Referencing {FAQ}

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Surprise! Log Into J.Crew for Free Shipping {yey!}

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Twiga, AJC (in this post), & Silver_Lining (in this post), who let us know the latest promotion from J.Crew.

J.Crew is offering select customers free shipping when you log-into your J.Crew account. According to Silver_Lining, this offer will expire 5/31/10. Twiga shares the following message when you log-in (& are selected to receive it):
As a special thank you, we will be offering some exclusive benefits throughout the year. To make sure you are taking full advantage of each and every perk, check your email and sign in to your registered J.Crew account each time you visit Today, please enjoy free standard shipping.
It is still a complete mystery to me the rationale of which customers get selected. (For the record, I was once again not selected. Like an optimistic dork, I rushed to log-in and found nothing.) ;) However, "congrats!" to those who have the offer! :)


  1. Congrats to all those who got this! I didn't, but it's probably a good thing as I do NOT need to be placing any more orders for quite a while! With free shipping, I don't think I could resist :)

  2. As usual, I did not get it..:)

  3. First time I have ever got any free offers like this. Of course, I have seriously looked and looked over the website this morning there is NOTHING I want or need so I won't be using mine. Bummer. When they had this before there was always something in my shopping bag I wanted but this time--well, the timing is off! Oh well....

  4. "Like an optimistic dork...", yes that was me too! Maybe they will rotate it around customer accounts like they seemed to do last time.

  5. nothing on my account.

    this would have been nice to combo with the insider code.

    oh well

  6. I have the free ship but I'm like Genny and have nothing that I want to order. I really loved the Birthday code and I used it on everything that was on my wish list.

  7. I also have the Free Shipping on my account, but haven't received an email about it yet. I wonder how long it's good for this time? Hopefully for a couple weeks so it can be used on the new arrivals.

  8. yet again, nothing for me. BOOOOOO. HISSSSSS.

  9. I have the free ship, and my rewards card is just sitting here glaring at me ("must use by June 15th" it hisses!)
    I am also hoping this free-ship-no-minimum lasts through the new arrivals. Nothing is calling me right now!

  10. Nothing for me this time either. Oh well, I would have placed an order but I guess I shall wait to be un-shunned. ;)

  11. I'm really surprised I didn't receive the free shipping offer. I've spent $500-600 just in the past couple months at J.Crew.

  12. I didn't get one either. I don't think I've ever received the FS offer.

  13. thank you so much for posting this! I was a lucky one but would have NEVER known about it had I not checked JCA. and yes I definitely placed an order...

    In sum, J. Crew needs to keep giving the blog "birthday" style codes because JCA constantly and consistently brings them business (let's not talk about the shameful amount I've ordered lately :))

  14. Hi FFM - I got the free shipping as well, and just received an email that it's good through 5/31/10. HTH!

  15. Did everyone get the hotels offer, or is that selective as well?

    "Exclusively for you . . . A FREE MEMBERSHIP (it's usually $195) to Tablet Hotels exclusive Tablet Plus program"

    No FS for me.

  16. Nuttin' for me. I used to get some of their low-end goodies like this but I guess I dropped off their list. Not a hardship for me right now because I don't have anything in my bag . . plus I have to have the plumber out this week :-(

  17. Corry, I got the Tablet Hotel offer about 5 minutes ago. It may still be in the process of sending out to people. I did NOT get the FS this time around :(

  18. Corry: I just received the Tablet membership offer as well, and free shipping through 5/31.

  19. jcrewphd, I've never received ANYTHING by logging in to my account, either. I don't think j.crew has any sort of reasoning behind the offers. To me, it's just stupid to favor some customers over others like this, esp. because with the internet, many of us are bound to find out we're getting left out. I thought the same thing with the 25% off red card from two years ago, and I got one of those.

  20. No FS for me. :( Maaan, I would've totally bit with the Alecias.

    But I did get that strange "Tablet" offer as well. A little wary of things like this, 'might be spam. :(

  21. I received the Tablet Hotels offer, plus FS through May 31....

  22. Got the "Tablet" email and it included FS as well. Offer for FS lasts until 5/31. Used it to buy the Hockney satchel. This is my grad school graduation present to myself- yay me!

