Referencing {FAQ}

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

J.Crew Aficionadas: We Are Being Heard! :)

Dear J.Crew Aficionadas: our concerns, comments, praises, frustrations, and the like are all being heard by the folks over at J.Crew. I, for one, am thrilled (and of course slightly nervous) about this! :)

First, J.Crew CEO Mickey Drexler responds to some of us J.Crew Aficionadas (see posts "Mickey Drexler = AWESOME!" and "J.Crew Responds to an Aficionada: Jenn_Brak"). This news, I thought was amazing enough.

Now, GigiofCa has shared with us (from the "Mickey Drexler = AWESOME!" post) some more exciting news: that J.Crew Corporate is aware of this blog. Gigiofca writes:

"... I went to the Pleasanton, CA store today and received the best customer service ever from Melissa. I believe she is the store manager. We were talking and I was telling her about my in-person customer service experience vs phone. We talked about and then I asked had she heard about the J Crew Aficionada blog. I could barely get the words out of my mouth because she had. In fact, the blog was discussed in the conference call that morning. WILD! ..."

"...Basically corporate is reading it. And specific references were made to things we've discussed and names were mentioned. No worries, I don't think anyone should get self-conscious. Keep being who you are because they are paying attention. ..."

"... I think it's super cool that our voices are being heard. I have seen other recent comments about JCrew on other sites in light of the Web trouble and they are not nearly as eloquent as the ones here. So...I think corporate can find feedback from all over, but the thoughts articulated here are incredible. ..."

"...It was more like screen names were thrown out, but I didn't get the sense that they are tracking anyone or tying any specific thoughts to one person. Not at all. I think the screen names jump out because many of them have crew in them. ..."

I mention this point a lot, but I really believe it's true: the reason this blog is so great, is because of the members. Everyone here has been so helpful and insightful with all their comments- from sizing, to styling, to even encouraging one another to try new pieces. Practically all the members here are experts when it comes to J.Crew. :)

Also, I know that I have personally gained a lot from all the knowledge shared by the Aficionadas here. (I also think I spent more on J.Crew since this blog started, as I have been buying items recommended here that I normally would not consider.)

How do you feel about J.Crew's interest in this blog? If you could ask or say anything to J.Crew, what would it be? (They could be reading this very post- so its definitely worth mentioning!) :)


  1. This is my first comment on the jcrewaficionada blog, but if they're listening, I thought I'd say that I like where they're going with the men's line, in particular the 3/2 lapel roll on the new slim flannel suit and the return of the Thomas Mason shirts.


  2. Congratulations are in order Alexis! Bravo!

    How is the dissertation going? I was thinking about how I've learned so much about so many different things since starting it - in an effort to procrastinate. I've learned to cook (which is really out of this world), I go to the gym nearly five times a week and am in great shape, and I am completely fashionable because of and this blog!! All because of my dissertation:)

  3. Anonymous at 10:20PM: Welcome to the blog! We love to meet new fans of the crew!

    Jcrewbug: Thanks for the congrats! Even though I am excited about this news, I am not sure if anything is really going to come out of this. :)

    I won't lie, my dissertation is boring. I think that is why I started this blog- to procrastinate. So I can totally relate to you starting to pick up new hobbies while going through your dissertation! LOL :)


    By the way, Alexis- kudos! Your site rocks!

  5. Very exciting!

    I got two new items today: Serengeti tank and the watercolor floral tank in the brown/green combo. Both gorgeous. The Serengeti tank is more green than gray/beige as I expected. It will work with my other pieces though.

  6. Oh - I have another point too.

    I really appreciate that J Crew is trying to make their clothing more reasonably priced for students. As a medical student I am required to look professional and the clothing I wear has to stand up to cleaning after cleaning and still look great. J Crew offers such clothing but as a student it's hard to obtain, especially at full price. I really appreciate when my discount is honored (along with or without other offers) because I feel that I am a loyal customer and J Crew is being loyal to me as well.

  7. This is my first official post, but I have been a constant vistor to this sight. I'd just like to say that I love J. Crew Clothing. However, I would love to purchase more but their high shipping prices always keep me from buying the items I desire. I would really appreciate a coupon code.

  8. If they are listening, I think that they should know how much more I've spent with them because of this blog. :) All this talk of new items and rave reviews on them brings me in weekly to my b&m store to check out the goods and I always, always end up spending more than I expect and even picking out things I wouldn't have spared a second glance at that end up being great. This blog is super!

    Also, if they're not going to offer petite or special occasion clothes in store, I think shipping should be free if you order these items. :) Seems unfair to have to pay shipping on an item you can never try on at all and what if you have no idea what your size is?

    Also again again, I'd like to know where this mysterious 20% coupon is and why my store has no knowledge of it. I am going in tomorrow to buy a whole bunch of stuff and it'd be really great if I don't have to deal with the hassle everyone else has been talking about! But if I do, then I will be continuing my kinship with my fellow bloggers. :)

    Also again, to everyone else to whose informative, insightful, helpful, awesome comments I have found so useful: Thank you so much! My fiancee and wallet may not thank you, but my expanded, no-longer-boring wardrobe does. :)

    The End. Sorry for the long post. :)

  9. Alexis: How did I just NOW figure out that you are writing your dissertation?! GOOD LUCK! I just turned mine in and defended in April... I know the stress! Online shopping was (and is) a major stress reliever for me :)

    RE: J. Crew being aware of this blog... AWESOME! Kudos to you for creating this forum AND to all of the people that I talk to on here everyday.

  10. Wow, Alexis, this is quite a distinction for you!

    I must admit I feel a teeny bit bad that I've been so negative, but I wouldn't be here in the first place if I didn't love the clothes.

    And I will join the procrastination club. I am supposed to be working on a professional journal article and am feeling uninspired . . .

  11. PS. Not the end after all!

    I just wanted to add that this morning, I was checking out the new comments on the blog and my fiancee caught me. He said "You are so obsessed with that blog! This worries me!"

    And it's true. :) It used to be email, then J.Crew, every morning, right away. Now it's email and this blog!

  12. Alexis: I defend Sept. 25, get married Oct. 11, and then start surgery Nov. 5. Jeasss!!!

    The problem is that I must must must not push my defense date back anymore (I'm on my third date). Wish me luck.

