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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Consumerist Article on J.Crew's Website

"Thanks!" goes to Surfside who let us know in the "JCrew's Offer "Freeship" No Longer Works" post that the Consumerist had an article about J.Crew's recent website upgrade fiasco. The following is the article in its entirety (link for article here):

J.Crew's New Website Does Everything Except Fulfill Orders Properly

Kimberly, a frequent J.Crew online customer, placed an order on June 30th for five items from their newly revamped website. In the past, writes Kim, "it usually takes 2 days at the latest for me to receive any shipment that is not backordered." This time it's been 2 weeks, and not only has nothing arrived, but the UPS tracking number they've assigned her order is invalid (it doesn't even follow the UPS numbering style). The unhelpful J.Crew customer service rep told Kim that they had her correct address and to wait 10 days before calling back. In the meantime, one of the items has already been returned and refunded to Kim's credit card—although about $200 worth of merchandise has still been shipped to some as yet undiscovered location.

We know shipping accidents happen, but what's unacceptable about J.Crew's response is how they keep putting Kimberly off instead of working with her to resolve the problem.

"My credit card was charged on the day of purchase for the full amount of my order. When I first called on the 8th the rep had suggested for me to wait the full 7 days, I did not have a problem then with the wait. On the 11th I checked their website and noticed the aforementioned status change that led to another call immediately.

I was refunded $49.99 on the same day on the item that was supposedly returned but I never received, but their rep did not even want to look up my address to see whether or not it was sent to the wrong address. When I insisted that he check, he told me that they had the correct shipping address but I should wait 10 days to call back anyways."

It's not like Kim's a novice shopper who doesn't know how shipping works. Now the question is: is there anyone at J.Crew who knows how shipping works? You two should talk.

I think the article is "spot on" with J.Crew's current website issues. If you click on the article's link (here) you can see comments including a few responses from JCrew representatives who seem a bit surprised by Kim's experience. Clearly they haven't read this blog and seen that its not just Kim who has those issues. :)


  1. Alexis: The feedback from most of the contributors are spot on...even mentioning your blog, and all. The one contributor as1984 almost wrote verbatim many of the comments that have been posted here, as well. I'm glad the article was written...I think J.Crew is finally starting to realize that they may ACTUALLY feel repercussions from all of this, as the CS rep I spoke with yesterday kept saying how they are afraid of losing alot of loyal customers. Somehow, though, I don't think they are fully aware or else they would give better deals than Free shipping when you spend $100, and by the way...your sales are Final...give me a break!

  2. I am actually surprised by Kim's experience. Not about the problems she had with shipping, but with the CS response. When I called on Saturday about my two missing orders from July 3, they were very friendly and wanted to make sure my address was correct. They also told me to wait ten business days from the time I ordered, not from the time I called them. I was told if I didn't receive it by then (two weeks after placing the order) I should call back and they would "do whatever possible to rectify the situation." The CS rep kept on apologizing for the fiasco and I said "Oh, I know it's not your fault," and she stopped and said something like, "J.Crew values service ethic and we know that we have not been living up to our standards these past few weeks, and for that we are truly sorry and hope to do whatever it takes to restore our relationship with our customers, who we greatly appreciate." I hope others have had better CS experiences like this through out the upgrade as well.

  3. FabulousFloridaMommy: I couldn't agree with your comments more! I mean if they are really afraid of losing customers then why remove the FREESHIP code (which actually I found to be a classy move on their part) and offer those codes with $150 minimums? And having final sales that are non-returnable. It just doesn't seem to match.

    Kellyanne311: I didn't realize that the 10 business days is what they are telling everyone now. That is a long time! I do agree with you though, that the CS have been very nice (as they always are). :)

  4. OK-This is how I see it...I was very peeved with the new site originally...they lost an order for several days that I had placed the night before the "change" and the wait times on the phone were up to 20 minutes. HOWEVER...every time I've called (several several times haha) I've spoken with someone who genuinly tried to help. In addition, I have bought nearly 20 pairs of flip flops since they went on sale a few weeks ago. This morning I found a bag that had not been available during free ship and a pair of flip flops that would have put me into the $8.50 shipping range. However, I called j.crew and after waiting 7 minutes (a bit long but not bad) I told the salesperson that I shop there all the time and the bag had not previously been available and therefore I deserved free shipping and you know what...they did! In the past I will place and order and then want to add one thing without having the repay shipping and they are always willing to do that for me. I don't like that they no longer let many websites share their codes however, they are pretty flexible whenever I call so all in all that's definitely a PLUS.


  5. Well guess who STILL hasn't received her Madras jacket!! I am so mad that I could spit nails. I did talk to a very nice CS rep who gave me a 15% discount on all my orders that were still MIA, however, this is AFTER I reported the previous CS rep that I had spoken with who was beyond rude. I realize that this must be a VERY stressful time for all J Crew CS reps, but they still must be able to deal with the public in a freindly, efficient, and knowledgable manner.

  6. There's another Laura now! I'm not sure if I was the first Laura or not, but I am going to put a 1 by my name now. (I am the Laura who posted yesterday at 3:01 p.m in this thread:

  7. Hi Laura1! At first I thought the other "Laura" was you! Thanks for clearing that up. ;)

    JCrewJunkie: I don't know why but I think the "so mad I could spit nails" line is so funny! I chuckle outloud every time I read it. But your order on the madras jacket is terrible. I mean the 15% discount is nice, but I am sure you would much prefer having the jacket you ordered. :)

  8. I called customer service yesterday and the rep I spoke with basically said that their shipping department is totally backed up, she could tell me that my order shipped (I ordered on 7/7) but that they did not have tracking numbers and just to call back in 10 business days (aka two weeks after I placed my order) if I did not get it by then. I never received an email saying the order shipped. Fortunately it was waiting for me when I arrived home last night but my card has not been billed yet. I have another outstanding order that I did get an email about, saying it had shipped, so hopefully that means I'll receive it soon but I'm not holding my breath!

  9. I just found out that two of my orders from last week have been shipped "incomplete". I am assuming that the 3 items NOT included will never show up as they were sale items and the likelihood of them being available is very very slim....:[

    I have been a loyal JCrew customer since 2001...but I think this whole website debacle is curing me of the daily "fix" I needed. Sure I check the website still to see if any new arrivals have been added. But they have not bothered to update any of the pages and I dont spend nearly as much time I used to earlier.

