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Friday, February 4, 2011

What Is Up With J.Crew's Logo?

"Kudos!" to ewyatt (in this post) who noticed that the "J" in J.Crew's logo looks different.

The image above is J.Crew's traditional logo. The image below is J.Crew's new logo. The "J" in the new logo looks different as it no longer dips below the rest of the letters.

Call me a traditionalist, but I like the original "J" more. And while I am at it, let's not change the "W". I like how it crosses over.

Could this updated change in logo be a reflection of how J.Crew (as a whole) is altering its look? Deep J.Crew. Or could this updated change just be a typographical mistake (as the "J" is now a closer match to the font of the other letters)?

What are your thoughts on the logo change? Did you even notice it? Do you like the old or new "J"?


  1. I prefer the new one, but I probably wouldn't have noticed if no one pointed it out.

  2. Conformity. All the letters look alike. Just like the clothing.

  3. Ahh, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but MUSTSHOP 30% off FS with free ship over $100 is BACK!!! Here through Sunday, Feb. 6th 11:59pm!

  4. I liked the old one better. Remember when Gap changed its logo (for a week) in the fall? People hated it!

  5. I agree, I prefer the traditional logo with the 'original' J.

  6. Remember when Coke changed its formula? This does not bode well.

    In keeping with the Peter Principle, could the Copywriter from Space have been put in charge of Typography and Layout?

  7. I also prefer the old logo, and I do believe it's intentional. I read about it somewhere, maybe WSJ? I'll see if I can find the article...

    1. Yes it was intentional Emily Woods said the lower case j looked hood graphically

  8. I'm with all of you on the original. I didn't even notice the change till I read it here. Time for more coffee.

  9. This reminds me of a line in the movie Ace Ventura, Pet Detective when Ace goes into Ray Finkle's bedroom and sees the Dan Marino posters and graffiti - "Obsess much?!" LOL

  10. Out with the "NEW" -
    in with the "OLD"!


    The original has more personality... I like it best, too!

  11. I would not have noticed the change at all. But now that I see it, I have no preference whatsoever.

  12. I like the old one better too...I wouldn't have noticed it either had it not been pointed out. The old one definitely looks more sophisticated. The new one looks kind of bubbly/childish to me.

    Why oh why do established companies go messing with their logos??

  13. I prefer the old one as well. Something about the new one just looks like a knock-off label.

  14. I work at a mega huge company with a very well known logo and they spend millions and millions on agencies to recommend "updates" (microscopic tweaks) to the logo - as they morph it over time. People do not usually notice a small tweak here and there, but after awhile, you all of the sudden notice something has changed! Why? For all of the money and hours spent to make these decisions - I don't really agree - but they seem to think it keeps them current and from becoming dated. Better than the Gap's approach, I suppose :)

  15. oh, and I like the old one too :-/

  16. Interestingly, I happened to be flipping through old catalogs and noticed this "new" j is also featured on the front of November '09... hmmm.

  17. I think they're trying to see how much they can slip past us without us noticing. E.G. - return policies, now this.

    Prefer the old as well...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Meaningfulness of these problems is so obvious, that general conception of the folded position not which character does not conflict with our theory, and rather vice versa, assists the improvement of new suggestions.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)