    Is the end in site for you?

  13. I think it's exciting to know they are reading this blog...I hope they listen to the suggestions we make to initiate changes in the company for the better, and I also hope they don't use the information we share with each other against us...that would be my only concern with them visiting.

  14. Alexis: Congrats on this blog! It is addictive...I check several times a day...or whenever I can get some free time.

    On a separate note, I got a depressing email from JCrew. Two of this CS reps offered me giftcards for screwups with 3 of my orders. Since I never heard much more, I emailed to ask if the promise of the giftcard was a "figment of my imagination". The note from JCrew basically says that they no promotions of that sort....what does that mean..I dont know.

    I dont have it in me to call up to follow-up..seems kind of pathetic. They are the ones who offered the giftcards...I never asked. And now it comes to this.


  15. I think it's great that they read this blog. And, thanks to Alexis who started it for us! I think that they can get good ideas from us, although it's a little disconcerting to know that they talk about us by name.

  16. Anon at 10:26PM: Thanks for the nice comment! I also hope Edgewater, NJ gets a store soon. :) J.Crew has been expanding lately, so maybe that will be one of their new locations to consider. :)

    Molly: Congrats on the new items!!! :)

    JCrewBug: I do agree with you as a student, JCrew prices seem a bit high- but much more affordable with the student discount. I am really grateful they offered that and the educator's discount! :)

    JCrewPrep: So happy to hear from you! We love to meet new Aficionadas. :) I also agree that their shipping rates are on the high end. Many of us have even offered solutions including (1) a flat fee rate; (2) buy in shipping rates (where you pay X amount per year for unlimited shipping); (3) Shipping coupons for card holders, and the like. Maybe they will consider them. :)

    Melanie: I hear you about spending more b/c of the Aficionadas here- LOL! I also laughed about your fiancee not being thrilled about that- my husband isn't either. :) Also, the comment from him about you checking this blog often- my husband says the same thing too! Too, too funny!

    Dr. J: Congrats goes to you! I am in awe of your success. :) (I love hearing from those who completed their dissertation- provides hope to those of us who have not!) Also, thanks for the nice words, I really appreciate it. :)

    Hexicon: Don't feel bad about being negative. (There have been many-a-posts where I was not so complimentary to their practices.) I think that what we have said in frustration is actually quite useful.

    In one of my marketing classes, we learned that the most vocal customers are usually the best focus group members. The reason behind it is because the vocal person is probably speaking for 100's of others who are experiencing the same issues but took their business elsewhere. So you were speaking up for a lot of us- which is a great thing for J.Crew to know!!! :)

    JCrewBug: Congrats to you as well! That is awesome!!! I am so impressed by how much you had going on around the same time- even a wedding!!! That is amazing.

    Unfortunately, I am at the start of my dissertation. So I still have a long-ways left. But I love hearing those who see the light at the end of the dissertation tunnel- it gives me some inspiration!!!

  17. Here are my suggestions from the other thread earlier today:

    Consistency would be great if they would:

    1)ALWAYS allow the educator/student discount on an order no matter whether full price or sale, and also on orders with other discounts already being applied

    2)ALWAYS allow coupon codes and discounts to be stacked...well, at least 2 of them like the 4 stores and Victoria's Secret do.

    3)ALWAYS allow price match on store and online merchandise

    4)ALWAYS allow free shipping from the red phone for sale items if a full price item is also purchased

    5)ALWAYS allow customers in zip codes that are not within an hour of a b&m to get FREE SHIPPING and IN STORE sale promos

    6)ALWAYS make the in store and online sales in conjunction with each other, so that web only customers do NOT get cheated on deals that are in store only

    Thank You! :)Oh yeh...PLEASE SEND BETTER VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE TO THE ORLANDO STORE...they seem to not get most of the "popular" items, or even the items I really want from the catalog, and then I STILL have to order from the web...very frustrating.

  18. FFM: You mentioned one of the reasons why I was nervous: I hope they don't use the info we share to take away some of the things, like policies, that we love about them. :)

    Mom-NYC: Thanks for the nice words! Sorry to hear about the gift card fiasco. I would definitely call them. :)

    Math Teacher: Thanks for the thanks! But I think the real thanks goes to all of you who have been the real source of knowledge here! :)

  19. ffm: I agree with you about items not being in our stores. Do you think it's b/c our stores are considered "warm weather?" There are things online and in the catalog that I would love to try on, but they aren't in my store. :( I feel your pain.

  20. math teacher: I also agree with ffm's comment about no good items in our small stores. I am also in a warm weather state (Texas) and I know that they put the good items in the other two top level stores in my area. So it's not the climate, it's how they rank the store and it's demographic. Mine is in the burbs. Those wtwo locations that get the good stuff are in high-end malls. That's my guess anyway...

    Note my new name and I'm blue, yay!!!

  21. If J. Crew is listening (or reading, rather), I truly hope the company will learn from our experiences over the last two months. Please consider the following:

    1. If you're updating your website and customers report kinks, close the website. We would rather wait and have it function correctly before we make purchases.

    2. Please do not ship customer's packages without a tracking number and/or shipping confirmation e-mail. Having that UPS number assures us that the package is safely on its way. Having packages appear as unexpected surprises is great; unable to locate a package or having a package stolen would be awful.

    3. Consider flat-rate shipping like other large retailers such as Gap and Nordstrom.

    4. Keep offering coupon codes. Shoppers can write off an item because it is too expensive. Giving a discount tempts us to get that new pencil skirt or embellished cardigan!

    5. Finally, keep listening! Alexis does a great job with the blog and I love the "grass roots" feel of everything. We stick together when things go wrong and help each other shop when things are right.

  22. weab: My store is downtown Charleston, SC, where there's a huge Gucci, Saks, and a Louis Vuitton coming in. And, my sa told me today that more high end stores are coming. So, maybe J Crew will consider it a "high end" store and include more items in the future. It's also close to a college (right around the block) so that could influence the items as well.

  23. Weab/Sally: Congrats on being blue- that is fantastic!!!

    Sophie: I think *all* of your comments/suggestions are spot on and well-said! I hope they are listening. :)

  24. I've posted here sporadically, but as a lifetime marketer and someone who has been involved with some major consumer brands - please be cautious with the fact that JCrew corporate is reading the blog.