    Given the state of the economy...I guess the less I spend on JCrew the better it is for our family.

  10. I placed an order on 7/7 for several sale items. As of 7/12, there was no update whatsoever on my order status, so I called CS to get info. The woman was very sweet and said that it appeared that one of the items was actually out of stock, and she was sorry for the delay so she would cancel out that order and put in a new order for the in-stock items with free overnight shipping. So then yesterday, I get home to see a J.Crew box, thinking it was the overnight shipped order, and it turns out it was the original order with the item that was supposedly out of stock. I called back to cancel the 2nd order, but it was too late so I asked them to put a note on my account to allow me to return the duplicate order b/c it's all final sale and I don't need 2 of the same items. It seems that the CS reps are not getting accurate fulfillment/shipping information in order to be able to properly help the customers.

  11. I actually think the Consumerist story wasn't very good as journalism, and I can see why the one commenter at Consmerist would ask "there's a story here?"

    The issue isn't that one person had her order screwed up and encountered bad customer service--that could happen any time. Rather, the issue is that since the website "upgrade" there is a pattern and practice here, and that even where one encounters a helpful CSR, there is nothing that person can do to assist the customer in finding out what happened to her/his orders. I wish Consumerist had written about how widespread the problem is.

  12. I actually read Consumerist pretty regularly, so it didn't surprise me to see something regarding the J.Crew fiasco. But like hexicon said, it's not much of a story, and I think that's because (so far) J.Crew's customer service has done a pretty good job of taking care of us when it gets hairy. Most of us have had nothing but positive experiences with the CSRs, even during all this nonsense.

  13. Just to add to all of the comments noted above, I placed an order last thursday (7/10) and the order confirmation number that I was given, does not pull up my order on the website! I called into CS and luckily they were able to pull up my order but they have no idea whether or not it has been shipped yet...they advised that it "likely" shipped out last Friday and I should expect to get it this week...however they can't say for sure b/c the distribution centre cannot communicate with the call centre at this time, so shipments are being sent out left right and centre without any sort of tracking by CS. This is completely unacceptable in this day and age but what can you do. The CSR I spoke to was very helpful and offered me 20% off of my order however I am a bit concerned b/c my credit card hasn't even been charged I'm just wondering whether/not my shipment will even get sent out....its for the San Telmo Jacket and the Tulip Jacket, and I was hoping to wear the Tulip Jacket this weekend. I was advised though to wait a full 10 business days from the date of order before calling back, even though the website says 4-7 business days under customer service.

    In addition, they performed a we will find it for you search on a pair of cropped matchsticks since the pair I received was defective and the item was sold out online...I asked CSR to walk me through the process and they advised that they would notify me once the item was found before my cc was charged, and the item would ship directly from the store. Well no, thats not how it goes. THey charged me on my cc when it was found (on the weekend) and the item now has to be shipped from the store to the warehouse, and then it will come out to me which really worries me given all of the shipping problems from the it will be about 14 business days before I receive them, however the charge has already been put on my cc and while it is small, I don't like that its on there for so long. Apparently the first CSR I spoke to last week did not explain the process correctly (since I live in Canada therefore they cannot ship direct to me from a retail store). Plus I haven't received any form of communication from Jcrew advising me that the item was found etc. I had to call in after noticing the cc charge. Arghh!! So now there is nothing that they can do. I requested expedited shipping from the warehouse to Canada and they agreed to that. What bothers me though is that I had to request it, when the first CSR I spoke to clearly didn't explain the process correctly. Anyway...

    Btw, I am as1984 from the consumerist article. When I saw that article I just had to chime in, especially since prior to my posting everyone seemed dismayed by Kim's experiance and concluded that it must be a one-off. Clearly, from reading through the comments on this blog, that is not the case.

  14. Now I am afraid to contact CS about my missing/delayed orders...I might end up with double the stuff and I don't need 6 orders in duplicate....this is really bad to's like CS is just guessing and placing additional orders...if they can't communicate with the distribution center it doesn't make any sense to even call.....

  15. Well I finally got my backordered item from June 19th delivered today. I ordered the Double Strand Jeweled Flower Necklace in fresh guava. The package came via UPS and I'm looking at my invoice and comparing it with an invoice prior to the website upgrade. My order number didn't change, but it based on thenumbers and codes on the green column, J Crew might have changed how they catagorize/inventory their items.

  16. You know, there has to be some sort of system they could implement to let CS know what orders have an have not shipped. All of the boxes are entered into a system that probably matches order number with tracking. Couldn't CS be even sent that list? They're obviously updating somehow because my order history on the Website says that it did ship out. It may take a bit longer and probably involve some manual transcribing, but jeez! Shouldn't we be able to figure this out???

    I just can't wait for this to all be over and for the fall clothes to be out, so we have something more fun to talk about instead of the update SNAFU.

  17. webbysuzy: how is the necklace in person? What are you thinking of wearing it with, if you don't return it due to the excellent find of the giraffe necklace?

    I ask because I am thisclose to ordering it :)

  18. I can't even log in - jsp execution error. I called and waited 20 minutes to get a rep only to be told than the CS computers are down...Grrrrr.

  19. Webbysuzy: Congrats on double strand flower necklace! It looks so pretty! I bought the pearl version, and it's lovely too! I did have to ask for a second necklace to be sent to compare the quality. The first necklace was defective because the pearls were not round.

  20. It's a good thing I got online and read this post right now! I didn't know these problems were still wreaking havoc. At work this morning I received my package from J.Crew that was SUPPOSED to contain two dresses from final sale that I ordered last week on the website - the Lisa and the Sanur. (I have been trying to find the Sanur in my size forever, and for some reason in popped up last week.) However, the package only contains the Lisa dress - even though they charged me for both. Grrrr. So, here I sit on hold for CS to get a refund credited to my card, though I am mostly irritated that the one dress I really wanted didn't show up. It's been 30 minutes so far; definitely a record for them.

  21. I am still waiting for my Sea Glass Piper Tank, which is now sold out. Tomorrow is the 7th day since it shipped (not including the ship date), and there is no tracking information. I called yesterday, but of course they told me to wait til Wednesday. I have received items I ordered AFTER the Sea Glass Piper. I am worried; it's the item I was most looking forward to receiving :( Guess I will be on the horn tomorrow.

