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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Questionable Item of the Week: Atomic Flower Necklace

Atomic Flower Necklace
Click here for product page
Item 14831
Regular: $150.00

"Thanks!" goes to Anon at 7:28 AM (in this post) who alerted us all to this necklace. She suggested this item for a "Love It or Leave It" post. However, after seeing it online, I just knew it was better suited for a "Questionable Item of the Week" post. ;)

When I first saw this necklace online, I immediately thought "ewl!" I never think that about J.Crew, so I just had to click on the necklace's item page to see more images. Maybe I missed something and the first image was just a bad angle of the necklace. ...However, that was not the case. Once I saw the image of the entire necklace on the mannequin, I thought "say what?!?"

First, that thing is h-u-g-e! Seriously, it's ginormous. ;) It also looks incredibly heavy too. The description includes stats like "set on a 12K gold-plated brass chain" and "Length: 26 1/2", but they may also want to consider including the weight.

Moreover, the necklace is described as "this season's most spectacular statement necklace—it'll turn even the most basic outfit into something brilliant". This necklace will definitely turn heads! :) I am not exactly sure what to make of the "explosion of teardrop and flower-shaped resin beads and various-size round, grooved wooden beads". It's not really much of a shape, more like a clump of... well I am not really sure of what. ;)

Lastly, I will add that I have not seen this necklace in person. Who knows, this necklace might be gorgeous in real life! :) But I will say this, I am totally keeping "an eye out" for this necklace the next time I am visiting a B&M J.Crew store. Heck, I might just try it on for fun too! ;)

Do you think I am being overly-critical? What are your thoughts on this necklace? Would you buy this or leave it at the store? Have you see this first hand, and if so, what are your impressions?


  1. Jeff and I have the same thoughts...

    Are you supposed to break out into an African tribal rain dance when you wear it?

  2. I saw this necklace in person at the Collection store. It's even more hideous IRL. The fake gold and wood beads look like something a hippy would wear...then again you may have to be smoking something to actually wear this, lol. :) Definitely one of those items where you wonder who was thinking this piece would be ok to make, esp at the $150 price tag.

  3. I was going to do a post on this necklace on my blog - but I'm glad you did instead. :)

    The first time I saw it, I couldn't help but immediately think... Poo. Yes, like as in Pee and Poo. And everytime since then, all I can think of whenever I see it is still ... Poo. It's truly hideous and I cannot imagine anyone pulling it off without making it look anything else other than Poo. I think it may be the color that's doing that to me.

  4. That is a weapon not a necklace. lol

  5. Anon: Haha, once I read your comment I immediately thought of THIS,

  6. I'm ok with the color, I like brown, but holy cow this is ugly!

  7. I actually don't think the style is all that ugly, but I think the gold and the wood stuff might look a little...less than appealing. I'm really curious to see it in real life, though!

  8. Jeff & Crew Girl - HAHAHA!! It's totally true!!
    Thanks Jeff, I had nearly forgotten about that, what a wonderful little nugget...

  9. I love that video. Thanks for the YouTube link:)

    By the way--that necklace--I cannot even find the words....

  10. It looks like it's so long it would hang down to your belly button... and I'm sure it would look extra hideous if you have any sort of chest. The best part is the price. Oh, JCrew. Sometimes I wonder about you.

  11. Pudding and the Paper Bag Princess had a post about it earlier this week, and I stand by my comment from then - I think it looks like something Mrs. Roper would wear.

  12. hee hee hee. Yep, totally poopy. Its the Cloud necklace, poo-poo version.

    There is a pic in the new catalogue of a model wearing it. You really get a sense of the massive size, and the magnitude of its fugliness.

  13. I would love to see this IRL!

    Thanks for the link that video! :)

  14. FFM,

    Why would you want to see this in person if I may ask? Isn't a picture worth a thousand words in this case?!

  15. It looks like throw-up.

  16. I'm surprised at the reactions! Dare I say, I kind of like it. The pic in the catalog shows the model wearing it with the wrong outfit. I mean, a huge necklace and casual shorts and a tee in hideously mismatched colors? Come one... The colors of her outfit (light chartreuse and celery) do nothing for the brown and blush toned necklace.

    The necklace would look fantastic with a plain brown dress with a deep v neckline. In other words if anyone gets one and hates it, remember me for the weekly exchange!!!

  17. Alternately, you could use it as a weapon...too heavy.

  18. I'd pair it with a scratchy cotton caftan (muumuu) circa 1972 while serving atomic cocktails on the Lanai...

  19. It's *huge*. Maybe on a taller lady it could work... I dunno.

    I don't understand this necklace, it definitely seems like it's from another era... very 70s.

    No doubt it will be like, $100 or more off soon. :P

  20. Looks like an ammo belt for the machine gun.... is this a war time statement from j.crew?

  21. And I just saw something as questionable on ebay....reminded me of this necklace...

  22. ^ Wow. Now THAT is a statement neklace.

  23. I'm throwing up my breakfast!

  24. Ok..Ok...

    I'm not interested in buying this piece, but if it were given to me? I can see an item this strong & multi-colored paired with....

    a white linen tunic
    shorts in "root"
    metallic sandals
    tiki torches
    a sunset pink beverage in a tall glass..