    While many companies do actively monitor their image online, there are very few who actually use that information in a positive manner. I truly hope that JCrew is one of those companies; however, there is a strong likelihood that they are tapping into us to understand "holes" in their system - e.g. promotions being overused/abused, people "gaming the system", etc. The bottom line is, they want us to buy their stuff as close to full price as possible, so they may try to eliminate loopholes.

    Unfortunately, there's no absolute private way to talk about such things - and we're not the only ones giving away secrets. But with such a high profile, they'll certainly be looking here first - you know?

  25. Congratulations!

    Like other people leaving comments to this post, this is my first comment on this site, even though I've been following it for a while.

    All I have to say is keep up the good work, J. Crew (and Alexis)! Being a high school student, many of my friends purchase from stores like AE, Hollister, and etc., while I usually try to stick with J. Crew. The quality does not even begin to compare. My friends would ware out 4 polos while my single polo looks like I just bought it. Definitely worth every penny, especially since I do not have much to begin with.

    Anyways, I LOVE this site! I also enjoy your rhetorical questions at the end of each post- I think its a great way to generate a plethora of ideas!

  26. math teacher: I guess I can't make sense of how they do these things, even when I try really hard. ;) Seems a store in DT with high end shops all around it should be getting "the good stuff". Go figure...

    alexis: once again, congrats! You're doing an amazing job! I am not surprised that they're listening/reading because this is the cheapest and most accurate focus group a company could hope for.

    However, I am a little uncomfortable with the knowledge that the stores are aware of it as well and using names, as I have voiced some MAJOR unhappiness with mine recently and did not leave a lot of mystery behind my previous name. YIKES!

  27. sania: do they target individuals gaming the system or just learn from their shopping patterns?

  28. Oh, and another thing to mention - just because I've seen people talk about it here...

    The online sales strategy and the retail b&m store strategy is often run by two separate business units within any large corporation. I haven't often seen it be the same marketers, and for a good reason - both are equally large endeavors. But, as such, the sales and promos end up differing somewhat, and in JCrew's case, pretty significantly.

    If my suspicion about JCrew as a corporation is correct (and I honestly say that I have no idea about the size of their corporate strategy & marketing departments), it may be wishful thinking in asking them to sync up online and offline (in-store promotions. That would mean two business silos with conflicting goals having to get along - and trust me, that is a rare thing in the corporate world! :)

  29. alexis: Thanks! I'm so excited about seeing my blue name too!

    sania: I was also a marketing professional pre-children and did also fear what you mentioned. You brought up a very good point about finding the loopholes in their promotions and them taking away our ability to use promotions we here about hear.

    I mean look at what happened with

  30. I have also spent more with them because of this blog. I would have never bought alpine green colored chinos before I tried them out on polyvore (this blog lead me to polyvore).

    Also I spend more if I have free shipping. I buy a lot more in fact.

    Jcrew: Please create a program like amazon's I am happy to buy into free shipping each year... $75 bucks a year would make it so worth it to me. OR make it possible for Jcrew card holders to automatically get free shipping. i want to pay money for your clothes, but you shipping costs are insane!

    Thanks for listening :)

    OOOO wait I have a P.S.: creat a cotton-cashmere (affordable softness) blend for women's sweaters... why do only the men get to benefit from this luxury?

    THANKS JCREW for making me always look fabulous!

  31. Anonymous @ 11:32 p.m. - They probably wouldn't target individuals, but rather (as you said) learn from the patterns to discover flaws and fix them.

    For example, the things that we notice that they may not realize we notice:

    - The sale section being updated at 6:45 a.m.
    - Price match to a store you've never set foot in

    Among other things...

  32. Sanie: You raised an excellent (and sobering) point that the info shared here can be used against us. I often worry about that too. If that day comes, I am sure I, along with the other Aficionadas, will vent our frustrations in hopes of change. :)

    Jay Krue: Loving your post name! ;) Also, thanks for the nice words about this site. I also couldn't agree with you more about the quality of J.Crew being great for the most part. :)

    Sally: Thanks for the nice comment- I appreciate it. :) I also hear you about the concern of matching screen name with actual customer. I am always a tiny bit nervous going into a J.Crew store and wondering if they can match my shopping pattern to what I have posted about. ;)

  33. Sania: Okay. Like many others, I've gotten some deals over the last few weeks because I've had some terrible ordering experiences there. I wouldn't want them to think I'm a gamer. But if they offer it I'll take what I can get.

  34. Blumre: I echo your comments about shipping fees being high- hopefully that is something they are willing to address positively.

  35. anon - it would take some significant & dedicated resources to follow each and every one of us around online! :) Probably not the best use of their money anyway..!

    There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of a promo that you heard about - the way that JCrew (or any other company, for that matter) would mitigate that is to not offer as much or as often for fear of it getting out.

    You see this a lot in companies who offer printable coupons; sometimes you'll see that a store has to put up a poster saying "we no longer honor XYZ coupon due to abuse". People print out those coupons multiple times, and use them to get a lot more out of a company than the "marketing cost per person" that they had allotted. Some companies have been trying to figure out innovative ways to prevent coupon duplication. All techniques to prevent holes in the system.

    Sorry, that was probably overkill in my explanation, but it was fun to talk about! :)

  36. This is my first reply to a posting here (though I found the blog about a week ago and have been reading off and on..) I'm a guy just going into my first year of college, so the fact that I get a student discount is wonderful (though making sure the policy, whatever it may be, is enforced at all locations would be great. Does it work on top of sale discounts? It all depends on the location and associate in my experiences.)

    Also, it would be nice if they could make sure mens sale items on the website are correct. I know it's going through changes, but I always find items that say they are on sale, then when I go to that page, they are full price.

    I definitely plan on continuing to read this blog and offer input when I'm able!


  37. weab - what happened to retailmenot? (I must be out of the loop!)

  38. alexis: oops sally was me (but I think you knew that) I'm such a klutz about being covert ;)

    anyway; Anon @ 11:41, I hear you about using it when you know about it. I also was burned by some online purchases and once I got a coupon, spent way more than I would have without it. Honestly, the only reason the website still has my business at this point is because of one little coupon. (ok, and the fabulous clothes :) )

  39. sania: I guess J crew caught wind of the fact that was listing all their coupon codes and then prohibited them from publishing the information any longer.

