suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for anyone who owns the Joelle blouse: how is it supposed to fit? I received mine today, and it seems like it has plenty of room, but the pleats don't lay flat. Are they supposed to?
ReplyDeletekatdep: that IS the new one! where did you find that?
ReplyDeleteKatdep, I beleive, although not 100% certain, that this is an older item i.e. 2007. Very cute skirt and cardy though!
ReplyDeleteSally probably knows better...disregard my last comment then!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute skirt!
I'm visiting the states this weekend (the Somerset location in Michigan)..if I see that skirt there, I will be very tempted to get it (or at the very least, try it on!)
ReplyDeleteAnyone been to this store recently? How is the sale section there?
katdep: yes, that is the new one because it's shown with the new Featherweight merino glass-button cardigan...it was shown on the web maybe a week or two ago but they changed the picture for the cardigan for some reason...:)
ReplyDeleteIn fact, it's hard to tell but it looks like they also are showing it with the new enamel necklaces that are in the new fall cat.
ReplyDelete...maybe they didn't want people asking about it since it's so cute!! it reminds me of my pembroke tweed mandy jacket from this past winter...:)
ReplyDeletesally: I came across it on a blog and I thought it looked like the one described in the catalog! I especially love the colors it incorporates.
ReplyDeletebtw, let me just mention how OBSESSED I've become over the Andrea Jacket! I don't think I ever described it to you ladies!
ReplyDeleteIt has sort of a Peter Pan Collar and four flap pockets, single breasted with four SQUARE brushed gold buttons in the pique wool fabric and LONG sleeves this is going to be so amazing with jeans or slacks but they show it with white shorts.
Once again, it's $230! I'm going to HAVE to splurge on this. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
sally: does the Andrea Jacket have an item number that will pull it up on the website?
ReplyDeleteffm: yes, sorry! It's 95680J. Also available in petite (that's me) 97870J.
ReplyDeleteLook Ladies, I have dibs though, ok!j/k (sort of) :)
ccbmum, I have the yellow pembroke tweed jacket, with a matching fabric flower on it...I love it with jeans and boots.
ReplyDeletesally: it won't show up...darn...now you have me REALLY curious!
ReplyDeleteffm, yes, they told me at the store that these items won't even be available on-line until either the 22nd or 24th (they weren't sure exactly which day). Believe me I've also tried! :)
ReplyDeletela belle helene: sounds pretty! mine is the green one...and i was so happy to get it on sale in my size! it was final sale too ;)
ReplyDeletela belle helene: wait, is yours the long jacket? because mine is the short mandy one...i loved the look of both :)
ReplyDeleteccbmum, yeah, I lucked out and got mine on sale, too. But then, considering how much $$ we spend at JC, we deserve these breaks :-)
ReplyDeleteccbmum, no, mine is short. It did come in long, too, with a big belt.
ReplyDeletewow, i don't remember the short yellow one...it sounds very pretty! congrats on the sale purchase too! yes, we need those breaks so we can buy more of what we love...i have done some serious credit card damage this past year and a half at jcrew...:) and i suspect there will be more to come this fall/winter since winter clothes are my favorite :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I tend to indulge much more during fall/winter, too. Dropped a bundle last fall because I loved so many of the pieces.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little concerned that (in another post) Sally mentioned even the salespeople at her B&M said prices for fall were hiked, or something to that extent. I mean, at some point, I'm just going to have to say no, thanks.
la belle helene: yes, i agree...at least until the stuff goes on sale. it seems to me that things aren't selling out as fast as they used to so we are able to wait longer for them to go on sale...:) it's not very consumer friendly to be pricing us loyal customers out like this...
ReplyDeletelbh: I completely agree with saying no, thanks on some of the items. For example two different styles of sweater jackets that seem to be made of the "dream" blends (not totally cashmere) are priced at $250! I mean really? These are items that would have/should have been priced at somewhere around $148 or $168 previously. I guess they think that if they slap the word "Collection" on it, they can get away with that...No, thanks. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSally: Is the Andrea Jacket in this picture...maybe the orange one paired with the jeans at the bottom right? It looks almost like what you are describing, I think... Click Here .
