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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Interesting Article About J.Crew's Apology ;)

A big "thanks!" to Eric Athas, an Associate Editor over at StorefrontBacktalk, who actually emailed me on Friday about his latest article that he thought we would be interested in knowing about. And he is correct- I find his (and Evan's) take on the situation in this article to be quite interesting. (Click here for link to original article.) The following is a portion of the entire article:

J.Crew Apologizes For 'Too Many' Mistakes During Launch, Then Redesigns Its Apology
By Eric Athas and Evan Schuman

August 1, 2008

J.Crew said Wednesday (July 30) that it had made "too many" mistakes after it launched its new site a month earlier, amid complaints of cra
shes and frequent slowdowns. Apparently, one of those mistakes included precisely how the retailer said it made too many mistakes, as the company made more than a half-dozen changes to its homepage apology from Wednesday to Thursday.

The original apology, posted early Wednesday morning, said: "We've made some mistakes (too many in our mind). We want to say that we're sorry for any issues you have experienced while shopping J.Crew online or over the phone over the last few weeks—we know we've let you down. We are in the midst of making some enhancements to our web site and call center (and, unfortunately, encountered some bumps along the way). Please bear with us as we work through these issues—we know it's not perfect."

The message dominated the homepage of and was signed by J.Crew President Tracy Gardner and Chairman/CEO Millard Drexler. By Thursday morning, the apology had sharply shrunk—to less than one-fourth of Wednesday's size—and it appears that Gardner and/or Drexler had reconsidered being personally tied to the glitches; their names were magically erased.

Wednesday's apology told customers, "We know we've let you down." That knowledge was apparently erased overnight, as Thursday morning had J.Crew knowing no such thing. The chain had apparently decided that, on second thought, it hadn't let its customers down after all. Maybe the company discovered, through customer complaints, that its customers think less of the chain than it thought? (After almost 20 years of marriage, I have discovered that it's almost impossible for me to now disappoint my wife. Floor-level expectations can be a wonderful thing.)

A more nitpicky change: On Wednesday, the retailer said: "We want to say that we're sorry for any issues you have experienced." On Thursday, the J.Crew team thought about it and decided to be more honest, having concluded that they really did not want to say any such thing. Thursday's version became "We are truly sorry for any issues you have experienced."

I like to thank again one of the authors of this article, Eric, for being thoughtful and letting us know about this news. We appreciate it!

What do you think of the article? Do you agree/disagree with J.Crew's move? What do you think of the apologies (or versions of) that J.Crew has offered?


  1. Alexis, I think that it is great that they emailed the article direcly to you! I am waiting for Mickey to email you!!!! :) I agree that the apology was nice for the 18 hours it was up but pretty lame that the verbage was changed and I would have expected free shipping or something.....

    On another note, I was sorely disappointed on the velvet Ecole jacket--- I agree with most that the fit is a little weird, though I would argue that the hook and eye is large and study so I would not worry about it breaking. I guess I feel that the Bella was PERFECT.... why tinker with perfection!

  2. Wow thats very cool of Eric e-mailing it too you. Haha Nicole, that would be great too, wouldn't it. If Mickey e-mailed Alexis.

    I think the article is spot on! Jcrew did a poor job with this apology. I am so upset over the new red-pnone news (see the next post). It means I may not be able to afford to order as frequently. I can't afford J.crew's full price stuff most of the time and I can't always afford their shipping either. Frankly while Jcrew says they care about their customers I am not feeling that way right now! I may have to write an e-mail about this because I am really disappointed that they seem to be taking every opportunity away for me to shop at their store affordable.

  3. I hadn't even realized the verbage of the apology had changed...WOW...that's really lame!

    blumre: I think you SHOULD email them...maybe if they continue to get swamped with customer complaints about the upgrade they will realize that we are really serious about our complaints and make changes for the better, instead of for the worse, as it appears they are doing.

  4. If only it were true that everyone who complained received a free gift card . . .

    (Really, I didn't lose any items or money so I'm not saying I deserved $$ . . . but I certainly have complained to them about difficulty getting an adjustment due to their "policies" that discriminate against web customers.)

  5. P.S. Blumre, I'm surprised that Mickey hasn't e-mailed Alexis. He has to know about this blog (if he doesn't his underlings aren't doing their job.) He could learn a *lot* from reading our comments.

    And as much as we are all out for th best bargain and have used this site to vent about the "update" and other new policies that have harmed or offended customers, my purchases have actually gone UP since I found this blog.

    First, because this site gives great coupon and sale information I can shop knowing that I am getting the best price. Second, the discussions here have made me consider items I might have overlooked or rejected in the past. I *never* would have considered the orange Candace and now it's one of my favorite things to wear. (And that meant I bought the marmalade cafe capris, and then I bought the flame/black Clea flats to go with, and so on . . . )

  6. Leigh: It sounds like Eric directly emailed Alexis this article, which may have made the difference?

    Hexicon: I totally agree with you about undiscovered gems! There are so many items that this blog has talked about that, curious, I went into a store to try or ordered online and ended up absolutely loving! This blog is great for diversifying my wardrobe, not so great for my wallet. :)

  7. melanie: I agree with you that this blog is not good for my wallet! While I would have waited for sales in the past, I now find myself wanting to order items NOW. I have never been a full price shopper - in fact, I often wait for a 2nd markdown or extra % (even when I LOVE the item). :)

    Invoiced $9,208.50 for shipping; baby sized clothing shipped; JSP_EXECUTION_FAILED when attempting to sign into website
    Dear J Crew,

    Re. my recent order:
    1. Invoiced for $9208.50 in shipping charges. Scan of invoice attached.
    2. Baby sized shirts shipped. I ordered men's medium sized polo shirts. (Size M as in the invoice). Photo attached.
    3. Cannot sign into website, JSP_EXECUTION_FAILED, screenshot attached.

    I would like to
    1) Return the shirts for a refund - they are completely the wrong size.
    2) Not be charged $9,208 for shipping
    3) Not have to use the website to do this, as I can't log in

    Can you reply to my email at as soon as possible? I am worried about my credit card being charged for the incorrect shipping cost.


  9. Hexicon and FFM would you be interested in writing a collective e-mail with me and maybe alexis as well? I think it would mean more if it came from a lot of people.

  10. Nicole R & Blumre: I think it was nice that he emailed me about it as well. ;) He also had posted for members to contact him about the situation on this blog.

  11. JCrew Customer: Your situation is incredible! I can't believe that shipping charge- outrageous! I will make that into a post tomorrow for sure!

  12. Alexis -- You are becoming a star on the web. :-) We love you.

    J.Crew CIO Steve Dee -- YOU ARE FIRED!

  13. gigiofca: Thanks for the super nice comment- I love you all too! ;)

    Also, I agree with you that CIO Steve Dee should seriously be updating his resume (as a "just in case") at this point of the system upgrade.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)