Referencing {FAQ}

Saturday, November 27, 2010

So What Happened This Past Tuesday?

I am still in the process of figuring out what is going on, but some things went down in one of last week's posts. Since I was away on holiday, I was not able to address this situation in a timely manner. So here it is now...

Although I am repeating myself a bit from a post in September ("About One of Last Week's Post... (commentary & possible resolution)"), I believe the parts about "let's avoid personal attacks" & "let's all be open to the diversity of comments" are still true for this situation.

It's also clear to me that certain JCAs do not, and most likely will never, get along with other certain JCAs. It just is what it is. It happens. Since that may be the case, I politely ask a few things: (1) do not engage with the JCA you do not care for, (2) do not respond at all to the JCA who you do not care for, even after being sought out in a comment; & (3) if you are going to engage with each other, than discuss your "concerns" elsewhere as we can all agree that this blog is not the best forum to air it out.

Lastly, I like the suggestion from Amy about creating a weekly "Other JCrew-like Retailers" post (similar to the "Off On A Tangent" posts, but where we can share our finds from other retailers that have offerings similar to J.Crew like LE Canvas, Gap, BR, Talbots, Ann Taylor, and the like.) What are your thoughts on it?

Sorry for the long post (& not addressing this sooner). And now back to J.Crew!


  1. Alexis,

    I couldn't agree with you more. I am with your comments and suggestions 100%.

  2. Alexis, thanks for all you do to keep this blog up and running. It truly is a valuable resource of information and a fun place to talk to other people who love J.Crew. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

  3. I don't know how you have the patience for all of this but you deal with it so wisely.

  4. Love Amy's idea!

    Do not understand the "troll" personality.

  5. Thanks for being so democratic when you don't need to be. It is your (wonderful) blog.

    I would welcome the special post for other retailers as i have been reading less lately because of all the snarkiness. Thanks for putting it to a vote.

  6. Thank you Alexis for all the work you do on this blog, and your diplomatic and reasonable response to these issues.

    I don't post much here (I'm in Australia so I don't have as much opportunity to shop J.Crew as North American JCAs) but I read every day, and appreciate the thought and caring that many people invest here.

    I would also like to see a post to discuss other retailers. Thanks Amy. :)

  7. Amy's idea is a great one. This way, we won't feel as guilty discussing another retailer without any reference to J.Crew.

  8. Alexis-I'm VERY glad you're back and I hope you had a wonderful holiday. The only reason this blog is such a great read is because of all the hard work you put into it. Thank you so much and please count me as a yes in favor of a weekly post for other retailers. Merci.

  9. Welcome back from vacation, Alexis!

    As for the blog post for other retailers, sounds like a good idea, though I frequently like to share coupon codes for other retailers, and some are one-day only so I would probably still post those in the non-dedicated thread so people wouldn't miss them. Is that cool?

    I know I have definitely taken advantage of other retailers' offers posted by JCAs.

  10. Alexis... you are so diplomatic! I think Amy's idea is a good one but... posting about other retailers in normal posts doesn't bother me AT ALL. In fact, I find it helpful! Having a dedicated post would only add to the blog. Oh, and welcome back!

  11. I think Amy's idea is a good one.

  12. First, welcome back, Alexis, and thanks for all you do. As Andrea notes, this is a great resource and a fun place to chat.

    I just wanted to express the same question/concern as Cass, because several lovely JCAs have helped me out with other retailers' codes.

    And then a related question: sometimes a JCA will post
    that she really loves the J.Crew X but it is sold out, too short, too expensive, etc. Under those circumstances, is it OK to say "Try the Talbots Y or the Banana Republic Z, they're available, longer, cheaper, etc."? I don't view those types of responses as being OT, but I wasn't bothered by (relevant) references to other retailers in the first place.

  13. Awesome blog! I love JCrew too! I'm a new visitor and I will definitely be bag.

  14. Alexis, first thank you for your lovely blog! I am a new visitor and have a big love for all JCrew! So this is THE perfect blog!

