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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

J.Crew of Seasons Past: Fabulous Finds!

I like to sometimes search for images of J.Crew pieces from seasons past to collect in my virtual J.Crew LookBook (which is just a folder containing lots of photos). I have been able to find so many beautiful photos of J.Crew, including some showcasing their 2007 pieces (which I will definitely post soon!)

I just thought I would post these two images now, to show how beautiful J.Crew's items are. Even though these pieces are from a few years ago, they are really quite timeless. And that styling! Simple. Impeccable. I mean, I would rock those outfits today. :)

UPDATE: "Thanks!" to Ibi who shared a J.Crew Catalog archive with us (from Shannon's fabulous blog Wardrobe Review). More importantly, the iconic J.Crew Paris Catalog of 2007 is available too, just click HERE. {yey!}


  1. I'm a recent J Crew convert, so I'm thrilled to see the pictures of the "good ole days" so that I can finally see what y'all have been talking about. Just by looking at those 2 pictures I've decided that y'all are right. I love those looks!

  2. I have the caridgan and silk shirtdress in the vintage violet print, and I would flip out if I could get my hands on the peacoat!

  3. Ginastorm: Your comment of the "good ole days" made me smile. Those styles really are some of J.Crew's best. :)

    Tastymoog: I have the violet print dress shirtdress too and thinks its fabulous. The coat is amazingly gorgeous- I would love to get it too!!! :)

  4. One of my favorite images is of the gorgeous Belgian model Annouck opening some doors decorated in all its Christmas glory wearing the incredible yellow Sybil coat (which I own, of course). I also love the one in Scotland of Annouck and Vanessa Lorenzo walking on a creek, near a bridge, wearing similar mini-skirts and wellies. Darling. If you don't have those two images, I can send you links to wear you can find them on-line.

    :) Cute post!

    My word verification is "priti," and I would agree...definitely pretty!


    If you want to see more nostalgic JC items visit the lovely Shannon of the Wardrobe Review Blog. She has taken the time to archive some older JC catalogs. Including (drum roll) the famous PARIS one which another JCA was kind enough to let her borrow. Copy the link below. Enjoy

  6. Dina: I think I have those images, but still send them my way just in case! :)

    Ibi: Thank you so much for that link! The 2007 catalog is amazing!!! I will download it all later tonight for my virtual LookBook. :)

  7. Ibi . . that link is great! I knew that I missed the "old JCrew," but I had no idea how much until I looked through those 2007 and 2008 catalogs. I would literally buy one of everything in there today if I could! How I miss the timeless styles and bright colors!

    Fun to look through, and refreshed my memory on some good color combinations. I do own those bright yellow jeans . .which I love . .and they could be cute with some of my other pieces that I never thought of. Thanks!

  8. Oh my gosh, those COATS (from '07 and '08)! So gorgeous! They absolutely need to bring those back.

  9. Alexis, I love this post!
    I just love how simple yet classy and timeless those past collection had been and shown on the catalog.

    These days it's full of piled on jewelry, belts, layers over layers, sequins and frayed edges. Oh, and the ruffles arranged in every possible way imaginable. Sad... :-(

  10. Oh, pretty please share your J Crew virtual LookBook with us :).

  11. Look at how cheerful the colors are! The styling is so polished and sophisticated, I miss those days.

  12. I get so frustrated when I think of how poor I was in 2007 (saving for a move, dog got sick, etc.) and drooled over the J Crew catalogs...and now that I have a little money to spend, I don't really see anything I want!

  13. @Ibi: Thank you thank you THANK YOU for sharing that link! Love love love the classic JC looks! Echoing others, wish I had the money (and reason) to buy all those clothes back in 07-08.

    Hope that colour (and I mean real colours, like those in the catalogs) make a comeback at JC. The Spring 2011 collections feature tons of colours and prints. Italian Vogue and Lucky have spreads out in the current issues showcasing some of those looks. Enough drab grays, I want me some brights!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. No bikinis with wool cardigans and 2 pounds of jewelry back then.. :(

  16. The most glaring difference between then and now is the absence of layering and overcomplicated styling. Thanks for sharing the link.

  17. Looking at those catalogs is making me sad. If they reissued just one of those lines, I bet they'd make a lot of money. I know I would go into major debt.

  18. JC colors used to be vibrant and fun. Presently its all boring and muted with a 'token' pop of color here or there. Does anyone else notice how the brighter cheerful color is always the first to sell out. Hello.

    Maybe if McD and J.Ly see this post they will take note. There's nothing better than listening to your customers and this blog is such a gift.

  19. Everyone: I love the comments. The memories of vibrant colors, tailored fits, etc. are reminding me of the best of J.Crew.