  22. Forgot to mention that I was charged the day it "shipped." That's what gets me the most with all this. They DEFINITELY make sure they charge you, but actually getting the merchandise to you is apparently not as important :P

  23. I don't know if someone pointed this out---I haven't had time to read through all the posts, but I thought this was amusing:

    Funny, I got the same email today but didn't notice the error until it was pointed out. Who is in charge of J Crew's website these days????

  24. Just received two orders placed on 7/9 & 7/10 (go figure):

    **Favorite-fit solid Keaton pant
    in black, size 6: These are cut pretty tight so I would NOT size down in them. JCrew's description is accurate. The top of the waistband hits just at/below my hip bone. (Also, when I say they are "cut tight", I have a number of JCrew khaki's & they are a smidge looser on me than I would like but cannot size down to 4's because of my hip bones.) They're well worth the $19.99 price tag w/the free shipping - I can wear them into October since they're black.

    **Mini-patchwork madras jacket: ordered when it was shown in the Final Sale section, but the item & order page did not show Final Sale. It arrived NOT Final Sale (shoo!) & I'm glad as I took a chance & ordered size 4 instead of my regular size 6.
    Size 4 in this jacket, & more than likely the Via Vittorio jacket, is too small in the shoulder & arm length area. I do like the fit in the waist better though. Glad I already have it in a size 6.

    I also received my BORN shoes (Ascott & Renoir)today. The colors are better looking than expected but they are a tad too big & they're quite wide. I always buy shoes medium in width but these are really loose. Now they are out of the next size down. Oh well, I will try another style.

    To the ladies who recommended BORN shoes, they are FABULOUSLY comfy, I just need to find my 'fit'!

  25. michelle: If it helps, I saw a Sea Glass Piper Tank in size 4 at my local b&m store yesterday. The store is in Copley Place, Boston. Their number is 617-236-5950. It's 59.99 plus the additional 25% off.

  26. I know that there are many of you that are still waiting on orders from around the time of the upgrade, but I was wondering about orders placed more recently, like in the past 2 weeks? There are some items that I would really like to order, especially now with the free shipping on orders over $100 code, but I'm nervous that their system is still really screwed up.

    MJ in VA

  27. kater and vivian: The Double Stand Jeweled Flower Necklace is very pretty. The pink is a fresh color, reminds me more of cut watermelons than guava. I'm not too sure how to wear it. I do love the Giraffe Necklace the most, because of the detailing. I have already given a name for my Giraffe (Geoffrey, the character from Toys R Us). LOL.

    vivian: How did you wear your Double Strand Pearls?

    I actually would like the J Crew design team to make these double strand smaller in length (choker length). Remember a while back when Sothebys auctioned off Jackie Onasis Kennedy's double strand chocker necklace? They were her favorite and they were faux. Would be nice to replicate something like this with a fresh modren twist.

    On a tangent, Bloomingdales online is offering $100 gift card for purchases $250 to $499 ($200 gift card over $500). It's like getting cash back on your purchases! The gift card can be redeemed online or at b&m stores. Offer ends on 7/16th.

    Sorry for the lengthy email:)

  28. thanks for including the order dates in your post Rach, that makes me feel a bit better about maybe giving them a shot at getting it right.

    MJ in VA

  29. MJ in VA: You are welcome.
    I waited a long time for orders placed the Friday before the website mess, & some other orders took a little longer than they used to. My complaints about the longer shipping time is minimal compared to what some of these other customers are experiencing. I'm wondering if location has anything to do with it (I'm in Maryland)? Doubt it.

    My only outstanding order is a duplicate order I placed in a panic (6/29-30) after hearing about the lost orders. I already have the original order so I'm not concerned about it.

  30. I could not place my order on Saturday to take advantage of either the 20% off or the FREESHIP offer, I kept getting some kind of execution failure message from their website. I couldn't sign in, or proceed to check out in anyway without a failure screen. I have emailed them every day, at every J. Crew email address I have, and have had NO response. Even on Sunday I could not access the sign in or check out pages.

    Now after reading all these comments, I'm not sure I want to place the order anyway.

  31. Last week, I bought a suit jacket (from $249 to $58!) from a store. Unfortunately, the suit pants were out of stock there. So, I planned on buying a pair of suit pants from the J.Crew website later today. Because of the site’s troubles, should I even bother? Is the new site upgrade causing that many problems for everyone?

  32. Aly: Thanks for the info re: the Sea Glass Piper. I will give it another try with CS, and hopefully they will help me out.

  33. Webbysuzy: I wear the pearls mostly in a casual fashion. I wanted something less pricey for every day use and save my Mikimoto for more formal use. I actually like this longer, non-choker length because they have a more casual look. The choker IMHO is more formal-looking.

    They look very pretty even with a tee and jeans, like the way it was styled in some of the J.Crew photos. Somewhat SJP in Sex and the City??

    I considered the other colors but decided the pearls would go with anything. The size is good - actually the pearls are little larger than the 10mm in the item description, round, with a nice lustre and very few flaws. I did ask CS for grading info, but it's not available. But I went ahead anyway. The first necklace was terrible. It was huge - 12-13mm but many of the pearls were oval instead of round, and had the ugly growth rings on them. Luckily, the exchange necklace was excellent. I returned the bracelet (I ordered 2 pieces for comparison).

    It's a very good deal for the price -since I paid only 170 bucks for the necklace. The length is quite flexible - although it's double strand, it can be worn single strand too. It's nice to treat it like costume jewellery and not too conscious of having to care for them, insuring them and not losing them etc!

  34. Hmmm, I am so nervous to order now! The Candace jacket in orange is just sitting in my shopping cart, laughing at me... is it worth the risk?

