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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& day planner}

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Lilac Cupcake & Green Dino (in this post), as well as RatsOnParade & Rynetta, who shared the following delightful surprise. Also, "thanks!" to RatsOnParade who shared several images over at her fantastic blog, I LOVE J.CREW (check out her "They Like Me! They Really Like Me! (and a Merry Holiday to you TOO J.Crew!)" post).

J.Crew has delivered their Holiday present a bit early this year to some very lucky JCAs. In the mailbox, they found a gift of a 2010 Day Planner with the following note:
Season's greetings from all of us at J.Crew. Thanks for being one of our favorite customers. We wanted to make you something special– please enjoy this exclusive calendar as a small token of our appreciation. As always, if there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best, Mickey
What an absolutely lovely surprise for customers! J.Crew has been known to shower certain customers with gifts in the past (from earrings, to tie clips, to necklaces, to scarves, and the like). It is a great gift and more importantly, a touching offer for those who receive it.

I have not receive this gift (or any gift for that matter). :( As much as I would l-o-v-e to get something from J.Crew, I am pretty sure I am not on their "gift-list". {tear} C'est la vie! But I am thrilled for all those JCAs who got this planner– congratulations!!! :)

So check your mailbox in the next few days to see if you got something extra special from J.Crew. :)



  1. So excited to hear how many others have received it - I imagine more will be receiving it in the coming weeks! I was so pleasantly surprised to receive something "exclusive" – unlike last year's luggage tags and scarves which were available to all. Such a nice customer incentive (to spend more, obviously!) Thanks so much for posting, Alexis!

  2. I just picked up my mail and I have one as well! I don't use a paper daytimer, but I do love the thought. It's something I wasn't expecting at all. Very nice.

  3. It is a nice gesture on JC part. Congratulations to all who received it.

    My cynical side is questioning the
    "Don't hesitate to ask?" line. Why is it then we get the one time courtesy line when requesting something? and often scolded for even asking.

  4. Hmmm
    I am fairly certain I am not on J Crew's list of favorite customers.

    True Story: Placed 2 separate orders, one day after the other, of sale items, taking advantage of the $150 in free shipping code. Then! Of course, the 25% off code came through. Well, for goodness sakes, I had purchased over $400 of sale items. So I called the company and asked for a price adjustment. They would only apply the adjustment to one order (???) since they were placed on separate days, and then told me they were flagging my account so that I could only take advantage of this courtesy once?

    Well, hello? I just rebought the items from the order they refused to adjust, using the 25% off code, and will return the original order to the b&m store, which is what I very patiently and courteously explained that I would have to do to the J Crew sales gal. And told her that seemed unfair to the b&m store. Too bad for them she said...

    Interesting, eh? I realize that was a lot of work, but 25% of $400 is a hundred bucks, and really! That's a lot of dough! It's a whole 'nother sweater!

  5. Nice perk for a lucky customer. While I have had free shipping a few times on my account with no min. and I still have the free gift boxing; no tie clips or day planners for me. Maybe it just takes longer to get to Canada? Dare to dream.

  6. I've never received these gifts, and I don't expect I'll get this one, either, but I do think it's a very nice gesture. And the fact that not everyone gets it does speak to the exlusivity vibe that JC capitalizes on.

  7. I didn't get one either but congratulations to those who did! It is very nice because truthfully, the company doesn't have to do it. Hope the recipients enjoy them. Maybe it will be my turn someday!

  8. Mickey-
    Hope u remembered me on this one. I do still use a pen&paper planner.

    Congrats to everyone who scored one of these!


  9. I received mine today. It was a true surprise as I hadn't seen this post. It's very nice and I appreciate it. I also still use pen/paper for a day planner.

  10. Another 'no' from me. I never get squat. I guess they don't like people who refuse to pay full-price for anything, heh!

  11. Yes, the year I paid full price for many items and spent a lot of money at JCrew I got gifts. Since I cut back and now rarely buy full price and mainly sale, I no longer receive gifts but don't feel bad. Think of all the money you have saved to buy your own day planner if you really use/want one:)

  12. I've spent almost $700 at J Crew just in the past month on my J Crew card and probably thousand this year...but no gift. I never get the free shipping codes,

  13. Lisa,
    You need to spend more than that...believe me...I know....try about $1,000-1,200 per month on average for a year...