  23. Thanks for the heads up! Got my FS...Will be browsing...

  24. jbird: I bought myself a present for finishing grad school, too! I think it's well-deserved :) Congratulations!

  25. Hi all, to those who get free shipping, is that on top of the 20% discount, or one or the other?

  26. I got the FS on my account but no email about it. I never get the emails on the account that I use to order. I get a bunch of promo emails at another address that I have never used for J.Crew. Like others, I took advantage of the birthday code in a big way so I'm good for a while.

    What are tablet hotels anyway? Why would someone pay for a hotel membership when there are so many hotels dying for your business?

  27. Can I just say I LOVE THE PIC OF this model with this styling! Superb!

  28. @ La Belle Helene: seriously I received the Mickey card once couple years ago and NEVER received anything after that. I spend more $$ with them now than I did back then.

    I would have totally placed more orders if I had the FS offer but oh well, I'm hitting Anthro store and my $$ will be going to them.

    (I'm a bit irritated since I received a "Cancellation" email for an item and when I called back to cancel the rest of the order I got some BS from the CS rep.)

    Sorry for my rant.

  29. Okay, I got the Tablet hotel offer plus the Free Ship. Odd combo, indeed.

    I am very curious about this Tablet thing. Maybe I will do some internet hunting while I am here at the coffee shop?

    BTW, I think the Free Ship is automatically applied, and that leaves room for any other promo out there. Hope that helps!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I just received the Tablet Hotel offer but no free shipping.

  32. One my online account it says free shipping today only. Saw the message early this morning.

    However,just now checking my email and I got the free shipping through May 31 and the hotel offer.

    Not sure exactly what is going on but I will take the free ship until May 31. Will order by then but nothing for me today.

  33. I also received the Tablet offer. I had to laugh: of course JCrew is encouraging me to travel: more crewsewear, lol.
    I have never heard of Tablet before, and is this a first time for this kind of partnership for JCrew?

  34. Got it, too, and was hoping that it wouldn't expire until new arrivals hit. There were a few of the sneak previews I had in my cart that disappeared yesterday, so I'm waiting. Thanks silver_lining for the info on expiration!

  35. Even though I did not get the free shipping offer y'all got today, I'm still glad I placed a mondo order at 7 am yesterday. Pretty much every single thing I bought isn't showing up anymore.

    Now...will it all arrive? My order still says Released and usually by now it's en route.

    Will they charge me to ship it if something's out of stock and brings my pre-discount total down below $150? I hope not!

  36. Thanks silver_lining! I received the Tablet email with the FS until May 31st just a little while ago. I'm glad it's good until the end of the month, even though the new arrivals aren't supposed to be online until Friday (after the 20% off promo expires).

  37. Oh, I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it here already but the SA at my store said that they'll be getting and rolling out the new arrivals today.

    New arrivals aren't probably going online 'til Friday because of the "Insider" promo. :(

    I'll be sure to report back if I can get myself to a B&M. ;)

  38. Very mysterious, how they select people.

    I did get the email, and am thankful, since I am one of those who doesn't order online without free shipping. It's weird, though, this partnership with a hotel group...

    DaniBP - "crewsewear" LOL

  39. Like roxy I will aitnt o be un-shunned. There are a few htings I would oprder but not without free shipping. Argh, I am a cheapskate that way. I wish I knew how they choose people for these promos.

  40. I placed an order yesterday and then found the free shipping offer on my account today thanks to this blog. I called and they are crediting me for the shipping from my order yesterday.
    Also I got the notice that the new faded out sailor tee that I ordered over the weekend (before it disappeared from the website) has shipped.

  41. Well, I received the Tablet email but don't see free shipping anywhere on there. Why did some people get free shipping and others not? Maybe I'm not seeing where it says free shipping.

    Oh well, nevermind;) I've spent an obscene amount on the Crew this month. I'm secretly hoping I don't like anything in the new roll out;) I have a few things already out that I'd like to get and certainly don't need to add anything on top of that.

  42. I'm wholly convinced that this is J Crew's passive aggressive meanie move towards me and the sometimes not-very-nice-rants (errr, *product reviews*) I occasionally post on my blog.



    (I'd at least send in an order, anyway, and isn't that what matters?)