    But let me ask you, why would a company want to prevent duplication of coupons? I mean if it has a set expiration date and others are giving them to their friends (bringing in more customers/sales/revenue) why prevent it?

  40. Hm, weab - I'm trying to think of how to explain this one logically.

    Basically, a firm can decide that if they "spend" (i.e. forsake revenue) of X dollars per person, it's still worth it because that person will spend a certain amount of money as a result of having that coupon. [Think of all the times you weren't going to order, but then you did because you had a coupon - I certainly do it!].

    When these decisions are made - there is a certain number of coupons that are forecasted. A corporation determines their distribution numbers (e.g. how many emails with a code will go out), the percetnage of people who will "bite" with the code, and also the amount of "spill over" (people who will share their codes). This allows them to guesstimate how much money (revenue loss) will go towards promotions.

    Sites like retailmenot throw that proportion out of whack, and a company can potentially end up spending way more than they estimated on a certain promo. That's why sites like Gap and ON have turned to individual, one-time use promo codes - even if they are shared, they're only capable of being used once - thereby allowing promo volume to be managed.

    How's that for a down & dirty lesson in online promos? LOL

  41. Sorry, also to clarify a bit of my last explanation. Marketers also allocate a marketing cost into their profit & loss models. Sales/promos are considered a marketing cost. As long as revenue > cost + overhead (including marketing costs), they'll be profitable. Obviously there's a threshold for that marketing cost.

    Ok, that's definitely way too much monopolizing Alexis' blog for one night!

  42. Sania: I found it really fascinating! I wouldn't mind if you even kept on going. :)

  43. Sania makes a good point about B&M and web/catalog marketing being two different "silos" within the same organization. In fact, that's what the J.Crew CSR told me when she was giving me difficulty about an adjustment to match a store sale price. She said that J.Crew markets to the two customer sets differently and that web customers get benefits that are not offered to store customers. (I have yet to figure out what these web benefits are, exactly, given that store customers get lower sale prices, free red phone shipping, and now random 20% off coupons, but she claimed that they exist.)

    Even given that J.Crew sees us as different marketing targets, when J.Crew offers the same item online and in B&M why are they surprised that customers would expect to receive the same price regardless of location?

    I just don't know what the "real" price on anything is any more, and that's why I'm holding off on my fall purchases and will have to get my fix from eBay for a while.

    P.S. I never got my spring rewards cards, though I heard they were being mailed in late July. Did anyone else receive cards?

  44. Yes, let's let Sania guest blog one of these days! All of us "little consumers" could use an honorary MBA to understand and better appreciate what our favorite store is getting at. Thanks for all the insight!

  45. hexicon: I received my rewards card (with small version of look book attached) late last week. I think I got mine after many others had already received them. You might call and ask about yours since it seems pretty late.

  46. Dear J.Crew,

    Can you track how much each customer bought? How about offering free shipping or lower charge for customers who buy a lot? I know it makes things more complicated, but it also motivate loyal customers to buy more.

  47. I have a few comments/ suggestions if the powers that be at J. Crew are willing to listen:

    1. Make the fit of your clothes consistent! Lately the fit has been wildly inconsistent and I never know what size I am going to wear unless I try it on first. One thing I like about Banana Republic, is that the same size fits me time and time again, saving lots of time and hassle. It would also save your sales associates time and hassle when I don't have to return things that I bought online that don't fit!

    2. What is up with the sizing of the women's shirts? As someone who is generally a size 4 in most women's brands, a 27-in waist and 32-B bra size, I have to wear a size ZERO in J. Crew shirts! It's mostly because the bust is HUGE and/or the straps are too long. If someone is a size 0/2, they are certainly not going to have the bust to be able to wear these shirts without exposing their bra cups.

    3. Free or flat-rate shipping for J.Crew credit card holders.

    4. What exactly are the benefits to having the silver J. Crew credit card? I have noticed absolutely no difference since I have gotten "upgraded."

    5. This is wishful thinking, but what about discounts for nurses (or even police officers, military, etc)? We want to be fashionable when we are not in uniform!

    6. Keep up the fashion-forwardness! Loving how fresh each collection is!

    7. Like others have said: stackable discount codes!

    8. I spend a LOT more when there are discounts and free shipping. I also spend a lot more as a result of reading blogs like this!

    9. I mentioned this in another blog post: I don't like it when the store employees are not knowledgeable about the items. What about a quiz every now and then where they have to look at a picture of an item and know what the name of it is? :-)

    10. More swimwear with padding for those of us who are chestically challenged.

    11. I've had much better luck than most people with getting online orders since the whole website began. Out of 7 or 8 orders, there is only one item I have not received. Where the heck is my navy wool gabardine pencil skirt at?? :-)

  48. Aw - thanks Melanie & c'est moi - that's very sweet of you two! I'm glad my commentary is helping someone at least!

    Hexicon - thanks for confirming my suspicion. I wouldn't be surprised if they considered 'catalog sales' another silo. But since all roads lead to 1 phone number, maybe they don't.

    I'd also like to point out (since I didn't earlier) that the emails that they develop, postcards/coupons/flyers that they mail and print are considered marketing costs, as well. Just wanted to make sure that I didn't forget to mention that.

    Consider the costs of paper and postage. That's probably why catalog customers who don't get JCrew emails get the shortest shrift of them all - changes are they're not getting notice of promos because paper and postage are significantly more expensive than blasting an email. Although I doubt that there are a ton of catalog-only JCrew'ers out there, I'm sure there are some.

    anon @ 1:01 a.m. - the one way that JCrew could implement a system based on order volume and charge volume (how much a customer spends) would be to tie benefits more strongly to a customer card.. whether it's the JCrew credit card, or a separate rewards program. Maybe something like Sephora has where you rack up points for spending, and each 100 points earns you something.

    JCrew could benefit from a strong relationship marketing program; identifying the most loyal consumers and targeting ways to get them to spend more, while also making them feel valued. And you ladies have some great ideas; it would be worth it for JCrew to listen. That said, always consider that an idea usually needs a time & money investment, and a company is more likely to do things that are less risky in economic climates such as these.

