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Monday, December 30, 2013

J.Crew Updates Website {last week} with New Arrivals!

"Thanks!" to many of you, including Kyle (in this post), who let us know that J.Crew had an update to its website (click here to view online) last Friday. Apologies for not creating a dedicated post about it sooner. I think I was soooo disappointed by the return of "Final Sale", that I did not even bother to check out the rest of the site. ;)

There are some new arrivals for men (click here) & women (click here). {wahoo!} It looks like Crewcuts (click here) has been updated, but not the J.Crew Collection (click here). 

The Holiday catalog (click here to view) is still up. However, the latest January catalog is not. "Thanks!" to many of you, including Ina Mack (in this post), who let us that J.Crew posted several images of the newest catalog over at Pinterest (click here to view).

As many of you have noticed and mentioned, this catalog is one of the thinnest (as in, not a lot of pages) we have seen from J.Crew. Plus, the catalog is a little boring.

As far as the new arrivals goes... Maybe it's just me, but I am not that excited by much this time around. The only thing that caught my eye was the Sperry Top-Sider® for J.Crew Authentic Original Bow Boat Shoes (item 07508; $98.00). However, I own my fair share of Sperry for J.Crew shoes, and can't justify purchasing another pair because of the {totes adorbs} grosgrain ribbon laces. Well.... maybe. ;)  

What items are you most excited about and why? Which items are you surprised (or not surprised) to see? Which items did you hope would be included? Were you expecting a bigger roll-out? Also, did you receive the latest catalog? :)


  1. Honestly, I have a soft spot for January catalogs/rollouts because they're so small and simple. After all the holiday items and sale craziness, it's nice to have a no-buy or shop-your-closet kind of month.

    That being said, I do like the peacoat trench (but it'll be marked down by the time I'm able to wear it) and the metallic slingbacks.

  2. I am interested in seeing the Liberty popover in Hera feather print, the Varsity dress, and the Platinum/Gold Sperrys. I hadn't noticed those blue Sperrys with the grosgrain ribbon lacing, those are pretty cute (and sold out, it seems)!

  3. I also like the peacoat trench and I adore the fabric in that jacquard mini. I wish they had made a pencil skirt in that fabric.

  4. There were actually a few things I was interested in with this rollout which is depature from previous months. I saw a few of this new arrivals in store this weekend including that jacquared mini in that 2nd pic and I love it. It has a nice print and the fabric is thick, pluse is wasn't obscenly short. I'm so tempted to buy it along with the new wool sweater-jacket.

  5. The new floral jacquard is really pretty! If it wasn't a mini I would be interested.

    I did get the Tricolore Edie as a ride-along this morning. I couldn't resist for 59.99, that's crazy.

    1. The Edie Tricolore at $59.99 is a steal! Thank you for the heads up, ruffles! Didn't see it in the clearance area...what a stunning bag.

  6. I haven't seen the January catalog (JC never sends it to me though I have asked several times and am a regular customer), but its reported thinness might be a sign of things to come. It has to be an incredibly expensive proposition, and while I enjoy looking at the catalogs when I see them in-store, I don't buy more because of it.


    1. Hi cousy - I think part of its thinness is due to the men's section being "online only" this time. There was a blurb in the catalog about going to to view the men;s items. I suspect that February will be a thicker catalog with location shoot as in previous years.

      I forgot to mention this in my earlier comment - has anybody tried those seamed moto pants IRL? In the pic above the side seams look like they're going down the front of the leg...I was curious if they were that twisted or part of the intended look.

    2. @silver lining- I tried the moto pants in store and the bottom portion of the side seam did sit on the front of my leg which I didn't like. It stuck out at the bottom too, at least on me.

    3. @silverlining
      I reviewed the moto pants on dez 12th on my blog.

  7. Hopefully the thin catalog means they are busy re-tooling the designs instead. Every time I see some of that stuff from last spring/summer languishing in sale, I wonder what the heck they were thinking. I think they're on the right track with prints, but the ones they choose are usually a bit off for me, and they put them on garments that are unwearable for a lot of women (i.e. the Carrie dress, the 3" shorts, mini skirts, skinny pants, etc). The recent designs have been off for me too (Moroccan sweaters, leather-paneled everything, studded and bejeweled everything, etc). I can shop elsewhere, but I want to shop at J. Crew. So I hope their design team is busy making improvements.

  8. Agreed but I wonder if the pricing strategy needs to be re-tooled as well. I noticed that there are girls shorts in the new arrivals section - the identical shorts to last years with the identical high prices. And last year's are still languishing in the sale section! Oy vey.

    1. ITA with this - also, the Factory new arrivals that are identical to stuff in the retail sale section.

      I think the prices are so high that 25% off everything promos may become more common in 2014.