    I agree with Hexicon, comments regarding other retailers do not bother me either. It actually helps once in a while.

    Just my thoughts! =)

    Again, thanks Alexis!

  15. I love hearing about other retailers on this blog. I have never shopped Ann Taylor or Loft or even been in their stores until others started mentioning them repeatedly on this blog about a year ago. Did not bother me at all. In fact, someone posted about their great cashmere sale end of last winter and I bought several gorgeous sweaters for $20 that had been well over $100 to begin with. So thanks for other store postings.

    For the most part,the posts are about JCrew- but-somedays, it just seems other brands might get mentioned more often. Just depends on who is posting/discussing that day:)

  16. Welcome back Alexis! I'm with Hexicon and the others who don't mind references to other retailers as long as they're directly relevant to the particular J.Crew policy/merchandise under discussion. The comparison shopping helps me as a consumer.

  17. Thanks, Alexis for all you do for this blog!

    I also agree that posts about other retailers are helpful. I don't find the need for separate posts. It's a blog for goodness sakes - all one has to do is scroll past entries one is not interested in reading!

  18. I would appreciate a designated post for retailers other than J.Crew here on the blog. I do, however, think posting coupon codes on the non-designated threads (like Cass mentioned) should still be ok.

  19. I'd love to see a weekly post we can go to to look for other retailer's codes! I think most of us love shopping and clothes in general, but just happen to share a specific love for JC - so it's not a sin to speak of other similar retailers! My only negative comment is that it will be further enabling to my shopping addiction! lol! ;)

    Thanks for your patience Alexis - don't know how you do it! :)

  20. I'm with those who like to see other retailers' offerings mentioned whenever relevant - they've helped me with ideas quite a bit, and certainly with coupon codes.

    What I'd like to see is a separate post for all the stuff people try to sell on Mondays that isn't J.Crew. It's gotten pretty bad with people trying to unload other retailers' merchandise.

  21. Barbabelle, no kidding on the Weekly Exchange posts. I don't even read them anymore, there is far too much "clutter". I just search on specific J.Crew items I would like or check for my favorite sellers that have similar size as mine whom I've bought from in the past. That is enough in itself.

    I like the promo code sharing for other retailers but I already visit Gigi's blog for that as well as a wealth of IRL photos and product information on various retailers. I don't know that we need to ask Alexis to duplicate it here when she already does so much. There are a lot of posters on Gigi's blog too, it is so helpful. She does seem to have an inside track with some retailers, which is also very cool.

    I'm not offended by people posting here about other retailers though, to each their own. Whatever direction Alexis takes with her blog is fine by me. I enjoy hanging out here. :^)

  22. Hello Alexis! I'm so sorry you had to come back to yet more troll behavior.

    I'm fine with whatever you choose to do, but I don't mind references to other retailers, so I don't see a need for a separate post. If someone is talking about an item from J. Crew, it can be very helpful to read about other retailers that have similar items, particularly when sizing can vary from retailer to retailer.

  23. xoxo makes a great point about other blogs already posting about sales, product reviews and such from other retailers (as well as J.Crew). There are several of us who do just that on an almost daily basis for those JCAs looking to shop outside of J.Crew. I have had sale posts up on my blog for the holiday weekend shopping the past two days from different retailers for anyone who might be interested. Click Here . Have a wonderful rest of your day! :)

  24. Fabulous Florida Mommy, I apologize for singling out Gigi's blog. I am just back from vacation and forgot about the other great blogs out there, yours included. You (and others) provide detailed information on retail offerings and promotions as well as IRL photos that are so helpful to those of us who must order online. There is really a wealth of information available, we are so fortunate.

    I love your blog and your posts here, you have really helped me branch out pairing different colors together. The bronzed ochre double-serge skirt with a deep plum sweater is one of my favorite suggestions of yours and I literally think of you every time I wear them together, which is often. Blessings back to you FFM.