  35. julie: If you do decide to get the Candace Jacket...ask for the extra 25% off that the stores have been offering on it. My store in Orlando had them when I was in last week, so you can try having CS call them to verify. 407-226-9732. Good Luck! :)

    I placed an order for the Metallic Capri Sandals on Sunday and they still have not shipped, though the Gift Card I used has been charged. I doubt if they will even show as shipped, though. I had received my Amelia Tank by FedEx Overnight Shipping last Friday, and that is the ONLY reason I decided to give online another chance. I hope it wasn't a mistake...seems as if orders placed last week are actually getting delivered before the "bottle-neck" of the 1st week of July (that's what the CS rep called it when I was talking to him). Anyways, good luck on whatever you decide...let us know!:)

  36. Hey Julie - I agree with fabfloridamommy. I was just in both my stores in Cleveland, Ohio today and yesterday and they have A TON of candace in sweet orange. I bought one myself. I think your best bet is to call and have them ship to you and you get the 25% off!
    Westlake Crocker Park
    88 Main Street OH 44145
    (440) 250-8924
    Beachwood Beachwood
    26300 Cedar Rd OH 44122
    (216) 292-8494

  37. Julie: Ask the store to waive shipping. I was told that anything that ships from stores are not allowed to charge for shipping. I did pay shipping on two jackets before I found out abt that store policy.

  38. jcrewbug: Fabulous the store directly instead of J.Crew Online, and then you are SURE to receive your package...they usually ship by Fed Ex, and it will probably cost $8.50, unless they will waive shipping, like Vivian said, although I also paid for shipping on my Tulip Jacket from Columbus Circle, and was told that stores don't give free shipping. Good Luck!

  39. Can someone tell me about the fit of the Candace jacket? Should I order up or down?

  40. Jliz: I found my Candace jackets to be true to size.

  41. jliz: I actually took a Small in the Candace and it fit my broad shoulders just fine. I think the fit is similar to the Katie Sweater Jacket that I bought in Geranium. I wear a 0/2 in sleeveless tops, and a 4/6 in tops and jackets with sleeves. So the Candace seems to be running true to size. Hope this helps!

  42. vivian: if you don't mind my asking - how did you get the pearls for 170? That is a great price - did you have a major coupon?

  43. What about returns? Has anyone returned anything successfully by mail? I expect J.Crew received my return right around the time everything went haywire and of course there is no credit to my credit card yet.
    An order placed June 30th - charged to my card, but never shipped. Who knows here it is. Apparently this was a bad day to order.
    An order placed July 7th - according to UPS it either arrived in San Franciso in May 2007 or departed Salt Lake on the 14th. :)

  44. Okay, has anyone seen any of the ruffle collar polos in their B&M stores? I went to my store today (Tyson's II) and they were completly gone. There are several colors that I am interested in on the website, but of course they are not any additional off and I'm scared to place an online order anyway.

    MJ in VA

  45. You guys are awesome - thank you for all of the feedback!

    Jcrewbug: I live in OH, so I called the Beachwood store and they had it! No free shipping, but it was a flat rate of $6 (which I didn't think was too bad)... I am so excited too about the 25% off sale price! WHOO-HOO!

    Thanks also to fabulousfloridamommy & vivian :)

  46. Kater: Not at all. I ordered it during the 20% discount period and had another 15% teacher's discount.

    Nikki: I returned a box of stuff and it was delivered by UPS on 7/7. No news. I called today, and CS said the returns center is running very slow. She offered to do the returns over the phone. It took some time going through the list of items but it was worth it because I don't want to hold $1,000 worth of returned merchandise on my CC. Why not call and ask if they can do the same for you?

  47. I tried the Candace Jacket on today at my store and also found it to be pretty true.

    My store had it for 79.99 plus 25% off. But it's 49.99 on-line. Do you think my store just mismarked it or is it just higher in the store????

  48. sally: the Candace is probably mismarked in your can ask them to match the online price, as well, though. You definitely shouldn't pay the higher price. :)

  49. Vivian, There is no such store policy. I used to work at JCrew up until a month ago and stores charge for shipping.

  50. Btw, Sally: it should also be an addt'l. 25% off the $49.99. :)

  51. Yay! Thanks FFM! I just called my store that was holding it in Brilliant Blue for me and they did have it marked wrong! 49.99 plus 25% off, I'm grabbing it!

  52. The person who told me was a CS manager. I think someone else posted the same experience too. I did pay for my two jackets from stores, but I haven't ordered anything directly from stores since. It seems that there's no such thing about consistency when it comes to J.Crew policies. If you read the comments here, you'd know that policies vary from store to store, from call center to call center, and from CS rep to rep. I don't mean to say you're wrong, but the encounters we've had with J.Crew just baffle us sometimes.

  53. I don't have orders from July 2, 4, and 8 yet...I wouldn't order anything right now at all--that would be my recommendation.

  54. I ordered a jacket from a NY store and I directly asked about shipping charges and was told that ALL stores charge shipping. I don't know how/why you got lucky but you did. I have also been charged shipping from stores in IL and MN.

  55. I just had to write this after getting my "good news" email about my package and realizing that not only does Jcrew have seriously bad IT, but they also need to have some grammar lessons (misuse of the word "it's" as referenced earlier)...oh boy. I guess since I got my $19.99 keaton pants I can't complain. I feel for all of you out there!


    Good news, Jcrew, got my package.

    Bad news, check the grammar on your new website (see below!)

    You make fabulous clothes and I know your new website has had "its" share of problems but this one is a pretty bad one.

    Good luck!

  56. I was charged shipping from the Tysons II store, but not the Albany store. Who knows? I take whatever freebies I can get.

  57. It's nice to waive shipping from stores but frankly the times when I would call a store directly are when I'm in great desperation and dying to get an item. Paying shipping is not big deal under those circumstances. My tulip jacket in bright flame from the Columbus Circle store is worth paying 50x of the shipping cost of $8.50 :)

  58. Thanks everyone for your great comments! :)

    It sounds like some of you are still waiting (and for some time) while others are getting part of your orders (at least its something!) :)

    I am hoping by the time the Fall merchandise arrives in stores & online, the back up order issue will be resolved. :)

  59. My sister's car was totalled in accident so she take the train to work now and it's a longer commute. She got a final notice about a JCrew package from the USPS. She was mad b/c she works until 8:00 pm and the post office isn't open then! She took some time off work to get her package and when she got there they had no record of her JCrew package after all. She is hopping mad....

  60. P.S. I totally agree with Vivian's 6:09PM comment. Some of J.Crew's policies don't seem to be universally applied. It completely is a mystery to me as to why. :)

  61. Haha. I think J Crew's actual policy is "Ask and MAYBE you shall receive, We will look in our magic 8 ball and get back to you" I got free shipping from the Tysons store when I ordered my shoes and buttery twill trousers. I have received my student discount in the last 3/4 orders. I guess I'm getting lucky.

