JCrew sent this email about its "new" shoes which featured the Penelope peep toes (Item
94650; $225). These high heels are anything but "new." As many of you have pointed out in other posts, these peep toes have been on J.Crew's main home page (and main shoe page) online for quite some time now. So it leads me to ask J.Crew,
"what does "new" mean to you?" Apparently J.Crew's interpretation of "new" is not the same as the rest of us. Especially considering their last
promo email about new arrivals, which also featured items (e.g. the long cardi and skinny pant) that had been available online (even on sale!) for some time.
Therefore, the following is my plea to J.Crew:
Dear J. Crew, I really do love your merchandise. But I have to say, I am a little annoyed that you think some of your customers are not clever enough to figure out that the items you feature as "new arrivals" in fact are not. I hope you don't continue this practice, because some of us get very excited about the prospects of seeing actual "new" items. To disappoint us even more (refer to system upgrade fiasco) could be very detrimental to your business. Sincerely yours, J.Crew Aficionada.What do you think about this promo email? Are you excited about these "new" shoes? :)
This annoyed me. And I thought new items--- and I mean actually new fall styles were supposed to be up on Friday. I went to the store on 45th and Madison and NOTHING was new! Nothing at all! They said they would get new stuff in on Monday. I am sorry but I was so excited and that was such a wasted trip down there. I am bored with Jcrew right now. I would like them to live up to what they promise us. And I would like them to send out an e-mail to everyone telling us when they will officially be up and running again... because they are so not running right now (at least not running up-right) and I would like to know when I can trust them again. I sure as heck don't trust them now... they can't even get refunds out on time for orders that NEVER arrived!
ReplyDeleteBoring, boring, boring JCrew right now...the clothes...and Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated with their website still not working...and Mad,mad, mad at them not treating their customers well. I am excited to see new merchandise but won't be purchasing any....just looking for fun. Until I get the money/refunds I am owed..
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know when the new fall catalog is coming out??
ReplyDelete(fyi, this is katdep but i remembered the password for my account)
I've been pretty annoyed with jcrew as well. "Boring, boring, boring" by anonymous pretty much sums it up. If I see one more strapless embossed beach dress in stores, I'm going to go crazy. Seriously, get new stuff, update well, and we can all be happy.
ReplyDeleteBlumre & Anon at 2:19 PM: J.Crew does need some new items and quick. Their stores and online are getting boring for me too!
ReplyDeleteKatherine: I think the August catalog (which is the regular catalog they send to all customers and not the Look Book) will be sent on/around July 26th. :)
ReplyDeleteI gave my response to this email on a the Weekly Exchange post, but here it is again:
ReplyDeleteAlso...just got the J.Crew email about the Shoe Debut for those peep-toe Mary Janes they have had for a couple of months now, and are on the J.Crew Homepage...the email says they are "introducing" them, and a "debut" is for something new...how in the world do they consider this shoe to be new now? This kind of stuff gets on my nerves...don't entice me with an email claiming new items, and then show me the same old stuff that's been on the site for awhile already...it's almost as bad as leaving $null items in the sale section...almost...
I also commented that the whole situation with J.Crew right now reminds me of the story of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf...they have claimed so many things that haven't been true, that I just don't believe them anymore.
Gah, these shoes are so hideous that I just want to scream! (Okay, they're not THAT bad, I'm just sick of looking at them.) If by "New", they mean "Totally Played Out and Tired", then yeah, those are some new shoes! At least rotate a pic of the Penelope's with some of the other newer shoes for variety... wait, that would probably completely crash jcrew.com! ;)
ReplyDeleteFabulousFloridaMomm: You are right, they have been saying a lot of things lately that either are not true or are conflicting. I really hope they get their act together soon.
