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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where in the World is Marissa Webb {showing off her Spring 2013}

Marissa Webb was a great fashion presence at J.Crew. It was a sad day when she announced her departure. Many of us have wondered what she is up to since her Crew days... Well, she has been working on her Spring 2013 collection.

"Thanks!" to Erin who shared Marissa's website with us:

"Thanks!" to JulieStyles (in this post) who let us know about a mini-article over at FabSugar (click here to read in its entirety) about her latest collection. The image in the post comes from this source.

"Thanks!" to ABC who let us know about a great review (click here) and individual images (click here) of her collection over at

"Thanks!" to D*ska (in this post) who let us know about an interview with Ms. Webb about her collection over at Lucky Magazine (click here to read in its entirety).

Do you miss Ms. Webb as head designer of J.Crew's Women? Do you like her latest collection?


  1. The green maryjanes shoes are breathtaking!

  2. LOVE those shoes. Excited about Marissa's line. Hope it's not ridiculously priced.

  3. I must say, I saw things in this line that I could actually wear to work. I am The Handbag Aficionado, I sure hope it is affordable and available..

  4. Really loved it! She also has a Pinterest with beautiful boards and a sneak peek of her studio.

  5. Thanks for keeping us up to date with Marrisa Webb's line. I'll be looking forward to it. She is such a talent.

  6. Omg I love the shoes!!! I occasionally thought her shoe designs for JC were a tad over-embellished, but the ones for her collection are AMAZING. Also, who thought black leather knee-length shorts could look so hip? Definitely impressed.

  7. One more thing - the all-white outfit in what I want to say is the 16th look is so amazing I would wear it head to toe. What first struck me about it is how the top reminds me of something I could almost see JC offering if not for the plunging neckline, which for me is what takes the top from boring to amazingly striking. Well done, Marissa.

  8. Love the look of her line, everything is right up my sartorial street.

  9. The shoes look identical to jcrew's 2013 spring collection -, slides 11, 12. maybe jcrew is still using Marissa's older designs?

  10. Loving it. The words "clean, elegant, confident" comes to mind. Nothing about the clothes looked forced, trendy or trying too hard. Very different from the clutter on offer from other stores/designers. I'm liking looks 4, 12, and 16.

    1. Marie, I completely agree with your description of Marissa's line. It's everything that j. Crew aspired to when she worked there.

  11. Gorgeous. Yep definitely missing her influence at J.Crew.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)