ReplyDeleteIt's been 8 business days since my Sea Glass Piper Tank "shipped" (and since I was charged) and 10 business days since I ordered it. I decided to call CS and get this resolved once and for all ... and I have been on hold for 27 minutes and counting ...
ReplyDeletemichelle: I was on hold a total of 58 minutes last evening, before I actually got connected with a CS rep that could assist me. "Erika" is wrong about the wait times, and doesn't keep actual track, but I did. After 40 minutes an associate answered, and then said she needed to connect me to CS...WHAT???? I pushed 2 which is SUPPOSED to connect me to CS...BUT...when the phone lines are flooded with calls, they get routed to anyone in sales, as well. Then the sales assoc. connects you to CS...it was really unbelievable...then I found out my items are considered MIA and "Items Not Received"...it was really, really, really frustrating! Hope you get through to someone soon...make sure you get their name in case you have to call back another day/time. :)
ReplyDeleteGood heavens, 27 minutes and counting?? That is absurd.
ReplyDeleteffm, you know, it looks SO similar to this one but the collar looks different. I saw this pic before but didn't look very closely I guess. It looks like the one pictured here is the orangy one (or maybe Bright Rhubarb) and the one in the cat is in Honey Glaze. I can't tell about the other side with the buttons but this one does seem so similar aside from the collar. The collar in the cat is sort of sewn down at the top and probably would not stand like the one it this pic. But, Wow what an eye you have!
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: I would say yes. I mean I definitely would not spend that much money on it unless I thought it would carry on for a long time. I do see what you're saying about the collar though. But to me, since it is a little different is what makes it a special piece worth the splurge IMHO.
Btw...I know I should have just called back at another time...but I had tried at other times during the day, and they were just as busy, so I figured I might as well just hang on and find out the horrible truth once and for all.
ReplyDeletesally: Perhaps they just have the collar styled differently in each picture?
ReplyDeleteffm: I don't think so. I don't think this collar would stand even if you tried and also, the pockets here seem to have a seam or a band or something under them and in the cat, the pockets go almost all the way to the bottom of the jacket. Also, the pockets in the pic are all the same size. In the cat, the two on top are small and the two at the bottom are large.
ReplyDeleteffm: Also, when I look (a lot) closer at it, it looks like it has plastic buttons on it. The one in this pic may even be a sweater jacket???? Who knows...
ReplyDeleteffm: Also, when I look (a lot) closer at it, it looks like it has plastic buttons on it. The one in this pic may even be a sweater jacket???? Who knows...
ReplyDeleteOOPS anon at 7:28 was me and Sorry about the double post. I'm trying to hurry since I HAVE to go make dinner...:)
ReplyDeletesally: I understand what you are saying...looks like we'll just have to wait a little bit longer to see it...sigh...
ReplyDeleteAnon at 5:44,
ReplyDeleteI have the Joelle cami, and the pleats do not lay flat on me. I tried on the blouse in my normal jacket size 2 and was swimming in it. The waist didn't fit at all, and the pleats opened when I moved. I opted for the cami in a 0. The waist fits better (still a bit loose), but the pleats are open. I saw a model in one of j.crew's older publications yesterday, and peeking out from her suit jacket were a couple of open Joelle pleats. I think the style may be intentionally huge so it floats away from the body. I prefer a closer cut around the waist, however. Any other reviews? I hope I don't end up having to fight CS to return it!
I will not visit j.crew this weekend, but I will continue to (unsuccessfully) repress my lust for an updated sale site. I can't log on to the new sale site right now for a fix.
ReplyDeleteWhat color did you get in the Lexington? I liked that jacket, too, but I did the reverse of you - first bought the Bella (in heather azalea - just about my favorite J.Crew color - and in heather graphite) and then ...... I waited too long on the Lexington :-)
Hi everyone! I am trying to catch up with the posts but just wanted to share the following:
ReplyDeleteWent to the Westoport, CT store today and there are Flowy jersey bateau dress (95804)- in all sizes and colors- on sale for $59.99 plus 25%. This dress is full price on-line. [I was able to get the navy for just $38.]