ReplyDeleteSilverLining: I totally agree: rotate the picture already. I can't stand to see them anymore. :)
FFM, I love your analogy about the boy who cried Wolf! It's so true - it's at the point where I just assume that every price is wrong (now the shorts that are all on "sale" in the final sale section are listed as regular price when you click on them - ie, "$42.00, now for $42.00". Uh, doesn't that just mean "not on sale"?!). I have no idea why all the typos, broken links, etc. haven't been fixed yet - they're probably focusing on the fall rollout, but why bother if all of the information is going to be wrong anyway? (Seriously, I'm not bitter!)
ReplyDeleteAlexis--- I totally agree with your "letter" to J.Crew....I am bored out of my mind with the site and the clothing on it.... I have been anxiously waiting..... PLEASE J.CREW ---my eyes and $$$ are anxiously awaiting something new.... :)
ReplyDeleteI saved so much money on since the website fiasco that my husband and I are taking a little vaca in September!
Nicole R: I know the feeling! :) I just can't wait to see something new in their stores and online! I am just so tired of their website- never changing.
ReplyDeleteI would honestly rather have JCrew wait and make sure their website if FULLY functioning before putting fall stuff on it. Can you imagine the lost orders, short shipped orders, etc. that will continue??? I can't...I have already dealt with enough problems! (and lies? on their part) That said, I would love to see some of their still regular priced items go on sale soon as well....IF and ONLY IF the website is working. How can one get excited about placing an order/getting an item when you may or may not get it? No reliability presently with JCrew which is a sad state for a company. UNRELIABLE? oooh, not good...
ReplyDeletethe site is down again!!!! do you all think it's the fall update?
ReplyDeleteif it comes back online and there is no new stuff, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!
The site is working for me fine; on it now.
ReplyDeleteaw crap. it's working again. sorry! and I was really hopeful it meant things were changing!
ReplyDeleteHm, aren't J.Crew card members supposed to get "exclusive look-books" or something like that? My mom is a cardmember and we haven't received anything.
ReplyDeleteI got the e-mail this morning, and I absolutely groaned when I saw that stinking pump again. It doesn't seem like the extra 30% off sale cleared out much of the sale items online.
ReplyDeleteBring on fall!
So in addition to other gift cards, I was supposed to be mailed a $10 gift card because J.Crew charged me shipping when they weren't supposed to. I think it came today, and I say I "think" because I certainly got a gift card (enclosed with the new look book), but it was for $5.95. REALLY J.CREW??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??
ReplyDeleteI am sick and tired of this. I don't have the energy to deal with it anymore. And on top of that, the bar exam is next week. If you see headlines about a girl in PA whose head exploded, it was probably me.
Michelle: good luck with the bar exam!! That is super exciting news. :)
ReplyDeleteI still think this whole web fiasco is a hoax and covering up for other problems that Jcrew is having, maybe deliveries of Fall merchandise?? Maybe they are still trying to unload Summer stuff and pass it off as "new" to those customers who aren't as obsessed with Jcrew as we are. Maybe they over anticipated the way they felt their sales would go and are stuck holding the bag and still have to pay vendors at the "Italian Mills" and the Chinese laborers "Sweat shops" where the stuff is sewn together. I know this sounds very jaded, but come on now! How dumb do they really think we are.... :0( I am insulted.
ReplyDeletemichelle: I agree about not having the energy to deal with this anymore...I have spent way too much time on the phone...ON HOLD...waiting for a CS rep to tell me they don't know anything, and promise compensation and refunds that aren't taking place in a timely manner...the whole situation is so absurd it is just almost beyond belief...like a recurring nightmare...day after day after day...with no apparent end in site...
ReplyDeleteJ.Crew's new fall catalog arrived in my mail on Friday and I am a J.Crew card member, too. However, I have not received a Fall look book.
ReplyDeleteDespite the new catalog arriving, I was not able to order anything from it. When I called the catalog, they told me that the system was not yet updated to allow the ordering of Fall items.
This is very much the tease.
