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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Product Review: Frenchie Slicker

Frenchie Slicker
Click here for product page
Item 11293
Regular: $165.00
Now: $89.99-69.99

I loved how this jacket was styled in the America catalog (see image below). It was just so pretty that I had to seek it out.

When I saw the "perfect lightweight jacket for spring showers" in the store, I felt it was w-a-y too lightweight for the $165.00 price tag. However, when this jacket went on sale, I couldn't resist anymore and ended up getting one in the Light Khaki shade. ;)

When it comes to size, I sized down and went with a size 0. I am normally a size 2 in jackets, but as of lately I have been a size 0 in J.Crew jackets (with no changes in weight). This is because the jacket is actually swingy, with an A-Line shape. (Incidentally, I saw a store associate wear this jacket without the belt- and she looked fabulous in it!) The belt is definitely great for me- as it cinches the jacket nicely (and I like jackets to be more tailored in style).

As for the cotton fabric... For starters it is thin (hence, the "lightweight jacket"), but surprisingly thin (e.g. this jacket will not work for chilly Fall days). I have worn it in the rain a few times and it does seem to repel water. It is also crinkly- what I mean is that it has a crinkly sound when you wear it. (It's not bad- but its definitely there.) The real down side of the material is that it wrinkles easily.

The length of the jacket does fall at the low hip. Moreover, the jacket is lined.

What I also love about the jacket is the ruffles around the collar and full-length sleeves. There is just the right amount of ruffles that it does not overwhelm the jacket.

I would definitely recommend this jacket now that the price has dropped. (I liked this jacket so much that I ordered it in the Papaya color as well.)

What are your thoughts on this jacket? Were you planning on purchasing one in the future? Do you already own this jacket? If so, please let us know what you think of it. :)


  1. I wanted to love this jacket, but it didn't work on my petite frame. (Sniff!)

  2. Slightly OT, but has anyone tried the trench from Norma Kamali at WalMart? Seriously, it is an amazing trench coat. I saw it in Travel and Leisure, so I went in to see it and it is perfect! Plus, my store had it on sale for $19. Fully lined and in khaki or black.
    Just wanted to throw out a budget option!

  3. How do you tie the jacket the way they do?

  4. henry,
    That is great. I have a spring jacket from Walmart that I bought a couple of years ago with the prettiest floral lining. I get compliments whenever I wear it and people are shocked (if) I tell them where I bought it. Yes, Walmart can be amazing--you just have to check it out often!

    As for the JCrew jacket...I did not care for the fabric on this one at all. Too thin.

  5. Alexis: I think the jacket is soo pretty and feminine with the ruffle collar. So the ruffle on the collar is not overwhelming? I'm sure you look very pretty in both colors! Thanks for the review!

  6. Cecilia Chan: Sorry to hear the jacket didn't work out. :(

    Henry: I definitely want to check that coat out now! :)

    Amanda: Me too! I couldn't find a belt tying guide. But I do remember FFM had a great post about tying scarves (although this is a belt, some of the same techniques apply): Scarf Tying Guide

    Genny: I do agree with you in that the jacket's fabric is thin (incredibly thin). :)

    IRL: I know this is off-topic, but is your icon part of Avatar: The Last Airbender (which I love!)? As for the ruffles, it really is the perfect amount. I usually wear my hair down and large ruffles tend to not work with that. But this collar (and sleeves) have just the right amount (that the ruffles are noticeable, but not in the way.) I hope this helps! :)

  7. OT, but has anyone bought the faille maisey jacket? Does the swishing eventually stop and has anyone tried washing it? TIA

  8. Thanks for the great review! I just bit the bullet too and ordered it with the 20% off sale for only $55.99. I can't wait to get it! I like the color because it's like my Icon trench but it's lighter so it's better for spring and summer. I am a little worried about it being too big. I normally wear a 0 and I ordered a 0. Interesting thought about wearing it without a belt - I'll have to try it.

  9. Alexis: yes, it is Katara!! I could say more but I know this isn't the place for it. I'll abbreviate my comments to say: Anxiously awaiting the release of the movie in 2010. :)

  10. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! I'd really like to buy this jacket, but on the web it's back ordered until sometime in early AUGUST! Que locura!!! I'll have to check out this Norma Kamali number. :) Thanks for the review, even if it's reminding me of what I can't have... until August!

    Btw, DC-area JCAs: I stopped by the Friendship Heights store yesterday, and they had several pleated lawn skirts for $19.99. (Perhaps this is old news here? I haven't been active on this blog recently...) I never would have even thought of purchasing this at $70, but it's plenty cute for $19.99... Sorry, I don't remember sizes!

    Altagracia (formerly Jackie from DC :) )

  11. Henry: Too funny! I saw that coat yesterday... even mentioned it on my blog ... it was really cute!

  12. Love the ruffles!! Too cute. I may have to add this one to the basket for the next % off or free shipping.

    Great review!