  25. Hi Alexis,
    Welcome back! I don't comment often but do check this blog almost daily, so I just wanted to give you a quick shout out and thanks for making it such a fun, pleasant, helpful environment. I just moved to the burbs this past September (having been a city girl for over 10 yrs!), and, for literally the first time in my adult life, don't have a JC within walking distance. It's just really nice to be able to take a break and check in with you and all your lovely JCAs to see what's going on at my favorite haunt. Your blog is also a godsend when I'm out of the country (about 3 mos/yr!) with nary q JC in sight! Anyway, thanks for all your hard work and for keeping this blog so friendly!

  26. Thank you xoxo! I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable vacation. :) I think you made a great point about there not really being a need to duplicate the same type of post here on the JCA blog when there are many of us that feature other retailers already. That is also why most of us don't focus specifically on J.Crew...that is what the JCA blog is for, and Alexis does an amazing job keeping us all in the know.

    For those interested in other J.Crew-like retailers. I've had a recurring weekly post every Tuesday since the beginning of this year called "You Look Very Familiar...Have I Seen You Some Place Before?" which features items from other retailers that are similar to those from J.Crew. I always welcome emails from others who have also found items that they want to be included in the post, so of course anyone on the JCA blog is more than welcome to submit their finds, too.

  27. I like to keep it simple & it starts to become cumbersome checking a variety of posts. Your current list of recurring posts suit me fine.

    I don't mind comments about other retailers within JCrew posts. Several comments have helped introduce me to other brands. If I'm not interested I don't read the comments or skim & delete in my email if I've subscribed to the post.

    The blog roll posted on JCA provides me the option to peruse other JCA sites. I'm 99.9% interested in JCrew.

    Thanks for your efforts & please don't let this grow so big it's difficult to manage & you shut it down!! :) You can't please all the people all the time...Thank you for this blog!

  28. I would prefer a separate post for other retailers. This should make it easy for those interested in JCrew to skip the "other" posts. As has been stated, there are several other blogs that cover more than JCrew so everyone can get the information they need. Thanks much, Alexis and Amy for the suggestion!

  29. Thank you for keeping up this blog.

    I agree with IRL. I don't mind the mention of promotions by other retailers especially those who have items similar to JC (present or past). Sometimes the price point may be better at the other place or the fit may suit my hourglass figure better. I hope things are kept as is. When I'm reading the posts I just skip over the ones that may not be of direct interest to me. As a result of other JCAs mentioning, I've been able to find great deals at AT or Talbots on items that remind me of JC from 3-5 years ago. I like JC's preppy with edge factor, but sometimes I do desire more classic pieces, too.

    Again, thank you for all you do. It's fun to read the blog.

  30. This is a great source of information for all things J.Crew... I love this blog! Thank you!
    Count me in as one who'd appreciate a separate post for retailers other than Jcrew.

  31. Thank you so much everyone for your thoughtful comments!!!

    From the sound of it, Amy's suggestion will work out great. I will be sure to create a weekly post for other retailers soon. :)

    Cass, I also think posting those one-day sales in the non-dedicated thread so people wouldn't miss them is completely fine. I know other retailers offer items very similar to J.Crew and providing options is a great resource for all us.

    Thanks again everyone! The comments in this post just reminds me how amazing our little community is. We are so helpful- I love it! :)

  32. Hey Alexis. Just a thought here. A post on fashion advice now and then might be great too. Say, someone buys a J. Crew top and wants advice on what to pair with it, or they bought a top and wanted to post what they did wear with it. Just a suggestion...

  33. Welcome back, Alexis! Hope you had an enjoyable time away. Sorry you had to come back to a mess, but thank you for handling it so tactfully. You do a great job maintaining a positive community. I especially appreciate the effort you make to allow opinions across the spectrum.

    As for the suggestion, I don't have a problem with people posting about other retailers. It's actually been really helpful to me. Without JCA I would not have been interested in LEC, for example, or known what the sizing was like. I do wish the Monday exchange posts could be cleaned up and limited to JCrew items. I don't even read them anymore because it's a pain to scroll through all the other offerings.