    2. The new Callie sandals are very similar to last year's Mari sandals. Nice style IMO, but there are still Mari's in the sale section.

      I guess JC is taking the long view?

    3. Great points, Cousy and silver_lining. There is still a lot of stuff languishing in sale for women, men, and kids from last summer/early fall, and overlap w Retail and Factory.

      I wonder how J. Crew will handle pricing and inventory when Spring rollouts begin.

  9. I'm expecting the moonglow paisley tee and swing sweater in heather dusk today. I was lucky enough to catch them with the 30% off. Not sure how I feel about the paisley tee--if I keep it, I'll most likely style it under my leather front cardigan. On a side note, I was in store yesterday and saw the jeweled plates necklace for $99.99, the etched bangles for 14.99, and the lock bangle for $29.99. I read on instagram that the lulu frost equinox earrings are on sale. Can someone confirm this because they were still very much FP at my B&M.

    1. AD MD, please let us know what you think of them. I have had the swing sweater (in heather sky) my online cart for two days, debating on size, colour, wait for a sale etc.

    2. AD MD, thanks for the heads up about the jeweled plates necklace. It was not marked down in my store and it's been on my wish list forever.

  10. OT, but once again need help from JCA WFIFY since J crew could not locate my item. Has anybody seen a Schoolboy in Pack Green in size 0? If so, would you be so kind to let me know/put it on hold? I refuse to believe they are all sold out! My email is bankygirl (at) gmail (dot) com. TIA!

  11. I always love looking thru a new JCREW catalog! I'm always so inspired by the looks, and all of the color! Shopping in the retail store can be overwhelming because of the price. I always hit the sale rack or online sales first. If I must have a particular item then it's a no brainier:)
    I hope that JCREW will continue to send retail to factory stores, it seems to sell better.

  12. I always like quite a few. Here are my picks.

  13. Okay, so I've got a question. The plaid Etta's, which many of us agreed would have been fabulous without the studs, are still full price and available in all sizes. Who on earth is going to buy those post-holiday at such a high price, or even on sale? What's holding JC back from discounting these?

    1. My, those studs ruin a nice pair of shoes, don't they?

    2. cousy - The plaid Ettas are $149.99 in-store. The price on the Ettas doesn't help me walk in them better, unfortunately. I thought they were pretty cool. The plaid Darbys are $129.99 in-store. I am not a big fan of studs either. I like the way studs look, sometimes, but I don't think it's my style aesthetic. There's a possibility I might find a pair of plaid loafers that I would wear for years. There's a stronger possibility that I will love them for a season or two, then my head turned by the next cycle of fashion. So I figured what the heck on the Darbys. I could use the flair. Plus, after seeing them on my fairly classic, conservative VPS, I was sold.

    3. It's so weird that the Black Watch Ettas are on sale ($100 off!), but the Gray Plaid Studded are still FP at $298.

      Those studs appear to be a real deal-breaker. What price do you think they will have to go down to to move them out in all those sizes?

    4. I seem to be in the minority....I received the plaid Ettas for Christmas and love them. I wore them on Christmas day with a black sweater and black pants...the pop of color from the Ettas was a perfect touch in my opinion. :)

    5. That outfit sounds perfect, A Sister Thing. I love the plaid Ettas, too, but can't wear that heel height. I really wish JC would make more kitten heels.

  14. I love the trench in British khaki, which I buy on sale (if XS doesn't sell out). I don't usually buy from January's roll out. I like to wait during the middle of spring season; March, April...

    I'm looking forward to their spring/summer merchandise, based on their fashion show, it was subdued. Hopefully they'll have a lot of pretty drool-worthy timeless pieces (that's not collection).

    What I can't wait to see is Sophia Webster for J.Crew capsule collection. I hope they sell these strappy heels I saw Jenna wearing during their Spring 14' fashion show last September. :)

  15. I just received my January style guide in the mail today. All of 52 pages including the covers! Still there are a few things catching my eye. I like the entire outfit on page 18: the collection cashmere sweatshirt in heather dusk, misty fog floral pants and lucie metallic sling backs. I also like the marled drop shoulder sweater, inidigo abstract diamond boy shirt, moonglow paisley tee, floral jacquard mini, navy/sea embossed floral sweater and the British khaki peacoat trench. I do not need to shop though.....

  16. Saw the Moonglow paisley silk tee today. Unfortunately, the print is not as sharp as the stock photo. I'll have to pass even though I really wanted it.

  17. I'm interested in the misty fog popover though I'm confused about what colors are in it. The one on the model looks like a completely different palette than the one photographed alone. Has anyone seen it IRL?

