Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Surprise! Log Into J.Crew for Free Shipping {yey!}

"Thanks!" to Miss Penny Z. (in this post), who let us know the latest promotion from J.Crew.

J.Crew is offering select customers free shipping when you log-into your J.Crew account. She also shares the following message when you log-in (& are selected to receive it):
As a special thank you, we will be offering some exclusive benefits throughout the year. To make sure you are taking full advantage of each and every perk, check your email and sign in to your registered J.Crew account each time you visit Today, please enjoy free standard shipping.
Also "thanks!" to many of you, including Twiga, who let us know this offer runs until July 18th. Fantastic!

I rushed to log-in and found nothing for me. {sigh} I was again, not selected. :( However, "congrats!" to those who have the offer! :)

P.S. Does anyone have a regular free shipping code? A huge "thanks!" in advance for sharing one!!!


  1. Yeah-thanks Penny Z for posting this! I was looking on the blog for a FS code and debating about paying $8.50 for my $29 purchase and Yippie I have free shipping!

  2. No luck for me. I'm never one of the chosen few.

  3. ...Just loged into my acc - nope, no free shipping for me.

  4. I've never received FS offer in my account and didn't expect one either this time around. Good for my wallet so no shopping for me.

  5. Boo. I didn't get it either and the $14.50 to ship two items is really preventing me from pulling the trigger on my shopping cart! Bummer. Congrats to those who did get it!

  6. Un-surprise: I just logged in, and as usual, zilch. Haven't ever gotten one of these promos.

  7. No free ship for me as usual. The 6 things in my cart will sit there until I get some damn free shipping or % off. *grumble grumble* I'm convinced that they know I will buy anyway. ARRGGGHH.

  8. Thanks for posting about this. I logged in, and I have FS.... I wouldn't have otherwise known! Now I'll have to look and see if there's anything that I really want.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nothing for me this time. They have definitely downgraded my customer status, because I used to receive at least some of these benefits (and I am a silver card holder FWIW).

    To be fair to JC, I've downgraded them too--so far in 2010 my purchases are at about a quarter of what they were for the last couple of years. Usually after the close of a quarter I'd be looking forward to a nice little reward card, but I just barely earned my first of the year.

    Of course, that doesn't count older items bought on eBay, LOL!

  11. Nothing for me...I feel like doing a little experiment: signing up DH and seeing if he gets these bennies, since the card is in my name...he certainly seems to get his fair share of catalog offers (even though I tell them to stop sending him a catalog due to the environment. I should tell them to stop sending me mine, since there are no offers in there!).

    Final Sale is up with 1044 items up for women this AM (PST).

  12. No free shipping for me either, and there were some good popbacks and further markdowns in the men's sale section this morning.

  13. Not my lucky day today...darn!!! Thanks for posting, I never think to log in unless I am placing an order.

  14. No free shipping for me. But, congrats to those you received it.

  15. I got it. I'm on a self-imposed shopping ban for the month of July so it's wasted on me!

  16. Nothing for me. Kind of surprising, actually, since I usually get the promos. It's just as well, though, since I've spent far too much this month.

  17. No luck for me either! Has any Canadian JCA's received this perk before? Just curious...

    Is this only available to those of you who have a JC credit card? I'm a bit wary of getting a US store cc, as I had an Eddie Bauer cc before (suckered in by the % off initial purchase) and had a heck of a time paying it punctually (took time for the bill to get to me, then I had to pay by money order blah blah).

    Just wondering if it's going to be worth my while.

  18. @closet crisis: Based on past comments (and Hexicon's today), the promo isn't automatic for card holders ... while I didn't get it, no big loss this time - there is nothing that interests me, as I cleaned up on what I'd wanted during the 20/30% & FS promos ...I think this must be about the low point of the year - summer stuff languishing, first fall offerings still a few weeks away.

  19. Closet Crisis: I am Canadian and I received it last Fall, and I am not a cardholder.

  20. Closet Crisis, as far as we can tell, there is no rhyme or reason to these offers. Some of us spend a lot, some don't, some have charge cards, some don't. We long ago gave up trying to figure out the why of it :)

  21. I never get it. They have my number as I continue to spend with out it... bummer

  22. No luck for me either and there's something that just popped up in the sale section that I want.

  23. Thanks for the notice. Yes, FS was there waiting for me!

  24. nothing for me either. i thought that there was a teensy chance since i did get the last catalog code out of the blue, but nope. i'll wait for a % code before i get my next few things.

  25. I've $300 dollars of mechandise in my shopping cart...Even though I got the FS, I'm thinking I should wait for the next 20% or 30% off...I'm not really saving much when the amount is so large!

  26. I too have several items in my shopping cart that I refuse to buy without FS and/or 20-30% off. I used to simply purchase without a care when it came to J Crew and longer.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I did get it last time, but nothing for me this time.

  29. I've never ever gotten in on one of these free shipping promos. I think this is J.Crew's way of saying I shop with them too often... and I guess they're right because a popback I'd been stalking came back this morning and I pulled the trigger despite the astronomical s/h charge. Then at lunch I placed an order from the red phone at my B&M for the Linen silk-pocket cardi ($29.99 less 20% in-store but still $59.99 online) and was AGAIN subject to s/h fees. Going to send an email to CS now and hope they agree to absorb at least one of the s/h charges...

  30. woa, there's asian porn on our blog!

  31. no free shipping for me, but I did get an email to pre-order the Exhibitor mega-tote (in look #5 on the look book) for $375. At least they seem to realize that this bag is big! I do like the bag though...

  32. Didn't get it this time, but I DID get it last Fall when they started the whole free shipping via logging in thing. I just placed an order for two swimsuits yesterday too, geeze!

  33. Incredible. No code for me either. ...and I've worked so hard be this year (to the dismay of my bank account) to be their best customer (or at least in the Dude category).

  34. I got the free ship but don't really have anything on my wish list. Shopped out for now I guess.

  35. Bummer; I didn't receive the free shipping offer either. Too bad because I'm a very loyal customer (meaning really that I spend too much on J. Crew)! Have a J Crew silver card and never get special offers like FS or 20% off coupon in catalog. Wondering if it would be more beneficial to just cancel card??? To those of you who received FS code, do you have a J. Crew credit card? Any input helps; thanks!

  36. I am sad/glad to report that I got my usual nada..:)
    Yes, I am sour, but... it is what it is. On other hand, I still like J crew a lot, but have no loyalty to them whatsoever. If I purchased an item that got on sale quickly, I go ahead and return it for a lower price with no qualms ( assuming the tags are on and I haven't worn it yet, which is almost always the case). A year ago, I 'd be shamed to do so- was thinking about company needing to make a profits, and so on, so on.. Nawadays? No love from J crew for me?- no obligations on my part whatsoever...They have taught me to become a hard core bargain-ista, and that's what I am.:)


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And now back to J.Crew! :)