  62. I am still waiting for my order from July 1. I tried to talk to someone at Jcrew today to ask where it is and has it even been shipped, but the voice prompt told me I'd be waiting 23 minutes, too long to wait, so instead I emailed them and will hopefully get a response.

  63. So the general consensus is: Do not buy anything online from J.Crew right now???

  64. JCrew Guy in Canada: 23 minutes is way too long to wait!!! :(

    Jack: I think the question of whether or not to buy from J.Crew online right now depends on how quickly you need the item. If you don't mind waiting two weeks (e.g. you don't need the item for a particular event or for awhile) then you should definitely place an order. Otherwise, I would recommend buying from their B&M store (even calling around to see if they have your item in stock at different stores). :)

  65. I wouldn't order, it's just too risky. I received an order today that I placed on 7/10 but my order from 7/9 doesn't even show that it has shipped out yet. The order from 7/9 was the Keaton pants that other people have seem to already received.

  66. I have a different problem. I returned a box on 6/23. JCrew received it on 6/30. It FINALLY was "processed" on 7/14. The problem is that three items were NOT credited (even though I am well within my 60 day time limit). I am being sent a gift card for each. One item was shipped to me on 5/30, one was shipped to me on 6/03 and one was shipped to me on 6/10. SO, according to their policies, I should have been credited my "original form of payment". I wanted my account credited, NOT gift cards! I don't understand how they can keep changing the rules (that they set) as they go! I WANT MY MONEY BACK. And I have been a JCrew addict since 2000! This is the last straw!

  67. It is really hard to say when it is right time to order these days. For my 7/1 order I have heard nothing from JCrew other than the order comfirmation email sent on 7/1. However I got my 7/10 order yesterday through UPS. And I placed both order by phone.

  68. Heck, it's bad enough you can't get your order but I would be afraid to return anything right now...

    Can you imagine if you were a bride and were counting on JCrew for your dress or bridesmaids dresses?

  69. jeng, I feel really bad for you....that is the worst. I have been a JCrew addict since 2000 too and I have had it as well. Time is not going to heal this wound.

  70. Anon at 6:39- I know, I was thinking the same thing!! I actually am a bride-to-be and was going between a J.Crew bridesmaid dress and one from another company. After all of this fiasco recently, I decided not to go with the J.Crew dresses.

  71. hey everyone - as it seems like we're all going to be doing our shopping at the b&m stores now rather than the still shady website, I was wondering if anyone knows if the stores have a markdown day? I know that when I worked at banana, the markdowns would come through on tuesday nights after close, and I'm wondering if the same type of thing happens at j.crew?


  72. websuxy-I formerly worked for the franklin mint- they designed a replica of jackie's's the link:

  73. Anyone get the email that Crewcuts is coming to the J.Crew Factory stores? Why can't we buy from their factory stores online? Or can we?

  74. anon @ 6:39 and lynn, I thought of the same thing! I would be sick to my stomach if I were a bride.

  75. I feel a little silly asking, but what is a B&M store?

  76. brick and mortar, an actual physical store.

  77. kater, webbysuzy, vivian: I haven't posted for a while becuase I was quite busy calling CS regarding the giraffe necklace I ordered. I was thinking about the jacket fiasco Vivian described in one of the older post. My necklace didn't ship with the rest of my order, CS does not know if they have it or not, but most likely they didn't have it in stock when I ordered it (over the phone - the web was not working at the time). I am so very dissapointed. Silly me - I still hope it will appear on my doorstep. On the more positive note I also ordered the flower necklace in guava few days ago during the 20% off sale :) I hope this one comes. The UPS shows that the billing information was received few days ago. Who knows - it may even arrive here tomorrow.

  78. I'm slowly starting to hate the new j.crew again. I placed an order with them 7/3 for a sweater and skirt for my mom's b-day from their sale section. The sweater arrived last week, but the skirt has yet to be seen. When I called CS yesterday they could only tell me that it has been shipped, but couldn't give them a tracking number bc the tracking numbers they have are NOT working for them either ...RIDICULOUS! They really need to get their act together.

  79. I just got my final two waitlisted items: the Kate dress in Cabana Blue (last week when I called they told me that they were sold out and would not be getting more--good thing I did not cancel the order as the cs rep suggested!) and the perfect fit boatneck T in tidepool.

    Both items arrived marked as final sale even though when I ordered them back in June, they were not final sale items. I haven't been charged for either of them yet, or the Lisa dress I received on Monday. I suppose that's not the worst thing, though I am skeptical that the price adjustment I got on the Lisa dress will be honored.

    I am definitely not ordering anymore until things seem to be straightened out. I did get my July 7 order on July 14, which is only a day or two longer than usual, but there are just too many unknowns right now for it to be worth it to make a purchase.

  80. sky: I'm so sorry about the giraffe necklace! My best advice is to just hang in there and wait and see what happens. As J said below, a CS rep told her to cancel an order, but she didn't and it ended up coming. AND when I was calling all over the universe in order to get mine, some of the stores definitely said they had sent the necklace back to the distribution center as an online return. So they are getting them back, so it's not unfathomable that you ordered one of those when it popped up again on the website.

    don't give up hope! I'm crossing my fingers for you!

  81. Hi J, I was waitlisted for the kate dress back in 6/23. It was supposed to ship 7/10. Can you tell me ur dates, so I'll know if I will be getting it or if they no longer have it. thanks in advance

  82. I finally received my package yesterday for an order I placed on 6/29! (10 business days) It came USPS and of course they did not leave it at the door so I had to go to post office to pick it up. They had problems scanning it out of the system because it said it was shipped internationally. I'm in Seattle and didn't know that was considered international! I'm so done with ordering from their website. The coupon codes for free shipping with $100+ are a joke. That is alot to spend on clothes you may potentially not fit.

    On a different note: As Kater asked earlier, does anyone know if the b&m stores have a specific markdown day?

  83. Thanks kater - reading your reply gives me hope. I am not going to cancel my order and I'll keep checking on it. By the way, did the giraffe necklaces go on sale long time ago? To me it seemed like they were there and then one day competly disappeared. I hope they are somewhere in the distribution center and are just temporaily unaccounted for.