    Although - a shoddy website is pretty risky, if you ask me..!

    (I wish I could go back and edit some of my comments because the typos are embarrassing!)

  49. Sania - I like the points based rewards idea. I don't know if they should make a "rewards" card like nearly every other retailer out there does, because it's a hassle and would be a big cost to them, but they could do it through email addresses, as you give it to them when you purchase in store and obviously with online purchases. Then they could email you a coupon you can print and take in to a b&m, or a one time use code for online.

  50. math teacher and weab: my store is also in a mall with high end stores, so I don't think that's it...I'm really surprised actually that my store isn't considered "lux"...I know some of it has to do with being a warm weather store, but it's location should warrant at least SOME of the "lux" and winter merchandise...we don't even get regular shoes...just sandals and flip flops. :(

  51. I don't think rewards such as free or flat rate shipping should only go to J.Crew cardholders...I spend just as much money as some do that have the J.Crew card, so I should also be rewarded. TCP has a great system where the PerksPlace card is seperate from the TCP Credit Card...each time you make a purchase the card gets scanned, and when you reach $75 they send you out a $10 voucher to be used by a certain date. J.Crew could easily do this...let us sign up for the card, have it scanned or recorded at online checkout, and then get rewarded when purchasing a certain amount...BUT it would be for every J.Crew customer, and not just cardholders.

  52. good morning:)

    sania: thanks for your insight and it makes perfect sense. as a consumer i would love to get the best deal on my favorite designer, but looking at the business approach, i don't want my favorite company to go broke because they're selling their items too low and unable to make a profit. these days, retailers are thinking of ways to protect their company while weathering the foreclosure, unemployment, market downturn and low dollar economy. i consider j crew a luxury, and i can certainly understand why their clothing reflects their price tag. i'm sure j crew has to negotiate some top mill industries to get the best price for their fabrics and the best manufacturers to sew the garments. i want them to continue to produce beautiful clothing, so when i see an item that they are selling and absolutely love it, i would buy it at the first chance when they usually offer 20% off. if it's something i like, i will wait for their very first markdown (which is two months) and purchase it. by the time an item is marked down and has an additional percentage off, my size is gone. if you think of the time it takes for you to wait for an item to go on sale and the time it takes to look for that item by calling around or driving around, sometimes it would have been easier to just buy it at the first chance you know you can afford and appreciate.

  53. Sania's comments were very clear, beautifully expressed, and informative. You should be a teacher, Sania. Thank you!

  54. I agree with everything that FFM said :)

    Honestly, a lot of my J.Crew loyalty stems from the student discount. As a college student on a budget, it goes a long way! I'm going into public accounting after graduation, so I really need clothes that are classic and can be dressed up to look professional (and of course, quality helps as well!). Taking advantage of sales and the student discount is amazing, and I'm always treated so wonderfully at your B&M stores as well as with CS phone reps that you've got yourself a customer for life.

    My only suggestion -- consistency! Some stores honor the student discount with sale merchandise, some don't. Some reps let you stack discounts on the phone, some don't. It seems to be a "luck of the draw" sort of thing, and I'm sure EVERYONE (including employees) would appreciate knowing what to do in these situations, instead of guessing and hoping for the best.

  55. Ashley - I have wondered about the silver credit card too. My conclusion has always been that it helps the SA know what kind of J Crew shopper you are during check-out and that the advantage was somehow to J. Crew, not the customer. I was excited when I got it, because I automatically assumed it was like the BR luxe card and meant free shipping. Alas, that was not the case. If anyone has any idea, I would love feedback on this topic.

  56. That's pretty interesting... many times in my posts I said, "J Crew, are you listening?!" and I guess they were :)
    The main reason I'm not purchasing anything from J Crew right now is high shipping. While I was never a high-volume buyer, I purchased something from the company about once every 2 months until they took away the no-minimum free shipping. Our B&M usually doesn't have as much variety as online, and it's cluttered and crowded. I HATE shopping there. So I relied on the website to get the pieces I loved. I don't have an objection to paying for shipping, but I do object to exorbitant shipping fees.
    I am crossing my fingers that we will see a new and improved J Crew in the next few months. I am tired of recreating J Crew looks at Gap and Banana Republic - it's time for the real thing!

  57. ffm: I agree with you that rewards shouldn't just go to those with a J Crew cc. I limit myself with cc b/c I don't want to get in trouble financially. So, if I can't afford it, I try not to buy it. That said, if printing rewards cards costs too much, the idea of the email address is good. Only, are we punishing those who may not have moved into the computer age? It's hard to imagine, but there are a few out there who don't have/use computers.

  58. So this is OT- The linen silk beach cardigan went on sale... but the sale price is kind of weak. I think it will go down further. Its at 70 now. I think to wait on it right? What do you guys think?

  59. Does anyone know how the Citrus Paisley jacket fits? (Esp. in relation to the Fiona). The description says super-fitted.

    FFM: As I have said before, your mall certainly is beautiful. I know a lot of people in the Orlando area have $$$, but I wonder if a lot of stores there are really targeting the tourists (like myself). We go down there expecting to spend money, at the parks AND shopping. That could be why your store only has selected things. (And because of the warm weather. That has to have something to do with it.)

    J.Crew store planning: How about a Crewcuts store in the Princeton area? Forrestal Village or Market Fair mall?

  60. a doctor discount would be amazing! Even though I guess us doctors aren't supposed to be dressing to please, I think it does help with customer relations:)
    Thanks Alexis for this wonderful blog, by the way! And sania your insight was very interesting, I wouldn't have minded reading more either!

  61. I really wish J Crew didn't take away the shipping with no minimums. A flat shipping rate would be great. In my case, I'm normally at school for most of the year without a car and the closest b&m is 30-40 minutes away. I don't have the luxury of going to the stores until I go home for vacation. So, for the majority of the year, I rely on online shopping to get J Crew items. I've been shopping this summer because I actually live near a J Crew for the summer, but once school starts up again, my J Crew shopping will drastically go down unless the website becomes more reasonable with shipping and having comparable prices with b&m stores. I always get better deals in stores than online.