They are also putting on the floor some new items from the Fall Collection tomorrow.
Lastly, they are sending back a lot of the final sale items to J.Crew warehouse. So there will be a great sale most likely in a couple of weeks.
Alexis, thanks for the hope! I guess I can wait for a couple more weeks. My bank account certainly can :)
ReplyDeleteJulie, thanks for your take on the Joelle - I'm glad I'm not the only one with open pleats and an un-fitted waist. It doesn't look like I expected it to, but for only $19.99 I guess it's OK.
ReplyDeleteAh, what is happening? I try to click on the women's sale section and it's giving me a "search not working at this time" message. Anyone getting this?
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: If you'll be in Atlanta, I'd definitely go to the Lenox Square store. CS there is terribly rude, but the selection is great. The Perimeter store is the exact opposite...great CS, but poor selection. Also, they just opened up a Madewell at Lenox on Tuesday and I can't wait to go check it out on Saturday!
ReplyDeleteBTW, I was emailed a great coupon for 15% off of my entire purchase at Madewell for the next two weeks, so if any of you are planning on visiting the Atlanta store soon, let me know and I can forward it to you.
Happy shopping!!!
anon @ 5:44: i have the joelle blouse in regal purple. the pleats lay flat on me until i move a little (if that makes any sense :). the blouse is definitely not a fitted one...it is flowy but i like it because it is different - and if the shoulders fit you well, then it should be fine. i know this blouse isn't for everyone...it's different than what i usually buy but i like it for a night out with skinny jeans or as an under layer (i plan on wearing mine as a layer under a fitted heather grey or navy sweater). you are lucky that you only paid $19.99 for it...i paid $60 or $70 but i am happy with it because it is different...i hope this helps.:)
ReplyDeletejcrewmommy: i'm curious about this "sponge" jacket you speak of! :) was it the boucle mandy jacket (that came in ivory and black)? that's the only spongy jacket i can think of...was it actually named sponge jacket or did it have a different name?
jrl: i just tried the sale section and it was working for me :) maybe they're updating it!!!
jcrewmommy: oh, sorry, it couldn't be the mandy one, that didn't have the buttons you described. hmmm, i'm still curious :)
ReplyDeleteOk Alexis, sorry it took me so long and a writing in the "wrong blog" but wanted to let you know about that "My Anthropologie" card...... it allows for FREE shipping on all items, any amount, when making returns-- so long as you presented (or entered) the card number-- you can lose your reciept and they have the record of your transaction---receive "early bird warnings" on sales, etc.... NO OBLIGATIONS, NO CATCH..... www.my.anthropologie.com
ReplyDeleteMary, I too live in north Jersey and shop SH and Rockaway--- I also stop in the Chester store as it is ONLY women but they carry everything! The Rockaway store is best for sales since they get sale merchandise from higher volume stores!
ReplyDeletejulie: Do you still have the Joelle Blouse? If so...what color? I think you said it is a size 2? Are you keeping it or returning it? I may be interested... :)
ReplyDeleteNicole R: I have the My Anthropologie card and I was told that free shipping was a temporary thing when the card first started. They do track your purchases so that you can return without a receipt, but I have never gotten an email about early bird sales. I consistently get emails about new items coming out. I only got it because I thought there was always going to be free shipping.
ReplyDeleteLa Belle Helene,
ReplyDeleteI got the Lexington blazer in the black wool. I'd been eyeing it all fall and finally splurged and bought it as my birthday present to myself. I think it is the priciest wardrobe item I have bought to date! I bought it in December though and am looking forward to breaking it out this fall as an overcoat (i.e. with no coat over it) with some skinny jeans tucked into black riding boots. The wool lies nicely on the body and it just fits so well! and its longer than most jcrew jackets which is what i love about it!
I hope they bring the bella back this year :) I really regret missing out on it last year! Funny how I splurged on the Lexington yet was waiting endlessly for the Bellas to go on sale!
Alexis - thanks for the heads up on the final sale items going back to the warehouse. Hopefully we'll see them online sometime in the next few weeks!
and i just wanted to say how much I love this blog! Living in Canada, shopping online is the closest I get to Jcrew. It is so nice to have this forum to share info we find otu and especially about the sale prices which are almost never reflected online. So thank you everybody again!
