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Monday, June 16, 2008

Questionable Items of the Week: Summer Pants

I ran a "Questionable Item of the Week" back in a May 14th post and just had to bring it back today after I ran across some of J.Crew's pants for men. My husband was in need of some new khakis, so I went to the J.Crew website and imagine my surprise when I saw some of these pants, followed by the asking retail price...
From left to right:
  1. Classic-fit Italian paisley pant (Item 94426) at $265.00
  2. Classic-fit Italian paisley batik pant (Item 92466) at $158.00
  3. Classic-fit indigo patchwork-print pant (Item 92473) at $98.00
  4. Classic-fit batik-print pant (Item 94454) at $165.00
  5. Classic-fit Porto Ercole pant (Item 89871) at $158.00
The first pair of pants, the Italian Paisley pant, is described as a "very refined printed cotton from a premier Italian mill". Refined? Really? For who? I don't know about you, but if I went to a "refined" cocktail party and saw a gentleman wearing a pair of those pants, I would probably think immediately "inappropriate."

As for the rest of the pair of pants, I don't think they warrant the price tag. To be honest, these looks might be fine for a little boy (because they are little boys, they could wear a sailor suit to a party and be adorable!) but for a grown man? I don't know. I mean, if I brought home a pair for my husband (and told him how much I paid for it) he would probably laugh, ask me if I saved the receipt, and then forbid me from ever purchasing clothes for him again. :)

What do you think? Do you think I am being overly critical about these pants? Do you own any of these pants? If you do, please let me know what you think!


  1. At first, I thought you were joking when you showed those pictures. Then I clicked the links and realized those were real!

    My initial reaction was "EWWW!" That fabric is way too loud for the amount of fabric that will be needed to make men's pants. Yuck!

    I would like to know how many of those they plan on making!

  2. As much as my fiance LOVES loud clothing, I don't even think he would go for some of these!

    I would buy the ones on the far right for him if the price was marked down to $20 or $30. Those aren't quite as bad as the others. But these current prices are outrageous!!

  3. I completely agree! They are absolutely hideous! I've noticed with many of their item descriptions there's a lot of rah rah about 'Italian mills' and 'Italian vintage prints' etc. Guess it makes them sound exclusive, like the stuff actually comes from Italy. Not sure who they're trying to fool...I'm guessing it has to do with their whole effort to market themselves as 'high end' with unique designs. Don't know who approved those awful patterns! Yuck is right.

    Melanie brought up a good point, maybe they only make a few, post the shots and then see how many takers there are before going all out with production.

  4. I'm with you. My husband would never, ever wear any of those pants!

  5. Melanie: I laughed when I read "I thought you were joking" comment. I know the feeling! At first I couldn't believe my eyes, and when I saw those prices... too too much!!! ;)

    Lynn: I think the last pair on the right aren't that bad either. But that might be in comparison to the other pants. :) I still think a guy looks great in a solid pair of pants (especially in khaki, navy, or black). (Guys are so lucky in that a pair of khakis looks good dressed up or down!)

    Anonymous at 12:27PM: I thought the same thing about the descriptions of Italian mills. Just because it is exclusive, doesn't mean I will be paying those prices for that fabric design! :)

  6. Ditto melanie..."EWWW!" Those are hideous...

  7. Anonymous at 12:43 PM: I know! ;) Our husbands would probably make sure we saved the receipt to return them immediately, if we every bought them a pair of those pants. :)

  8. LOL!
    Completely agree with you! No amount of bribery would make my husband even consider wearing these pants. :)
    I know that European fashions are more forward, and I saw tons of funky wear on the streets of London, but THESE .... I am not sure. It's not funky, it's not quirky.. It's plain ridiculous.

  9. Slastena: I totally agree that these pants are ridiculous! :)

    I am a big fan of J.Crew's pants for men too (great quality, lasts a really long time, price is good). But I just can't get "on board" with these.

  10. Alexis-
    You're so right! Maybe those pants just look ok in comparison with the others!

  11. Even if by some chance my husband liked those I wouldn't be caught next to him in them...I would be so embarrassed...ick!! I think those pants are one of those "what were they thinking?" items.

  12. I'm pretty sure every season there is a total miss piece in the men's line. Last fall they had paisley cords, I think.

    My husband, and probably most of the men I know, would never be caught dead in those things. Even the guys I know that were the tricked out hippies in phatty patchwork cords back when we were in college would never have touched those things.

    They could possibly salvaged as shorts, but I wouldn't touch them unless they were in the $15-$20 range. They look like bad golf pants.