  62. One thing to add, I think jcrew would do better to stop hiring teenagers in the b&m, my local store only has older, more adept sales associates on certain days. More than once I've opted not to go in because some of the kids they hire are just atrocious, they give off more of an abercrombie and fitch/rude feel more than anything

  63. Jenn_brak, I was interested in your point about how the silver card lets the store employee kno what kind of customer we are when we check out.

    On one of my rare trips to the B&M, I picked up a few sale items--the store was really picked over and the fall stuff wasn't out yet. The service I received was polite but not particularly helpful--I wasn't too concerned because I wasn't looking for a particular item, etc. Then, when I went to check out, the SP became gushingly friendly and asked me if I wanted to sign up for a fall item preview, etc.

    Hmm, so was it the silver card? I wonder what % of customers receive them? And from a marketing perspective, I don't think it helps the company if the SP knows to "upgrade" the service only after the customer has decided what to buy. Again, I simply can't figure out what the silver card does.

    Must go to work . . . will miss the blog today!

  64. Blumre -- I'd wait it out. It'll probably drop at least a little bit more. Usually, once it hits about 50% of the original price (from what I've seen, at least) that's when it won't go any lower ... unless you think it might sell out, wait and see! Maybe call CS and see if there's a lot left in your size?

  65. Alexis: thanks for this blog! I've learned so much from everyone and gotten so many good deals as a results of it!

    Ashley: I agree with you when you say SA should be knowledgeable. A while ago I had to call stores in search if the Elizabeth halter. Believe it or not, many SA I talked to had to ask me to describe it in detail. I understand they may just want to be sure which top I was talking about but many if them didn't sound like they knew! They had to rrasfer me to somebody else...

  66. I'm sure many of you have already noticed, but FYI, more things have been added to the Final Sale today, including the Flamenco-Dot Marguerite dress, which I just purchased over the phone the other day from the J. Crew in East Hampton. I guess I'll be getting a price adjustment! They do match online prices, don't they?

  67. dear jcrew: i love your clothes. you do an awesome job with style and colors. the only thing i can really complain about is the inconsistency in fit. i believe someone called it "vanity sizing." if i order a size 0/ xs and it's too big, that's an issue (i am not 5'3" and 115 lbs, so not extremely tiny). also, the dresses tend to poof out too much on the bottom. bring back styles like the emma silk faille dress!
    also your shipping is ridiculous. i can't complain too much about the other prices because i do find the quality to be excellent most of the time.
    thanks for improving my wardrobe!

  68. I guess I would ask: could we have a J.Crew store in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois? A nice college town... :-)

  69. Well done on being heard! You are doing a great job with this blog. I've been reading it for a couple weeks and I am completely addicted :0)

    Jcrew-If you are listening to customers, here are my suggestions

    Sale: new arrival sort
    -Customers are more likely to buy at first mark down if they can find the new sale items quickly.

    Website Wishlist
    -A wishlist allows you customers to keep track of items they plan to purchase at next payday, first mark down, or in store.

    More petite skirts and dresses, less vanity sizing.
    -At 5'4" and 115lbs I should not size out of almost all the skirts and dresses. It is very frustrating to go to the B&M store with plans of spending $500 on new Fall items only to some home empty handed because everything is too big.

    Larger variety of top and dress shapes.
    -Almost every top (besides button ups) and dress is full and billowy in the waist. This look does not work well on all women, particularly hour-glass shapes. Please design more items that are fitted or nipped in at the waist.

    -Having to pay shipping and tax for online orders is a killer. I could buy another item with what I pay in those. Please add flat rate shipping for all and free ship for card holders. I have never applied for a store credit card but I would in a minute if I could get free ship!

    Drop Final Sale
    -I know you want to get rid of end of season items but your sizing is too inconsistant for me too purchase FS. There are people out there who will return final sale items with out reciept because they feel they have no other choice and should not be stuck with something that does not fit. So Final sale is resulting in less purchasing and you paying out more than is coming in.

    Shopping cart
    -I do not like the new shopping cart.
    I want to see what the total for each item is with the discount before entering my credit card info. If I knew my total before checkout, I might go back and shop more.

    Now what I LOVE about Jcrew.
    1-The SAs are always friendly. I have never gotten a snotty attitude from a jcrew employee. This is saying a lot because at most stores, I just want to hide from the annoying staff.

    2-There is no other store like Jcrew. It is the perfect mix of class, trend, and flattering looks for those who do not want to dress like a teenager or old lady

    That is all, sorry for the novel :)

  70. Dear J.Crew management,
    please consider openning another store in San Diego. Our Fashion Valley store is great but the mall parking is extremely bad, especially on the weekends. We have 2 shopping plazas that are very populart and have good parking - UTC and Horton Plaza. Please think about this. :)

  71. I'm fascinated that J. Crew reads this! I've been pretty mad at the whole website fiasco, but despite my vow not to order anything I did order a merino ruffle cardigan what with the 20% off coupon and free shipping coupon over the weekend. Imaging my shock when it actually arrived today! And I love it.....
    My new request for J. Crew (having recently found out I'm pregnant) is: please consider making maternity clothing. OK, this is probably pretty unrealistic, but a girl can hope! I'm a little sad that the only J. Crew stuff I'll be buying for the next few months are cardigans and hoodies that I can leave open over the belly!

  72. Girlie Girl,
    I understand your frustration about the vanity sizing. However I would appeal to J. Crew to consider those of us on the other side of the size spectrum as well. For example, I am too small to wear plus-size clothing, but if a size 14 or 16 is cut too small it won't fit over my womanly hips and chest! I was thrilled when the sz 14 Fiona fit me, with room to spare. On the other hand, I am not fitting into any size of the Ecole.

    I think the company should offer size 00 and more items in a size 16 to accomodate all of us, and make the sizing more consistent overall so that people can be the same size in different styles.

  73. Congratulations Alexis on having your blog being recognized by corporate. I am not surprised they are reading this at all. I myself work for a retailer and I am constantly surfing the web and mags for feedback on our product - it is just good business practice to hear what your consumers are saying. My only request if Mickey Drexler is listening is get a store in Canada preferably in Toronto - although I feel that stores in Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal would also be sustainable markets.

  74. Congratulations Alexis! You have really come up with a winning blog! As many have stated, a terrific focus group for corporate has been formed, and a democratic one as well. Since we form a single group of women aged 15-45 (ish), all levels of income, education and lifestyle. Way to go!

