The Consumerist updated the story (click here) today with a new image of the shoes. Also, the customer who received the shoes wrote the following:
Hey Im the Paul who received the free shoes. Just to get facts straight. I called them trying to oder as many pairs as possible in a size 10 because the shoes are really great and priced amazingly (on sale), That is the reason I got 30 pair.
After the incident, i felt wronged. There was a sour taste in my mouth. I have been shopping at JCrew ever since I was a kid. I was furious like heat of passion. So I looked up the company ceo , found the corporate line and called. That simple. I must say that they were BEYOND nice to me. It was like their world stopped and they were only concerned with me. Danielle at Mr Drexlers office was amazing and so was Christa in Lynchburg. Reminder I am still waiting back for word on the gift card that was mentioned.
So lesson Learned -> J Crew Actually Gives a Shit about their Customers, Bravo!!
MINI UPDATE: There's a follow-up comment by the customer:
Wow! A bit overwhelmed. I have received a few dozen messages on facebook !
Ok so YES they are ALL THE SAME STYLE OF SHOE!! Call me a true consumerist but I like my sneaks to be fresh and clean. The night in store in NJ i purchased 4 pairs in Ivory and I have only 1 "fresh" pair left. :(
The total discounted price of the shoe at the store worked out to be $8 and change. There are people who smoke a pack a day ( $9 bucks at the bodega ) , what is so wrong with an addiction to fresh sneaks!
So the real # of shoes works out to be 28 - 22 Red, 2 Ivory , 3 Green and 1 Navy. Yes I know thats a lot of red shoes. I have already given away a few pairs to friends
Also I had a few questions as to why I decided to call office of CEO. The answer is simple. I have been shopping at J Crew since I can remember looking in a mirror. I have had nothing but great purchases and good things to say about the company. However the incident that took place made me furious , livid to say the least. I felt deceived. To sum up how i felt , If J Crew Was a person Id really want to kick him in the balls..... This angst was the catalyst to my call and I was delighted that they were so supportive and prompt in addressing the issue.
Will I continue to shop at J Crew? Yes. I don't hate the company. They have the best and longest lasting boxers! I am however angry at the lazy lying phone sales associates. And if either of you two are reading this , pick up the book How to Make Friends and Influence people, it might teach you a thing or two.
After reading his comment, and seeing the shoes, I am inclined to believe his story. (But I still have some doubts.) However, I have no doubts that J.Crew's CEO Mickey Drexler does care about his customers. Correcting the situation in a classy manner like providing a customer with shoes "on the house" does seem like an action they would take. :)
What do you think about this story? Do you think it is true or not? What do you think of the outcome (i.e. getting 30 pairs of shoes)?
There is something really funny about this story to me - it just seems excessive and almost sarcastic to give someone thirty pairs of the same shoe! Why not send him a gift card? I wonder how many pairs of shoes he was trying to get? If it was two or three, I could see that if they were great shoes, but surely he wasn't trying to ORDER 30 pairs? There are no shoes that good or that cheap! I do wonder what style they are. I'll peruse ebay...I'm guessing some will end up there :) Great story nonetheless!!
ReplyDeleteBut why 30 pairs of shoes??? Wouldn't one pair of free shoes suffice? I really don't get it. If JCrew screwed up, a pair of shoes on the house would be a great gesture.
ReplyDeleteAm I missing something?
The shoes are probably J. Crew overstock, this story sounds really bogus. It sounds a little difficult to sell thirty pair of the same size and style of shoe, but I guess he could make some money
ReplyDeleteIf Mickey is so open to his customers, does that mean he would seriously contemplate a fixed shipping fee? I would buy more and more often.
ReplyDeleteThe guy said they were a clearance item, and he was trying to order a ton of them because he loved them, and they were cheap.
ReplyDeleteHe basically NAILED a phone rep who claimed to have called a store, but clearly did not. The rep thought he was just going to take her/his word for it, and was surprised when he asked for a name--so she made one up, thinking that would be the end of it. The rep got busted.
J Crew is hugely embarrassed by the a lie they can't talk their way out of.