  13. For those who have it, would it work for taking to Italy in September? I need a jacket for the rain and for the churches that will smush down very small, since we're not taking much luggage. Traveling by train is presenting me with all sorts of challenges. I am NOT a light packer! Thanks!

  14. Kate,
    Just my humble opinion (and I have traveled around Europe) you will want something with a HOOD in case of showers that come and go...Personally, I would not take a jacket like this one. Just my 2 cents.

  15. I just ordered the Light Khaki & Light Pewter... they are both on backorder, but that is fine... I'll wear them as it starts to turn a bit cooler before fall officially comes! :-) Thanks for the great review, Alexis!

  16. JCMA: I have tried the faille maisey jacket so many times in the store- especially when at one point it was just for $40. I just can't seem to pull the trigger- its too big in the body for me, even in size 0. But this may be just for me.

    3PP: Congrats on the purchase! My Papaya order is back-ordered too. But the phone rep assured me that they will get a big shipment to cover these orders. :) I also think you should be fine with the size 0 because the belt takes care of the body. :)

    IRL: LOL! I thought it was. ;) I can't wait for the movie either. And to have James Cameron direct- it is going to be good! :)

    AltaGracia: Hi Jackie! I hear you on the back order- way too long. But on the positive, the phone rep also mentioned that the jackets might be coming in earlier than the back order date. :)

    HeidiG: Thanks! :)

    Kate@ Kids and Cocktails: First, congrats on your upcoming trip- that is very exciting. Second, I would take this jacket if Italy will be reasonably warm in September. (I am going to France this summer and I am planning to take this jacket. I think its perfect for any small chills in the summer nights. Also, its machine washable- which is a huge perk because I like to wash/dry clean all my clothes from vacation- even coats.) :) Have fun on your trip! :)

    Genny: Good point about a hood. It's hard to find a good looking jacket with a hood. I hope J.Crew introduces some more in the upcoming seasons. :)

    Marietta: Congrats on the purchase!!! :)

  17. I got a cute raincoat from Boden with a hood that I was last season so I don't know what they offer this year. I have also had luck in the past with LLBean, Wal-mart, and Land's End for cute hooded jackets.

  18. Oh and London Fog for jackets with a hidden hood!

  19. Forgot to add that I think this jacket is really adorable! Congrats on getting it! :)

  20. I too am really enjoying this jacket. It's been a little chilly in New York the past few days, but not so much so that I've had to switch back to a heavier jacket. I have the papaya and the color is stunning (and goes with a lot more of my wardrobe than I would've expected)!

    I was debating whether to size down but I didn't as it fits perfectly around the chest and I'm fairly small.

    Definitely recommend this! I tie it like they do online and in the catalog, in a bow pulled to the side. Looks really nice.

  21. This is wierd, but I find most of my jackets at Talbots. Talbots has a reputation for being more conservative, but they really have some cute stuff now. Plus, I can always get them in a petite size. Many Talbots now carry petite sizes in store, which is really great.

  22. Wow! Congrats on everyone's purchases! :) And thanks for the great review!

    I've been seeing this lil' jacket everywhere - and I mean, everywhere in DC! There's been two sightings on the DC streets - two ladies rockin' the jacket, one in the camel and one in the pewter. They both looked great in it, and both had me thinking twice about purchasing it. :p

    But given the less expensive option (Norma Kamali at Walmart? Count me in!), I may have to take a look-see!

    Oh, and thanks, altagracia for the heads-up on the skirts at Friendship Heights! Nice to see you on here again! *waves to altagracia* :D

  23. IRL: Whoops- made a mistake in that M. Night Shyamalan is directing the movie. I hope its good. :)

    Genny: I should really consider Boden- I hear good things about them. :)

    FFM: Thanks! :)

    Dara: I saw the Papaya in a store (as a return) and thought the color was fabulous. I am happy to hear that it works a lot more with the wardrobe than expected! :)

    SE Mom: Even though I am not a petite or tall, I think J.Crew could be doing more when it comes to Petite & Tall sizing. Talbots does a great job with its petite collections. :)

    Drewablank: I do that too! I sometimes don't give items enough attention until I see someone else rockin' the look- which of course makes me seek out the item immediately after wards! :)

  24. Okay, so I will give a bit of a dissenting opinion - I didn't like this jacket at all. Sleeves were way too long (admittedly, I'm pretty short), I didn't think the jacket gave me any shape, and I really disliked the fabric. I did think the ruffles were really cute, but that was about it. :( (I did a review on my blog if anyone is interested!) I'm glad for those of you that this works for! :)

  25. I commented on the slicker in a previous post, under the "Additional 20% off" title (May 15), Glad to know others like the slicker too:

    Carrie, I have the Frenchie slicker in light pewter. It originally caught my eye in papaya, but I ended up going with the light pewter because I thought it would be more versatile with my wardrobe. I tried it on in the store when it first came out, and thought it wouldn't be very useful (very thin and also short). I got it when it was marked down, and have had it for about a week, maybe less. I've already worn it twice. I love it! Today we had lots of rain and the fabric does repel water, so it is not just a fashion piece. It is definitely more of a jacket, IMO, but you might be able to get away with wearing it like a blazer inside. HTH.