  14. Chic Chauffeur, you are exactly right...if the items are still in stock, they really should give you a price adjustment to save the B&M (and you!) some hassle. I guess they figure enough people don't have a B&M nearby, or won't take the time to reorder and return...but I certainly will! :)

  15. I received this planner a few days ago - it was a very nice surprise.

    Summer: I get the codes, and the gifts, but I do not spend 1000 - 2000 a month! And everything I buy, is with at least the 15% educ. discount.

  16. I got the earrings in the fall, but because Virginia got plummeted with snow there wasn't any mail.
    Maybe I'll get it?

  17. Unfortunately I must be on the naughty list too. I haven't received a gift from JC, ever, dispite the massive amounts of $$ I have spent there this year and last.

    Congratulations to those who did receive it. I'm a paper/pen planner too and still on the hunt for the one I will use in 2010.

    I think it would be interesting to know how they choose who their incentive gifts go to. I'm in advertising and PR so it makes it extra appealing to me to know their tactics.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  18. I seem to be in the second or third tier of JC perks, even though I am a "preferred" cardholder, so I get things like free gift boxing on my account rather than something good like long-term free shipping. So sometimes I feel a little left out when I hear about these gifts. Then, like Summer, I think about how many more thousands I would have had to spend to be on the "nice" list to get the silly present, and I realize I'd be a lot better off just buying a day planner or earrings if I really wanted them.

    And, Casual-Crew, I agree about wondering WTH "Don't hesitate to ask" is supposed to mean. I *did* have a decent resolution to my last CS problem (defective earrings) but evidently I don't spend enough to be encouraged to ask for anything else.

  19. I feel very lucky to have received all the perks in the past year or so (Xmas gifts, Mickey card, notecards, earrings, free shipping & gift wrap, invitations to season previews in NYC). I don't spend a lot & my purchases are broken down into 60/40 sales & full-price. I think one reason I get the perks is because I seldom return. I think they really monitor the returns because it's costly for them to process & by the time they put it back for sale, we have moved on to the next season & item goes straight to sale. Because I hate the hassle of returning (lugging a lot of stuff in the subway & some SAs have attitude), I really avoid the poor quality & ill-fitting items even if they are down to $19. That's why I'm very thankful to this forum, I have avoided many a disasters because of your honest reviews. Likewise, thanks for the gems that you have discovered and are now part of my closet.

  20. Marie, I agree the returns probably do impact. The thing is, items that have been better quality in the past haven't been as much this year. If I really feel the quality doesn't justify the price, I won't keep it. I hope they get the hint. I now read fabric content since I never would have thought they would have acrylic, and I read this blog because JCAs are so great about reporting feedback. That helps me a lot because if everyone says an item is loosely knit, see-through, poor quality, I believe them!

  21. I don't return items.....doesn't seem to matter at all IMO. I think I have returned 3 items in one years time...

  22. I've never received a gift from J. Crew-not even luggage tags last year-and I am a silver card holder. I did get the red card last winter and this spring-but no note cards or earrings. I'm crossing my fingers about the day planner, but not holding my breath. :-)

    OT-Several of you metioned that you use Paul as your on-line personal shopper. I e-mailed him a couple of weeks ago about the Whitby boots as I really wanted a pair and my size was sold out online. He came through within a matter of 5 minutes and found them in a store. They rock! I've worn them almost every day since I got them.

  23. There really is no rhyme or reason to their gift selection process IMO. I was in the top 10% of their customer base one year and received nothing. The following year, I spent next to nothing and received a few gifts.

    BTW, I think the only reliable source for offers, discounts, new items is this forum. Thank you!

  24. @ elaine: hahaha, I guess you are right.

    I buy only on sale and order on ly with free s&H,I am not shy with returning ill fitted/ bad quality items either. so no gifts for me either :). Thats OK for me though, don't feel "left out".
    Love JC! but their clothing are worth for what they are - great design, poor quality.

  25. Congrats to everyone who got the lovely present. I'm hopeful but not really expecting to receive it as I've never received anything of the past gifties.