    My obsession with J. Crew began 20 years ago when I received my first catalogue. I spend more every year. It just keeps getting better and better. The quality and design cannot be beat. I love how simple many of the clothes are so that you can kind of make them your own with accessories.

  75. I would just like to say Thanks to JCrew for offering the educator's discount...after teaching for 10 years in IL I only made about $36,000 a year and had to pay 8% of that off the top for retirement. Teachers have to look nice and don't make much money to do so. Thanks JCrew. Glad you offer teachers and students a discount. Two key groups. Teacher don't get any perks---at least I never did! I worked in a high poverty school.

  76. If J Crew reads this, I would echo anon by saying thank you so much for the educator's discount. As a single teacher, money is tight, so a little discount makes buying your clothes easier.

    My second request would be to open another store in the Charleston, SC, area. The one store here is downtown and due to the hassle of parking (not to mention having to pay for parking), I don't get there much, especially during the school year. Mt. Pleasant would be a wonderful place for another b&m. I would also love to see a J Crew Factory store open in the Tanger outlet in North Charleston.

    My third request would be to please offer more catalog items in the b&m. I know I would buy more if I could try the items on first, and shipping costs are too high to order everything I'd like to try on.

    I do have to say that the employees at the Charleston, SC, store are wonderful! Especially Billy - love him! :)

  77. I just have to add that jcrew made me fall in love all over again today.
    I emailed them about the student discount and they gave me 15% off my order:) Their customer service is superb and it's what keeps me coming back! Along with the splendid clothes of course!

  78. I've been concerned about my words since I signed off yesterday and even had a J Crew dream. I was in Anaheim and bumped into an outlet center. I immediately started driving around looking for a J Crew Factory store. Comedy.

    Anyway -- I've been clocked as fast as 85 wpm at one point in time. So forgive me if I worried anyone about the 'names' comment. I was zooming along and probably did not express myself clearly. Alexis's name was *not* mentioned and there is no one in particular that is being tracked or watched. J Crew is not like that at all.
    They WANT to know how they can keep their service excellent and consistent so what we're discussing is of interest. Was it a bullet item on the agenda? I don't know that was the case. I got the feeling that it was something someone brought up in the call and it was just clear that they are aware of the blog. We already know that anyway because of Mickey's email to Alexis.

    From a marketing standpoint, this blog is very important. The 30-sec spot is almost dead. Magazine and newspaper publications are fighting for survival, which affects ad purchasing. Companies are trying viral marketing and other efforts, but those can be hit or miss. I've been in the middle of some complete failures. If a blog like this had come from within the company, I don't think it would have had the same effect. This is something so organic. I've been to a couple other sites where the blog owner loves J Crew, etc... but does not have a following like this. And I completely forgot about all the people who are reading and haven't jumped in yet! We're talking and encouraging other to buy more. This has largely come about because of the trouble caused by the website and our subsequent discussions. Who woulda thunk.

    The bottomline is we are shopping from an excellent, proactive organization who wants to grow and flourish. I am thrilled to know that they are listening and I believe that they care. And for the record, anyone who ever felt disappointed could have written at anytime to the company way before the Web fiasco. So if you have something to say -- good or bad -- I encourage you to do so. Why should you hold back how you feel about the service you receive? It's your money.

    Personally, I am still floating. One thing Melissa/Pls b&m and I discussed was how hard it is to find clothes we like that fit well and are age appropriate. I am one of those with boat loads of clothes and nothing to wear. I am literally going to expunge (!) my closet and do a massive eBay sale. Most of those clothes are worth nothing if I don't love them. I have heard what Stacy London, Tim Gunn & other said about having pieces you're excited about and I didn't agree. I thought choices were most important. But what's the good of choices if they are mediocre or are purchased with the intent to hide some perceived body flaw?

    I am soooo excited about the items I got and will be picking up more or ordering as soon as I can. I agree w/someone else that said they look as good as the models in the clothes even thought they don't have a model's body.

    What's most intriguing to me is I often buy thinking 'oh, I can return it if I change my mind.' But I don't feel that way about these clothes. It's such a good feeling! I know I write novels, so I'll go back to my screaming nephews. I think I've given them too much sugar today.

  79. this blog is a GREAT resource, i'm not surprised it's getting this kind of attention!

    on the theme of "we are being heard", i do have a couple of comments for jcrew... IMO, the quality of their wool knits has generally declined in the past 10 years. i notice that the prices have tended to go down (if you adjust for inflation, for instance, the prices for cashmere sweaters used to be around $200-250 in today's money), and i'd be happy to pay more to get better quality material and construction!

    also, i'm concerned about the environmental impact of lower cost cashmere (the desertification of regions in china, mongolia - ).

    and in general, i'd like to see jcrew move towards more disclosure and ethical practices... i am a pretty middle of the road person, but i've been finding myself and my friends considering these things more and more in making purchases.

  80. hi gigiofca!: not sure if you saw my post yesterday under "mickey drexler = awesome" but melissa told me that she told you my name but she didn't remember my screen name so i just wanted to let you know who i was...what a small world of aficionadas! i was just in the pleasanton, ca. store again's my hang out lately since my son started preschool ;). yes, melissa is awesome as are all the employees there...i've been chatting with her for a couple of months now about the blog and they think it's great that it exists!
    she along with all the SA's there really know their stuff and create a great shopping experience...always very helpful and knowledgeable. Jenn (sp) helped me order the lucille jacket from the San Francisco store is going to be shipped to my house and i'm so excited to try it...thanks Jenn!!

    anyway, they do listen to customer feedback. melissa told me that last year they came up with the "holiday red" color for some of their items in response to customer requests...i think it's awesome that this company seems to really care about what their customers think/want. that's why they have such a loyal following :)

  81. ccbmum - Yes! Melissa mentioned you. I did not see your post yesterday, but I was thinking of you when I wrote. I just didn't want to put put that on here without asking you. Melissa said that you're a personal customer and that you also told her about the blog. I told her I was sure that I knew who she was talking about because you & I had *just* discussed the size of the Pls store vs. SF. Small world. Melissa is great. I was so happy I gave her a hug before I left the store.