    Much like many of you, I didn't have the funds to purchase back in the day. Thank goodness for eBay & the Great Weekly Exchanges- where we can still buy those pieces of seasons past. :)

    Side Note: Please keep eBay listings to the Weekly Exchange posts. I know I don't keep up with the rule (& delete posts that ignore the request), but it would be nice if we had just one place for those listings. Thanks in advance! :)

  20. By now, probably every JCA knows how much I love looking through old catalogs. I'm so happy to see Shannon is putting them online - I wanted to, but I couldn't figure out just how. I just wish I had some from 05-06.

    DinaG, I love that Scotland shot too (along with the rest of the catalog)

  21. I don't know about you ladies, but I saw more than a few miniskirts in those pages... isn't that one of your current complaints??

    Also saw a few leopard-on-leopard ensembles...

  22. I have quite a bit of older J.Crew because I buy basic items and I keep them forever. I'm also fortunate to have four older sisters and a stylish Mom who have passed a lot of items on to me, sometimes (ahem) without even knowing it. ;^)

    My Mom had a lot of Clifford & Wills too, which was a different line owned by J.Crew. She gave me several gorgeous silk blouses, sweaters, skirts and jackets while I was in college. They are very classic items and I wear them. From what my Mom said, C&W was a business wear line and J.Crew was the more casual. I will try to post some photos of my old C&W items if anyone is interested.

    Whitney, I like the minis and know lots of others do. I believe it's the shorter length of the pencil skirts and suiting skirts/dresses that are getting a lot of complaints because they are not office-appropriate for many. I can't wear minis to the office either, but I do like them for casual wear.

  23. I only have the violet print cami... LOVE it... would also love to have the peacoat. I've never seen it on eBay or anywhere else.

  24. Is this year's stadium cloth coats as warm as prior years? I have heard a couple mentions this year that the stadium cloth is not as warm? Seems JCrew would not change it and they still tout it as their warmest wool for coats.

  25. whitney,

    I have 4-5 jcrew mini skirts from 06-08, and the fit is just.. different. better. and maybe and inch or two longer. also, the quality was better.

  26. Great post! I love to see all the images of previous years. I started posting some of the older catalogs on my blog earlier this summer. Click here, here, here, and here. :)

  27. The models wre glamorous! They were smiling! They were so happy to be in J. Crew clothes!

    Looking just at the clothes, it seems that the same styling can be easily achieved. But the models were exuberant! That sells clothes.

    Definitely unlike the blank, D'UH look the models have in recent catalogs.

    Man, I miss the old J. Crew.

  28. Thanks for the catalog archive, Ibi!! As a recent JC convert, I really enjoy looking at the old pictures! When/why did everything take such a drastic turn?!

  29. Wow, I wish I had hung onto my old catalogs. I threw a whole bunch out not that long ago and I'm bumming out about doing it. I do have some items from these catalogs and it's nice to be reminded of them and to have some fresh old ideas to go back to. Thanks to you all for sharing!

  30. I'm wearing my 2007 espresso town coat (shown in the persimmon in your photo) today. I always receive compliments on it!

  31. Wow. These catalogs make me WANT to purchase things! Today, it is the ensembles I see on Polyvore that make me want to buy things, NOT the catalogs or JC styling. These models actually look happy, not to mention more normal sized (and normal dressed haha).

  32. Wow...this post and looking at all the old catalogs revs my engine to get busy on e-bay finding some of these treasures. Damn you, Alexis! You are doing nothing to help me with my addiction :)

  33. Thanks for posting these great pics. I enjoyed them and they remind me how J Crew used to be the style to which I aspired.

    J Crew used to have the best and most unique colors. I so loved that, I don't care much for the palette from recent years.

    And Clifford and Wills! I soo loved that line. I didn't know they were owned by JC. Figures.

  34. I just flipped through Paris once again, sigh. I never tire of it .. the joyful, polished styling.

    Piles of jewelry, ruffles, olive drab, sequins, and frayed edges on vapid models will never give me that same feeling.

  35. Sorry Alexis! I deleted my comment with ebay listing. I only posted it because I remember many JCA mentioning how they liked the Gramercy Coat. My apologies!

  36. thanks for sharing my archive link lbi and Alexis.
    Add me to the missing the old jc club!

  37. Well now I'm just depressed. After using the link to look thru the Paris catalog, I have several thoughts:
    Frist-- yay! I have more from that catalog than I thought, and most of them are wonderful e-bay finds.Sad to know that lately I buy more J Crew off e-bay than from J Crew itself. That speaks volumes. And I shall hoard my e-bay treasures for evermore.
    Second-- The work wear section really struck me. All the models were totally (gasp!) work appropriate. Which is a stark contrast to the work wear offerings and styling currently.If I wore the looks being sold in the catalogs now, it would get me fired at work.
    Third-- Is the redhead model in the bridal section the one currently being featured at LE Canvas? I think it is. I love her, and how she sells the LE Canvas clothes.She makes me want to buy whatever she's wearing, because she just looks so darn happy wearing it! Selling the idea/lifestyle is sometimes more importaint that what is actually being sold. Interesting....

