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Monday, July 13, 2009

J.Crew Is Everywhere In The News!

JCA's have reported seeing J.Crew everywhere in the news lately. There have been so many spottings, that I thought it was best to have a post linking to all the great coverage.

(1) The Los Angeles Times has a great article on J.Crew's Jenna Lyons, titled:
J.Crew's Jenna Lyons Is Building An Empire
(Click here to see & read the article in its entirety)
By Booth Moore
July 12, 2009

"Thanks!" to RatsOnParade (in this post), Linda, OCHalf07 (in this post), Torrey, Mariana, Christine, Nancy, & Patina, who let us know about this news.

(2) In the May 7th post, "A Behind The Scenes Look At J.Crew On TV", it was mentioned that CBS's Sunday Morning would feature J.Crew. The episode finally aired this past weekend. There is also an article from CBS, called:
Clothes Made This Man, and Vice Versa
(Click here to read the article in its entirety)
July 12, 2009

"Thanks!" to Ann (in this post), Louise, Professor (in this post), Matt, & Isabella, for letting us know that the episode of CBS Sunday Morning featuring J.Crew's Mickey Drexler aired this past weekend.

(3) The Huffington Post has another great article on J.Crew's Jenna Lyons, called:
J.Crew's Jenna Lyons: See What's In Her Office
(Click here to read the article in its entirety)
By Rachel Strugatz
July 12, 2009

"Thanks!" to PrettyBalerina (in this post), Miss M (in this post), & Amy, who let us know about this.

(4) Town & Country has yet another great article on J.Crew's Jenna Lyons, called:
Fashion & Style w/Jenna Lyons
(Click here to read the article in its entirety)
By Amanda T. Weitzman
August 2009

"Thanks!" to Abbi who let us know about this. A big "thanks!" to Petunia (check out her fabulous blog "Petunia In Paradise"), who shared the link- which has the actual image of the catalog- for us to view. (Check out her post "{Jenna Lyons in Town & Country}" too!) Also, a very big "thanks!" to **Tracey**, who scanned & shared the image for us to view too!

What are your thoughts on the recent news coverage of J.Crew? Are there any pieces of information or quotes that are particularly interesting or revealing?


  1. Although I find it interesting and always read the articles, I'm feeling a bit of Jenna OD these days. Nothing seems new or insightful, just the same rehearsed storyline.

    Missed Mickey on CBS, would like to hear more of his philosophy. I liked his comment,
    "It's not like you're there doing it and saying, 'Wow, it's done.' 'Cause you know something? It's never done."
    That seemed to be a reflection of his personality, and his success. Driven. I can relate to that.

  2. I watched the CBS JCrew feature and came away as a Mickey fan. He seems to be a real person, what you see is what you get. He has had real life experience and has both won and lost in business. (He was very open about discussing his firing at Gap) From these experiences he has developed a vision for JCrew and himself. He is such a contrast to Jenna. Everything about her seems superficial and false.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with the Jenna Fatigue, as it's been previously called around here. ;)

    I am curious if that huffpo shoot was this summer-- she seems a bit bundled up in a cardigan (looks like a cashmere jackie, perhaps), blazer, and tights? My office AC often forces me into a cardigan or scarf in the summer months, but usually not several layers at once. I'm really digging her outfit, though, the green, gold black + white color palette is right up my alley.

  5. O/T: Found a new hidden item in case others were looking for it:
    Signature black leggings
    $29.50 item 17689

  6. I thought the LA Times article (1st one) was interesting. More of a history of how she gained so much influence at J Crew. You know what? She's the 'in' stylist right now but as we all know, it never lasts forever. I just hope J Crew doesn't sink too much into Jenna, that will be tough to recover from. Just ask the folks at Vogue.

  7. Thank you for sharing these articles!!!

  8. Interesting articles. I recorded and watch the CBS piece and really enjoyed it. I get the feeling Jenna has crossed the fine line between interesting and over exposed. J.Crew needs to pull back with the exposure on her until she has something new to share.

  9. I wish someone would ask her some harder-edged questions; for example: Why is your cashmere getting panned? Why has quality overall declined?

  10. I personally don't get excited about articles on Jenna L. I think this is perhaps a strategy to reach new buyers and at the same time boost their business in this recession...

  11. I enjoyed the CBS piece with Mickey Drexler. It's pretty cool that both he and Lyons can be seen out in the wild at their stores every so often. Hopefully they are delivering rally cries to the store teams. The catalogs have been so well-styled the last few years, that is what I have enjoyed the most.

  12. The Huffington Post article was pretty interesting. In it, she says that she is the fit model for talls and that she wears the toothpick jeans. I would like to see a photo of her in JC's toothpick jeans (including butt shot). While she has a great sense of style, she isn't exactly young or toothpick-skinny, so I am curious...

  13. They do seem to be everywhere in the news lately or at least Lyons is. In this economy, I'm sure many retailers would welcome a barrage of media coverage.

    And although I'm not a personal fan, I respect her overall aesthetic and I'm sure Lyons could definitely get away with toothpick jeans. I saw a photo of her with Liya Kebede and she's actually not that much bigger.

  14. Thanks for sharing the articles.

    That feather skirt in Town & Country is a bit ridic, non? I thought the 80's were the thing but that looks very 70's to me. I've seen an old photo of my mom in a similar getup. Used to be good for laughs at family gatherings. I've emailed her the Jenna photo for a chuckle.

  15. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by Jcrew-featuring articles lately. I'm actually passing on all the links today. Maybe I'll read them another time. Thanks for posting them! I like my doses small.

  16. I can't help but wonder how much JCrew is paying for all of this publicity? I find it too coincidental all of these media sources are suddenly compelled to focus on JCrew.

    Maybe it is a new JCrew math calc - how many tissue tees have to be sold to pay for one magazine or web article?

  17. I think they should spend less in publicity and instead offer lower shipping rates. This morning I saw just one blouse I liked for $29, but shipping was $8.50!! Not even Crate and Barrel charges so much for shipping heavy dishes!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)