    Thank you again for this blog. It is a wonderful community!

  34. Just saw himmiefan's comment - I like that idea! :)

  35. Ditto to CMG's comment!! Heartfelt thanks to you Alexis for your dedication !! I too have found some lovely items (LEC, Talbots, AT/LOFT) thanks to the resourceful members of your community.

  36. Feel free to skip over this comment if need be….Since this post relates to an issue with another JCA I’ve felt the need to explain myself but this will be the last time I bring personal matters up on this blog.

    To all the JCAs who had to read the tiff between Genny and I on Tuesday I would like to apologize. I would also like to mention that I am not against people posting about other retailers but I am against people being critical of other JCAs comments or posting unwarranted negative comments about someone. My original comment to Genny asking her if she worked for Talbots may have gotten a little side tracked from what I really wanted to say. I have tried to contact this person to talk privately in emails but never have received a reply and instead just get the continuation of negative comments on JCA and my personal blog. I will however not apologize for standing up for myself and the many other JCAs who have had issues with this person. I just probably should have handled it differently.

    I would like to add because of her latest negative comments on my personal blog, bringing up my health issues and insinuating that it probably clouds my judgment and also commenting that I need bible study in my life and she will pray for me, I’ve decided to take my blog private. It’s one thing to not agree with my styling or my choices. People have left me plenty of negative comments in the past and they have never bothered me as I have thick skin but instead the negative comments are now coming across like a stalker and because I post so many private photos of my family I cannot involve them in such craziness.

    I want to thank all the JCAs who have emailed me over the weekend asking for blog invites but at this time, for safety precautions, I will only extend invitations to family, friends, and the many JCAs I have met in person and have come to love. I also want to thank Alexis for putting the time into this blog to keep it running and also for removing my blog from the blog roll as I requested. I have met a ton of people through this blog and have become close friends to many, 2 are actually bridesmaids in my upcoming wedding. If it wasn’t for JCA I would have never met such fabulous friends. It’s actually quite sad there are some around here who want to make this a negative experience for others.

    Alexis sorry for posting this long message on your blog but I honestly wanted to apologize for any issues I caused among the wonderful JCAs and also provide an explanation to why my blog as gone private. Alexis I will also not blame you if you feel the need to delete this.

  37. Feel free to skip over this comment if need be….Since this post relates to an issue with another JCA I’ve felt the need to explain myself but this will be the last time I bring personal matters up on this blog.

    To all the JCAs who had to read the tiff between Genny and I on Tuesday I would like to apologize. I would also like to mention that I am not against people posting about other retailers but I am against people being critical of other JCAs comments or posting unwarranted negative comments about someone. My original comment to Genny asking her if she worked for Talbots may have gotten a little side tracked from what I really wanted to say. I have tried to contact this person to talk privately in emails but never have received a reply and instead just get the continuation of negative comments on JCA and my personal blog. I will however not apologize for standing up for myself and the many other JCAs who have had issues with this person. I just probably should have handled it differently.

    I would like to add because of her latest negative comments on my personal blog, bringing up my health issues and insinuating that it probably clouds my judgment and also commenting that I need bible study in my life and she will pray for me, I’ve decided to take my blog private. It’s one thing to not agree with my styling or my choices. People have left me plenty of negative comments in the past and they have never bothered me as I have thick skin but instead the negative comments are now coming across like a stalker and because I post so many private photos of my family I cannot involve them in such craziness.

    I want to thank all the JCAs who have emailed me over the weekend asking for blog invites but at this time, for safety precautions, I will only extend invitations to family, friends, and the many JCAs I have met in person and have come to love. I also want to thank Alexis for putting the time into this blog to keep it running and also for removing my blog from the blog roll as I requested. I have met a ton of people through this blog and have become close friends to many, 2 are actually bridesmaids in my upcoming wedding. If it wasn’t for JCA I would have never met such fabulous friends. It’s actually quite sad there are some around here who want to make this a negative experience for others.

