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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jenna Lyons at Great Gatsby Premiere

"Thanks!" to Kathy (in this post), who let us know that J.Crew's Creative Director, Jenna Lyons, attended the premiere of the Great Gatsby at the Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts on May 1, 2013 in NYC. (Image above is from Metro, and the image below is from Fashionista).

Jenna loves to try new things by pairing different textures and coordinating opposite patterns. I give her credit for trying. However, I do not think this outfit makes sense. The (wool?) pants in particular, do not seem to go with the feathery candy colored top.

Do you remember when Jenna use to dress like this (refer image to this post):
What are your thoughts on Jenna Lyons' outfit? In general, do you like her personal style? Would you emulate it? :)


  1. That top is not flattering at all. All those voluminous feathers look like she's trying to disguise a spare tire around her waist. It adds at least 20lbs to her frame.

  2. I think Lord Byron said it best:

    She walks in beauty, like the night
    Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
    And all that’s best of dark and bright
    Meet in her aspect and her eyes.

    1. Lovely quote!
      I love her outfit, but it is certainly quirky....

    2. ok, now for what I really think: she looks like Big Bird's poor relative at a wake.

  3. I think it looks like a gumball machine exploded on her chest! The top is very shapeless and just odd. The bottoms, as you pointed out, seem more appropriate for fall or winter. Was it cold at the premiere? I did used to like her style (especially going some years, to the cargo pants with heels combinations) but I now feel like she's driven those stupid glasses into the ground. Who is the woman she is posed with in the photo? Her outfit looks wrong, too, in the sense that it's boring. You would think that the big shot CEO and designer and whoever she's with would be impeccably dressed for such an event.

    1. I think that's Courtney, her girlfriend. I agree, the outfits look matronly but I give their clothes the benefit of the doubt, they may be the new collection pieces some of us may accidentally purchase on a half-asleep pop back sweep at 3am ;)

  4. That outfit is HORRID. Fashion icon?!? Bwahhhhhh.

  5. I really used to love her style. Now it almost seems like she is trying to create an eccentric look to fit the designer stereotype. I hope I am wrong though and this is just the look she loves now.

  6. I do love her looks in Lucky. To me that's the old edgy, men's wear for ladies look she used to wear that I really loved. This look I think she carries off like modern day Katherine Hepburn.

  7. I think Jenna's hair looks beautiful and I love the necklace. The top is cool, but it should be cut slimmer. It's a good example of how the J Crew dresses have potential, but often fail in fit.

  8. Okay I happen to love the top, but not with that outfit. Maybe a slimmer pencil skirt or a darling pair of white short shorts? The shoes work with the outfit, and would really look great with the right silhouette on the bottom half of her body.

    I really think those pants make the outfit look terrible. The pants would look fine with another top or sweater, but not with that top. I don't think the pants fit her well, either, since she has a bit of room in the crotch area and it appears that the pants should be more fitted.

    I hate it when it appears a look is wearing someone, and this is definitely a case of that.

    1. Dina, I agree, the top could be adorable with a pair of short shorts. Esp. w/ Jenna's super long legs. But I guess she is not going for attractive, here.

    2. I agree that the top is fun and interesting, and she (of all people) can pull it off. But the pants are too pedestrian and wintry for this outfit.

      About her girlfriend's outfit, I think it would be difficult to accompany Jenna (clothes icon) and have my clothes scrutinized.

  9. I think she tried to dress down the top with "everyday" pants but it didn't work, she looks like she was caught in the office and didn't have time to change. I hope they won't sell that top. On the other side I loved the outfit she wore at the Met Gala (that you can see on the JCrew blog. By the way is the Blog tab on website new?) and I would totally buy that custom-made sweatshirt...

  10. I think someone needs to stage an intervention about those glasses. Maybe the glasses and the top could have gone to the premiere together and left her at home.

  11. yikes, nothing good is going on here. i'm so sick of the glasses. and the top reminds me of a little girl's tutu

  12. Ugly. It seems that when you try this hard to be edgy, it is quite easy to fall into the category of a fashion victim.
    If the pic was posted under a "yes" or "no" outfit of random people, I bet the majority of votes would be a "no".

  13. Not a fan of this look at all. I much prefer the way Jenna used to dress, over what she wears now. I agree with Nan that this falls into the category of fashion victim.

  14. Oh boy, this is so wrong on so many levels -- all of which have already been pointed out by astute JCA's, so I won't repeat. UGH!!! With nothing but love for the fabulous Dina, JCrewJD and Gigi, I gotta say I fall into wellfedfred's and The American Observer's schools of thought on this. She also brought to mind IMMEDIATELY Bjork's infamous swan dress. :-)


  15. Yikes. This screams fashion victim. It's a mess. It's like she's having a midlife crisis with her style. I prefer the way she used to dress versus all the mash-up going on here.

  16. Right there with the rest of you as she channels her inner Big Bird or Emu imitation. Poor Jenna needs some styling advice. Could that top she's wearing be why the woman standing next to her has such a sour look on her face?

  17. Her personal fashions get wackier and wackier. Horrible for a fashion maven!

  18. Trying too hard=confusion. She doesn't know who she wants to be. Not unlike a lot of J Crew's clothing these days.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)