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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jenna Lyons Spotted Being Jenna Lyons

"Thanks!" to ccbmum (in this post), as well as Strmywethr & SpeakNGO (in this post) who let us know about J.Crew's Jenna Lyons being featured in the "On the Street… Jenna, New York" post over at the Sartorialist (click here for original post & comments gushing over the styling). Also, same outfit featured in What They Wear: Fashion Insiders (click here). Breakdown of what is she wearing:
  • Derek Lam jacket
  • Chimala jeans
  • Derek Lam fur
  • Proenza Schouler PS11 Clutch ($1175) in Colorblock Citron
  • Miu Miu shoes
Me don't likey. I am with many of you (in this post) who expressed disappointment with this outfit. J.Crew is an expert at pulling together different pieces into a great look. This is not the case here. This time, a lot of pieces are thrown together and it doesn't work. (Looks sloppy & weird. Just my humble opinion.)

What are your thoughts on the outfit? Do you like the way it is styled? What would you add or remove to make the look your own?


  1. OMG - I laughed out loud when I saw this get-up!!! It was like someone yacked up something all over her (I am sorry to be crude and I do still love our Jenna and not trying to offend anyone, but honestly....) and I am sorry, but where is elegance? Charm? sophistication???

  2. I know she makes the big bucks... but she can't have even one JCrew item on? I get the mix and matching concept, and if you can afford some pricier brands all for it (my closet isn't 100% JCrew and I don't expect hers to be) but as a leader and promoter of the brand, you would expect her to at least always have ONE item on!!

  3. Is it meant to be sartorical? I don't get it. It's just not it the least bit avant garde if that what she was going for. I just got the feeling that she was trying too hard. Like @WMM said, no elegance, charm or sophistication. Just tragic and sad.

  4. had to add... especially because they go on and on about how their product is comparable to the designers!

  5. Wish she'd wear some J Crew with an accent piece from another designer. I'm not a fan of this outfit either, is too much.

  6. The jeans are the problem. JMO Not sure WHO would look good in them. The rest of the outfit is very nice.

  7. Ladies, I agree- not a fan of the look. Also, I was surprised there wasn't a piece of J.Crew thrown into the look there- not even the jeans!

  8. She looks like she got dressed in the dark - it's a little too offbeat. I can understand not always wanting to be "dressed" all the time, though.

  9. Since she is tall and willowy and in NYC, she can definitely carry this outfit off better than the VAST majority of women, but:

    1. You can see how long-torsoed she is because the cropped jacket and low-slung jeans really emphasize this. This particular bit of styling would look far better with someone with a shorter torso.

    (But props on finding a tee long enough for her. I imagine that must be hard!)

    2. The shoes are wonderful, but without socks and a fur collar it sends off a weird "what season is it anyway" kind of message. It's up to her to decide what she is comfortable with, but if I am wearing a thick scarf, I usually am cold enough to wear socks and/or tights with my shoes, regardless of how freaking cute/edgy the straps are.

    (However, I could see her being overheated because of the fur--like a fur hat, this can really raise a body's core temp and maybe she really didn't need socks/tights. LOL.)

    3. She seems to be going luxe/low here (especially with the jeans), but I sort of wish that extended to her hair/makeup. Maybe she could have worn a touch more makeup and not done her hair or vice versa?

    Anyhow, she DOES seem like she owns the look and is comfortable in it, and as a fan of personal style (regardless of whether I like it or not), that alone makes me okay with this look (even with the three comments I made above).

    So I guess count me as someone giving at least a side thumb (as opposed to thumbs up--gush, gush--or thumbs down).

    1. Dina - I got the same mixed message with the naked feet and the fur around her neck! And I'm generally not a fan of how she dresses most of the time anyway, but ITA, it's her personal style, and she does seem to 'own the look."

  10. Looks like maybe she is wearing her "fat pants". Not that there's anything wrong with that, we all have those days but those outfits are hardly worthy of feature on a fashion blog. LOL

  11. I was not impressed either. The boyfriend jeans J. Crew has look much better and these just look sloppy; with this outfit specifically, she should have used a skinny jean to balance the bulky top coat. And I totally agree with Unknown - she could have worn at least one thing by J. Crew! But I must say....I loooooove those heels, gimme gimme! :P


  12. I actually totally love those jeans! Would love a pair and I would wear them the same with some heels. I can't Rock them that high though. The bag is adorable/classic. It's just that jacket-fur stole that really wanders off in the "crazy" category.

  13. I think Jenna could look a zillion times better. I do not care for that neon clutch, or the jacket, or the jeans, or the rumpled white tee.
    I like the shoes, but they look awful uncomfortable on her poor bare cold feet!

