As mentioned in Thursday's post, "J.Crew Updates Website with New Arrivals!", new arrivals are available for purchase online. The email above indicates that new arrivals for Crewcuts are also available for purchase online (click here) and at B&M (brick & mortar) stores. :)
Incidentally, why is the girl in the above ad so cheerless? Such a sad circus. Little lady, you are actually getting paid to wear {beautiful} Crewcuts clothes ...so put on a smile! ;)
They are also reminding us about free shipping on all Crewcuts orders (with no minimum).
Will you check out the new arrivals for Crewcuts? Are there any items that you are interested in getting? :)
The little girl is probably ticked because JC made her wear bunny ears for this shoot.
ReplyDeleteI love the crewcuts for my sons but will only buy them on sale and with an extra % off.
Haha! None of the kids look happy on the front page to the crewcuts section online, in the "Clowing around" photo! In fact, the same girl looks downright angry behind her clown nose!
ReplyDeletePoor kid, don't blame her for the frownie face. She's as sick of the borrowed from the boys aesthetic as the rest of us! "...a bow tie and chukka boots? You gotta be kidding me!"
ReplyDeleteAlexis - I just have to mention that I have noticed over the past year that your tone, IMO, has become increasingly negative and critical on this blog. Its your blog, and certainly your choice to make it whatever you want it to be, but as one former fan, I'm slightly put off by your constant criticism of Jenna, the clothes, models, catalogs, jewelry, and the list goes on and on. We all know you LOVED that one catalog back in 2006 and the Jamie bag, and blah blah blah but really, isn't it getting a bit exhausting for you too? Your posts are less creative and aside from phoning in the predictable Weekly exchanges or what we all received in an e-mail, you just seem generally unhappy with all things J Crew. Sorry to point out but other fans and I were talking and miss the sweet positive super fan of J. Crew Alexis.
ReplyDeleteITA with Elizabeth. Most of the kids' clothes are too expensive to even consider at full price.
ReplyDeleteLisigirl: I read your comment (about how I am negative & critical) and thought, "wow, Lisigirl's comment was both negative & critical of me. I wondered if she picked up on that?" I make my email address very accessible on this blog: jcrewaficionada at yahoo dot com. I am kind of surprised that you took the comment public (instead of contacting me directly). I would have emailed this to you, but I could not find an email address. So here it goes...
ReplyDeleteI don't mind criticism if its constructive. Instead of stating my tone is negative, perhaps you could have provided a suggestion or two to make the JCA blog a better place. For example, what topics would you like to see covered? Are there any features you would like to see more or less of? Something more tangible besides how I suck would have be a much nicer way to get your point across.
I don't know if I agree with your analysis. But I will say this, I have noticed that when I rave constantly about J.Crew I am criticized for drinking the crewlade too much. If I do the opposite, I am criticized for being too negative. In other words, I can't please everyone. I hope you can recognize that point too. You may hate the blog. However, I get several emails stating the opposite and to keep doing what I am doing. So there we have it.
Now here is where I actually agree with you- that my posts are less creative. I honestly do comment less and less since the beginning for two reasons: (1) I am busy. It takes a lot of effort to run this blog & I am in the middle of finishing a dissertation. (2) I am a little cautious about my comments because of fear of backlash. Being called out by "former fans" like yourself. Which incidentally, you have the option to not read this blog or not. The fact you still read this blog tells me may not be a regular reader, but you still read this blog.
Lastly, you wrote it best: "ts your blog, and certainly your choice to make it whatever you want it to be."
This will be my last comment on this topic because I don't want to derail this post from its main topic. :)
Heidi: Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteAlexis, I'm constantly amazed at the different posts and actually think they have been more varied in the last year thanks to the huge community that has built up. I can only imagine how many emails you get and the time it takes to post so frequently!
ReplyDeleteYou set the foundation for great discussion and the very useful comments, and I am always checking this (as a break from dissertationing too) : )!
so THANK YOU, and I respectfully disagree w. Lisigirl that I like how the tone on the blog has become less formal/more "honest" - whether it's crewladey or complainey! And as a JCA I totally get the mixture of both.