Also, I'm not sure if I posted in this thread or not, but has anybody been to the Somerset location in MI? I'm heading there this weekend and was wondering if anybody had experiances to share. Or the name of a super helpful sales associate ? :)
Hi Nicole- That is fantastic about the anthropologie card. Next time I am at the store, I will have to ask the sales associate about it. I definitely want to sign up now! :) Thanks for letting me know.
ReplyDeleteSally: If noone else has "claimed" the jacket I would like to. :) You can send me a Paypal invoice at:
or however you want to do it. I am not sure how these things are done. THANKS!!
jcrewbug: I'm not sure if you can wear sleeveless tops to work, but if not...then maybe these could be worn under a cardigan or jacket? They are all machine or hand wash:
ReplyDeleteCotton-silk pintuck tank .
Silky jersey pleated top .
These have sleeves:
His white shirt .
Slim stretch shirt .
Luxe knit star pleated tee .
My favorites are the Silky Jersey Pleated Top, Cotton Silk Pintuck Tank, the "His White Shirt", and the Slim Stretch Shirt. None of these are on sale yet (I don't think), but hopefully soon...I wouldn't mind having a couple of them. :)
jcrewjunkie: Great! I'm thinking I'll just charge you 62.99. (52.49 plus 10.50 to ship). Are you ok with this? If so. I'll send the invoice right now and get it out to you in the AM.
ReplyDeletejcrewjunkie, also, do you want the receipt? I paid 68.19 total but I'm not going to add the tax in since I think it's only fair to do it that way. Let me know what you think.
ReplyDeletehi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI just got back from the towson, md store and the sale section was totally picked over. but there were still a couple gems.
-saw a bunch of sanur dresses in the turquoise color - can't remember the size.
-2 or 3 brushstroke-print silk tunic tops in size 4 in the turquoise color
- a couple pairs of city-fit cafe capris in the sweet orange, bright yellow, and one pair of the really bright floral pattern. Unforutnately, I can' remember the size of the pattern pair, but the solids were 8s and 10s
-lots of pipers, but no sea-glass
-lots of polka-dot lanas
-a number of suiting pieces, but none of the sizes seemed to match (and just jackets and pants, not the dresses).
Let me know if anyone wants more info! The store was pretty empty as it looks like they're getting ready to put out fall stuff, but there wasn't anything on the floor I hadn't seen before...yet...:)
This is really, really off topic. Sorry. But if anyone does the New York Times Crossword Puzzle, see 5 across on today's puzzle.
ReplyDeleteJcrewmommy: Did you go to UGA? Just wondering because I'm a graduate and actually got married in Athens last year. I just love that town!
ReplyDeletesally: I got the invoice and paid. Thank you so very much. :)
jcrewjunkie (Jeanie): Yes, I got the e-mail receipt. Thank you! I'll get it out to you tomorrow morning via USPS priority. I hope that's ok. Thanks again!
I am looking for the skinny sparkle-metallic leather belt (item 94765) in metallic gold or silver. It is on sale at my b&m for $29.99 but they only have size M. If anyone sees it in a size S or XS, would you please let me know the location and provide a phone #? I don't trust ordering from the website. Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say I'm a J.Crew convert...this is a great site! Btw, if you're not familiar with this already...if you're ever in San Francisco or Berkeley, CA there is a store called Jeremy's (www.jeremys.com) that sells a lot of great clothes, shoes, accessories...mostly overstock from all sorts of brands and designers such as J.Crew, Anthropologie, Miss Sixty, D&G, Derek Lam, Gucci, etc. There is a lot of J.Crew from previous seasons. I was in the Berkeley store not long ago and found J.Crew clothes that were cheaper than on the J.Crew website (I saw the Joelle blouse and a bunch of the Gayle ruffle trench for example)! I've bought a bunch of J.Crew sweaters and dresses from there at really discounted prices. The SF store is much bigger than the Berkeley store. They also carry more designer bags and shoes at the SF store. Sometimes the clothes are dirty or ripped though so you never know. They also have really great sales from time to time. Just thought I'd share. :)
ReplyDeleteI was at Somerset on Monday and there was a lot in the sale section. I would have paid more attention if I knew you were headed there. Make sure you look around the whole store because some of the sale merchandise is not in the sale section in the back. Also, they had a lot of jewelry in a plastic cup at the the registers that was not in the display cases. It was al on sale and the prices were good. In sale there were a lot of dresses, jackets and shirts/t shirts. The pants seemed limited.
