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Sunday, May 24, 2009

J.Crew's Debut Of LemLem

As mentioned awhile back (refer to here and here), J.Crew has partnered up with LemLem, a children's clothing line designed by Liya Kebede.

A big "thanks!" to SanFranciscoCA who shared with us a link containing 20 images about LemLem's debut at J.Crew back in April (click here):
Creative Director Jenna Lyons (L) and Liya Kebede attend a celebration for the debut of Lemlem With J.Crew at the J.Crew Collection store on April 8, 2009 in New York City.

I have to say, I really like Jenna's outfit (the black shorts & tights with the jacket) at the debut. Sometimes she can rock a look (refer here) or totally miss it (refer here).

Quick Poll: Do you like Jenna Lyons' outfit at the event?


  1. Hmmm, when I first saw the photo I thought, "What was she thinking?!"

    To each their own but I do not like that outfit as she has styled it. I think with the long, loose top the shorts should be longer, or the shirt should be tucked in and more fitted. Something is just not right with the proportions, maybe it is the black pumps instead of boots.

    When I see this look I think of someone in the bar at the end of the night and too drunk to realize how awful and sloppy it looks.

  2. According to the poll, most people don't like the ensemble, but the poll is pretty new so who knows. Personally, I am not a fan.

    I may have to take advantage of the 20% off code. Can anyone comment on the double-serge cotton pencil skirt? How is the fit, is it the same as the wool pencil skirts or totally different? Is this piece a must-have or just OK.


  3. Maybe Jenna is going for Boho-chic look as an intro to their Fall collection that we pre-viewed already?

    If the Olsen twins can make sloppy look "fresh" to so many people, why not JCrew's creative director? :)

  4. I'm not a fan of tights + shorts at all.

  5. hahaha. Looks a mess. I agree with CaptainCrew, boots would have been an improvement but I don't think enough help to save the look. Maybe it's just my computer but the shorts appear to be navy. And the collar of the jacket upturned? What is this, 1985? shizzz

  6. I am a big fan of shorts + tights. I have a large collection of tights and don't always feel like wearing a skirt or dress, so shorts are an easy way to showcase the tights. :) I've been doing it for years and it just works for me, though I can see that it's not for everyone.

    Some might say she is too old to wear shorts that short, but a) opaque tights cover up a lot, and b) her legs look great! :)

  7. Although I think shorts + tights is an outdated look, Jenna could probably pull this off with chunkier footwear. The streamlined granny shoes highlight the many layers in the middle. It is out of balance and makes it appear she is thick in the middle and from what I've seen in other photos, she is quite well-proportioned. The silky fabric of the shorts is out of place with the tights and layers as well. Should be a heavier fabric for the shorts or a dressier look overall.

    Does Glamour magazine still have the Dos and Don'ts at the back of the mag? This would be a good DON'T.

  8. Absolutely awful. The Creative Director needs a stylist on this one. Ironic.

  9. Plus side: Jenna's hair looks very nice, and she's got great stems! Minus side: FORMAL SHORTS. One too many layers on top, and there's something off looking with the sweater closure, and odd shoe choice. FORMAL SHORTS!!!

  10. I think she looks New York-fashiony fab.

  11. I agree with previous comments about the dubious styling - please add to them - the most unattractive stance ever PIGEON TOE.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)