Leigh: I can't believe you were unable to order anything over the phone from the Fall Collection! That is beyond "bad business" for J.Crew. So, so, so disappointed with J.Crew right now. :(
ReplyDeleteKirby Dog, You may be onto something...I, for one, am not sure, but how can a company treat its customers this way week, after week, after week....something beyond the website update is going on...something bigger or deeper beyond our scope...I am very confused...but JCrew would not be the first company to fold overnight....
ReplyDeleteregarding the "new shoe" email: i finally got it around mid morning (west coast). i had read this blog first so i knew not to be excited when i finally saw it in my inbox...it is sooo annoying to see them claim old stuff to be new! why bother especially when everyone's waiting for the new stuff...that's just mean!
ReplyDeletein addition...just last week i received my July catalog - i had already picked one up in the store a few weeks ago because they mail them so late now. at first i was excited when i saw the catalog because it had a different cover...i thought it was for August but alas it was July again...is it me or are they sending the catalogs out really late now?
as for this coveted lookbook...michelle, you actually got one with a gift card? you're very lucky :) somebody wrote they won't be mailing them out anymore and they are only for viewing if you use a personal shopper at the store? i mean come on...at the very least send it to cardholders...or to those who place a certain amount of orders or spend so much money or whatever...
i just got my $20 reward card from GAP (thanks gap)! no min. purchase, no catch, just $20 bucks!! i really wish that jcrew could get it together with their perks. as i see it now, jcrew is alienating a lot of customers with their pricing (getting way too high), lack of incentives to shop (i.e. free shipping on a reasonable amount), and their web/system chaos right now...what a bummer :|
Just found out JCrew charged me for an item but did not send it in my shipment...Joelle blouse...first my sea glass piper tank and now this....Crappy JCrew....I am through....hope everyone else enjoys the fall stuff. I am not setting foot in a JCrew...the amount of money they owe me is now over a few hundred dollars for short shipped items...
ReplyDeleteLeigh: congrats on the catalog!! :) i am a cardholder also and i get my catalogs sooo late since i've moved. i guess they definitely don't do a mass mailing of the catalog because i used to get mine early (like you just did) when i lived in san franciso but since i moved to the 'burbs (not far from the city) i get them very late....lame!
ReplyDeleteLeigh: i meant to add as alexis said it is lame that you can't order from the new cat. yet. what a mess!!
ReplyDeleteJ.Crew owes me almost $100 worth of price adjustments for the order I placed PRE-UPGRADE on 6/27/08, and have actually billed me for items I have never received. They have billed me full price for the items, but I have yet to see any form of credit. Now there are four $1.00 pending charges, as well...I am afraid that these are the same 4 items, and they are being double billed...I will be so LIVID if that is the case! I haven't had any issues with the orders I have placed within the last week, so far...but the one I placed before this fiasco is just an utter caotic mess...this sucks...I am really not happy with J.Crew right now...enough is enough...GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK! It has been OVER 3 weeks at this point...no excuses...just give it back...sad thing is that I am not the only one...I wonder how much money they actually owe all their customers at this point?
ReplyDeleteI think anyone who would attempt an order online or over the phone right now is crazy. Unless you want your credit card "screwed up" BEWARE! Even if you have had no problems so far the odds are not in your favor.....I gave them a specific address to send my package to yesterday on the phone. The wrong billing and shipping address are listed on the order....good luck...
ReplyDeleteFFM; I have the same $1.00 charges on my account...I just saw them.....ooooh...this doesn't look good. I am going to contact my credit card company and tell them not to let any charges from JCrew go through....several are pending. This is the only thing I can think of to do...I am also planning on disputing several charges...
ReplyDeleteFFM, I have had problem with all of my orders prior to upgrade...day or two before and with the 3 I have placed last week and just yesterday...with the wrong address issue.
ReplyDeleteI am not a lawyer but would love to hear from one....group lawsuit anyone?