  84. sky - I think they did go on sale awhile ago. Like maybe may? I remember seeing it online then and not buying it, which I regretted almost instantly. And when I went on my search for it, a snotty associate at the Georgetown store informed me that since it came in in March, there was of course no way they still had it.

    But really, don't give up hope. At least two stores, maybe three, said they had sent it back in as a return...

  85. I placed an order by phone last Wednesday morning for a final sale item (Lisa dress) and it came in 4 days. Strangely enough, I haven't been charged for it yet. I am keeping an eye for that and for my price adjustment/credit. Maybe I just got lucky, but I would take on chance on ordering something by phone if I REALLY wanted it.

  86. Sky: Sorry to hear about your necklace! There's hope yet if they can't tell you it's short-shipped. In the case of my Via Vittoria jacket (order placed online ; talking abt it gets me fuming again!!!!!!!!!!!), it was very clear the minute CS checked the status of the order -- despite the fact I received a shipping confirmation and had my CC charged. So in your case, no news is good news!!

  87. I can't blame the messy website for not getting the necklace then - I am quite late, am I?

    By the way, I was in the store today and heard that they will most likely finish the extra 25% off soon because all the summer sale merchandise is being sent back to the distribution centers next Tuesday.

  88. linda: Seattle is international??!! Apart from not having a grasp on grammar, JCrew also has an issue with geography :)

  89. Jcrewjunkie: I'm spitting nails too. I still dont have my jacket either... of course I am just waiting for it to return it. I love your expression, I use the smae one.

    Oh and today I recieved a second featherweight v-neck for which I was charged. I e-mailed my CS rep and she will look into it and fix it. She is a saint. I have no idea what to even do with this second sweater... How do I even return it when I wasn't supposed to get it? So I am hanging on to it until I get the word from her about what I was supposed to do. Imagine, I wait 5 months a freaking sweater and then two arrive within two days of each other and I was charged the incorrect amount. WHAT??? My brain is doing flips trying to figure this one out now.

  90. Vivian: sorry to bring back the memory. They didn't say they don't have the necklace for me, however, they didn't have any in stock as of today. Quite honestly they couldn't tell me anything except that my credit card was charged for everything on the order except the necklace. I'll keep waiting...

    My credit card statement online showed the above mentioned transaction posted to my account as of today. I spoke to CS agent yesterday and she saw the amount already added to my account (without the giraffe necklace) even though I didn't see it posted. I received the package today (without ever knowing the tracking number).

  91. Wow! This is an amazing blog - I can't believe I've never come across it before in my numerous google searches for "j.crew blog"! I have to admit that I read most of the posts today, all the way back to the beginning. It's nice to know that there's fellow J.Crew fanatics out there, I thought I was the only one who stalked the website and google news for any new information.

    In regards to their website... well, it's not too great so far. Although the regular merchandise areas seem pretty much the same, the clearance section has undergone a change for the worse. I used to enjoy scrolling through "tops" and being surprised at what I would see, and the uniform pictures made it easier to compare the different colors and shapes. Now, everything is a jumbled mess with WAY too many categories. Sometimes I just want to browse, I'm not necessarily looking for anything specific.

    Plus it's terribly, painfully slow; but I'm sure they're working on that =)

  92. Katdep: Thanks for the nice comment about the blog. You will find that there are many J.Crew Aficionadas and Aficionados out there. Which is great because I thought I was the only one who liked them so much!!! :)

    I also agree with you about the sale section. I hope they bring back the "tops" option. It is so much easier than clicking on different links (tees, shirts, sweaters, etc.). :)

  93. Anon @ 8:44 - I ordered the Kate dress in two sizes on 6/4. The small came on 6/24 (I returned it already) and the XS came today. Both were waitlisted until July 4.

    I called about the XS on July 9 and that was when the rep told me it was out of stock, they weren't getting any more, and that I should cancel my order. On Monday I got an email that it shipped on 7/12.

    So if anyone is waiting on items that supposedly won't be restocked, I would definitely hold out!

  94. sky: I'm sorry to hear about your Giraffe Necklace. If you ordered it with other items, most likely it's on waitlist. I wouldn't try canceling the necklace and hopefully, CS won't cancel your order either. I just got my Double Strand Jeweled Flower Necklace in fresh guava, and I originally ordered it on June 19, which was on waitlist. I posted a comment earlier and I believe in addition to revamping their website, they are probably remodeling their distribution network as well. So I think many merchandise is being moved around, lost and found during these past few weeks. So just hold on a bit longer and see what happens.

    I think The Giraffe Necklace went on sale during the last week of May. I ordered mine June 13, when they had the additional 20% off sale items.

  95. If anyone has the Amelia blouse- is it big? it looks big so I am not sure if I should I get a Medium or a Large. Help!!

  96. kater, sky and vivian: I honestly believe that J Crew will create another double strand necklace for upcoming Fall Collection. It seems like a recurring theme of some sort of animal motif with glass beads. Maybe an enameled cheetah head and black beads??

  97. I have been a lurker here. Really enjoy this blog! As of today, I have to tell you my story. My husband placed an order for me as a surprise, on june 30. He paid for expidited shipping (YIKES! poor guy doesn't read J.Crew Aficionada and get free ship codes!) Anyway, the shipment did not arrive. He called CS and cancelled the order he was so mad. He thought that was that. Well, on July 11 his credit card was charged...including the expedited shipping of $33.! Today, July 15, the shipment arrived. Not only did the shipment arrive, but the items have stickers on the plastic bags that say, "Final sale. No returns." Even though he ordered BEFORE the sale and paid FULL price (and FULL shipping!) and has the receipt to prove it. He purchased capri pants, two size 6 (black and khaki) and size 8 (black and khaki) to be sure that I could return the size that didnt fit. And he purchased some sandlas as well. Regardless, now I have some full price items to return with "Final Sale. No returns." stickers all over them! Let alone the phone call to get the expedited shipping credited...$33 for shipping that took 15 days!J. CREW...what is going on!? ARGH!

  98. oooh - that is such a cool idea webbysuzy! You should design j.crew jewelry! I completely agree that it's a theme, but did not love the one for the summer season - the seahorse and clear beads. Something about seeing the thread through the clear beads bugged me.