As compensation, J Crew gives him what he wanted: a bunch of the same shoe in his size---probably all they had left in his size. It was clearance, so it's not like they are losing a ton of money--and he gets what he wants.
I don't find it hard to believe at all. The rep lied and got caught. J crew was embarrassed, and took care of the customer.
This is clearly O/T but I've lost the thread . . . the discussion about the Collection dazzling dots pencil in mint got me looking at it, and hoping that perhaps JCAs with access to stores with Collection pieces could start posting reviews of them. I can't always afford Collection pieces, but would love to live vicariously. I hope you might consider this, Alexis, and other JCAs . . . thanks!
ReplyDeleteI was furious like heat of passion?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I know there is some excuse for that and I shouldn't be making fun of it, but it just sounds really funny and out of place in this story. That made me laugh.
Now go, all you sensitive women, and crucify me for laughing at someone's English.
Anon @ 3:33 -- His English skills are bad, I don't think anyone would crucify you for pointing that out. Even the first sentence: "Hey Im the Paul.." is weird.
ReplyDeleteI also only see 21 shoe boxes in the photo, so I am only going to believe that quantity until I see otherwise! ;-P
This is an entertaining story, Alexis, no matter what the amount of truth it contains -- thanks for sharing it! :-)
I still don't believe it. I can see JCrew/Mickey offering him the shoes he wanted at the sale price (and having HIM pay for them himself), and, then, as compensation, giving him a gift card for the lie. Does it ever mention directly that the shoes were free or just that he got them?
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to share without any details that I’ve received a similar amazing customer service from J.Crew. I did not get 30 pairs of shoes (I would not mind :)) but I did receive a very good compensation for the troubles I was experiencing with the items I've purchased. I am sure my order history played a large role - I am shopping at J.Crew every week and spend tons of money online and at the store. After the incident I am J.Crew’s customer for life. I liked how they treated me. Now I am shopping there for my husband’s clothes and in the future I will be buying from Crewcuts.
ReplyDeleteYes, Vic is on the right track.
ReplyDeleteI did receive amazing compensation two times for problems I had and they were very generous to me as well. I ordered several times a week for over 3 1/2years leading up to that pointso I am sure that played into it.
(Recently, I do not shop as much at JCrew for various reasons. Doubt I will ever go back to the amount I used to spend though...for reasons people keep mentioning on this blog.)
@Anon 3:32 - I'll be posting a review of the Dazzling Dots skirt on my blog this week.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually less inclined to believe his story after reading his "follow-up" - either he had someone else write his follow-up, or it's two different people, because I don't believe that the same person wrote both of those posts.
Also, the guy's original post claims that he wasn't allowed to purchase ANYTHING originally - that he had to leave the store because it was closing. Yet now he claims he bought 4 pairs before he left?...
True or not, it's a funny story. And great press for J Crew. They will have some crackpots showing up for excellent service, no doubt, but overall it has created a buzz about J Crew. They need that right now with the lack of excitement I've seen here on the blogs about the current items.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's true or not, but do agree with gigiofca that it has at least caused much needed *buzz* about J.Crew.
ReplyDeleteThis story is so bizarre. From the guy becoming so bent out of shape, to his lack of English skills, to him being sent thirty pairs of the same shoes, and then the fact that he says he only wears "fresh and clean" sneakers. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDelete"i'm sorry that you had a bad customer service experience at one of our stores. here, please take 28 pairs of shoes and our sincere apologies that any of this happened."
ReplyDeletedoubt it.
Girls, please stop making fun of others. :) I know, I make very funny and silly mistakes when I am writing in English :). But I still want to express myself on this blog and to make comments. However, such remarks are making me very uncomfortable. I am sure other people are feeling the same way. Reading blogs and writing comments is actually one of the ways foreigners learn English. Thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a PR exercise to me!
ReplyDeleteTalking about cheap shoes, how about cheap bags? There's a Metallic Uptown Tote on Ebay for 99 cents. It's the lined version with molten borge garveri leather. I've not seen the bag IRL. Any comments on the bag?