  43. I have the free shipping! Woo Hoo!
    Of course, there isn't anything I'm interested in.

  44. Darn, I have a full cart and would definitely bite on the 20% off sale if I got the free shipping... but of course, I didn't. There's no way I'll pay for shipping on anything when I can just walk to my local B&M and order over the phone for automatic free ship along with my educator discount.

  45. Hi,

    To those who got the free shipping offer, is it combinable with the Insider sale? Because usually you can only put one code in, right? Or is it combinable on the accounts of those who received it?

    A fan

  46. Andrea,

    You can use both. The free ship is not a code and is automatically applied to your personal account:) Yeah!

  47. Aw man, what was the criteria for getting it, I wonder? I, like many others, have spent quite a bit in the last couple of months and am miffed to not receive it. Maybe they know based on my purchase record that I have no self control and they are hoping I will act accordingly... :)

  48. There's zero criteria, Andrea. That's what bugs all of us. There's software they can buy to target their promotions more effectively. Apparently they haven't invested in it. But they should! ARGH! Mickey, if you're out there reading, let's talk. Seriously. Yours is too big an operation to NOT use marketing optimization and customer intelligence technology. 'Cause if the BIRTHDAY code didn't create a huge spike in high-dollar orders, I'll eat my hat!

  49. I did not get it, I do not need anymore incentive to spend.

  50. Hi all - stopped by the 5th Ave b&m tonight, there are new arrivals out! Most notably three Liberty of London items - 2 perfect shirts, both $118, and a Collection dress, $168. One of the shirts had the same print as the recent Liberty cardigan, and the other had what looked like cherry buds with olive green leaves. I liked the latter better, but I ended up buying the dress, so I will have to pick up the shirt at a later date. The dress is called the Daisy Day dress, and is gorgeous. It is strapless, fitted to the waist and then there are pleated tiers that entend about 4 rown down. It is a floral print with purples, pinks and greens, with a cream background. There is a neon exposed orange zipper in the back. I didn't have a chance to try it on in the store, but it appears to run small, I sized up one from eyeballing it. It seems as if JC has cut things shorter and narrower for the summer. For reference I am 5' 1.5", and holding it up to myself appears to hit about an inch above my knee. Style # 26644.

  51. Oh, it is 100% cotton, and lined in 100% cotton.

  52. JCrew has been offering these free shipping to certain customers for many many months now off and on...I think they started about 6-7months ago. Several on this blog have gotten it each time or multiple times. Others not at all. This is my first time. I am sure there is some criteria but who knows what it is...

  53. Hi Marietta, the Daisy Day dress is actually already on the site (and not a hidden item). Glad you got something you love! :)

  54. I get every one of the select promos and all the gifts and I am sure it is because I spend like a drunken sailor on shore leave every month. Often I feel more guilt than gloat when I get the "special treatment". Not that it is necessarily related to the $ spent but it sure makes me re-evaluate. For a day or two anyway.

    I'm anxious to see the new arrivals and will save any J.Crew shopping until they are online. Meanwhile I'm buying a few things locally, coincidentally they also have free shipping. ;^)

  55. Hi Corry - I hadn't realized it was on the site. The SA said they just received it last night. Interesting that the b&m one is tagged as Collection and priced at $168.... $20 less than the $188 online!

  56. I emailed to ask what the criterion was and this is what they said:

    We're happy to assist. While there is no specific criterion to these
    efforts, we are always looking for new ways to thank our loyal
    customers?so thank you for reaching out. We appreciate your interest and
    your decision to shop with us.

    Wow, that was so informative!!
    Way to evade the question!

  57. Andrea,
    Hilarious. Did they update your account with free shipping to show they actually appreciate your interest?

  58. MDPA--

    Yeah, I wish. I almost feel like calling but I feel kind of lame saying "all these people on the internet have free shipping and I don't, waaaah" :P

  59. Some input/an idea:

    You know how the SAs ask for your email EVERY time you check out? And you say, "oh I already get your emails," and they ask for it again? J.Crew WANTS to get your email address every single time yous shop at a store; they want to know where you're shopping and how much you're spending (I don't think they can't track this otherwise unless you have a JCC).

    In my store they sometimes give out exclusive in-store coupons for providing your email address. The free shipping seems it could be a similar deal. The more you give them your email, the more you're in the system, and the more you're in the system, the more likely you are to receive promos, IMO.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)