    Guess they don't carry cashmere at the Pls store, but that's ok with me since it can always be ordered. I guess it just doesn't sell there or maybe there are 'loss prevention' issues.

  82. hi gigiofca!: small world!! anyway, as for the cashmere, they told me that they don't sell cashmere in Pls. because they aren't a "lux" store...but the SF store is a lux store and does carry cashmere along with other pricey items. supposedly the SF store is the only lux store in the region... actually that's why they ordered the Lucille jacket for me today from the SF store because Pls. won't be getting it. those guys are chock full of information there!! :) i'm sure they would be happy to order the cashmere for you if you aren't able to get to the SF store :)

    anyway, it's cool to have some locals on this blog. also there is another employee who reads this but i'm not sure if she posts or what her screen name is...but anyway, 'hi' to her too!!

  83. There are too many comments for me to comment on individually right now- but I do want to quickly say that the suggestions/ideas here are really great (e.g. shipping, consistent policies, etc.)! I hope J.Crew does decide to take some of them into consideration! :)

  84. P.S. Layla... CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PREGNANCY!!!! That is phenomenal news. I wish you and your family all the best!!!! :)

  85. Oh and for all those who have said kind words about this blog- thank you so much! I really do appreciate it. :)

  86. Alexis - Thank you, that's very sweet of you! I'm so excited and happy (and nervous). At least I can live through my husband and shop at J. Crew for him....(:

  87. Layla, congratulations!! Remember accessories will get you through this pregnancy and beyond.

  88. layla: congratulations!!! how exciting...jcrew's long perfect fit t's might work in the beginning :) and remember, GAP has excellent maternity pants!! :) best wishes!

  89. hdayton and ccbmum - Thanks for the well wishes and advice! I forgot all about accessories - will have to stock up on more uptown totes and jewelry. The long-fit tees sound great too - I stocked up on a few favorite tanks one size up (on me they're pretty long) to layer and get me through these first awkward months.

  90. Another suggestion for j.crew: please put *some* support or cushioning in your women's shoes. The soles are sooo thin. The flats are like wearing slippers and the pumps have no cushioning in the ball of the foot so you end up in pain by the end of the day. The shoes are so beautiful, but they should be wearable for more than a few blocks of walking. With many of the shoes at the $250+ price point, this should be a reasonable request. See competitors Cole Haan with Nike Air (pumps with cushioning like sneakers!) and Kenneth Cole with Silver Technology.

  91. One of the things I love about ordering J.crew is the sizing. I know a medium shirt or sweater always works for me and the pants are consistent as well. Too bad about the shoes. More consistency in fit and size is needed. They are not as successful as the shirts. In fact I think that's what J.crew does best. I was wearing a J.crew shirt last week at Roots and the manager asked where I got a shirt with such a great fit. I said J.crew and her response was "I love their clothing."

    I would also like all of us who live too far from a store to get a break, at least make the store price and the website price the same for sale items.

  92. J.Crew Guy in Canada: I think the fits are generally pretty good, except the craziest thing happened to me recently. I tried on a size 2 button-down in the store and it fit great. I noticed some loose threads on it and swapped it out with another size 2 on the floor. Then I took it home, re-tried it on and it fit a lot tighter! I just went back into the store to try on a 2 and 4, to see if the great-fitting 2 was a figment of my imagination but the one my PS put on hold for me fit great again. :) So I guess I had a dud.

    Ironically, in that same shirt, a pattern, a size 4 fit even better than my plain white size 2. Too crazy. In fact, I thought they were both 2's until I checked my receipt and noticed it was a 4.

  93. layla: Congratulations on your pregnancy! I think you should probably be able to wear quite a few of the J.Crew tops and blouses well into your second trimester, since they are full and billowy. You can easily wear the Silky Jersey Pleated top, as well as the Dylan Tank, Clea Tank, and some of the other empire style tops, too. Like ccbmum said: GAP has excellent maternity pants. They also have really cute tops, and return shipping is always FREE if you order online. :)

  94. I'm glad they are listening. I finally got all my pairs of shoes last night! They had to order them for me three times and they all arrived. Sadly, they are way too high and not comfy for me so I have to return them. Such a disappointment.

    I adore that Jenna Lyons is so tall! No wonder their Tall line is so great. I am 5'10" so I rely on Tall lines. However, I have a feeling Jenna is all leg - I have a long waist and I can't weird these short little tops and cardigans they are showing lately. I look ridiculous. Jenna, help me! Also, Jenna, can I make one more request? I can't walk in 3+ inch heels. You guys seems to concentrate on flats or really high heels. How about rocking some mid-heels, please???!!!

  95. Dear Mickey Drexler: I love J Crew! I buy all of my clothes at your stores. In fact, my boyfriend, who works as an electrical lineman, has been working a lot of overtime this week because of heavy storms in Northern Illinois. When I talked to him today, he said he had to keep working because he knows that I need MORE J Crew (there's never enough)! And he calls my Blackberry the Crewberry!

    During the recent changes, I have only had trouble with one order. And when I called customer service to ask about it, the lovely woman who helped me (wish I could remember her name) told me she would send me a $75 gift card. I was blown away, and didn't feel I deserved it -- but I was thrilled to receive it today! Thank you!

    And I have two requests: Please do more clothes for women in black! I am a newspaper reporter and wear a lot of that color. It helps me blend in, I think.

    And please make more coats for women with the Thinsulate option. There weren't very many last year. Because I'm a newspaper reporter, I'm in and out of the car and public buildings all day long in the cold weather. I always buy at least two (and usually more like four) of J Crew's wool coats every year because that's all anyone SEES on me after October.

    Otherwise, I don't know what I would do without J Crew!

    Much love,


  96. Customer service has been HORRID. I ordered a $800 gift card over the phone for a friend. The customer service person told me I could give the order # to my friend and begin use immediately. This matched what the in-store rep told us so we didn't think twice. 8 calls and 7 weeks later, I still do not have the gift card. A gal named Carolyn Seller was REALLY rude when I asked what was causing the hold up. I asked to talk with her management. She said I couldn't but that she would have her management contact me. No one ever contacted me. I have been nothing but polite and gracious realizing that the service people are doing their best (minus Carolyn). I am just disappointing with the lack of training and horrible experience.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)