    May 16, 2009 10:41 PM

  26. I have this jacket too and I love it! I am surprised by how much use I've gotten out of it. It's a nice layering piece for the spring. I have figured out the tie-- but I have no idea how to explain it! Just keep working with a one loop bow and you'll get it.
    It is a "noisy" jacket, but I kind of like the crisp crinkly sounds.
    Great review!

  27. I forgot to say that there were like 100 of the khaki Frenchies in size 2 at Tysons a couple of weeks ago (and at least 2 left last week). And Pentagon City had a bunch of size 4 Frenchies in the same color. I think I know why they ran out online - some of the stores seem to have received dozens of them in the same size. Why would they do that?

    CS actually did a "we will find it" for me and found one in a size 0. It's arriving tomorrow. If anyone wants a size 0 in khaki, call and see if they can find one. Mine shipped from Londonderry, NH. Does that ring a bell for anyone in terms of a store? If so, give them a call and maybe they got a bunch of size 0's.

  28. Gosh, (even a slightly) noisy jacket would be a pass for me but thanks for the heads up. I am sensitive to that kind of thing so that is good to know in case it ever went on super duper sale! :)

  29. Stephanie: LOL! I know what you mean by the "noisy" jacket part. ;) I did my best to explain as a "crinkly sound" because its definitely there (the sound). :)

  30. I love the style of this jacket but I don't think I could handle the "noise". I bought a pair of whoosh-whoosh university pants last winter and sent them back immediately. Last thing I need is to have my clothing make noise when I move.

  31. Hi, Drewablank! I'm not surprised you've seen the Frenchie on multiple chicas here in DC-- I think this must be the most trench coat-wearinist city in all the land...

    3PP-- thanks for the tip! I called both Pentagon and Gtown, and neither had the khaki in my size (4). So, perhaps it was not meant to be.... hahahahaha, yeah right, as IF I would ever take no for an answer! Um, yeah, I'll be stalking the website... ;)

  32. This doesn't have anything to do with trenches, sorry! I just had to put a cent or two in about Boden. I'd been looking high and low for a dress to wear as my best friend's wedding officiant. JC stuff was either too bridesmaid-y and formal, or pretty on but too low cut, so I finally realized I had to get out of my comfort zone. I'd noticed other JCAs mentioning Boden, so, armed with a 20% off and free shipping coupon, I ordered a simple black dress in two sizes. Well, let's just say it certainly isn't only our beloved JC that has the wonky sizing going on! I've been going back and forth trying on both size dresses trying to decide. They fit EXACTLY the same, but the larger size is about an inch and a half shorter. Too odd. A teeny vain voice says to keep the smaller size and hem it, but it's way more sensible to keep the one that fits better! (The bigger, yet somehow "smaller" dress.)
    Anyway, size issues aside, the quality is very good, the shipping was fast, they have an easily navigable website, and tons of reviews on each item. Not everything I saw in the catalogue or website was to my taste, but there was plenty of cute stuff, and the kids line is adorable. Thanks to everyone who mentioned them on this blog in the past, I would have been New Hampshire's first nude officiant without the Boden heads up!

  33. I think you might have gotten a rare sizing mishap. I have about 30Boden pieces and I have found the sizing to be pretty consistent but of course there is 1 or 2 odd out items over time. Their CS is consistently fantastic as well.

    I did their friend referral and got 15 Boden bucks to spend on anything I wanted as well. Much better than JCrew's new program!

  34. PS
    Glad you aren't going to the wedding in your "birthday suit:)" Sure you will look fab in your Boden dress!

  35. Great review, thanks! Love the ruffles, how it is styled - so adorable!

    I really really wanted to love this jacket but it just didn't love me back *tear* I don't know what it was but something about the shape, the belt, how it looked tied - it made me look like I was wearing a paper bag.

    I really don't need another jacket though so its a good thing it didn't look good on me; otherwise I totally would have caved.

  36. I have this jacket in light pewter, and I love it. I don't think it was worth the original $165 price, but I was ok with the sale price. I think the look of this jacket really depends on how you tie it.

    I always make sure that the belt is flat all the way around, as in not twisted at all. I also tie it like they do in the catalog, which is the key to keeping the belt from looking awkward. To do that, I tie it just like I would if I were tying a bow at first - by crossing the ends and then looping one end under the other. Then, I continue as if I were making that bow. I loop one end around the other, but as soon as the first end is around the second, I push the body of it it back through the loop I just made. I then pull on the second end to tighten the knot.

    I can post a tutorial with pictures on my blog if anyone is interested or doesn't understand :) I realize it might not be clear without pictures.

  37. I would like to see how you tie yours:)

  38. Is the papaya color more of a soft peachy-pink or is it more like their fluorescent mango-melon color?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)