Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, March 3, 2011

JCA "Help Style Me!" Weekly Post

Preface: A big "thanks!" to Elaine (in this post) & Himmiefan (in this post) who both suggested a weekly "Help Style Me!" post about getting outfit advice from the JCA community. I think it is a fantastic idea. Hopefully this will help out our fellow JCAs with those hard-to-work-with J.Crew items! :)

This is the weekly "Help Style Me!" post, where we can share items we are having trouble putting outfits together with. Elaine says it best, "You know, that thing you bought because you love it and you keep pulling it out and then putting it away without wearing it?"

Please share your J.Crew item (either that you own or are thinking about getting) that you would love help creating an outfit with.

Also, please help out by offering your styling advice. Feel free to include links to your blog (where you incorporated that piece) or to Polyvore (where you showcased an outfit with that piece). Thanks in advance! :)


  1. 20% off sweaters online right now through Sunday. I don't see free shipping and doesn't qualify for factory items...

  2. ^ I saw that too, but the sweaters aren't marked down yet.

  3. Won't need a code for the 20%off so should be able to use the free shipping code for orders over $100.

  4. I don't see anything marked down yet, either, but like SE Mom said, you should be able to use the free shipping code for $100+ since the sweaters will already be "priced as marked". That is, when they update the website to reflect the sale prices.

  5. This is sort of a styling question- how are people wearing the herringbone schoolboy blazer? I finally got it in driftwood (the gray one was way too dark and the metallic too noticeable) but every time I got to put it on it stabs me because the lining is so thing. There are prickly things inside and it hurts! I want to keep it because it's very cute, but it's not worth the high price tag if I can only wear it with thick long sleeve shirts. Help please!

  6. JS--
    Lately I've been wearing my blazers with the Saturday sweater which won't add a lot of bulk.

  7. JS, I like to wear the long sleeve perfect fit tees under my blazers. They're made of a thicker knit but are not bulky at all. Hope this helps.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)