Interesting to see the follow up... it is a funny story, whether true or not! :) I' am inclined to believe it now, after seeing the "mini-update." :-)
ReplyDeleteI bet they were the Jack Purcell's. They are really cheap to begin with, and if they were 50% + 15% student discount would be a steal.
ReplyDeleteI too don't really get why Drexler would rectify the situation by providing 30 free pairs. Why 30? My only guess is he was amused with the guy. If his complaint communication was anything like his posts I imagine would generate a laugh.
Sad the CS's he dealt with were so shady.
WOW! What a fascinating story!!!! I can't get enough!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but haven't several posters on this blog said JCrew Sa's have flat out lied to them?
ReplyDeleteI've never had a SA lie to me, but the last time I called to place an order the SA pitched me products (a $795 messenger bag - yeah right!)This was the first I'd experienced this. Thought it completely tacky. Anyone else experienced this or was mine an isolated incident?
ReplyDeleteThanks, JTS--I'll be looking for your review of the skirt!
ReplyDeleteAnon @7:37pm: Yes, they started doing upselling and many JCAs already complained here about that. I simply ignore it and say : "I will think about it."
ReplyDeleteOMG Vic and sensitive others. If you are going to be upset over a negative comment you shouldn't be blogging on the net. People will blast anyone for the smallest thing. I'm not condoning it but honestly, have you not figured that out? This blog is very polite compared to most so enjoy it and brush off the very, very few rude comments here.
ReplyDeleteI think the gesture is kind of smart ass-y...
ReplyDelete"OK, the guy is upset about a shoe experience? Send him 30 pairs. Maybe THAT will shut him up."-Mickey ;-)
That's how it seems to me.
Man, just picture how fast he'd go through his boxers.
ReplyDeleteYes, I experienced the upsell too, it was kinda annoying, bec. it wasn't just one thing they offered. I just wanted to get off the phone, but, I think they are pressured to do so, so, I just say no thanks.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why anyone would want more than two or three pairs of the same shoes. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I "hoard" my favorite items, too. Like I have two pairs of my favorite jeans and sometimes I buy blouses or shirts in pairs (if they're reasonably priced and I plan to wear them often). This past year, I bought two pairs of the Lulu flats because J. Crew rarely puts the same shoe out the next season.
ReplyDeleteBut thirty pairs of sneakers... come on! And he said he wants his shoes to be fresh and clean. You can keep them fresh and clean through normal use and cleaning and Odor Eaters if you need them. And you can also wear SOCKS.
J. Crew gets suspicious of people buying many multiples of an item because people sell them on e-Bay. Now Paul has thirty reasons to keep e-Bay busy!
OT - does anyone have a coupon code for Hayden-Harnett? I want to buy a couple of things and would love a deal.
Jeff - ROTFL! :)
ReplyDeleteTrue or untrue, I love this story and even shared it with the person sitting closest to me in class. We both thought it was funny...another day brightened by JCA!
ReplyDeleteI think the situation was handled correctly. The customer did nothing wrong. Good for him for getting as many pairs as possible. I love to stock up on clothes I know I'll use ! Oh how I wish I could have 30 Cambridge cable cardigans. :-)
ReplyDeleteSince we are talking about shoes, what do y'all think of these boots?
I'm thinking of pulling the trigger but I'm not sure if they are too trendy or good for a few seasons. I love the violet color and they are less than half price.
Any opinions?
If anybody is looking to get their white Jack Purcell fix (besides this guy!), gap.com has them for $45, and 25% off until 3/6, making them about $33.75. Not bad compared to JC's $65!
ReplyDeleteAlso, JC's shoes page says "Up to 30% off select styles"... just looks like the Joley flats, Belinda heels, and the Cates (which have been on promo for a while anyway). Big whoop!
Alexis, did you delete several of yesterday's comments for this post? I notice that several are missing. They weren't mean or inappropriate or anything. Why do you do that?
ReplyDeleteAlexis, sorry! I just realized that all of the comments prior to the update of your post were deleted. Just ignore my previous comment! :)
ReplyDeleteIf this did actually happen, then it seems kind of sexist to me. Almost like JCrew reacted so strongly because he was an angry man. There have been PLENTY of women customers who have contacted the company with equally legitimate complaints, and I don't think any of them ever got such a huge "reward". I sincerely hope it isn't true...