    I also noticed on one of the pages that it looks like fall might include a single strand of the yellow pop art japanese beads, which is exciting. If you look at the photo for the pindot kayla blouse you can see she has one strand of the yellow beads on with a kind of shell closure rather than the two with the flower...

  99. kater: Yeah, I wasn't too excited about the Seahorse Necklace. But it just seems so predictable, with all the double stand necklaces with frogs, giraffe, seahorse, flowers, etc. I guess these necklaces are selling well, otherwise they would have halted by now. We're going to Fall and Winter, so the theme that comes to my mind is cheetah, leopard, horse or penguin and swan for Winter... Just a suggestion J Crew.

  100. Webbysuzy: What a scrumptious thought! I'd love to get my hands on more double strand necklaces. I love animal motifs although I'm not sure I can carry them off.

    Kater: Totally agree with about see-through beads. I prefer not to have the threads visible. The yellow Japanese beads are featured on the cover of the July catalog that arrived in the mail today. They are double strand, and is quite similar to the double strand jeweled flower necklace. My only reservation is that I'm sure how to wear the yellow beads color scheme-wise.

    I searched for a coupon in it but alas was disappointed.

  101. The yellow necklace is called the Double-Strand jeweled Starburst necklace. Much longer though - 36 inches, and is selling for $228. Only color: Lemon drop.

    Thoughts on this necklace? What to wear it with other than a yellow Matilda dress (seen on page 8 of the catalog)?

  102. vivian: I have NO idea how to wear the yellow double strand. Which is why I'm excited that there might be a single strand version coming out. For some reason I feel like a shorter single strand of the beads would be much easier to pull off.

    Here it is in the picture of the kayla blouse:

    sorry, I'm bad at posting links. But now that I look more closely, it seems to have a lady bug clasp. how cute! hopefully this isn't some prototype that is never coming out!

  103. MB: How terrible! You have to call CS to get them to sort out the final order status, and get a full refund on the expedited shipping charges. On the bright side: What a sweet, sweet husband! Definitely a keeper!!!

  104. kater: Yes, I see it. It's a ladybug clasp! How long do you think it is? It seem shorter than 36 but longer than 24.

    Single strands are great! 'm still looking for the perfect single strand of pearls that's long and not too long for me. I'm 5' 4" and 54 inches don't work on me.

  105. Kater: On sec thought, it may be 36 inches. She's also wearing the opera-length pearls, which are 54 inches in total length.

  106. vivian: I think the pearls in the picture are the opera strand, but doubled, so I'm going to place my bets on the yellow being 32" - the same as the sea glass necklace that is now on sale. I just bought the sea glass one, and it hits me pretty much where the yellow one on the model does.

    we are going to have to keep our eyes open for this little ladybug! Because I love it!

  107. Kater: Let us know if you find out more. I might consider getting more pieces in yellow so I can wear this necklace. Other colors would be nice as options but it seems like these Japanese beads come only in yellow, or lemon drop.

    Incidentally, talking about names. Did you read that Time tongue-in-cheek dig at J.Crew? "Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban welcome new baby daughter Sunday Rose Urban. J.Crew wishes it had thought of that."

  108. kater, vivian: I just don't know what to do with bright yellow beads. It seem like the Japanese necklace works in Spring and Summer. I guess why I live the Giraffe Necklace is because I can get at least three seasons out of it.

    I think the little beetle is cute. I love pave crystals and color enameling, very Faberge style.

    My husband was inquiring what I was typing online tonite LOL. I told him about the Giraffe Necklace and he hasn't seen it until now. He loves it and thinks it's going to be a collector's piece.

  109. Webbysuzy: love/live - Freudian slip? Hee.

  110. bgd 7:12p: Thanks for the info on Jackie O's Necklace.

  111. Webbsuzy: The giraffe necklace is simply gorgeous! Wish I got my hands on one. Guess it's too late now unless I try ebay.

  112. vivian: I would wait and see if something shows up on J Crew. I woke up this morning and saw some sales items re-stocked. It's possible that due to their re-arrangement, merchandise is moved around.

    I'm personally looking forward to their Fall collection. I think I've maxed out what I want from spring/summer collection.

  113. Kater: What were your thoughts on the sea glass necklace? Just curious!

  114. Lynn,
    My sister was thinking of ordering a JCrew wedding dress; she actually had my dress picked out as well from JCrew. She passed with the website update disaster and went with another company. We had both been dreaming of us wearing JCrew but with the website mess it was not worth it. The dream died but we are happy we did not go with them b/c of the website mess.

    On the bright side I got two orders yesterday that I placed on July 10 and 12! so soon! I still have 4 outstanding orders though from the first week of July and that is the stuff I REALLY WANT!!!! I want my seaglass tank! I don't think I'll get it if the stuff I ordered later came first. Any help? Anyone?

  115. linda: It used to be that online did markdowns on wednesdays and the stores did them on Thursdays, but recently I have noticed stores doing them on wednesdays as well. The stores would match an online sale proice on wednesday if you were in the store, they would call online for you to check the price.
    hope this helps.

  116. MB---that is ridiculous! On the other hand, hold on to that dh of yours.... My hubby would never order me any J Crew (nor would I trust him to pick anything out!) Of course, I suppose I order enough on my own that I don't really give him the chance--LOL

  117. Alexis, has there been a post on how people wear their J Crew? I am interested to see how other people put their outfits together because a lot of J Crew items seem to be very basic, like they can be worn with anything--the favorite fit tees, khakis, and loafers...

  118. I am still trying to get information on an order I placed through the store the weekend of the website upgrade (6/28). On 7/7 it "shipped" but there are no tracking details available at

    I have been trying to call JCrew customer service for the last three days and the shortest wait time quoted was 25 minutes! I also sent an email inquiring about status and two business days later I have yet to receive a response.

    The website debacle, the final sale approach, the generally poor customer service at my local store (I love staggering around the store with an arm of clothes but no one can seem to figure out I need a dressing room opened) and now an order that has been "lost" for almost three weeks has definitely weakened my interest in JCrew.

    P.S. At your local store, do they greet you excitedly telling you all sale items are 25% off but fail to mentions the final sales status? What a nice surprise that must be for customers who don’t shop JCrew regularly and/or aren’t up to speed on their policies.