  14. I think it's her posture that bothers me the most. Usually when I see her in photos she points her feet inward as if she's a little kid, is either hunched over or just seems like she's trying to scrunch herself up. She's supposed to be the face of J. Crew and all that, but the only message I'm getting is that she lacks self-confidence. Isn't fashion 90% confidence? ( ;o) I'm probably making that up...)

  15. OT: I filled out the PS form on the website. When I clicked the submit button the page refreshed and went directly to the J.Crew homepage. Was I supposed to get a confirmation screen or something instead?

  16. Ok, I'm just gonna say it. It looks like she realized her house was on fire and put on her favorite things before dashing out the door. See? She's making a call to emergency services. Good to remember your phone, Jenna! :)

    1. ps I like some of her other outfits. Apparently for this one you need something that I don't have and that's Jennaggles as in Jenna goggles.

  17. add another me no likey. (i do likey her shoes...)

  18. I just am totally turned off by the fur stole. I am soooo against wearing fur, unless you are actually the animal that it belongs to.

    1. 100% agree - there is NO need for real fur.

  19. Looks like she's trying to hard to look like she doesn't try. You'd think the 'face' of J.Crew could look a little more pulled together and less like she got dressed in the dark.

  20. I have no Jenna goggles either. She looks ridiculous.

  21. It should worry everyone at J.Crew that she isn't wearing any J.Crew. She is the "face" of J.Crew after all. If the face of the company doesn't wear the clothes why should they expect me to. It's kind of Marc Jacobs carrying all those Hermes bags despite the fact that he works for Vuitton.

  22. much love for Jenna on her look *sarcasm*...can't expect her to look pulled together or wearing a J.Crew item on all the time just because she's the president. Her trademark is her quirkiness, and that is what makes her, Jenna. This was taken during NYFashion sure she's busy, hectic, running around...she still looks cool, IMO, no matter what...and it's NYC-I've seen far daring outfits than this..try Tommy Ton's photogs for Milan and Paris fashion week...those women are dressed bananas. Fashion=self expression.

  23. I'm glad to see some people agree with me. All the comments over at the Sartorialist were gush, gush, Jenna, Jenna. I think she could use a little more attention to the hair and makeup, lose the fur, lose the stupid posture, and give me those shoes!!!

  24. I do not like her outfit at all, but am glad to finally see her without the nerd glasses, at least. I just came across another photo of Jenna in this outfit and there is a woman right behind her in the exact same jacket, minus the fur funny, not to mention rather embarrassing for Jenna (I would think). Click here.

    1. That IS funny! Especially since that is such a fugly jacket. Now, I do like the jacket on the blonde lady to the left, the dark coat with the big gold buttons. Swap out Jenna's coat for that one and you'd have an outfit I would wear (if the fur was faux).

    2. Thanks for sharing this FFM.  From your link I was able to go to the photographer's blog, photodiarist.  Love finding new blogs!
      I'm more interested in this photo than Jenna alone.  Why would this other person be sporting the same jacket? Is it her assistant? Still odd she'd have on the same jacket.  After looking through other pic's from fashion week, she really does fit in.  Lots of pops of citron, tennis shoes with skirts, fur, etc.  Thanks for sharing!

  25. I'll repeat what I said the first time I saw this get-up: This is not fashion. This is what happens when the airline loses your luggage.

  26. the way the jeans are hanging reminds me of a scarecrow.

  27. Haute Huckleberry

  28. Dislike this outfit in many ways. It is also (like many others) annoying that the CEO doesn't at least promote/wear her brand in one way (small or big). I used to work for a grocery retailer and when we found that our CEO was a frequent shopper of one of our competitor chains, many employees were pretty upset. It's understandable that she's not always going to be head to toe in Crew, but at least something right?

  29. I was surprised they featured this on a fashion blog, but then when I perused the blog I saw that they also highlight a lot of other hideous outfits, to wit:

    I guess Jenna's also not a member of the fur-is-cruel camp.

  30. She could've at least used a JC iphone cover, no?

  31. the jeans ARE a company product; madewell sold these chimala jeans this past summer/fall. love them and the outfit but for me sans fur and with a great flat boot.

  32. I don't mind the outfit. Self-expression. I'm glad to see her without the nerd glasses though. A bit of J.Crew would have been nice, a bracelet perhaps.

    What's interesting to me is the difference in the opinions here and those on The Satorialist. Compare that to the concerns about J.Crew's direction in style, at least prior to Marissa Webb's collections, and I can see the contrast in tastes.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)