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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Darlings, is it time for a J.Crew coupon code?

Yes, it is that wonderful time!

J.Crew is offering free shipping on orders of $150+ with promo code CIE-979. This offer expires 3/14/09. :)


  1. Yippee!!! Thanks Alexis!
    I love your blog! It's fun, helpful and informative.

  2. Did anyone get the new catalog yet??

  3. Anon 8:15, I got mine a couple of days ago. You can also view it online. Loved the San Francisco pics, especially since it's barely broken 20 in the Northeast this week. :(

  4. Anon at 8:15: I got my catalog yesterday.

  5. ^ Silver Lining:
    I JUST GOT those lovely eye frames, Red Alabama, and adore them! Such fun.

  6. Anon at 8:12 PM: Thanks for the super nice comment! :)

    Anon at 8:15 PM: I just got my catalog today. I actually got two: the limited version (with the code) and the full version. Hopefully you will get your soon! :)

    Silver_Lining: I really loved the San Fran pics too! It made me want to go back to visit. ;)

  7. Got my catalog a week ago; beautiful pix of the Bay Area. Wow, the atelier jacket is already on sale online. Going to BM tomorrow to check out their stuff.

  8. Free shipping is nice, but I'm not ordering anything until there's a 30% off final sale code!

  9. I'm glad! Now I can finally pull the trigger on those items left in my shopping cart. Today my store matched online prices for a few items. I was quite happy and it saved me a 4 day wait.

  10. Julia- I definitely agree with you, I always hold out until an additional % off, because that covers shipping and a little more usually.

  11. *sigh*

    So I've had the first order screw up with J Crew ever. I ordered the gold lame skirt and got pine green and gold pants (eeks, they're hideous, I don't even remember these things in the catalog for years!!). Totally bummed because of course my skirt is sold out now. :(

    Looking for: gold lame skirt, size 2 or 4, item # 99780....

  12. Thank you Alexis!

    And thankfully this code will last more than one day! I would love a % off promo, but I'll take this one for what I can get. Still stalking the FS for that one elusive item...

  13. I bought the lame shorts at B&M. I hope they go down in price online so I can repurchase in the next month. I'm sure they will have another free shipping offer.

  14. I wish there was a code for under $100.00, I am not going to spend $40.00 to save $15.00, that is just plain dumb IMO.

  15. Thanks for the code! I agree that a lower minimum or extra % off would be great, however...I am really glad to at least see something being offered. Have a wonderful day everyone! :)

  16. I got my catalog a few days ago and I just absolutely love it. I love the pictures in the train station (I'm not sure where they are taken). They are beautiful and inspirational - like art in and of themselves. J.Crew by far has the best catalogs of anyone out there!

  17. The Frenchie Jacket just steals my heart! Luvvv that jacket!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)