    1. Hi- I saw the misty IRL and I would say the colors are truer to the one shown on the model. I thought the popover would be awesome until I saw it/touched it. It is very, very thin material. When I held it up, I could see through both layers. It is very pretty, but not substantial at all- and for the color/sleeve length, not entirely a summer shirt either. At least not for me- but I know some more creative folks than me will be able to totally make it work : )

  18. OT: Can anyone comment on the jeweled-collar boy shirt?

    1. Hexicon, Gigi reviewed this shirt on her blog. From what I recall she really liked it and purchased it. HTH!

    2. Hexicon - Lauren is right (thank you!). I do really like it. Review is here if you haven't seen it yet.

    3. Thanks! I don't know how I missed it! Holding out a couple more days to see if we get a no-minimum free ship.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So the mens' section is online only. Once again the males are treated like second class citizens by J.Crew. The funny bit is the mens' side is performing very well and yet we get rewarded with online catalog only. Not fair J.Crew, not fair.

    1. Hi jcrew guy, in my house it is the general opinion that J. Crew Men's offerings are almost always top-notch. The cut of the Ludlow is just perfection. The guys in my life are rarely disappointed by anything from J. Crew, except maybe the prices, and that's not always the case with the Women's line. Maybe they have to sell the women's more frequent offerings harder via the Style Guides?

    2. Ruffles, I too find that the mens' offerings are almost always exactly what I want. I'm still wearing washed shirts and wool sweaters from six years ago along. I'm totally addicted to Ludlow and Bowery pants in the slim cuts and their ties can't be beat.

      You most likely are correct with them hitting the bigger target with the catalog, the women. Gals buy more overall and get more floor space in the stores and in the style guide.

      Still bummed that I have to look online to see the style guide, but after spending way too much this past week maybe it's better this way.

    3. I'm a bit tired of the whole "women want candy" rationale of all of the fast fashion offerings on our side. I'd like a little more longevity in my items. My husband has a lot of JC stuff from before we met (so 10+ years) that he still wears and still look nice. Sweaters, sweatshirts, chinos...I wash them all the time and they have held up better than pretty much anything I've gotten from JC in the last six years or so.

    4. I am definitely thinking about how my JCrew purchases will fare after wearing and washing these days. I suppose menswear is inherently a bit sturdier, and it's nice to have both the style and the quality last. I've had way too many of my garments fall apart after one wear or wash, which is a-ok with me for a trendy inexpensive purchase but I expect more from JCrew.

  21. I haven't seen the style guide yet but I checked out the website and saw some items IRL. I like the direction J Crew is going with this new roll out. It's fresh and reminds me of classic J Crew. I love the paisley prints but not crazy about the silhouettes. I wish they offered some of the new prints in a pencil skirt, knee length full skirt, V Neck tops and camisole like tops, and fitted dresses that aren't collection prices. I think many of the silhouettes seem a bit dowdy, like the moonglow paisley shirt sleeve top. I am not crazy about the popover style. I love the collection dress in the new paisley print but not the price.

  22. Made a few returns and found the plaid wool scarf (instapic in heather nickel for $39.99. Still regular price online.

    More In-Store Price Notes here, if you haven't recently checked it out.

  23. Placed a crewcuts order for my 10 yo. She surprised me by picking the moon glow dress (usually happy with jeans & a ratty t-shirt- so no complaints from me). Such a cute shift, would make a great adult swim coverup too

  24. I saw a merino wool sweater in store with stripes running vertically down the sleeve and quite liked it. Problem is, I cannot seem to find it online. It was a navy color and the stripes were blue and white, I believe. Does anybody know what the name of the sweater is?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Is it the sweater shown with the collection pencil skirt in metallic floral? I like it too, but don't see it on-line. Maybe it's part of the next roll out.

    2. Hi maryeb - I think that one's the cashmere framed long-sleeve tee that's currently in the sale section.

    3. Thanks, Silver_lining. You have a good eye. Too bad it's final sale. I thought it looked really great with the pencil skirt.

  25. Just got my January Style Guide tonight. It's so itty bitty! I'm loving the prints and colors. I'm always a sucker for J. Crew shorts, but they are SO not on my mind. Hello, there's snow in our Jersey forecast this week! But, we are planning a Florida getaway in Jan/Feb., so maybe I'll snag a few pair.

    I'm also digging the dress offerings. J. Crew dresses have been fails with me over the past couple years. They're always too big and unflattering. Hopefully the cute misty fog floral shift and side zip varsity dresses are leading to some fab spring dresses. (Again, dresses are not on my brain right now.) Really just jeans, cords and sweaters and boots, boots, boots!

    Bummed about final sale, but I bought so much stuff this fall, I haven't even worn it yet.

  26. Review of the tipped side panel merino vneck,the moonglow paisley tee,the misty fog floral popover,a floral sweatshirt and the mebroidered neon popover on my blog


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)