ReplyDeleteVic, thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteVic, when you say you spend tons of money at JC, would you mind giving a yearly average of how much you spend? Not trying to be snarky, I just wonder if there is a threshold of spending where JC treats customers differently?
ReplyDeleteIt has nothing to do with male or female. Can we dispense with the 'ism' of the day? Not everything that doesn't go your has to do with some sort of imagined 'ism'. My last name is Jones and if I don't get what I want, the company engages in 'Jonesism'? Take a deep breath here.
ReplyDeleteI'm so tired of reckless accusations like this. Sexism because you don't get free stuff like the shoe guy?
All companies take special care of their big spenders. There was an article a while back where a rep from J Crew gave out numbers. I think you have to spend $2000.00 a month to be considered a big spender.
Anonymous at 4:01 PM, thanks for the information. That's very interesting. So, $2000? Even if I had a bigger wardrobe budget, I can't imagine spending $2000 a month on clothes (let alone from a single store like J. Crew, where most items are relatively inexpensive). Maybe in my wildest dreams and at Barney's! I love a bargain too much.
ReplyDeleteEven if I bought every J. Crew item that I liked at full price, I don't think I could spend that type of money on a consistent basis (maybe if I bought all the items that I liked in multiple colors). I don't really go for their more expensive items (i.e. shoes and handbags), though. 99% of my purchases are clothes or belts.
Perhaps it's because I'm just out of college and single (I don't have a lot of money, and I'm not buying for a spouse or children). Setting aside those buying J Crew Collection or wedding attire, I wonder how many customers are considered big spenders.
ReplyDeleteDon't quote me. That's a fuzzy memory of an older article, but, I'm pretty sure that's about what it is.
I live in a wealthy area, and, while I can't spend anything close to that, (I wish!) I know people that spend money on clothes in that way.....yes...still, even in this economy. Not everyone is struggling and suffering. I think they're stupid, and should be buying the depreciated real estate that's become available, but that's just me. Really, they don't have to choose, and can buy both. That's their life. I know of at least two women that spend 10,000.00 and up per month on clothes, that they wear once or twice, and donate to charities and shelters later.
I could easily spend 2000.00 at J crew a month. Easily. I could go fill up my cart right now with about 8 things that could easily go over 1000.00,no problem. I can't really spend that of course, lol.
People that have this kind of money live in a different world....one that regular people can't relate to. So, yeah, if somebody's spending 24,000.00 a year a J crew, and something goes horribly wrong with one of their orders, you better believe J Crew or any company is going to bend over backwards to retain that profitable customer, up to and including free stuff, because they are making so much money from that customer.
4:01, thanks for the response. I love J. Crew, and I could easily spend a lot of money there as well. I think my shopping cart/wish list is at about $2000-3000 or so right now! But, so many of the items are on sale. I can't bring myself to buy their clothes (even the cords) at full price. I'm patient enough to wait for the inevitable sales, and I work 2 blocks away from J. Crew. I can easily keep an eye on my favorite items. There are also JCrew items that I "wish" for but wouldn't ever actually buy, like their eyeglasses. A few pairs of them easily add to $1000 in my cart.
ReplyDeleteI work in a casual environment now. I can see why women who can't wear jeans to work might be spending lots of money at J. Crew. I'm just not there yet! If I had to wear suits to work or if I could afford to buy everything at full-price, my situation would be entirely different.
But, then I think of all the people here who lament the decline in quality of J. Crew items. I wonder if J. Crew's "worth" purchasing at full prices, even if you can afford them. I guess it doesn't matter if you have the money to throw away or if you can have your tailor fix the items. J. Crew must be like Forever 21 or H&M to those big spenders. I wish I had the type of salary where J. Crew seemed as "cheap" as Forever 21 does now :)
I'm a little confused that he said he'd been shopping there since he was a kid... Did they used to sell children's clothes before crewcuts? Maybe he just meant his parents shopped there?