  38. I love J.Crew and I often post their photos as my inspiration for my daily outfits. Check it out - today's lavender look from J.Crew was one of my all-time favorites!

  39. Just had to browse the Paris catalog again. Sigh. Literally, I own one item for every two pages in that catalog--so many lovely, truly special things like the Bella, Library skirt and scarf, Town Coat, etc.

    I'm not saying that JC should bring back exactly these same items (because I already have them all, LOL), but I miss that truly special *wow* feeling of these older items. I mean, I like my 09 Iris velvet Eden jacket just fine and I get a lot of use out of it, but I get stopped by admiring strangers in the street when I wear my 07 azalea tweed Bella.

  40. Speaking of healthier-looking models in older JC catalogs, I came across this pic of the model who did this year's April catalog being adored on a pro-starvation website:

    (Nope I don't frequent that site, I think I found it through Jezebel).

    Really a stark contrast.

  41. Wow, those were fantastic years!

  42. Bon hour from Paris, lovely JCAs, and merci, Alexis, for this lovely post! This demonstrates why I no longer have to read JC catalogs in private -- haven't sighed, moaned, grunted or "mmm-"d over one in a long time.

  43. Oh, what wonderful memories this thread brought back. I long for the days of J Crew when a size 6 truly meant a size 6. I'm even nostalgic for the Bahia print, which I hated when it came out.

  44. Yes I too would like to have "been around" in the good old days of J Crew. It's becoming too Topshoppy.

  45. Love this post. I miss the days when what you received in the mail was actually in line with the description. I mistakenly assumed that JC would continue to churn out high-quality pieces... if only I had known, I would've purchased a bunch more and then called it a day. (Hey! Maybe that's what the meant by the "If you only knew" campaign of October 08!)

    Good to see wellfedfred in here - now we just need La Belle Helene!

  46. I love these pictures. Just the other night, I pulled out my old catalogs from '08 thereabouts and looked through them for ideas. Yep, the good ole days! If other stores were smart, they would copy those J. Crew styles, including the jewelry, and not the current styles.

  47. Does anyone have the Scotland shoot catalog? I think it was Holiday 2006. That is my favorite; the photography was so transportive and the clothes were amazing. One of my all-time favorite possessions is from that season: Holiday plaid clutch.

  48. Emily,

    I have that catalog in a box somewhere in my basement from a not so recent move:) Do you mean the Claire clutch? I have one in a blck/red plaid with a beautiful buckle on front.

  49. Genny,
    No, (but I love that clutch too!), it's the Clara clutch in a red, blue, and black plaid, no buckle. They had a dress in the same plaid (I have that too!) The bag has a kiss-lock and came in solid black, and I think some tweedy-type prints. A great, basic shape that actually holds a lot.

  50. Oh me- thank you Ibi and Alexis, it was wonderful to look at those lovely, happy girls in simply gorgeous clothes on a beautiful photo shoot. I've had a busy day today and haven't yet had time to scan over the new arrivals, primarily because I'm just not that interested anymore. After looking at some of the old JC styles, I feel like one day I got up, made my usual a.m. big glass of chocolate milk and discovered that overnight, all the chocolate in the world had changed its taste. After a few days of thinking that I'm crazy, someone tells me that the old taste of chocolate is gone forever, and no one told anyone what was going to happen because we would all be so upset. I loved looking at the old catalogs, but I'm afraid what we all loved so much will never reappear. It seems that JC seems to be digging in its heels on becoming in sync with the runway crowd and obviously customer service and satisfaction really isn't job one, as evidenced by the # of posts in the "Looking to Vent" thread. No doubt my memory is faulty, but I don't recall such relentless PR in "the good ole days"; I just don't think it was necessary, those clothes sold themselves. Some may say I sound old and I'm a hater, sorry if my post offends your sensibilities. To me, the clothes in those catalogs will always be my hands down favorites.

  51. Emily,

    I remember that print well when you mentioned the dress- esp! Don't remember the clutch but I bet it was beautiful too in that fabric. It is nice to find a clutch that holds a lot:)

  52. Oh how I loved the vintage violet print!

    I was lucky enough to get the wool peacoat, the cami, the shirtdress, the d'orsay heels AND the matching silk clutch. J crew just doesn't do prints like they used to.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)