"back on topic", I must say the crewcuts items can be cute on sale for petite adults. I doubt my kids would have much full price crewcuts since kids grow so fast and only need so many "fancy" clothes, but I am totally going to try to fit into the size 12-14 items : )!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog and your critical comments. Nothing wrong with that. JCrew is far from perfect and definitely needs some work in many areas, so there's nothing negative in pointing these shortcomings out. Thanks for your time and effort in putting this together, I do appreciate it!
I think those who are dissatisfied with this blog should look somewhere else.
OT, Eddie Bauer has a 30% off everything promo today Sat 2/27/20, the code is EB90TH.
Alexis - Apologies for making it public - I HONESTLY didn't realize that your e-mail was available because I have'nt taken the time to look around thoroughly. I also apologize if I came across as super harsh and critical. I just was talking with former BIG fans of your blog and it prompted me to send you a note. I am very loyal to the brand and enjoy others that are as well. Just bums me out to come to a forum thats often negative but that really is my problem, not yours. I'll have guilt the rest of the weekend for adding my own negativity but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that I'll stop back and the mood will have changed. Very sorry to have offended. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteI would not read this blog if it was all crewlade and less than honest opinions about JC clothes, as another JCA said if I would want to read all positive I can read a J Crew PR release.
ReplyDeleteI value both the positive and negative opinions on this blog, it helps me make good purchasing decisions about clothes, I have not had to return item this year.
Alexis thank-you for providing this forum.
Lisgirl I have to ask and I am not trying to start anything here but do you work for J Crew?
Alexis and Lisigirl - Consistency can be great. I look forward to the Weekly Exchange every Monday and I know I'm not alone by the sheer number of posts. I've bought some great things that I missed originally and also got some fabulous deals. I totally love it and would be greatly disappointed if it were discontinued. I also appreciate the Weekly Seek & Find post, even though I'm far from a B&M it helps to get an idea of what items are in demand, what's in short/abundant supply or what may be discounted online soon. These recurring posts are welcome staples and if it aint broke, don't fix it!
ReplyDeleteAs for the topics, I can always email Alexis if I have an idea or even post it as OT in the current thread.
This blog is an excellent forum for "all aspects of J.Crew" as stated right in the banner. I take it for what it is an enjoy it as such. Lisigirl and other "former fans" who want something different are free to create their own and Alexis will probably even add it to the blogroll. What more could you possibly expect from a non-corporate blog?
casual-crew, I thought the same thing. I was going to ask, "Jenna, is that you?" LOL
ReplyDeleteIn essensce sometimes the glass is 1/2 full and sometimes it is 1/2 empty. If everything was cheery on this blog I would go crazy and if all were negative I would go crazy. I think this blog is the perfect balance of both!
ReplyDeleteThanks to Alexis and all posters for making this a GREAT blog IMO:)
Happy Saturday everyone:)
LOL at "Jenna, is that you?," but that was my first thought, too. I come here for the honest reviews and IRL information on fit and quality, as well as information about non-Jcrew alternatives. If the blog read like a JCrew press release, I wouldn't bother.
ReplyDeleteFor those JCA's missing madras totes and critter totes LLBean has some really cute ones....Enjoy! I ordered two:) You can also get the madras totes monogrammed.
ReplyDeleteAlexis,thank you for all the great articles, free shipping and discount codes and enthusiastic discussion concerning J. Crew. I read your blog every day and enjoy it tremendously, not to mention the money it's saved me on promotions, as well as heads up on quality issues, fit etc. There are no JC stores anywhere near me, so I never get to see anything IRL before I order. I really appreciate everyone's opinion(good as well as bad) on the blog. I know this is OT and probably not my business, but what is the subject of your thesis?
ReplyDeleteThis blog is and has always been a great place to discuss the positive and negative aspects of J.Crew. I want to hear from other aficionadas what products are great and what items to stay away from (due to fit or quality issues) so that I can spend my limited discretionary income in the smartest way possible. You don't need to change a thing, and your hard work is recognized by all the aficionadas/os. Keep up the good work.
Gata, thanks for the Eddie Bauer heads-up!! I'm hoping they have some good deals on tall, winter coats.
