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Thursday, February 11, 2010

J.Crew Gets a Dear John Letter

The following letter/ post from the Huffington Post (click here) was too funny not to share...
Replying to J. Crew's Emails: "Because We Heart You... Free Shipping"
By John Bobey
February 11, 2010


I think we need to talk. You know how much I like you. I did right from the start, ever since "First Look at Fall, 2006." All those plaids and flannels--it was intense! (With $98 cashmere v-necks, how could it not be?) I was young and you taught me a lot--the superiority of flat fronts over pleats, how calling a t-shirt "essential" justifies an extra $38.00, how I don't just like blue, I like aquamarine. I'll always cherish those memories,'re moving too fast. It's over.

I mean, you "heart" me? Just because you used "heart" instead of "love" doesn't mean I don't get it. Save that kind of manipulation for selling Secret Wash Polos--I deserve better! And Free Shipping? Thanks, but unlike your Bowery Messenger Bag, I'm not for sale. I told you I needed some time...some space to think, and what did you do? Catalogs twice a week and non-stop e-mails--you're suffocating me! Of course the 20% off orders over $150 is tempting, but I can't keep making the same mistake over and over again. I'm feeling pressured. Did you really think I wouldn't see the link to the "Weddings and Parties" page in your last message? Real subtle!

I just don't "heart" you back, and I don't think it's fair to lead you on. And you might as well know--I've started seeing American Apparel. Yes, I know that may be a little young for me, but I've started to feel things again I never thought I would or could. Things about hoodies.

I think we have all "been there" at one point or another with our beloved J.Crew. But in my case, I keep crawling back to the sweet & warm embrace of J.Crew. ;) {hugs!}


  1. Love the letter. While I LOVED and obsessed with JCRew for over 8 years I no longer "heart" them either. I am still interested and love to look and do still buy but no longer my main go to store.

  2. I love me some Crew too, but have definately felt the woo from fact I just caved and purchased a lovely navy/cream boatneck stripe from LL Bean. No special care instructions, and a send it back at any time if you aren't 100% happy with purchase? How could I not??? Oh J Crew, why are you letting me down?

  3. My husband wishes I would write a letter like this to Mickey and Johnnie (Boden, that is). Sadly, for him, I still heart them both. ;)

  4. This made me smile. I feel the same.

  5. Funny.

    I still "heart" J Crew, but the ruffles, low quality cashmere, unfinished edges on silk and abundance of micro minis is putting me off from them. I have purchased 2-3 coats/jackets a year in the last few years and this year, nothing captured my interest. And it isn't me - it's them. My Maggies, Gretas, Madeline coats and other much older garments still thrill me.

    I may come back for something like the perfect pencil skirt or Frances, but the loves are fewer than they used to be.

  6. I'm in LIKE with jcrew, but not in love anymore. I was definitely in love around 2004-2007 when I think they were at their best as far as quality and design.

    Jenna's tastes are just too far out there for me now. I do still love the basic pieces though (Jackies and tees).

    I've been shopping at Anthro and Eileen Fisher lately.

  7. I heart them less too, I only purchase pants from JC now, and thanks to the wonderful advice from other JCA's I am able to order pants that give me a great fit. I am finding better quality tees (Martin & Osa, LE Canvas and yes even ON), and sweaters elsewhere for less money.

    I do like their prints, but why do they make their fabrics so transparent?

  8. J. Crew is my favorite store to shop at, but I am frustrated with them for a few reasons:
    1. A lot of the items that I'd actually buy are offered online only. It would be nice to have some of the petite items available in the store. The price of shipping is outrageous. I'm not willing waste my money just to purchase something online without knowing how it will fit and look on me.
    2. Jenna's styling is not wearable. I would buy a lot more if I had some inspiration on how to put it all together in a way that doesn't look ridiculous.

  9. kitsmommy,
    Your comment about: "and it isn't me--it's them" really hit home with me.

    I no longer "heart" JCrew. But I heart all my older, well made quality coats and sweaters and pants and belts and scarves, etc. Yes, my oldies still thrill me but my new purchases just don't. I like not love.