  13. I like the classic fit JCrew pant... but I think I would only wear these to like a Horse Race or Cup event where you "have" to look ultra preppy. But.. never outside of that realm or around people who.. "just would'nt get it."

  14. They look like clown pants!

  15. Those are some loud pants! From afar, they look like tailored pajama pants because only pajamas usually come in such outrageous prints. I like the prints themselves, especially the Batik-print, but it just doesn't work on pants.

    I have a quick question: I remember reading in the comments some time ago that stores will honor online sale prices. How would I go about buying something I find in the store at the online sale price? For example, if I were to find a dress in the store selling for $79.99 when the exact same dress (in the same size/color/etc) is being sold online for $59.99?

  16. amy: when you go to the store just tell them that the item is cheaper online. they can verify it and will honor the cheaper online price.

  17. ccbmum - Thanks so much for your help! :)

  18. OMGosh! Those are sooooo hideous. They should only be worn by those who sport a Mullet. GROSS!

  19. To Amy:
    Do exactly as ccbmum suggested. I went to our store on Friday, and polka-dot Lana tops were marked as $59. I told associate that on-line they were $29. She said she'll be happy to check, came back in 2 min and confirmed the $29 price. She aslo said that stores are behind on 2nd/3ds markdowns.

  20. I think these pants fall into the category with that Angler Print Tank Dress we discussed at the end of May...what ARE they thinking or ARE they thinking at all? I still sometimes wonder if they are purposely making ugly clothing just to see if someone will pay alot of money for it, just because it is J.Crew...I also think that $20 is even too much to pay for them, and my husband wouldn't even wear them if they were FREE...come to think of it...I don't think he would even wear them if someone paid him to. :)

  21. hah, I'm a sucker for paisley. I'd wear those pants if they were for women. My boyfriend definitely would not. A couple years ago (fuzzy on the exact timeframe), jcrew had paisley cords for women (fuschia/red and green/peacock, I think), and I totally wanted them, but couldn't afford them at the time. They had paisley cords more recently, but the colors were more muted and drab (but more acceptable for a man, I guess?).

  22. I sent these as a joke to my husband a couple of weeks ago with the email subject line "look what I just ordered from J.Crew for you." We had a good laugh over it.

  23. I hate the first four pairs, the fifth (on the very right) is okay. And all the pants seem totally overpriced.

  24. My husband has a nickname for these pants - "ass pants!"

  25. FabulousFloridaMommy- I laughed outloud when I read your husband wouldn't wear these pants for free. Mine neither!

    Heather- I actually like the paisley prints too! But just not in men's pants. ;)

    Yogichicki- That is great! What was his reaction to the "gift"?

    Kerry- too funny! I guess your husband doesn't like these pants either. (He has good taste!!!) ;)

  26. Incidentally, all these prints up close are actually quite pretty.

    Why didn't J.Crew take these particular prints and use them for women's scarves. I would totally buy the prints as scarves (or even totes)!

    I just don't understand how J.Crew could look at these prints and think to use them for "men's pants". :)

  27. Is corduroy still in style for this fall/winter?

  28. Hi Anonymous at 4:54pm! I don't think corduroys are ever "out of style" in the fall/winter.

    It just depends on the cut of the pants & color that might come and go with season. I personally love corduroy, especially J.Crew's. ;)

  29. Maybe JCrew is merging the two gender's clothing lines together...I know I peruse the men's line. ;) My husband wears the Regular Fit Broken-In Chino's. I couldn't pay him to wear any of these pants. At least he will wear various colors in the chino's, except the Nantucket Red color. (I did get my son the crewcuts cargo pants in Nantucket Red and they're really cute!)

  30. Okay,

    #1. These pants are not being marketed towards our husbands....or straight men at all for that matter.

    #2. J.Crew is well-known for selling men's khaki "critter" pants and shorts in a variety of fabric styles and colors, which are equally ridiculous. What grown man would wear a pair of pants with lobsters embroderied on his ass?

    #3. Look for them to be in the Summer Sale in a few weeks.

  31. Alexis: how do you keep up with all these bloggers! I'm really impressed! This morning I took time to read through all the different topics and looking up items bloggers were discussing. I was on here for a few hours this a.m.! (Plus I had to shop the site too.) Keep up the great work - to me it's the best one going at this time! Thanks for the response about the cord's.

  32. Besides the first pair, I think the rest are actually quite fashionable, especially when paired with a simple white top like the models on the website did. It would take a brave soul to wear them, but it works (at least in my opinion). Mens fashion is so boring anyway, these are refreshing and interesting to look at.

