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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Manolo Blahnik for J.Crew {not happening!}

Back in February, in the "Manolo Blahnik Did Not Know About J. Crew Collaboration" post, we learned that Manolo Blahnik was not aware about their collaboration with J.Crew. "Thanks!" to Angela, who let us know about an article over at Fashionista (click here to read) with the latest on the Manolo Blahnik for J.Crew Collection:
That Manolo Blahnik for J. Crew Collaboration Is Not Happening After All
By Hayley Phelan
April 26, 2012

Well this is a disappointment. Turns out that Manolo Blahnik for J.Crew collaboration, revealed at the brand’s fall presentation during New York fashion week, is not happening after all.

You’ll recall that Manolo Blahnik reportedly had no knowledge of the collaboration. Still, following that revelation, Jenna Lyons later told The Daily, “We are in a good place with [Manolo Blahnik] now. Everything’s OK,” both parties have decided not to move forward with the project “due to wholesale production restraints on [Manolo Blahnik's] end,” a spokesperson for the shoe company told us. In other words, you better take a good look at those pretty stilettos in the above image because you may never get to put them on your pretty little feet…or at least not anytime soon.

“We were looking forward to the potential collaboration between our two brands, we both came to the conclusion that fall wasn’t the right time,” Manolo Blahnik’s president George Malkemus told us. “We hope to do something together in the future.”

Lyons and her team, who were “a joy to work with” according to a Manolo Blahnik rep, released a statement with a similar sentiment: “We have a mutual admiration for each other and while we couldn’t do this for fall, we hope to collaborate in the future.” Dear (shoe) gods, we hope so too.
The cynic in me doubts there was ever a shoe collaboration between the two in the first place. I think there was a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding that caused the initial announcement in the first place, and why it never moved forward.

Are you sad that the Manolo Blahnik for J.Crew Collection will not be materializing? Do you think they will move forward with one in the "future"? What are your thoughts on this newest development?


  1. I am not sad at all. I do not need/want to teeter on 4"+ stiletto heels... especially at the price they would charge! I hope instead they will offer more mid-heels (3" and under... how about reissuing the Juliets!?) and wedges that I can actually wear in real life. J.Crew makes adorable, quirky, unique shoes well on their own... now if they could just continue to increase the quality. No more man made linings on $300 shoes, please!

  2. The answer might perhaps lie in yesterday's stories, revealing Mickey to be mannerless & mindless during meetings? I know I'd take my leave if that's how he behaved towards me. Either way, they can pretty it up in their releases, but doesn't make J.Crew look very good. Don't think MB stood to gain anything by collaboration in the first place.

  3. Wanna bet the "wholesale reduction restraints" mentioned by the MB spokesperson included using leather?

  4. Not surprised at all. MB didn't need this at all and didn't want to cut quality corners. This speaks volumes IMO.

    1. You got that right wellfedfred & A, doubt that MB would want to tarnish their rep...

  5. I am with Barbabelle, maybe the MB crew were offended by the way they were dealt with and the talk around the collaboration (which was perhaps only in a "maybe" phase at the time JC leaked it to the press?)
    I am also with JCrewJD I am also not sad at all, I had no intention of buying these shoes. And great idea to re-issue the Juliets and while they are at it and charging $300 for their heels slap some leather linings in all of them!
    How is this for an idea, why doesn't JC sell a couple of the Chie Mihara styles, I know I am biased because I am addicted to them (our knowledgeable JCA xoxo educated me on these incredible shoes) but Anthro carries a couple of styles to complement their collections and now Madewell does too.

    1. Dani, thanks for the shout-out. I have bought several pairs of Chie Mihara shoes from Anthro and will likely buy from Madewell too but this spring the offerings didn't fit my wardrobe plan. I think it would be good for J.Crew, more aligned with the brand than Manolo Blahnik IMO. But since Madewell has offered them I am guessing J.Crew will stay clear of the "little sister" collab.

  6. I am not sad, I am kind of glad in fact, after reading yesterday's articles. And why would I want to buy Manolos at J.Crew? Their collaboration pieces are not even cheaper than when bought from the source, setimes even more expensive. They are not like Target where they offer designer lines made from cheaper fabrics and dirt cheap. It elevates (supposedly) the brand but there is nothing to gain for us customers. I seriously think it isj Jenna's attempt to seat at the 'cool' table. And sadly she is willing to ditch us , the nerdy loyal friends, in the process :(

  7. Not sad at all. In fact, I'm happy!!! A collaboration between a brand like H&M and high end designers is cool because you would never mistaken one line for the other. And therefore it seems a "collaboration".