  119. anon@4:09: I am also waiting for my sea glass tank that I ordered first week of July. Today is the 7th business day since it shipped, and I am PRAYING that it comes. It seems like a lot of orders from that week are backlogged, so hopefully that will get sorted out. It's just ridiculous that we are all receiving our orders from last week, but are still waiting on orders from 2 weeks ago :P

    It's a shame that you didn't get the J.Crew dresses for your sister's wedding, but honestly, the only way you could get me to order from them online right now is if you had a gun to my head. Wedding and bridesmaid dresses are too important to be left to this much chance.

  120. michelle, Thanks so very much for your reponse. I appreciate all your comments...makes me feel a bit better....I hope we both get our sea glass tops. I did laugh about your "gun to the head" comment. That is exactly the way I feel right hit the nail on the head.....

  121. Anon at 4:09am- Surely you and I are not the only ones that recently decided against J.Crew for big-ticket items like bridesmaid dresses! I can't imagine how much money they're losing!

  122. MB: Welcome aboard! We love to have another J.Crew Aficionada here. Also, your husband sounds wonderful- I think its great he got you gifts from J.Crew! :) It's too bad his experience online was tainted by this who upgrade/ shipping fiasco. :(

    Anonymous at 4:09 AM: Congrats on your two orders coming in! That is great! Now you just need the other items. :) I am sure once the main J.Crew warehouse receives and inventories the returns from stores, you will get the rest of your items. :)

    Rachael: There has not been a general post on how you wear J.Crew (just comments on how to wear specific items like the Polka Dot San Telmo Jacket). If you would like, I can definitely create a post- just let me know a bit more of what you are looking for. :)

  123. melanie: I love the sea glass necklace! I got it in the Tysons store for an additional 25% off, and am so excited about it. I the color (I got the bright turquoise) is so pretty in person - it looks more bluish one minute, than more green the next. I highly recommend it, and plan on wearing it with everything from suits to t-shirts!

    vivian & webbysuzy: love the "freudian" slip about living the giraffe, and that your husband called it a collector's item. My fiance hasn't seen it yet, but I don't think he would be that cool about it. But he wears a blue button down everyday, so he has no clue. I think it's going to be the most fabulous accent piece. Vivian you have to get one! I keep typing "giraffe" in the search box online in case it comes up!

  124. kater: I want a giraffe necklace so badly! I called the store that Blumre suggested and they said they'll have to get back to me. DH would probably raise an eyebrow over the giraffe motif but I don't care.

  125. Kater: Oh, wonderful! I have been looking at that necklace but hesitate because it's hard to gauge the color and, of course, it's FINAL sale.

    I noticed it's 32" ... I generally prefer shorter necklaces. If I had bought it, I would probably wear it doubled up most times. Do you think it's possible? How do you wear yours?

  126. melanie: I have to go to a lot of conferences for school, so I'm planning on using mine mostly to "jazz" up suits as one long strand. I think it's going to look fab just with a favorite tank under a suit, with the pretty clasp on the side - it adds just the right amount of sparkle - and some colorful heels.

    I didn't even think of doubling it up, but I just put it on and tried it and it is awesome! What a great idea. It's totally long enough to do that as the clasp opens, and it looks kind of choker-like once you double it. I have kind of a thick neck though, so it would probably be even looser on you. Maybe more like how the double-strand flower necklace looks in the pictures?

  127. I ordered a pair of critter-tab fabric flip-flops size 6 medium in Wild Berry (Final Sale) yesterday morning and received a confirmation email a few hours later. A few minutes ago I received a shipping email with a UPS tracking number that works. The correct amount of money has been deducted from my account. So for me, everything seems fine, business as usual. Guess I will wait and see if/when I get package.

  128. Oh and Alexis, sorry, I just now scrolled up and read your comment--maybe like a post on different ways to accessorize the plain T's or something similar? Some of the J Crew stuff I see is so simple-- clean lines, solid colors, no frills. I see on here that some people wear jewelry with lots of detail to add interest to the outfit...Maybe a post on accessorizing to swap ideas? Let me know if I'm way off base here, I haven't been wearing J Crew very long yet (emphasis on the yet LOL)

  129. Hi Rachael! I see where you are going with the post topic, but just in case let me double check with you. The post would be about "how do you wear your J.Crew basics"- with accessories like jewelry or scarves. Is that about right?

    Let me know, because I will definitely create a post. :) Most of the better posts on this blog have come from members' suggestions- so I definitely want to use yours. I just want to make sure I got it. ;)

  130. Alexis, just saw your comment--yes, you have a way with words, that sounds exactly like a post I would be interested in. It might be good for the newer J Crew lovers to check out. You are so sweet. Thank God for this blog! I'd go nuts without it ;-)

  131. Hi Rachael- I will definitely make that suggestion into a post. :) In all fairness, I would go nuts without this blog too. Its nice to know there are others out there just like me. ;)

  132. I just wanted to point out the post by Fall_farewell. It's a load of bull. Anyone who wants to respond with their issues should.

  133. I guess I lucked out. I placed two separate orders last week and actually received both orders faster than I did pre-upgrade. Granted, I didn't receive shipment notification for one of them at all, and the notification for the other shipment came after I'd already received the package. But I didn't have a smidge of problem.

  134. Alexis~ yes, at least we have a herd of J Crew-obsessed girls (and guys) to prove our sanity :-P

  135. Just wanted people to know that the fiasco continues--I placed an order on July 3 and am still waiting for two of my items. One has gone from being waitlisted to being sold out, and the other no one seems to have any idea if it even still exists. I've been contacting CS by email, but tomorrow I'm going to get on the phones. Having a suit jacket but no skirt is not really very helpful!

  136. Anonymous at 2:44 AM: That is awful. I hope you get your order soon!

  137. I have been a J Crew shopper since the late 80s and using for 8 years. I am also an IT professional and am in shock that 6 weeks into their launch of the new application they still have so many issues. It should be a major embarrasement for the corporation. I have seen plenty of IT disasters, but generally the backout plan put into place. Whoever made the decision that "they were ready" should loose their job or be re-assigned.

    The Final Sale think has always been a sore spot for me. Land's End, Talbots, and LL Bean are going to get most of my business from now on.

  138. Anonymous at 10:28 AM: I agree with you that it is unbelievable that J.Crew's system is still experiencing these issues after all this time.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)