  33. Sf to ny- LOL! I think your prediction on point number 3 is going to come true soon! ;)

    Anonymous at 5:09 PM- Thanks for the nice comment! This blog does consume a bit of my time, but I really enjoy it! ;)

    Christina- I do agree with you that it would take a "brave soul" to wear one of these pants. ;) And I also agree with you that they are interesting. It definitely is a conversation starter for someone wearing them at a party or at work. :)

  34. oh, and I have to give you props, Alexis, for hosting such a fantastic blog! Love it!

  35. One, hate these ugly things and want to meet someone that actually both likes and wears them! YUCK! I might be a little late with the info, but I got an email from JCREW that gives 20% off your order though June 18th, if you order over $175. Maybe not the best code, but just encase someone else might want it....

    The Coupon Code: PRIVATE

  36. @ "SF to NY":

    "What grown man would wear a pair of pants with lobsters embroderied on his ass?"

    I laughed and laughed over this comment. It's so true!

  37. Oops. I just noticed you already have the code on your sidebar...sorry.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Alexis, I totally agree with your comment about the prints being really pretty up close! I think they, especially the paisley one, would make a great scarf or even a pretty trim for women's clothing.

    But when I see the male model wearing those pants and the big, fat paisley drops on his thighs and knees ... I don't think I can sign on to that. :)

  40. Thanks Christina for the nice comment! I appreciate it. :)

    marc, michelle and Jackson- thanks for posting about the code. I appreciate everyone's willingness to share! :)

    Melanie: I also thought the same thing you did about the paisley drops on the thighs!! How funny is that?!? ;)

  41. HAHAHAHA! OMG...for real??? This was the best JCrew could come up with for summer? No wonder sales have gone down! ;o) JK.

    Seriously though...I agree with everyone, those pants are a major NO-NO.

    I thought the exact same thing as sf to much you wanna bet those will end up in clearance real fast?

    I really really hope they aren't selling these in-store or I will have to laugh and point at any man that dares to pick any of those pants up :o) They're just asking for public humiliation for even considering buying those pants!

  42. I have a better suggestion. Once they come down in price, between all of us we can buy few pairs and make nice skirts/purses/scarves.:) That would be totally authentic.

  43. Yeah, I can see a man wearing these pants, and I’m heterosexual. It’s like wearing Speedos; sometimes you wanna be over the top and crazy. Maybe it’s just to get attention. Hey, sometimes you feel like a nut, but I personally can find better things to do with $265.00 instead of investing in a pair of these trousers.
    However, even though some women can’t believe a man would wear one of these. I live in NY (not saying where exactly), but I have seen men wearing these – along with a pretty little blond female on their arm. So apparently some women think they look HOT!

    Alexis – the “little boys” wearing “a sailor suit to a party and be adorable” was hilarious!

  44. Sue.Bee- I don't even know if stores bother to carry these pants! ;)

    Anonymous at 7:30 PM- Too funny!

    Abijah- I totally agree with you that someone can better spend $265 instead of buying those pants! :)

    I also have no doubt there are men wearing similar pants with a pretty woman besides them. I have seen those men too! :) But I always think the same thing when I see that: she bought him those pants and he wore them because he likes her that much! ;)

  45. I just got back from the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne NJ where J. Crew has an extra 50% off all sale items! Great deals while they last. Hope it's going on in other parts of the country too.

  46. I would actually like to see that print on a few summer dresses or skirts...for the ladies, not the guys :P

    I MIGHT buy a print like this for a man if it was a shirt (the last, and possibly the third pattern). Maybe even as a pair of lounge pants (same two patterns)...if it was on sale for under $20.

    I wouldn't mind some of the more outrageous patterns in a tie or belt.

    But as pants that cost over $100?

    Any bets on how long before they all go on sale? I'm giving them 2 weeks

  47. Abijah: "I live in NY (not saying where exactly), but I have seen men wearing these – along with a pretty little blond female on their arm. So apparently some women think they look HOT!"

    *grins* Let's not make assumptions now. While I'm sure that different woman have different tastes, personally, I'd be ever so slightly suspicious that she's...err...being paid for the priviledge of her pretty blonde company. Then again, she may have eccentric taste in men, and find such...flashy looks to be attractive (hey, it works for birds!). I suspect that the vast majority of the female popular would demur...and I'd strongly agree with you that $265 can be better spent almost anywhere else (the gym, buffing up the car, taking a cooking/dancing/yoga course, lobster dinner, etc) if his aim is really to attract females.

