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Friday, September 4, 2009

J.Crew Accessory: One of a Kind Necklace {part two}

As mentioned in a previous post, "J.Crew Accessory: One of a Kind Necklace {sold}", J.Crew offered a unique necklace. Well, J.Crew is doing it again! "Thanks!" to MA who let us know that another one-of-a-kind necklace from J.Crew is being offered.

The new necklace (shown in the image above) is made of a variety of items including flower-embellishments, as well as crystals, beads, and ribbon. This item is not featured or available online. According to J.Crew, there is only one necklace and it is being sold for $795. (Again, the first buyer will get it.)

I am not going to lie, not a fan of this particular necklace. (Although, I did like the first necklace.) My husband walked by and said, "what's up with the ugly necklace"- so I am thinking he doesn't like it either. ;)

What are your thoughts on the new necklace? Do you like the style and detailing? Do you think it's worth the price?

Quick Poll: Do you like J.Crew's Newest Necklace?


  1. It kind of looks like a Marni necklace. They make some crazy ones, but I must admit I do like a lot of them. I like statement necklaces a lot, I think this could look good depending what you wore with it.

  2. I love statement necklaces, however I'm not a fan of this particular one at all.

  3. $800 and no real gemstones? psh.

  4. I think it's waaaayyy over priced. Plus, it looks a little sloppy, especially for $800! Why is J.Crew messing around with these?

  5. I am so not afraid of statement necklaces (and like Alexis, I liked the first one she showed earlier this week), but OMG, this necklace is kind of disgusting. The colors are off, the embellishments look like they were dragged out of a Dutch bog, and the threads that they didn't even bother to cut? Ugh...avant-garde maybe...pretty, darling, and why we all love J. Crew so much--unh, uhh. This makes the wooden-beaded, heavy-looking necklace from this spring look very feminine and delightful in comparison!

    Thanks for posting it, though...always fun to have something interesting to talk about!

  6. Not liking this one at all. Those flower things look like something one would pull out of grandma's craft box.

  7. I think that this one is a little more coherent than the pink one, but IMO it still looks more like a child's craft project than a thoughtful collage.

  8. Ok I am usually a big J Crew jewelry fan and I others have said it, but this thing is a big hot mess-yikes! I just cleaned out my kids craft box last night and if J crew is interested I have some cute necklaces my kids made-lots of fun color combos and a lot of glue not to mention prices you can't beat-hee hee

  9. Um, I just threw-up in my mouth.

  10. I saw this and thought "that looks like a banana slug"

  11. I liked the pink necklace, but this one looks like a cornucopia or some other Thanksgiving decoration to me.

  12. Are those plastic flowers? $800. for plastic flowers?

  13. Looks like leftovers from all the other jewelry pieces they've used in the past...I guess if I pull 4 pieces of each of my jcrew jewelry item, I can achieve the same result!

  14. Why are they doing this is the big question? Are they trying to compete with the couture houses? I love thier jewelry and have been impressed with the new designs but this one is just plain fugly and I agree it looks like plastic green flowers sewn in the middle.

  15. I liked the first necklace but this one is very, very ugly!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)