Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quick Question: Alternative to Google Reader?

I am one of the {loyal} few who uses Google Reader daily to follow all the great blogs run by fellow JCAs. It has been an easy tool to organize and view a large number of sites. Plus, it worked on my desktop, tablet, and mobile.

However, I saw an unfortunate message this morning when I logged in: "Google Reader will be retired on July 1, 2013." So my question is: what other RSS alternatives are out there? Are there any that you would recommend?


  1. I read blogs on Flipboard on the iPad using Google reader. I'm going to transition over to using Flipboard itself. It's pretty easy to search for a blog then add it. I just added a few this morning.

  2. I am SO glad that you posted this! I am a huge fan of Google Reader. Google is also discontinuing iGoogle, which stinks because I have your fabulous blog saved on my dashboard so that I see updates immediately.

  3. My tech-savvy friends are recommending The Old Reader ( which seems to be a pretty good copy of Google Reader's features. It's still in beta but looks promising, and is probably what I'll be switching to myself.

  4. LifeHacker compiled a list of solid alternatives that might be of interest to you, Alexis:

  5. Whhaaaaat? That stinks! That's how I read blogs, too. I use Google features all the time both personally and for work, so I have loved having everything in one place. Will be interested to read of some alternatives here!

  6. I am so, so sad to be losing Google Reader!!

    I saw a few articles about replacement options for it last night... I've since set up Feedly (if you use Google Chrome and Reader already, it sets itself up in about 2 minutes). It will definitely take some getting used to, but I think it will be a good substitute! (

  7. I am totally bummed that we are losing Google Reader too (but happy to read that there are so many on this blog who also enjoy(ed) it). Tanks for the suggestions of alternatives everyone!

  8. Oh I am very sad to hear this! Is it just the Google Reader, or will the blogger Dashboard be gone, too? I use Google Reader sometimes, but mainly view the recent blog updates in the dashboard.

    1. I use blogger dashboard too... I don't even know what RSS means. I am so lame.

  9. I've been using Feedly which works with web browsers for your feeds and displays them in a magazine format. Other alternatives are Newsblur, Pulse and Netvibes.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. So not happy about losing Google Reader either... I was using Feedly just on my iPad, but I had it synced to my Google Reader so I'll have to put everything in there again. :(

    1. actually, i don't think you will - as i understand it, feedly is doing a site conversion to back up people's synced reader feeds, so it should just make the transition for you. also, it's relatively easy to download your subscriptions from reader using google takeout.

  11. Try Bloglovin'

    It's very easy to use, I actually like it better than Google Reader because you view the posts from the blogs themselves.

  12. I use Taptu on my Samsung tablet, and eally like it. I'm bummed about the Google Reader going away, though, since it was my RSS "training wheels" and I use the app on my phone. I'm curious to see what iGoogle/Reader will be replaced with...

  13. I also started up Feedly yesterday after reading the Google announcement. Feedly already syncs with Google Reader ans so they have been preparing for Reader to be phased out. It should be pretty painless.

    Here's their explanation:

  14. I think I am going to be using Blog Lovin. I've noticed that several readers have started following me via that so I looked into it. I am so sad google reader is closing. I don't understand why!

  15. Another vote for Bloglovin. I actually used to use the Yahoo reader, but switched over over to Bloglovin ages ago (it seems, I really can't remember, but maybe 2 years ago or more!) and haven't looked back. It's easy to organize my blogs by subject and it's just very visual, I really like it.

  16. OMG I thought I was the only one! I thought I was going to cry when I read that Google Reader was going away. I literally have 96 RSS subscriptions on there. Does anyone know if there is a way to export those so I don't have to re-load them to a new reader?

    I am SO glad you posted this. Thank-you everyone for the recommendations!

    1. As I posted above, I use Bloglovin and have been really pleased with it. When I logged on today, I saw they had a blurb about Google Reader shutting down and had an (almost) automatic import mechanism set up so that you could switch over easily.

  17. Glad to see I am not alone! I saw that message and two thoughts came to mind. First, whenever I try to delete a blog on Google reader - using 3 different methods, they would eventually always come back. Most of the deleted blogs are blogs that are no longer active and it drove me nuts! And the other thing - I do use Feedly on my iPhone and IPad and it works pretty well. I'm not crazy about the format, but it organizes the blogs and updates pretty well. This morning when I saw the notice on Google Reader, I then googled "Google Reader ending" and read the article where they mentioned "Old Google Reader" - but it wanted access immediately to a bunch of info, and I didn't feel like going that route. Will be watching to see what everyone recommends here. Thanks for posting this Alexis!!

  18. Thank you everyone for helping me out with this! I was so sad to see that Google decided Reader wasn't worthy enough to continue- although it was the best for me to check out all the blogs.

    I will definitely look into all the suggestions you made. :)

  19. I have been using bloglovin on my laptop
    for the Ipad there is zite or feedly

    between that and ditching iGoogle = not happy

  20. I added SAGE to my mozilla foxfire browser and so far am happy. Import was easy from Google Takeout (open the zip and save the .xml file - that's the one sage is looking for)


    You don't need facebook, it imports directly from your GR all of your blogs in seconds, and has a clear, east to ready and slick looking interface. I just switched and I love it.

  22. I have used bloglovin since the beginning. It is so user friendly and organized.

  23. I just signed up for Feedly today to help replace my Google Reader, and so far, I really like it.

  24. I'm also a huge Google Reader fan. As soon as I saw that it is being discontinued, I did a little research and found Feedly. It seamlessly imported everything from Google Reader and the format is terrific. Recommend!

  25. I wonder if that means the Blogger feed will also be discontinued? That's a pain as I use it all the time, it being my main interface for posting on my blog. I noticed a bit of an uptick in followers on Bloglovin in the past few days after this post came out, so I have to assume it is pretty popular. I have tried Bloglovin and it is pretty easy and straightforward to use.

  26. OK!! Feedly is working really well. Dropping SAGE and moving to Feedly. It's clean and nice, has a good app for iphone. (and android)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I too went with bloglovin, but I really liked google reader...


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