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Saturday, March 14, 2009

JCA Blog Roll... Link Time!

I think it would be great to have, every now and then, a post featuring links to other posts from fellow J.Crew Aficionada (JCA) sites. So here are this weeks (click the name of the blog for the link):
Moreover, Alisha is running an outfit of the day (OOTD) contest where you can win a $25 gift certificate (to either J.Crew, Banana Republic, Gap, Zappos, or to your PayPal account)—Passion For Style

Lastly, Joanne (in this post) shared with us an interesting article from USA Today (click here) about modesty in women's clothing and retailers' response.

Happy browsing!

P.S. These are just some of the great posts from fellow JCA's. To view more, please check out JCA's BLOG & WEBSITE ROLL CALL, which is on the right sidebar of the JCA main page.


  1. Alexis,
    I think this is a great idea. Almost every single one of this ladies is polite and does a great job:)on their blogs and reviews. I am so happy to read their blogs each day and get new info.

    However, I find one to be very disrespectful in her tone and I am very tired of all of the cursing on her blog. I won't be going to it any longer. If I were Alexis I would not want it on my blog roll. I know we all curse from time to time and I am no prude but every post has multiple curse words (that have to be thought out and actually typed-not just said on the fly) and I just find that in very poor taste. Enough said.

    I esp. love the tastefulness of Slastena, FFM, and Gigi. You gals rock and are so wonderful and kind in your tone!

  2. OT, but for the Chicago area JCA's:

    Went to the TJ Maxx in Oak Brook this morning and saw a pair of "Collection" sandals, size 8. I don't know the name, but they were clearly stamped J.Crew Collection. T-strap sandal, with the same floral cut-outs of the Flora capri sandal. $14.99. HTH someone!

    Thanks for the blog roll, Alexis! I am a regular of Chloe, Slastena and FFM. Those girls rock! It's the first thing I do when I power up my computer every morning. :)

  3. "If I were Alexis I would not want it on my blog roll."

    You're not Alexis. It isn't your blog roll. What's the problem? Thanks for the opinion McJudgey. One shared in very poor taste.

  4. I find Chloe's blog funny, honest and refreshing. It's not disrespectful in any way. If you are tired of her cursing, you've obviously read her blog several times. Does some unknown force compel you to read it? If you don't like it, don't read it. Interesting concept eh? For some reason unbeknownst to me, it's a concept some individuals who post here fail to grasp.

    Alexis et al, you are doing an awesome job!!

  5. I like Chloe's blog, I prefer reading blogs that are honest and humorous and have some personality in them!

  6. Poor people of the world...when they think profanity is actual entertaining and good writing...

    English Professor at a Major University

  7. This place has become so ugly, no wonder people post Anon.

  8. What a great idea, a quick link to all blogs that I check out every so often!

    Thanks Alexis :)

  9. Wow! I didn't expect this post to be controversial and yet it slightly is. If I had known this, I would not have posted this post at all. :(

    If there are sites or comments you don't care for, *please* skip over. There is no need to personally attack each other or anyone's blog.

    And now back to J.Crew... :)

  10. Anon at 2:28, are you 90 years old? Seriously, if you don't like a blog, don't read it. There are plenty of websites, magazine, tv shows etc that don't strike my fancy...and guess what, I just ignore them instead of complaining about them. Also, some people prefer reading "tones" other than those that sound like Miss Manners.

  11. English Professor at a Major University

    I believe the word you want is

    not actual

    or you could have used the word


    instead of entertaining.

    Your sentence structure is terrible. I don't believe you are an English Prof. If you are, you are setting a poor example.

  12. I come from an upper-class family and so do most of my friends. We all curse. One of my friends is jokingly referred to as Miss F-ity F-erton by my husband because she curses so often. Of course, that is only when she is among friends.

    I feel the same when I read Chloe's blog, that I'm among her "friends". Not in the real sense of course, just the cyber-sense. That is the informal style of her blog. It's informative, entertaining and she totally rocks!

  13. Can someone please help me out with the color avocado? Is it a bright green, muted green, washed-out green....? Would it look good on a person with caramel-blonde hair & fair (not pale) skin? TIA for any help :-)

  14. Alexis, thank you for posting the links. I visit the blogs in the blogroll regularly and find them so helpful and entertaining. I especially enjoy the reviews and IRL photos.

    Thank you bloggers for the wonderful stuff you do.

  15. Great idea for a post today. I troll around, looking for this reviews and have visited many of these bloggers sites and found them to be interesting and to be helpful. Cool to have the reviews collected together in a single post!

  16. Maybe I am clueless, but I really don't know which one of the blogs you are referring to.

    I have never been offended by Chloe's blog, if she is the one in question.