ReplyDeleteAlexis, keep up the good work! I'm not much of a blog-reader, but I do keep up with this one daily. Many JCA reviews have steered me towards great purchases and away from the "duds." I certainly do appreciate all the time you put into this blog while maintaining a hectic schedule. As for me, I'll keep partaking of the crewlade, lol.
I was hoping to see and buy some crewcuts items today at my b&m, but while they had gotten some new items, they didn't have any of what I was hoping to see. Thankfully JC offers free shipping on crewcuts (hope that continues!), so I can order but I still like to see the items IRL first.
ReplyDeletethe Crewcut girl does look sour and unhappy, it's a clear and your comment was very objective. I love J Crew and Crewcuts, but agree that the styles are a bit over the top and VERY expensive (even for my doctor's salary, lol!).Like many, I buy on sale and with %off. It is challenging to come up with a fresh content on a singular topic, but you are doing a fabulous job. I joined your blog at the start and plan to remain a loyal fan for as long as this blog will run. Two years into this and I am still checking it the first thing in the morning!That speaks of something, don't you agree?:))
alexis, i absolutely love your blog and read daily. one of my favorite things to do is read comments on jca on the bus ride home from work. :)
ReplyDeleteand i appreciate the jca community in general. the reviews, comments, store info--so helpful. if there is any negativity it stems from j.crew sipping on their OWN crewlade. the overly trendy crap, price inflation, deeply self-satisfied (smug?) tone...it is both aggravating and hilarious at the same time.
that said, i think all of the crewcuts gear is adorable...but small children in cashmere?!
last thing: i bought a few sale items at a b&m today and didn't get charged for the tulah dress. only 40 bucks, but i feel strange. the dude didn't charge me and i didn't realize!
Alexis, thank you for taking the time to run this kickass forum for the JC obsessed! Also, thanks to everyone who posts here. I think it is the only way to get the real info for those of us without anyone IRL who share in the consumption. Without the negative the positive would be empty, and would have little humor or flair. We get enough "our designer's favorite this season" hype in the catalogs! I come here for the discussions of what wears well, what washes well, and what makes you look fab, and of course, what doesn't, so we can all shop in a better-informed manner. Like many others, I look forward to the regular posts, like the holiday outfits and the Exchange. Frankly, in a season like this one when my initial reaction was of the meh variety, JCA keeps my interest in the collection more than the clothes do! I also like the tone of the posts, including this one, which could have easily become uncomfortable or even ugly. It's very cool that contradictory opinions on a topic can be handled like adults and not doodie head babies. (Tee, hee!)
ReplyDeleteI rarely comment, but I do want to thank you for this blog. Yours is the only blog I read regularly.
Like others, I check it first thing in the morning and several times a day. I rely on a lot of the information that is generated through the posts. Please keep up the great work! I appreciate all that you do and also, all of the other regular JCAs who are always so helpful.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I didn't like the photo of the crewcuts kids in the new catalog since they look all sad and not happy to be wearing clown outfits. I also can only afford crewcuts when they are on sale since kids outgrow them so fast. Did any see the black and white striped "Jackie" cardigan from last season for the crewcuts? So cute! I wish they had made it for women's line.
ReplyDeleteAlexis, I really appreciate what you are doing keeping up this blog. I visit your blog daily and without this wonderful JCA community I don't know if it would be the same shopping at J.Crew. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the work you put into this blog, it must be very time consuming! I find the advice from you and the other jca's invaluable. I can't tell you how many times I have clicked over here from my shopping cart to check for a review before pulling the trigger, especially on an FS item. Like others, I have the JCA icon on my phone and check your blog first thing! I think this blog promotes sales because you can trust that if someone here likes something then it's good! The only advice I would give to haters is change the channel already.
Keep going, Alexis. I actually appreciate your more critical comments. They show some humanity, personality & soul. I have been a reader since the early days and you used to be so polite. It's great to see what you *really* think about things.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the tone here is overly negative. Blogs involve a lot of projection as there is only one sense used when reading the words. We don't have the benefit of hearing vocal quality or volume, or seeing body language or facial expressions. I think whatever tone people interpret is based on their own feelings & mood that they bring here.
