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Thursday, September 10, 2009

J.Crew is Everywhere in Lucky Mag (part 2)

Another "thanks!" to love2shop4bags who let us know that several items from J.Crew are featured in the back issues of Lucky Magazine too. (She also shared J.Crew items spotted in the recent Lucky Magazine in yesterday's "J.Crew is Everywhere in Lucky Magazine" post.) To view the images larger, just click on the images above (or click here & here).

From blazers, to necklaces, to skirts... it feels like J.Crew is being spotted all over. Not just in Lucky Magazine too, but in several fashion magazines including Glamour, In Style, and the like. (Is it just me, or are J.Crew items appearing in magazines more today than they did a few years ago? Maybe I never noticed before.)

It's fun to spot the J.Crew items- kind of like a little game while reading the articles. ;) It's also great to see how the different pieces are styled with non-J.Crew items.

What are your thoughts on the items featured? Do you like (or dislike) any of them? Can you spot the J.Crew items in the magazines before you read they are from J.Crew?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is a page spread on Fall items from J.Crew and Ann Taylor, along with a couple of others, in this month's Real Simple.

  3. I wanted to mention this again here in case anyone wants a close-up view of the new flower top (beige one with black and white skirt) pictured in the 4 preview of Fall shots Alexis posted earlier..
    There is more mention of J Crew in the October edition of O Mag where they are touching on all of the various stores such as AT, NY&Co, Talbots, Express, GAP, Chicos, Liz Claiborne and they mention JCrew for the jewelry. In that same box (with JC necklaces) the model is wearing a pink version. It is $90. Oh and of course another Jenna Lyons quote;)

  4. LilacCupCake: Ooo! I have to look up the new Real Simple magazine. I love to see which Fall items from J.Crew are being featured! :)

    Bug Pin: Thanks for letting us know that the flower top is in the latest O Magazine! I also will look that magazine up. Especially since I am curious what Jenna Lyons' quote is. :)

  5. Alexis,
    There is an ENTIRE page dedicated to J.Crew in the Oct. issue of Real Simple. I'll scan and sent it to you....very cute stuff for fall too.

  6. The Francis blouse is online at Look under fall's top trends.

  7. Again, from - J Crew wool trousers:

  8. SJs Mommy: If you can scan and send it to me (jcrewaficionada at yahoo dot com)- I would love it! Thank you so much for the offer! You are so nice!!! :)

    KitsMommy: Thank you so much for sharing the links. I am off to check them out right now! :)

  9. J.Crew was mentioned in the WSJ in an August article on Mad Men inspired style. The double-serge cotton pencil skirt was featured with a cardigan in a shot from the East of Eden catalog.

    I believe it was shortly after the cashmere story. Can't check it here at work.

  10. Anyone else seen the Carolyn Cardi in their B&M? I fell in love with this over the weekend (item #19805) not online yet, but super cute. Looks a little like the ruffle v-neck tees.
    Sorry somewhat off-topic for this post...

  11. Twiga,

    I got carolyn ruffle cardi in store last week.
    I posted it on my 'blog'.

  12. Simply Jcrew-Thanks- it looks great on you! I purchased the same coral color. I was tempted by the black, but thought that I needed to branch out a bit.

  13. This might be old news, but I just caught this video of Katherine Heigl looking super cute in what appears to be a J.Crew top and necklace

  14. AND the character "Emma" on Glee was wearing practically all J.Crew last night, as she did in the first episode of the show. LOVE IT!!

  15. M.A.: I noticed that too! DH thought I was nuts when I started to identify the clothing and jewelry on the Emma Pillsbury character!

  16. M.A. & Audball: LOL! Add me to your list of people who noticed Emma wearing J.Crew on the Glee episode from last night. (From the necklace, the skirt, to the belt- which I own!) I actually tried getting a still from the show today but thought I was the only who would care. Glad to see other JCAs caring too! :)

  17. Simply J Crew - I think that is an adorable cardi! I hope my b&m has it. I was going to wait until next Saturday to visit, but now I'm going to have to make a trip this weekend. :) Is it merino? TIA

  18. Does anyone know of any reviews of the watercolor toirtoiseshell pencil skirt? TIA!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Math Teacher,

    I am not sure if it’s merino - it doesn't say on my receipt. The fabric is softer than merino (I think) and it's kind of stretchy too. I’ll check the label at home and will update my post.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)