    Alexis sorry for posting this long message on your blog but I honestly wanted to apologize for any issues I caused among the wonderful JCAs and also provide an explanation to why my blog as gone private. Alexis I will also not blame you if you feel the need to delete this.

  38. Feel free to skip over this comment if need be…Since this post relates to an issue with another JCA I’ve felt the need to explain myself but this will be the last time I bring personal matters up on this blog.

    To all the JCAs who had to read the tiff between Genny and I on Tuesday I would like to apologize. I would also like to mention that I am not against people posting about other retailers but I am against people being critical of other JCAs comments or posting unwarranted negative comments about someone. My original comment to Genny asking her if she worked for Talbots may have gotten a little side tracked from what I really wanted to say. I have tried to contact this person to talk privately in emails but never have received a reply and instead just get the continuation of negative comments on JCA and my personal blog. I did not want to bring these matters to JCA but because she is basically anonymous I have no other way to contact her. I will however not apologize for standing up for myself and the many other JCAs who have had issues with this person. I just probably should have handled it differently.

    I would like to add because of her latest negative comments on my personal blog, bringing up my health issues and insinuating that it probably clouds my judgment and also commenting that I need bible study in my life and she will pray for me, I’ve decided to take my blog private. It’s one thing to not agree with my styling or my choices. People have left me plenty of negative comments in the past and they have never bothered me as I have thick skin but instead the negative comments are now coming across like a stalker and because I post so many private photos of my family I cannot involve them in such craziness.

  39. Continued...

    I want to thank all the JCAs who have emailed me over the weekend asking for blog invites but at this time, for safety precautions, I will only extend invitations to family, friends, and the many JCAs I have met in person and have come to love. I also want to thank Alexis for putting the time into this blog to keep it running and also for removing my blog from the blog roll as I requested. I have met a ton of people through this blog and have become close friends to many, 2 are actually bridesmaids in my upcoming wedding. If it wasn’t for JCA I would have never met such fabulous friends. It’s actually quite sad there are some around here who want to make this a negative experience for others.

    Alexis sorry for posting this long message on your blog but I honestly wanted to apologize for any issues I caused among the wonderful JCAs and also provide an explanation to why my blog as gone private. Alexis I will also not blame you if you feel the need to delete this.

  40. I mentioned last Tuesday that I was no longer going to read this blog because of the cattiness, but I checked today to see what was said by Alexis and others with regard to what happened last week. I just want to point out that, regardless of whether you agree with someone's posts, unkind comments, snarkiness, and accusations basically amount to bullying. Reading last Tuesday's virtual cat fight transported me back to 7th grade - a few immature girls mocking, dishing insults, and accusations. THAT is the main issue for me, not whether or not comments about other retailers should be posted and where. I think people are taking clothing way too seriously, maybe I am too, so I'm not going to be visiting anymore. Thanks for dealing with this, Alexis, I know this must be a pain.

  41. Summerilla,

    It is very unfortunate that someone said such mean things to you. Its hard to believe someone would go that far. I have always enjoyed your blog. Good luck with your upcoming wedding!!!

  42. himmiefan: That is a good post idea! I remember when FFM use to guest blog here with a similar theme (she did such a fantastic job too!). I will definitely try to incorporate it. :)

    mommydearest & Lauren: Thanks! :)

    Summerilla: Wishing you nothing but the best! Congrats on your upcoming wedding. You will be a gorgeous bride. :)

    Emily: I understand your decision. If you decide to visit again, we will be here. :)

  43. Summerilla,

    Somehow you neglect to mention your own faults and how you personally attacked me when Alexis was gone last time as well as insulted me by saying I was Genny.

    Funny how your mind is clouded to this FACT.

    You should not go around making accusations that you cannot back up. You are young and will learn. It will bite you in the but someday big time.

  44. Ladies, let's keep the comments positive and about J.Crew.

    If you need to discuss things with other JCAs, then please take it private. Thank you.