    I'll send out the invites next week!

  25. It looks so heavy that the model might fall over wearing it!!

  26. Lindsey B - I know - my neck and shoulders ache just thinking about it!

  27. Did something run into the model and go splat?

  28. I dont hate it like others here. I think it would actually be nice in lighter pastel colored beads and no metal tones. The brown color scheme sort of screams "tribal".

  29. I'm sensing a new Polyvore contest! ;)

  30. I agree by body just aches all over thinking of wearing something so big, gaudy and obviously heavy by the metal it is made out of...OMG. It screams, "I did not get enough attention as a child. Please give me some NOW!"

  31. silver_lining, that's a good idea! LOL!

    I think this necklace could have worked if it was in different colors. Maybe. The brown is just so heavy and reminds me of some weird macrame plant holder. I think lighter color beads could have possibly salvaged it.

  32. I LOVE the shape and length and size. I HATE the materials they chose. If you squint, it looks like it makes a very nice line on the model, but if you leave your eyes open, the colors and cheap materials dominate...

  33. Kinda like what a McMansion is to real estate, this necklace is to jewelry.

  34. I am the original anon who requested the post. While I do not like the necklace, I like most other J. Crew jewelry. I think the most amazing thing though is that an item like this was manufactured by what is still mostly a mass-market retailer. Think about it. A design team sat around a table looking at the spring jewelry designs and MOVED forward with this one. That is amazing. It is like the orange zebra tee. You have to appreciate a company that is willing to take a design risk every once in a while. You would NEVER see anything this questionable at AT or BR.

  35. Eww, this necklace totally creeps me out. It looks like a centipede.

    Why bring this necklace to market when there are so many other beautiful things you could have created instead?

  36. I can envision this necklace working great on the right person with the right outfit; perhaps someone pictured on The Sartorialist blog.

  37. Anon @ 11:50, if someone showed up on the Sartorialist blog wearing this, you can bet there'd be a bunch of positive comments about how chic and stylish it is. That's why I kinda don't like that blog. They guy only wants to show the nice comments.

  38. They went bead crazy on this one, imo. And the color are all wrong, wrong, wrong for spring esp since they are on the nude/pale palette. WTH!

    PaperbagPrincess&Pudding had a great post on "The Iceman Cometh" necklace here:

    We're talking about the atelier here:

  39. I agree that this necklace and a lot of J.Crew jewelry makes a statement. But not all statements are good statements.

  40. Oh my, it's definitely a NO for me. It is just wrong on so many levels it is not even funny.I'm hoping I don't see a knock off of this at Super T or F21.

  41. Becca--you said exactly what I was going to say--it reminds me of giant, dung-eating centipede, coiling its way around your neck. Ick! Aside from that, it's cheap-looking. Needless to say, I'll pass on this one, like I do most J Crew jewelry. You cam find much better stiff for less on Etsy.

  42. Anon 9:24 -- OMG, the necklace on Ebay is a riot! I'll be chuckling for the rest of the day over this one. As for "Atomic," it's a definite pass for me. I'm just not into having a veritable explosion of beads on my chest. I *might* be interested if it were about 1/2 the size. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when the design team developed the concept for "Atomic." Lol!

  43. thanks JCrew for providing us such a wonderful laughter!

    Just looking at it makes me crack. ha ha ha

  44. Maybe this necklace is for man.

  45. If I buy this, I'm sure my husband will pick up a fight with me.

  46. Channeling my 6-year old, it looks like boogers!

  47. Is this the 2009 version of the bug pins? See how many suckers they can get to buy this necklace?

    Can they really be serious about selling this POS for $150?? Sometimes I just shake my head...

  48. This is OT, although related to jewelry. What was the date of the post in which other JCAs discussed the Target bracelet/necklace that looked just like a J Crew one? I've been trying to find the link to see what the Target version looked like so I can look for it at the stores in my city and suburbs. Thanks!

  49. Mine eyes have felt the power and the glory that is the pearl feather mop monster. Atomic ain't got nothing on that one! Of course, had Atomic been photographed starkly and it's copy written in broken English, with background imagery inviting thoughts of a strip mall nail salon instead of "generic model wearing generally nice if somewhat ill-matched ensemble" it might be a toss up.

    I tend to agree with what several JCAs mentioned on the long chiffon dress post earlier today. With some of the Crew stuff, I daydream about where the clothes are meant to be worn, in a life that is tragically not mine, in which my 38Ds are presentable in ALL of JCs lovely dresses. Wait, daydream or pipe dream? tee, hee.

  50. Bottom line..sometimes J Crew just tries WAY too HARD. There is always that one very questionable item each season/rollouot and I think it.

  51. OMG, that is awful!

    Speaking of JCrew necklaces, I've been eyeing the 54" freshwater pearl necklace and found a fantastic deal while hunting the internet for something similar. Found the same style necklace for $150 at Awesome quality, great customer service. I don't usually rave about stuff, but I was just wowed by their service and product. Just wanted to give a PSA for anyone looking for a similar necklace at a much better price!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)