There are many people who spend thousands of dollars a year at J Crew. It's good to dissect and evaluate the company.
Oh...I actually just came onto the latest thread to say I have irl pics of the sunshine peony pencil skirt.
I like this blog, it's my daily read. Alexis, you don't have to worry about being negative. I mean, really, let's take a look at the clothes and ask ourselves if that's the direction we'd like to be in. I have not bought ONE thing this rollout and I think it's because it's been a gradual decline in style, quality, j.crew's ridiculous policies (to combine a discount or not, that is the question!), rude customer service, Final FINAL sales that are driven into our minds like stakes....wow, the list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteOf course, it really wouldn't hurt if Jenna brought in new talent, or someone who understands that we don't need couture crap to make it from season to season.
I totally agree with you on the catalogs...they're pretty much garbage and it seems as if it's trickling down from the marketing/design team.
Such a shame...such a shame!
JCBelleMarie, Gata, Casual-Crew, CaptainCrew, Genny, Jeanne, David, MaryW2062, Regina, Slastena, Megha, CheesyGoodness, Wendy, JCrewPhD, CStar, GigiOfCa, & Christy: I want to *thank you all* for your kindness. :) Your generous words made me smile today. It means a lot to me. Honestly, this blog does have one of the best communities that I have seen. The willingness of JCAs to share their experiences with J.Crew (the good and the bad) is what makes this site so wonderful. Much like many of you, before I make a purchase I check this blog and all the great blogs on the "JCA Blog Roll Call" to read a review beforehand. I have purchased so many items that I normally would not have *after* seeing or reading a wonderful review from a fellow {lovely} JCA. Again, thank you! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend too. :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't posted much lately but I must add ... Alexis, you are amazing to maintain this community. There are so many of us who check in every day. I rarely make a JC purchase without checking for JCA reviews on fit and wear, and I have weekly+ orders out there, I'm embarassed to say.
ReplyDeletePerhaps those of us MOST familiar w/the brand are more discerning aka critical) because we have a lot of "data" on JC items over time to compare. I have 2 Bellas, I can compare them in fit/quality to the Eden. Ditto Victoria vs. Frances, Jaimie vs. Bisbee etc.
Thank you for providing a forum for the debate : )
Ruffles:Thank you so much too! I really do appreciate your kindness. I also completely agree with your comment that many JCAs have a wealth of "J.Crew data" when it comes to quality, fit, etc. and so we use that knowledge when making comments. :)
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog many months ago, but have never left a comment. I have to thank you for all of your work. Because of your blog, I have discovered many new items, saved money from the codes you posted, and have read many reviews. I even placed an order w/ Lands End (Canvas) last week! Most of us are crazy busy and your dedication (and the participation of your loyal followers) many of us alot of time! There is positive and negative about everything and I respect when someone has the courage to voice their opinion. Last week I was cleaning out some older Wellesley Cable sweaters and the quality was SO much better back then.
Anyhow...a long over due thank you :)
Dearest Darling Alexis,
ReplyDeleteSome other JCAs and I have been talking about you behind your back (OK, not really) and think you are AWESOME-O (to quote Plato) for devoting so much time and energy promoting a company that gives you no monetary incentive to do so.
Its [sic] certainly your choice to continue being so devoted to this blog and cranking out so many fun posts.
As one lifelong fan, I am heartened to see you cast a critical eye at some of the Crew-surdities. Jenna, the clothes, models, catalogs, jewelry, and the list goes on and on.
I would have sent this to you via email, but I'm a lazy sod and couldn't be bothered to search the site.
Crugs & Crisses,
P.S. A question I'm sure has been answered before, but I'm a lazy sod you know:
ReplyDeleteIf you buy CrewCuts and throw some adult-sized stuff on the order, does the free shipping disappear?
Raina, you will pay shipping on the non-crewcuts items. But, they don't include the crewcuts items when figuring your total for the shipping (hope that makes sense).
ReplyDeleteMath Teacher - Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteRaina: Thank you so much! Your comment totally made me laugh (awesome-o!). You are the best!!! :)
ReplyDeletebeach*girl: I want to thank you for your comment. I really appreciate your kind words. And aren't the older Wellesley Sweaters fantastic!?! :)