If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.
Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.
Finally they did more markdowns in store last night. I just wish the same markdowns were online this morning. I picked up a necklace and a sweater I had been stalking that finally got marked down less 40%. So sort of a half vent. They hadn't finished the list when I was in there about 5:30pm so it will probably be worth a trip today to see what else was added. The sweater was the one with the faded adire print on the back, navy on the front.It runs really big, went down 2 sizes, but I really like it. It was $41.99 after all the discounts. The necklace is the one with the wooden half discs with the navy stones. Don't see it online anymore but very pretty especially with the new collection. The pendant style is still of the same thing is still available.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the last sentence....pendant style of the same necklace is still available online. Wood tassel pendant necklace.
DeleteI agree that is a pretty necklace.....oh markdowns and promos I love them and hate them ( PA's the one time only line )
DeleteI'm so irritated about that wooden half disc necklace - I had it bookmarked, so I checked the bookmark and saw that it was marked down to $109.99. added it to my cart. go to checkout. in the seconds it took to sign into the website, j. crew kicked it out of my cart and said it was sold out. I'm sure it's not, and I'm checking with my JCA now so she can order it for me, but gosh, it's irritating.
DeleteLadies, if anyone sees the wooden disc necklace (NOT the pendant) in a store please let me know. My MIL likes it and I'd love to buy it for her b-day. TIA!
DeleteOur store still had the necklace : 770-971-6765 Marietta GA
Ivanka, you should give Ina's store a call! The sales associate I talked to there was great and even waived shipping for me!
DeleteThank you, Ina and Lauren, I got the necklace from Ina's store.
DeleteIna, I actually spoke with your store manager and she couldn't be nicer. I told her what a good job you're doing modeling JCrew clothes on IG (where I'm just a lurker w/out an acct. ;) She spoke very kindly about you, too. Thanks again and have a good evening!
@Ivanka. So glad you got the necklace! I love working in my store:)
Delete@lauren and @Ivanka thank you both for your kind words!
I really hate that the "free standard shipping" is now the usps 5.00 (takes forever) shipping. Also, I did pick up three items over the weekend sale, 3 separate orders, and they haven't even shipped yet. So that "free" shipping you get when you spend over $150.00 is actually a big downgrade. Saks has done the same thing, they now use a lesser service from FedEx. I used to get Saks orders the next day - now it takes 4-5 days. Vent over. Thanks for listening. :D
ReplyDeleteSame here, my order from the weekend hasn't shipped yet. I am upset because I was waiting to see how it worked out before ordering other stuff as I used a gift card. Now the promo will be over before I receive my item (if it ever ships!)
DeleteTotally agree!!! I am waiting for my stuff too!
DeleteNever underestimate the power of this blog and Alexis. I now know J Crew reads it, because I just got a shipping notice for both of my orders placed on Sunday :)
DeleteFive days since my last two orders and no shipping notification yet.
Delete@JRSConifer, me too!
DeleteOnly one word for this.......... I called CS this morning to inquire about the size/dimensions of a cosmetics pouch that is an online exclusive at the Factory. Although the young man was nice (but could not pronounce "translucent") he could give me NO information. He put me on hold only to return to tell me that they did not have a sample of it there for him to look at. Seriously, do you think I thought he would know how to measure it??? Then he tells me they have 200 hundred in stock and if I order it today that I could return it for free. WTH??? I told him....that's just DUMB. He asked if he could be of any other help (that's how he phrased it) and I said...."I highly doubt it".
ReplyDeleteHi, StrayCat, the pouch and the tote look really interesting, I can't imagine why the measurements - of both! - are missing.
DeleteThere are no words, how annoying, I think my response would have been same.
DeleteIt’s been mentioned before, but I just can’t stand how they’re filling orders now with some from the warehouse, some from a store. I have a B&M nearby and often order online because I don’t want items that are shopworn or have pinholes from being on mannequins. Probably the most annoying part is if I have to return an item that was shipped from a store - the alarms always go off when I go into my B&M. I’d rather wait an additional day or two and have everything arrive in the same box, the have multiple brown bags trickle in over the course of a week.
ReplyDeleteYES!! Even if it is an item I am WEARING, that was shipped from a store, the alarm goes off when I go into J Crew. (I usually try to check, but forget as I'm not used to doing that!!!)
Deleteugh I've totally had it happen recently where I'm wearing an item that was shipped from a store and I beep in EVERY.SINGLE.STORE I go in to.
Deletebut I agree...the shipping from multiple locations is annoying and I hate getting four packages for one order! I ordered five t-shirts last week and received three packages.
are you not cutting the security tags off? when an item comes from a store, there's a tag sewn on the garment.