    While J.Crew is not designer, it is pricey enough that I see it as a "dissolution" of the Manolo brand and on the hand, a nominal increase in quality of J.Crew shoes for a not-so-nominal increase in price.

    In short, let Manolo do what Manolo does and J.Crew just stick to what you do.

  8. I think wellfedfred is on to something there re: the "wholesale production restraints". If Blahnik required an all-leather shoe (or at least leather soles and leather interior lining for the fabric shoes) as part of the deal, I imagine that would bump the J.Crew retail $$$ up to Blahnik's regular shoe prices. J.Crew is still a mall store, for now at least, and I don't think that they would sell very many pairs of $500 pumps. I think that most shoppers would just save their money for a regular pair of Manolos in that case.

  9. I agree with all - however, wouldn't it be fun to find these in a "sample" sale! :-)

  10. Another who is not a bit sad. I knew as soon as I heard about this collaboration that I'd never buy these shoes. Even via J. Crew they wouldn't be anywhere near my price point.

  11. Lindsay@awalkinthe closet-well said but that begs the question- who is JCrew? Lately it seems it depends in who you ask. I think we all know, or at least knew JCrew was, but anymore I think they are suffering an identity crisis and all it's loyal customers are getting tired of paying the high $$ for therapy for them to find themselves again

    1. New article on Jenna:

      I wonder if her personal challenges are impacting performance. As a Human Resources professional, I wonder. Some of this has to be a distraction, even for the most successful people. Look at her quote:
      “It has been hard, you know?” she continues gingerly, “but I will say, through everything, I realise how incredibly fortunate I am. Everyone has been so supportive and understanding; my friends and colleagues have all been amazing. It’s certainly been one of the more confusing times of my life, but I’m getting through it.”

  12. Not sad. If I want Manolos, I'll go to Neiman Marcus and buy Manolos. If I want cute ballet flats, I'll walk down the street and head to J. Crew.

    To me this has the undertone of Jenna's not-so-closet aspirations to be high-end designer when the truth is ... J. Crew is really high-end mall store.

    The J. Crew "brand" has some elasticity but I think she has stretched it about as far as it's gonna go.

  13. I would love to have a pair! Wish it had been...

  14. I wonder if Manolo didn't want to sully the brand by offering their shoes at a mall retailer and it's quite likely J.Crew wanted to cut costs if possible, which would have thrown up red flags since they aren't doing an obvious low end like target, J.Crew would have positioned them upscale and tried to position J.Crew right alongside designer labels.

    I would not have bought them anyway. I had one pair of kitten heel Manolos and they were excruciatingly uncomfortable to wear and I am used to some pretty high heels. I think the toebox narrowed too quickly or something. Anyhoo, sold them on ebay and won't buy that label again at J.Crew or elsewhere for that matter.

  15. If I recall correctly from the initial article about this collaboration there was miscommunication between JC and MB. My guess is that Jenna asked for some sample shoes and MB had no idea she was going to show them as part of the JCrew collection. That probably ticked them off and things went down hill from there. The quality issues would keep me away from MB shoes at J Crew even if I could afford them.

  16. I sort of saw it coming . I am with Xoxo, MB shoes are not for me comfort wise, so I am not buying them and especially would not buy as part of JCrew collaboration considering such a poor return policy. Am I to send the pair "for inspection" if god forbid heel breaks a month later? No , thank you.

  17. @MJ - good point. It seems like Jenna and the "new generation" of J.Crew wants to play with the big kids - offering pieces priced at high end boutique prices but at the same time, regularly mark items on final sale down to Gap prices. It'll be interesting to what happens...whether eventually J.Crew will be tugged more to one end depending on sales or just lose itself altogether. Although I hope it's not the latter!

  18. I have to admit I'm a little sad, but at the same time, I acknowledge that my enthusiasm over this potential collaboration was pretty unfounded given how high I presume the shoes would've been priced. And when it comes to shoes, collaboration or not, J.Crew's quality is simply not there. A perfect example is the Lulu patent bow flats I am wearing at the moment - adorable shoes and I've gotten a ton of wear out of them, BUT there is literally Krazy Glue holding the soles on because they started peeling off after a month. (To give JC some credit, it was a pretty funny time because for two days I kept tripping over my own feet and I couldn't figure out why.) And much as I love their ballet flats in general, I've demolished three separate pairs, each within two months of wear. That's not ok at $98, and it would be even less ok with a pair of JC Manolos priced far, far higher.

    I will say that my JC heels have fared much better than the flats, but only because they're soooo uncomfortable I rarely wear them! Does anyone remember the patent Collection slingbacks in an orchid color from two or three years ago with a big white flower on the toe? I have them, they are gorgeous, and everytime I wear them I remember why they still look brand new. Ouch ;)


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And now back to J.Crew! :)