  10. That letter was pretty hilarious!
    I still heart JCrew, though I am buying much less. I have a closet full of JCrew, and some of my favorites are from the golden years....ahhh 2007! ;)

  11. I miss JCrew from 3-4 years back. Sure it was less high fashion, but I loved critter shorts, the brightly colored boat tote inspired bags, silk print headbands, etc. Now I find most of the store to be too "fashiony" for everyday, I want the basics back!

  12. This is priceless. Perfectly said. I have an idea for a new mini line.
    Classic Crew from J Crew - Essentials you can count on like High Quality Cashmere, No ruffles and no see through fabric.

  13. I no longer wait with great anticipation to receive my orders because I have come to expect there to be some problems with sizing, thin fabrics, or less than amazing construction details.

    This is especially frustrating because I live over two hours away from the nearest B&M.

    I am not into skirts at any length above the knee, neon, tangly statement necklaces, or crazy layering. Unfortunately, these trends continue.

    I definitely heart Anthropologie more than J.Crew these days.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I heart that article. So funny and well-written!

  16. I must be daft today. I'm missing something? Or maybe the author is. Why isn't he into J Crew anymore? He started with the love affair, but doesn't explain what went wrong. A barrage of emails? Or is it the things we discuss here...high minimums on free shipping, questionable styling, recycled styles, etc...

  17. I had a chuckle over that letter too. I think J Crew and I are taking some time apart to think things over. I will probably still buy my pants from J Crew but I have been expanding my horizons lately. The shipping prices are annoying but not unique to J Crew (hello Anthro!). What bugs me most is the quality issues I have experienced, that makes the difference for me. When I stare at the hole in my cashmere turtleneck that I have worn twice or the hole in my tights that I wore a couple of times and washed by hand, it makes me not want to buy from them anymore. On the other hand I can still open my drawer to put on my wool fair isle sweater from 1996 (yes 1996!)that I have worn to death and is still going strong. It's that memory that keeps the relationship from falling apart completely :-)

  18. Lauren,

    Oh, the critter capris and shorts, etc. I miss too. And my bote and tote bag with the colorful beach scene still makes me smile:) The plain new $10 bag...doesn't do a thing for me:( Even my daughter has cute critter boat and tote bags from the Crewcuts line when it first started:)

  19. Ha, pretty funny. They still have my full attention (I'm practically in stalker mode most of the time) even though I don't love every item they churn out (me and my bank account are grateful). xoxo

  20. Ditto to the times from 2004-2007 that's probably when I bought the most from J Crew. I still like them very much but I am finding that I don't find as much there anymore. Of course this could be because I already have so many Jackie sweaters, chinos and cashmere sweaters in my closet. So anything I buy now has to be a bit different. Also, enough with the ruffles!! I think they are pretty, but its getting too much!

  21. While I love jcrew 2007 too, I still find jcrew items lovable! What I wish is for jcrew to focus on their items and inventory better. I hate to know that 90% of the items will eventually be marked down to like 30% of it's price in a month or two. Why not lower the price a bit, have less inventory so that we don't need to receive emails everyday trying to get us shop? How many times have I had to go in the stores and get price adjustments. Other times I ended reordering items that I had already bought.

    My second love is anthropologie and I have a way better experience there. No worries that tons of items will be marked down + who knows when extra discounts will kick
    in. It's just a lot stressful to shop at anthro.

    That bring said, my addiction to jcrew has not ended yet!

  22. Oops, it's just a lot less stressful to shop at anthro, I meant to say!

  23. I'm with gigiofca. While my love affair with J. Crew is long over (RIP 2006-2007 season), I wish this guy had explained why the rose is off the bloom.

  24. I feel J.Crew is doing a great job . Of course, I also think that not all their stuff is great and worth. I agree on the part where the author says 'a catalog every 2 weeks'. I feel J.Crew could slow down their show, concentrate on bringing quality and sense to their designs and not just keep creating disposable clothing to keep us busy which is so vulnerable to season and fashion change.

