Referencing {FAQ}

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& tie clip}

"Thanks!" to asherman13 (in this post) who let us know about a post over at the {great} Thirty Selvedge blog (click here for his post).

In the "Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& earrings}" post, several JCAs mentioned getting a special gift of the Heirloom Flora Earrings (Item 19493; $45.00) from J.Crew in the mail. Well it turns out J.Crew is sending out a little something somethin' for the men too!

As shown in the image above, JB (the blogger behind the Thirty Selvedge blog) got in the mail the Striped Sterling-Silver Tie Clip (Item 21821; $60.00) from J.Crew.

mentions in his post:
I was pleasantly surprised and intrigued to get a small box in the mail this weekend from J.Crew that said on the outside "Just for You".
Go J.Crew go! I am happy to see that the men are being rewarded for their devotion to J.Crew too! {wahoo!}

And of course, check your mailbox to see if you got something special! :)


  1. I'm curious - do they send these gifts only to J. Crew cardholders, or just a variety of people who are loyal customers? I've been on the fence about getting a card and this might nudge me over a bit! Thanks.

  2. Still nothing for me, but congrats to the fellas & ladies who got their swag.

    Jamie - I think some JCAs in a previous post mentioned they were NOT card holders, yet still were sent a gift.

  3. I am a JC silver card holder and I still did not get one. I'm still waiting since I'm in West coast?

    Congrats on those who received lovely gifts. Why don't they just send a gift card instead? I think it's better than these random gifts...

  4. O/T Has anyone had trouble logging into this blog lately? Yesterday pm I could not access this site from 3:00 pm until this am.

  5. I too have a J Crew silver card and have not received any special recognition. Has anybody figured out how J Crew determines who gets the J Crew love? I want some, I'm a good customer, I wear something J Crew almost every day! Please validate me J Crew!

  6. I am a silver card holder and I never get any of the "special thank you gifts."

    My BF pointed out to me that although I buy quite a bit it is usually items that are on sale and I return a lot of the things I buy.

    I sometimes wonder if they look at the sales at B&Ms to determine who their best customer is based on store sales and not online sales. Who knows what formula they are using.

  7. Forgot to add that it is nice to see the men get a little something too!

  8. @casual-crew Blogger was having some issues yesterday. Don't think it's anything to worry about long term.

  9. Alexis: If I was a really thoughtful and sharing blogger, I would have sent you this image for inclusion on this site. ;) Shame on me.

    My mind is just a bit frayed at the seams these days.

    Thanks for the link-up !


  10. Glad to see men are being included in the surprises.

  11. So irritating to not understand why some get "rewards" and others do not. I am a silver card holder who spends a lot and still nada. I would be super happy with comp shipping for a week!

  12. I'm so happy that there's something for the guys... but a bit upset knowing that I probably won't get one (especially since I just bought a new tie from J.Crew, haha!)! Congrats/Enjoy to those who do!!

  13. I am sure J.Crew's marketing team or outside marketing firm have a reason for who get's sent what. Although, I have no idea what it is! ;)

    JB: No worries. Thanks for sharing it over at your blog! :) I am happy to see that J.Crew is rewarding their male clients too. :)

  14. How fun to receive a surprise from J. Crew!

  15. I would love to send gifts randomly and quarterly to Mickey's employees with a nice card attached telling them that they are my absolute favorite, and only favorite employees were picked... and not send one to him. I wonder how'd he feel?

  16. Wow, I'd totally prefer a tie clip to earrings! Or anything at all, haha!

  17. How nice for those who are feeling the love. Of course I never receive any of the free shipping - no minimum, gifts or red cards from J.Crew and I do spend quite a bit with most of my purchases at full price and very, very few returns. The past month I've had a couple of disappointments and returns but that is definitely the exception.

    Never one to let an opportunity for drama pass by, I went straight to and dumped my cart.

  18. Congratulations to all the guys who received the gifts! :)

  19. jcmama: you may get them soon, I got mine yesterday

  20. So, slightly OT. But I also FINALLY received a catalog today, the first one in months, with the free shipping inside. The one that expired on 9/6. I'm honestly so happy just to have gotten a catalog that I don't mind. Perhaps J.Crew is trying to make things right?

  21. roxy: Me too! I got the September catalog with an expired code (for 9/6) and I thought, "yey! got the catalog!". Small victories for us! :)

  22. Alexis: I also received a duplicate catalog this week and it was from updating my infor on-line, I added in my address under the catlog tab. So this may help some JCA's who have not received a catalog.

    Also some new things have been added to the FS, anyone wanting cashmere JC has added some colors for $99.00 in the v-neck and crewneck sweaters.

  23. I recieved the same kind of gift today but it was the Heirloom flora earrings $45.00. I also received a note a plastic VIP card with a personal special access phone number to place orders. I am a silver credit card holder so maybe that's why I received the gift, no idea about the personal number, but if I got one a TON of people must have.

  24. Opened my mailbox today and what do I see - beautiful Heriloom Flora earings for me!! No, I am not a J. Crew card holder, though they try to open one for me each time I shop. I spend entirely too much money both online and at the B & M store in town. The girls there know both myself and my baby by name. The personal shopper in store is fabulous, sends me e-mails letting me know in advance of new arrivals and which ones I would most likely want - she is usually dead on too! Thanks J.Crew for the fabulous gift!

  25. Just want to add--I received my flora earrings today---didnt expect to receive it at all!! So with that said, I'm sure more JCAs will receive theirs in time.

    Alexis--we need to talk about this VIP line? is that something new?

  26. I received the Flora earrings yesterday as well and I'm not a cardholder. Went to the Yankee game and then come and have a gift waiting for me. A very good day... :))

  27. Congrats to all those who received their gift! I agree with those who say it's a tad annoying to figure out who receives and who does not. I'm a cardholder (although apparently this had nothing to do with gift receiving) and purchase regularly- both with and without the card. I have been a regular (although not extravagent) Crew Customer for 16 years, as I'm sure many of you are. I've never received anything. Well, once I received a lovely note in the mail urging me to use their personal shopper service. Boo.

  28. I am a cardholder and I got the earrings in the mail on Wednesday. :) They aren't something I'd buy myself- especially for $45!- but I'll sure take them if they're free! I guess that makes up for paying their high shipping rates 2.25 times?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)