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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Madewell Launches Customer Reviews!

In last month's "Madewell Initiates Customer Review System {whaaat?}" post, we found out that Madewell was interested in collecting customer reviews of their merchandise.

"Thanks!" to many of you including, Rebekah (in this post), as well as Whitney (in this post), who let us know that Madewell actually published & offer customer reviews on their site now.

I mentioned this before, but I think it really is a great move for Madewell to start offering customer reviews. I am hoping that J.Crew will consider offering customer reviews on their website too.

Did you notice the customer review section for Madewell items? What are your thoughts on customer reviews on Madewell websites?


  1. Great idea! It's about time...

  2. Wish j crew had reviews..... A bit OT, but there are heaps of new items on promo on the website... Many new items by the look of it!

    1. I noticed all those new items too, ruth. I'm in the process of updating the promo-priced items list right now.

  3. Definitely a great idea! Fingers crossed that J.Crew will start to offer them soon, too. :)

  4. Great initiative! Blogs are always very useful for reviews of items but it's nice to have buyers' opinions directly on the same page as the item.

  5. Some new promo-priced items at Madewell this week. I've updated the list which you can see here.

  6. Good job Madewell! Lead the way! There are many a J.Crew items I would have loved to publically announce, right on their website, my good or bad experience with.


  7. Does a nobody know if Madewell is offering an extra % off in stores right now? TIA!

    1. I was in yesterday and no extra % off that I saw.

    2. The stores really don't have a lot of merchandise in my experience.

  8. I got an email this morning to let me know my review had been published - yay! Now if only J. Crew would start publishing reviews...

  9. Great idea - I use these reviews on other websites. Hope they are testing it out to roll out for J.Crew!

  10. I've totally changed my mind about Madewell-- I visited the store in the Chicago area (another one opening in the spring!) and also ordered from the website. The products are great quality. I was so impressed that when they e-mailed to ask me to review what I'd bought, I did it immediately. They're a great addition to a site that I'm really enjoying. Now, if only they would accept the J.Crew card...


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)