ReplyDeleteI tried to call in to CS to see what the order is showing on their end, but I cannot hold forever...I have to make dinner and take care of my family...I don't have time for all of this, and they aren't even stating the Hold Times on the phone now, so who knows how long it could be. I know that apparently with the new system credits and refunds cannot occur until the item hits a certain status...the CS reps supposedly cannot get in to make changes, they can only put in the price adjustments, refunds, etc. into the "notes" that get forwarded to a different department that is to handle the refunds, and they are backed up, of course...why in the world would someone think this way is better than before? I am tired of having charges on my card that aren't supposed to be there...J.Crew is costing me more money everyday through interest charges on items they never sent me...that HAS to be against the law...right?
ReplyDeleteI tried to call CS too but gave up after almost 30 mintues. I have a lift too and I can't spend everyday calling them and being put on hold. Take care of your family, FFM:) Just know you are not alone....and yes, it is illegal to charge someone for an item that they did not send you:(
ReplyDeleteLIFE not lift!
ReplyDeleteIf you use a J.Crew card, it much easier to track your purchases and dispute charges. The customer service people over at the card center are very good about it.
ReplyDeleteI have experiences in the past where I was charged and never shipped items. It's very easy to dispute when you use the J.Crew card.
FFM and others: I called last week about the $1 charges on my card. They told me that they ping your card before the order is officially placed to make sure that there are no fraud issues. The $1 charge should be marked as pending and will go away shortly. Now, I have not checked this out because frankly I just can't deal with anymore of J.Crew's @#%$, but that's what they told me. I thought it might save you an hour of sitting on hold:P
ReplyDeletethey sent one of my gift cards to the wrong address. I had changed all my info and had not lived in boston for months. In fact all my orders and info was set to my NYC address. How do they screw up like that?
ReplyDeleteI love fall clothes, too. But I live in Northern Illinois, and it's 90 degrees and very humid here. We had a wet spring, so summer didn't really start until late June. Now I have at least three more months of hot weather in front of me. I'm not ready for fall clothes just yet! I'm still looking for dresses to wear now, especially to work -- I'm a newspaper reporter, so I'm in and out of my office and government buildings. I need casual clothes and sweaters, and there isn't much left in my size on the sale site. Plus, like the rest of you all, I am so tired of clicking on something that's on sale but really isn't!! J Crew, one of the reasons I've always loved you is that you've been RELIABLE.
ReplyDeletecristin - "If I see one more strapless embossed beach dress in stores, I'm going to go crazy. "
ReplyDeletetooo funny!
seriously, maybe with the trend of j.crew going more and more high end, they think they're able to pull one over on us more easily?
funny thing is that it seems like their most loyal customers are the one who watch like cheetahs for a sale...
maybe they need to have a "reality check" and remember not to abandon all of us quick-witted, intelligent shoppers
This "no one will see the look book but those who have a personal shopper" business doesn't even make sense - surely J.Crew's purpose is to sell clothes, so why not give as many people as possible as many ideas as possible? It seems like a stupid policy.
ReplyDeleteI rarely buy entire looks as shown in a catalogue anyway, but just the principle of it seems dumb...
La Belle Helene: I too was confused by the message of keeping the Look Book guarded by certain employees. The whole point of catalogs & look books is that customers can look through them and order easily at their convenience. Its such a hassle asking an associate to look through a copy right then and there.
ReplyDeleteHey, I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a free shipping code for ralphlauren.com: FREESHIP1X. I used it a little while ago, and it worked ... I got a cotton crewneck cableknit sweater for $34.99 :)
ReplyDeleteOooh, thanks Michelle! I'm about to go check that out...
ReplyDelete*Has anyone purchased the linen Georgia jacket? I am kind of interested, but wanted some input first :)
I was the one who posted that lookbook is only for viewing if you use a personal shopper at the store b/c that's what SA told me. She let me view it briefly; it mostly had images from Damion's website. I would love to have one since the images from his website cannot be downloaded/scanned.
ReplyDeleteI do hope SA is wrong though. Just like to many others, witholding the lookbook from public viewing/use does not strike me as a particularly bright move on J crew's part.