Got an email from JCrew yesterday stating my 2 packages that are missing are being sent by USPS and they gave me a tracking number as well which I don't want....can't get to the PO in time before closing....well, now I get an email saying they made a mistake and the 2 packages are coming by UPS after all!
ReplyDeleteJCrew has done me in once and for all. I really like this blog, I love JCrew, love how their clothes fit but they are just toying with me and I have had enough......what a poor, sad day for this company!
I am a positive person and a glass 1/2 full person but one can only take so much....
I guess you guys are just more dedicated....I thought I was.......
Hi Nicole
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up on Chester...it's out of my normal stomping grounds, but I love that area (such cute shops!) so maybe I should head down there. I wondered about Rockaway--they do seem to get regular "renewals" of sale merchandise, and I couldn't figure out why! I have the day off today, and I was thinking of heading out to Willowbrook to see what might be there...if I decide to go, I'll let you know what I find!
FFM - I returned the Joelle blouse before I got the cami. Sorry couldn't be of more help. I'm happy to sell to anyone on this blog when I can. BTW, I think there are at least 2 people posting as "julie" on this site.
ReplyDeleteI'm still getting a "sorry, search is not working" warning message when I try to log on to the sale site. Been getting it since last evening.
Hi Anon at 3:17am
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips! Will definetly be looking all over the store ;) How was the men's sale section as well?
Has anyone been to a Boston/Cambridge area store? Any new sale items recently?
ReplyDeleteFFM: thank you for your suggestions!! I can wear sleeveless because I wear a white lab coat as well. I really like the Cotton Silk Pintuck Tank. Cute!!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like they've restocked their sale section, although some items are still showing as $null.
ReplyDeleteMath Teacher, you are so right! The sale section has indeed been restocked. Now all we need is a coupon code and we are back in business! Woo Hoo!
ReplyDeleteI am playing with "restocked" items in the sale section and the sizes and colors keep changing back and forth. I would hold back from buying just yet.
ReplyDeleteJulie - Yes, I am the other Julie! Sorry for any confusion... I'm guessing you were here first, so I'll start posting as Dr. J :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't buy anything, either, although I was tempted...going to wait out the bugs that are still there. But certainly things are improved, and hope is in sight!
ReplyDeletedr. j- I may have been here first, but you got your doctorate first! I have 2 more long years to wait.
ReplyDeleteI can't load the sale site, and when I try to delete an item from my cart (been there for a week), it kicks me to the homepage and the item is still in my cart. j.crew, please get it together.
Anon @ 8:35: I love the atrium mall store. I lived in boston until may and it was close to the gym. It was great!
ReplyDeletehi anon. @ 2:45: i just heard about jeremy's this past weekend!!...too funny! i can't believe i didn't know about it before....hmmm. do i know you? :) i live in the bay area...anyway, thanks for posting that. yes, the san francisco store carries lots of good stuff!!!
ReplyDeleteDr J/Julie
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of trouble trying to load the site on Explorer. If you have it, try Firefox. JC website seems to prefer it to Explorer. It loads much more quickly and is far less buggy.
30% OFF final sale!
ReplyDeleteOh, you have to enter a coupon code to get the 30% off. Boo!
ReplyDeleteWHOA Nelly... and we're OFFFFF
ReplyDeleteJeremy's reminds me of a store we used to have here in NJ called the Gypsy Horse. It was great--all kinds of catalogue cancellation items, at rock bottom prices. It was close to where I lived, and I was in there like 3 times a week! I think the advent of internet shopping really killed that store, and I've been mourning it now for years! I wish there were a Jeremy's here in NJ.