    JC Guy in Canada -- I recall a few Canadian JCAs received the earrings 2+ weeks after the US recipients got theirs, so there's still hope for us :)

  26. t has nothing to do with returns or purchasing on sale vs. full price or any other speculations. Its as simple as a report that is generated for each B&M of the top 500 clients of the store. Then there is a percentage of those clients that is taken and combined with top online purchasers and you have your formula. My clients that received it from my store typically spend around 1.5k every 3 months. However, I am a medium size store in a smaller less wealthy town. I am sure that New York, Atlanta, dallas have way bigger spenders. Still, just a percentage based off of your Store.

  27. I am sure it is just random, I am not a top spender by any means, and I do not live near a store and I have received some perks.

  28. Returns should not be prejudiced against, in particular given the noted quality decline documented in this blog. I have to take back a slub tee (FA '09) recently since 3 holes appeared at the armpit seams after only one wash. It's a shame, really. I told the SA to report to quality control but came away feeling she couldn't care less. Sigh.

  29. Chic Chauffeur: Huh..been there done that. They refused and refused no matter how many times i told that same story (I called back 3x until I got someone that would do it.) It's absurd for me to buy the same stuff the next day so they can spend money shipping it to me (I had free shipping on my account) and I would then be returning the entire thing so that they lose out on selling those same items to another customer. Trust me..I don't have a problem returning things to the store for $100 back but this was truly a waste of their resources. They finally gave in as I believe they should have the first call made. Silly.
    I have recv'd many gifts but so far not this one. It is very nice and I am thankful they recognize the copious amounts of $ I send their way. I more than pay for my "gifts" ;)

  30. Recv'd gift in today's mail. Like the past gifts, they are still processing these so don't give up hope, yet! It is actually much bigger/more substantial than it appears in the pictures supplied. The color is like the vintage shade of lipstick used in the Fall Lookbook. I may have to go back to pen/paper:)

  31. I received the day planner today as well.

  32. I received one today (my mailman is he made it to my street, I just do not know...must have super-galoshes). I think this present is so amazing, and just like has already been said, much bigger than I expected.

    We always use pen and paper calendars in this family, so this is just a much nicer version than we already have. (Maybe we can save our other version for next year--it is a one that you fill in the dates.)

    I looked on the graphic images (they made the calendar) website, and wow, they have some pricey items. I have never bought from graphic images itself (I always buy their little calendar--pocket sized--from every year), but this company makes some really nice items. Good pairing on J. Crew's part...

    I want to say "thank you" to J. Crew here, very nice thought, and I hope all of the rest of the JCAs receive this in their mailbox "stocking."

  33. Wow, I received mine today. A totall surprise, and it's very nice. After having my smartphone crash and burn....silly, lazy me for not backierng up my info, I'm switching to pen and paper. Thanks Mickey!!!

  34. I didn't see this post, so was pleasantly surprised to see gift in mail today. I had a new franklin covey day planner on my Christmas list so now I'm hoping no one got it for

    I agree with lisi---her formula makes complete sense to me. All the associates at my local b&m know me-and I am a regular. In addition to this, I also received a nice holiday card from my online personal shopper.

  35. lol! "C'est la vie!" Sorry that you didn't get one. Neither did I! ha ha. I'm far from being their favorite customer. I wish they were selling planners!

  36. Mine arrived today, thank you Mickey and J. Crew! I have a smart phone, but vastly prefer pen and paper which is why I need such a huge purse...

    On a seperate topic, my pearl jewel box earrings arrived today, which was a pleasant surprise since they are waitlisted until 2.8.10 The fact that they don't have any backs makes me suspicious they are someone else's return. I will be asking my PS about that, and using plenty of alcohol before wearing them!

    Chic Chauffeur, BDTD. Lately have had REALLY good CS with refunds when I've JUST purchased and then the price goes down or they add addt'l percentage off. I even apologized for asking and said I knew it was supposed to be a one-time thing and every time they were really nice about it. I think their CS is a ltitle hit or miss. I have also had experiences similar to yours....which is when I reorder. Returning all that stuff really is a drag.

  37. I just got mine in the mail as well! However, I did like the earrings from fall better!

  38. Just received mine and I'm in San Francisco. It is by far the classiest day book/planner I've ever had, full of extras and maps throughout.

    Useful, lovely, allows me to use pen/pencil, which I love. I'll put it on my university desk, since my students already regularly ask about my JCrew outfits.

    A touch of class from Times Gone-by ... {grateful}


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)