Can someone scan it in case it truly will not be mailed out?
Page 3 in the new catalog has a big font note "The fall lookbook at J.Crew.com" so maybe they just not going to mail paper copies...
ReplyDeleteI have a question. I ordered an antique shawl cardigan from the Albany store like a week and a half ago and have not received it yet. I used a gift card for the transaction, so I don't know if it was charged. Are the chances pretty good that they just never shipped it/I will never receive it (like everything else from J.Crew these days)?
ReplyDeletemichelle: I placed an order with an Arizona store on July 10 and it just arrived today. I was also beginning to worry that it wasn't going to come. I had decided that if I hadn't received it within 2 weeks, I would call the store back. Surely they keep record of what they send out of the store?
ReplyDeletemath teacher: I would think they would keep a record, because they have to charge your card. It's got to be somewhere. I Think I will give them a call if I don't receive it by Friday.
ReplyDeleteNever mind whether it's new or not...but are these shoes really worth $225? I'm not against paying for quality, comfortable heels, but that's getting into the range of Ferragamo, which, to my knowledge, is not pieces of leather and "man-made" soles glued together at a factory in China. Er, I mean, Italy.
ReplyDeleteI am *sooooo* over this final sale, which has been going on since June 17th! Is it normal for final sales to go on for over a month? I've had the same 6 items in my shopping cart for weeks waiting for this final sale to end, which speaks volumes about how bored everyone is with the same old stale merchandise because typically items go out of stock within days. When will it end??
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know when the reward cards are coming out? Hoping to use mine on the new fall items!
ReplyDeleteWhat does partial shipped mean on an order? I am assuming it means I am never getting some of my items ... I have been charged for all of them however ...
ReplyDeletechini: I agree with you about the price. At that rate, I might as well go and get some new Stuart Weitzman shoes. There are plenty of styles I have been eyeing up.
ReplyDeleteLeigh, I have no problems disputing charges using my regular VISA. I wouldn't use my JCrew card right now for anything! I have more rights/protection with a regular VISA and I assume most others would as well....I am staying away from anything connected to JCREW!
ReplyDeleteChini, I totally agree about the price of the Penelope's - Target.com has some cute menswear-inspired pumps that look pretty similar, for like, $25 or something. I may nab a pair of those - it's not like they're a classic black pump so I don't need them to last forever.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 11:44 - I've been stalking jcrew.com regularly for the better part of 2 years, and I think that the final sale has been going on longer than it hasn't - the fall/winter items on final sale went on until March/April, I think. They made a big deal about the final sale "finally" ending. I really hope this round ends soon, but if they've got to get rid of all the summer stuff it might be around for a while.
jcrewbug, I think a while back somebody wrote that the spring rewards period ended on June 30 so it should be soon, but given all the problems they're having issuing gift cards as merchandise credits and stuff, I don't know how long it will be. I want my reward card! *stamps foot*
michelle: Thanks for the info on the $1 charges...I'll be keeping an eye on them. :)
ReplyDeleteSomething must be seriously wrong at J. Crew. C'mon..I shop a lot online and no one has a web site this messed up. I am truly expecting them to pull a "Starbucks," and start closing. They are really insulting their customers with this "new" thing. Their management must be a nightmare. I bet in 5 years J. Crew is gone. They simply cannot treat their customers that way. If Vineyard Vines would lower their prices a bit, I think they could be the new Crew.
ReplyDeleteI also think their shoes are ridiculous. Piperlime has more fun shoes, and at much better prices.
I just ordered a few things and it took two hours to put the order through. I am still surprised I didn't give up.
Michelle: If you ordered through a particular store, then I would expect your package to definitely arrive. The delay may have been applying the gift card to your order, but the item is definitely "on hold" for you and most likely already shipped. I hope you get it soon! :)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 11:44 PM: I know what you mean. The "sale" is so tired and picked over by now. It's time for some new stuff (or really low prices). :)
LOVE these shoes