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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

J.Crew's Jenna Hangs Out with the Knowles

As mentioned in the "J.Crew Works Fashion Week {part 2}" post, Beyoncé and her sister Solange made a visit to J.Crew's presentation during New York Fashion Week.

"Thanks!" to Irina, who shared a photo from that event. Solange is wearing the Prabal Gurung at J.Crew Exploding Bow Blouse (Item 49310; $225.00). Beyoncé is wearing a gold sequinned dress from J.Crew... could it be an upcoming Collection piece???

Do you like the J.Crew pieces worn by Beyonce and Solange? Do you like Jenna's outfit?


  1. Jenna doesn't look so tall here, for once. I love her dress.

  2. All 3 of them look great, although Jenna really needed the top of her dress buttoned up.

  3. That bow blouse is shockingly awful.

  4. What's going on with the top of Beyonce's dress? Is it too big? Other than that, I think they all look great!
    Agree with FFM, that open neck isn't flattering Jenna here.

  5. Boob shot! Beyonce dress -I saw a shot of it straight on and it made her look like she had grandma jugs. Why would you choose that?

  6. I was also wondering why Beyonce's dress doesn't fit her. She has an amazing body, and if that dress doesn't look good on her, it won't look good on anyone! She still looks great though. I've always liked Beyonce... glad she is a fellow JCA.

  7. Yes, it is amazing to me how two women famous for how they dress can look so sloppy. I know everyone has off days, but sheesh - can their clothes be more ill-fitting here? investing in some quality undergarments can do wonders.

  8. I'm really over this giant glasses trend, urgh. I find this photo very bizarre and don't care too much for anything anyone is wearing....but what do I know?

  9. Ok, so maybe B can tell Jenna how the fit of some of the pieces need to factor in boobs and booties.

  10. Jenna looks like the slutty piano teacher with that outfit.

  11. Where was JC's PR person when this photo was taken? Oh, right, out in Montauk enjoying a weekend of desperate adulation. Otherwise this photo would never have seen the light of day. Unless PR has been outsourced to one of the smaller moons of Jupiter?

  12. Love them all separately but this has the makings of the "Obama Effect." I remember having the Constellation Cardigan in my shopping cart on "sale watch" and ended up having to pay above the retail cost on Ebay once Mrs. O. was seen in it. I love seeing celebrities in brands I wear but it hurts my heart to think that they probably don't even have to pay for them and it just makes it more difficult and expensive for me to get a hold of items I want :(

  13. When will the pants Solange is wearing become available? Price?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)