  25. cute letter :) but i will always *heart* j.crew and all the cardigans it will forever fill my closet with.

  26. Yep, agree with Gigi-where is a break-up logic? Looks more to me that guy is annoyed with heavy solicitations than anything else. Catalogues twice a week? Puuuhlease.. I still "heart" J crew and no catalogues for me for the past 9 months ( they know not to waiste one on me 'coz I order anyhow, lol!). No Christmas gifts either for same reason.:((
    No matter how many times I threatened to leave- I am still hooked and it's a love/hate relationship. Maybe one day the passion will cool off , but for now- I am burning..

  27. Also agree that Jenna creates clothes for herself.. tall, boyish, young-ish... Hello, Jenna, we are not you!!!

  28. Such a cute anti Valentine! I wish I had the problem of receiving the catalogs, though. I haven't gotten one since the October catalog with an expired free ship code, and that was in November.

  29. Hahaha, thanks for the laugh!

    I tend to run really hot and cold with J Crew. Right now I'm feeling a bit cold, truthfully. The last high point was with the 2008 October catalog. Man, I still have that thing and thumb through it regularly.

    I use the newer catalogs to wipe away my sad tears. :)

  30. J Crew and me -- it's complicated.

    Jenna's overstyling makes me want to leave.

    But I stay because I hope someone at J Crew will read this blog and folks will come to their senses.

    I miss the electric thrill of the receiving catalogs from 2005-07 and deciding that's how I wanted to dress forever.

  31. JC on OTH again. Grubbs had on the Rogue's Gallery Whaler tee, and Haley had on the Le Maitre Art Supply tee from last year. I thought wearing something from seasons past was a realistic touch, since lord knows I do it all the time. It almost made me like her for a quick second.

  32. I totally miss the "old" Crew as spending has dropped off dramatically in the last two years (I went from buying just about all of my clothes at JCrew to maybe one item a season. I've had enough of the quality issues, holey tees, fraying ruffles, heel taps that fall off after a few wearings, and my biggest pet peeve the sweater pilling (no matter what other diehard JCrew fans say, good cashmere does NOT pill...not after a handfull of wearings anyway...I used to de-pill my old sweaters once a season). IMO the quality is entirly unacceptable for the JCrew pricepoint...if I want disposable looks, I can go to F21 or Target for a fraction the JCrew cost.

    Also I think the styles have become a bit stale, the ruffles were fresh two years ago but frankly I'm bored with them. I'm craving more saturated colors, longer skirts (is knee length too much to ask for?) and some of the amazing prints they used to do (fish print skirt, boat print skirt...does anyone remember those gorgeous fabrics?)

    Finally, I miss the service I used to receive. I don't receive catalogs anymore...can't get one no matter how many times I ask. I don't receive any special coupons or discount codes despite being a silver cardholder (You would think they might send me something to try to entice me to come back and spend some money...they know I spent a small fortune at one time). I'm sick of the website and promo code games. I'm also sick of the SA's acting like they are doing me a favor by taking back my on-line returns.

    I feel like JCrew has just become really "lazy" in the last couple of years...they received some positive press, became trendy and they forgot what made them successful in the first place. I know I sound really negative and people will ask why read the blog if I don't like JCrew, but I keep hoping with each rollout that things will change. I really do want to love JCrew again...but until things change I'm afraid I will just be window shopping at JCrew...and do my actual shopping at Anthro (what a difference in terms of store experience...JCrew stresses me out...Anthro relaxes me) I will also be checking out LL Beans latest offerings and the LE Canvas line.

  33. I'm with gigiofca. This letters is not very well written... it leaves out so much important information, and really gives no reason for the "breakup". Dumb. However, like kitsmommy, I pretty much only come back for items like the perfect pencil skirt and frances tops... and otherwise stick to older j.crew items, and random awesome pieces I find at tj maxx and nordstrom rack from theory, nanette lapore, etc.