  48. these are way too much for the conservative American label j.crew. Would work in Europe, can see them in London. where people try to stand out v. fitting in. pattern of first on left in picture is interesting.

  49. Alexis, my husband prefers when I stick to the basic chinos and polos for him. Lol. I love their corduroy too, I have a pair of the favourite fit trouser in truffle and it looks so cute with my bright guava cashmere tee.

  50. Auryane - "... it works for birds!" Ha Ha.

    Maybe they wanna do it, like they do on the discovery channel :P

  51. I totally agree with you guys!
    I love Jcrew items for their simple chic designs and great qualities. But these men pants are SCARY!

    My bf would totally resist wearing Jcrew if I show him these pants.

  52. My husband would be horrified if I bought him any of those pants and he would have a stroke if I paid those prices. WOW!!

  53. hey, not sure if anyone else has had this problem.. but i just went to purchase something and my total was 158, so i used the coupon PRIVSALE, and it didn't work.. then i tried PRIVATE, and it did work. so maybe the limits are switched than what you have posted? not sure, but i know that just happened for me!

  54. personally I love these pants. My husband would never wear them though. I can see men at the Jersey shore wearing them, or golfing, or at some type of Polo event. The most expensive ones, BTW, are sold out!Yes they are expensive, but let's compare them to the Women's Candy Tweed tank dress that was $350! IS the new Martinique jacket worth $300? Jsut trying to make a point!!!And whoever said to make them into scraves- that's a great idea!

  55. Nina- 50% off is fantastic! Is it final sale too?

    Yogichicki- I have to agree with your husbands preference: I think basic chinos and polos are nice! :) By the way, I *love* the bright poppy color. So pretty!

    Anonymous at 12:45AM: I laughed when you wrote you husband would have a stroke when seeing those prices! My husband probably would too! ;)

    Hannahe: Actually, some other visitors had the same issue. I updated the blog entry with that info. But I couldn't fit in all in, within the upper right coupon area. I wonder if J.Crew recognizes if the email was not sent the code, so they can't use it? But I also don't understand how PRIVATE works for the smaller min. amount. It is all weird. But thanks for pointing it out, in case we missed it! :)

    Anonymous at 7:26 AM: I can't believe those pants are sold out already! Maybe there is a demand for them (that or there is a low quantity in stock.) ;)

  56. It's because JCrew is going to start matching email addys with coupons...(I assume) remember ladies JCrew is out to make $$ not make you a deal They are owned by an "investment" firm who could care less so long as they make some cash. So.. make sure your email is updated with JCrew and matches your current email inbox. Brooks Brothers and Cole Hann also do this.

  57. alexis, the weird thing is that i actually did get the email about PRIVSALE and the 20% off $125 or more.. yet PRIVATE was the one that worked.. but i guess it doesn't matter, at least i get the 20% off! :)

  58. Hey Anonymous at 11:16AM: I guess that makes sense about matching email/addresses. I am actually not upset that J.Crew wants to make money- I just don't want them to alienate their core customers (e.g. you and me) in the process. :)

    Hannahe- That is weird. You got the email fro PRIVSALE, yet it didn't work for you. Beyond weird. But you are right, at least you got the 20% off! :)

  59. My sister and I have a theory that j.crew makes one or two items each season that are absolutely hideous -- as a joke by the design/purchasing crew, just to see how many people will buy them JUST because they come from j.crew. It all started with a hideous sweater they sold about 10 years ago.

    Each season, they continue to prove us correct! :) These must be this season's contribution...

  60. the first pair is now sold out

  61. Ok. Here's the deal. I live in NYC, and just attended the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Young Member's reception. It was a fancy cocktail party on the roof of the museum.

    I wore these pants. First of all, they are gorgeous, and the fabric is beautiful, and if you cut it with a linen shirt and a blazer, they are actually quite stunning. You actually need to have style to pull these off though.

    Yes, I'm straight, and yes, I had women grabbing my pants all night, getting my number, and talking about how I looked sharp as hell. Most people thought they were from Etro. Had they been, they'd cost way more than 300 bucks. And the investment was worth it.

    Now you can't get them. They're sold out, and it's a shame. If your cracker white husbands had any style, they wouldn't need their wives to shop for them!! And they'd probably have a beautiful woman around their arms too, as referenced in an earlier post. I know I did.

  62. Thank God my "cracker-white" husband works during the day rather than posting on women's fashion blogs!!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)