DeleteBut i agree about the multiple packages... very annoying.
I forgot to remove the internal tag in that instance...the item was shipped from a store. It's just annoying because when you purchase items in the store they typically deactivate the tags and they don't deactivate them before they leave the store when they're being shipped to you.
Delete@Anne The items should be deactivated before they are packed in a bag.
DeleteI do store orders every day and i always deactivate the item.Somebody didnt do a good job.
I actually love getting items from warehouse that do not even HAVE those magnetic strip tags sewn in. No matter how you cut off those strips - there is always a raw edge that can be irritating when tucked in. And no - since they are supposed to be de-activated anyway, I usually don't remember to check for them.
DeleteI guess I've never thought about which items have the sewn-in sensors and which don't but I can be included in the don't remember to check group. One time I was at the mall with my family and the coat I was wearing went off in every store we entered and exited! My husband was so annoyed and embarrassed. A sales associate at the Loft finally cut it out for me ;)
DeleteAlso, I actually cut a small slit in an excursion vest while I was trying to cut out one of those dang sensors and not paying much attention to the tip of the scissors.
Got my 4 embarrassing packages today. Some store, some warehouse. Got the neon flamingo Cyprus sandals, talk about bright!!!!! I think they might possibly glow in the dark. :)
Delete@Ina I want you to do all of my orders :) I am sure you do a fantastic job!!
DeleteI'm ordering way less, partly to cut spending, but also to cut embarrassment at getting all the brown packages delivered when I place an order for more than one item. I'm really done with that. I have to want something a LOT to bother ordering it at this point. If it's not at my B&M, I haven't been bothering lately.
DeleteThe security tags seem ineffective anyway. I've seen them cut off in the stores several times. A thief just needs scissors, so I don't know how it's much of a deterrent.
DeleteHi cate - I hear you. I placed one order of six new arrivals to try and they came in five different UPS envelopes (four from various stores, one from the warehouse). One of the items had a shipping label created 10 days ago that never even made it on a UPS truck.
DeleteAdditionally (and this is a UPS thing, not a JC thing), the packages will now sit in my city for a full day before being put out for delivery. It used to be that if they made it here late on Monday night, they'd be delivered on Tuesday but now they just sit for a day and UPS drops them off on Wednesday (rather then transferring them to USPS for SurePost delivery).
As far as the security tags go, I'm not going to cut them off if I'm going to return the shipped-from-a-store item but I hate them beeping when I go into the B&M. It scares my little one! Anyway, I'd be able to overlook most of this stuff if the pieces were awesome, but lately they seem to be more trouble than they're worth. Sorry, JC. : /
How can sending 5 packages from one order possibly be cost effective? What a waste of money and resources and a recipe for an increase in errors!
DeleteSurepost: not one person that gets stuff online or orders from anywhere likes it. It must be saving someone/company money but alienates customers
DeleteAre anyone else's (many recent, sigh) returns taking FOREVER? I had an item recently sit 12 days before being processed.
ReplyDelete10 days and still waiting here . . .
DeleteOT: A review of the Carrie Cami in Tropical Frond
ReplyDeleteThis looks really cute on you, and I love the print, but I don't understand this style at all or why it is popular and brought back every year by J. Crew. I'd need a strapless bra with it, and that's too high-maintenance for me.
DeleteI agree, Cate. I have a C chest so wearing a strapless is tricky for me and personally I prefer the trad'l bra with straps. The print looks absolutely wonderful on Rynetta and I was excited by the top and dress. Alas, at 5'9" I can't wear the dress except poolside due to its length. The top was my other love until I saw the back. I think if you're in an air conditioned office during the hot summer months, one can get more wear by wearing a blazer to cover the back. For me it's a no go. Le sigh.
Deletecate and cmg: I get it! I layer everything, so I would never wear the top without a blazer. That is why I love the Carrie Cami. The cami fits really well and it hides the lumps and bumps!
DeleteAnd, thanks SO much for the compliments!!!
DeleteI hate, hate, hate the way that the web site now shows a dress in one color. Next to it is another photo of the same dress, different color. And next to that, same dress, third color.
ReplyDeleteIt turns shopping online to a labor-intensive process, for me.
Have jcrew's bathing suits always lacked padding? Two bikinis I ordered just came in and while I love the colors and cuts of the suits I don't know how I feel about the lack of padding. I was shocked that they didn't have any as I've never gotten a bathing suit before that didn't.
ReplyDeleteThe description usually says if they have padding. If it doesn't say "padding", there is no padding. In particular string bikinis triangular tops never have padding. HTH!