    Alexis- Thanks for this post! Great idea! I am always searching for reviews and it's so easy now to have them in all in one place.

  17. I think Chloe is just hilarious. And what cute outfits she puts together!

  18. Thanks for posting the USA Today article. I have noticed there have been more "modest" offerings at J.Crew and other stores of late (i.e. formal dresses with sleeves). I only wear modest clothing for religious reasons, and It makes me happy when I see that the "minority" of modest dressers is not such a "minority"

    I too have written J.Crew letters asking for more options with sleeves, longer skirts, etc. and I'm glad that they have started providing more options. Just because someone dresses modest doesn't mean they want to look like they are wearing a potato sack. Bravo to J.Crew for including more consumers on this often neglected demographic.

  19. I, too, choose to dress more "covered up". It isn't for religious reasons, but just b/c I'm getting older. When I think of some of the getups I wore in my teens and early 20's- good lord! I think that leaving lots to the imagination is a good thing. I was shopping at the Gap yesterday and tried on the low rise jeans. All I could think about was how much of my rear would show when I bent over! Bravo to retailers for listening. Young girls don't need to be sexualized, and more modest clothes are a good way to start.

  20. Anon at 8:43 PM: I agree with you. I love the outfits that Chloe puts together. Also, have you seen her basement transformation? It looks like an episode of "Divine Design"- she did a fantastic job!

    I should also add, that I really enjoy all the blogs listed on the JCA blog roll. Each one has a unique and fresh perspective. :)

    Jenn & JBird: I am with you on the modesty angle. For example, I always thought Rory (from the tv show Gilmore Girls) looked great and she never wore anything provocative. :)

  21. Alexis,

    This might show how much I like Chloe's blog... but I think the transformation was of her twin sister Stevie's basement. I completely agree with you though, it's unbelievably stunning! I truly wish I had the vision to do that with my surroundings. : )

  22. Anon at 9:46 PM: Your right! It is Stevie's!!! She did an amazing job- that basement is gorgeous! :)

    SanFranciscoCA, xoxo, Anon at 7:30 PM, Spring Forward: Thank you for the nice words! :)

    Agent Fields: I often wonder about avocado too. Unfortunately, I am not much help for this question. Hopefully someone else here can help out. :)

  23. agent fields:

    avocado got the wheels in my brain turning...

    I tried searching avocado items at the j.crew website... but I got nothing.

    But, I also remembered this:

    It's a review of the Avocado Merino Portland cardigan.

    I remember it because I eventually ended up buying the boots in the outfit!

    - Anon 9:46

  24. Avocado has a yellow undertone. It *is* like the inside of an avocado.

  25. anon @2:28pm,

    Using profanities does not necessarily mean someone lacks the proper vocabulary to otherwise convey meaning. Get over yourself.

    Oh, and my favorite and most effective English professor at the major university I attended swore like a sailor... just sayin'.

    RIP George Carlin. :)


  26. I would love to get my own blog up and running as I buy quite a bit of J.Crew and love to give reviews. I don't have a lot of free time available now, but hopefully soon. I tried to post photos of one review during the holiday season but the pics turned out so awful. I have to learn how to take a good photo first.

    In the meantime I will enjoy the wonderful posts from these helpful people and others. Thank you all.

  27. I've never had a problem with Chloe's blog. I think her writing style is frank, intimate and witty.

    Also, defaming someone while keeping yourself anonymous leads to a lack of credibility.

  28. Thanks for the help on avocado :-) I see in the pics the girl has red hair, which I'm sure goes well with any green. With caramel blonde, I think it depends so much on the exact shade of green.

    I wish I could see avocado IRL & try it on against my skin. I just remember the color citron, which looked singularly unattractive on me.

  29. tastymoog,

    Will Smith--that is all I am going to say....

  30. nojcrewinjapan,

    Who cares if the person signs it anonymous or Sue or jellybelly or white fish...that doesn't mean anything...this is a public blog...who cares...

  31. Although this blog is not the most insightful for fashion, it certainly has the most drama and entertainmment out of the list!;)

  32. ANON darling,
    This is a public blog, I get that. & you can sign it whatever you want, as you say. But hiding behind anonymity while judging someone else seems callous and immature. Sort of the way you just did.

    Alexis I just want to say that this blog is fabulous and I really like Chloe's blog and outfit ideas! You girls are great!

  33. Agent Fields: I have golden blonde hair and fair skin and LOVE the avocado color from J Crew. Wore the avocado Portland with the matching chiffon flower perfect tank last week and got tons of compliments. I know just what you mean about the citron; avocado is not as "loud" as the citron.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)