  34. "John" has cold feet b/c J Crew said the l-word ("we heart you"). He's scared off by J Crew coming on too strong. I don't think it's meant to really say anything deep about why the author likes or dislikes J Crew, just a playful little relationship metaphor in honor of V-Day. That's my take on it, anyway!

  35. Miya - That makes sense. I guess since I am with Cheesy Goodness, Slastena & others that don't get some of the catalogs, etc... I did get a couple of the gifts that were sent, but other than an increase in my interest rate (and that's for all cardholders), I don't see a lot of change or benefit in being a silver cardholder. I'm thinking along those lines, which is not the author's experience. Thanks for clearing it up :-)

  36. JA,

    I remember the fish and boat print skirts. I have them both. Love them.

    I really like what you said in your post. Feel basically the same way about many of your points:)

  37. Miya,

    You hit the nail right on the head! That is exactly what John meant in his letter and what I thought from the beginning as well:)

    I was confused by all the posts with others being confused:) :)

  38. JA, I remember the fish print skirt, too! Could kick myself for not getting it. Sigh...

    I also remember the days when I'd get a coupon for $20 off an $80 purchase. Now I can barely score a free ship no minimum code a couple of times, and if I do it's an expired one from a catalog.

  39. I fall in and out of love with J.Crew but I have been pretty happy with them since the fall rollouts. I do buy a lot of the same things over and over: pencil skirts, Jackie twinsets, perfect shirts, bikinis, chino shorts, and DH loves their shirts, especially the Baird McNutt linen. But that's why I shop at J.Crew, for those basics and a few other things here and there. I fill in the rest from other stores, I buy a fair bit from Club Monaco and Tristan as well as local shops. I always get the catalogs and email promos and I have found CS to be consistently excellent. Quality can be an issue at times, which is not unique to J.Crew but still needs improvement regardless.

    I have to say that I very seldom buy shoes from J.Crew and the Bryant peep toes I recently purchased on promo are going back. That is one area where quality really went downhill in a hurry. Since I started wearing Fluevogs and Chie Mihara I cannot be happy with poor quality, synthetic shoes. Would rather pay a premium for quality footwear.

  40. J. Crew was not my only love, but it still has a solid place with me. I will buy perfect-fit T-shirts, cashmere when it's already deeply reduced and with extra percentages off, evening bags, jewelry and shoes, again on deep sale.
    I don't wear much else because their stuff doesn't appear to be cut for people with very full hips, thighs and buttocks.

  41. I agree with Soigne1908 (hey soror!) - I have a few loves, but Jcrew is certainly up there!

  42. ITA with Slastena that Jenna designs for herself, for her own body type and her own style preferences, rather than for her customers.

  43. Don't be hatin' on the ruffles! I still wear my critter shorts and grosgrain belts from 3 years ago, but I love the new looks too. Fashion is ever-evolving and so is JC. I love Jenna's asthetic these days as much as I loved it back in 2007ish. The letter nailed the mass email marketing overkill, though -- that was what I found funny!

  44. J.Crew has only ever been a small part of my wardrobe but I still buy from them semi-regularly. There are usually a few things I want with each season although occasionally I forget about them altogether and I still have things to buy and clothes to wear. I have love for shoe stores like some people love J.Crew, so I do understand the attraction.

    Ruffles have been part of women's fashion since the Elizabethan age and some women will always like ruffley things. When I think that the crew has offered every possible ruffle incantation the next rollout offers a dozen new ruffley looks. It's become their staple, like they replaced the critters with ruffles.

  45. Ahh...I have set a rule to reroute my j.crew emails to a dedicated folder. I just can't bear to read each and every one anymore! I totally agree with this Dear John letter!

  46. Still heart J.Crew, miss the $20 off for $80 purchase, absolutely LOVE the jewelry (too pricy but they make a statement wherever I go) HATE the holey tees and sweater, not exaggerating, but every single tees or sweater I own from JC (cashmere, tissue, or merino) has a hole or a few on them… I feel they are ripping me off }:-|


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)