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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

News Article: Shoppers Getting Use To Holiday Deals

"Thanks!" to jbird, joangee, and RTM (in this post) who let us know about a recent article (click here or here to read the article in its entirety) that mentions J.Crew while discussing shoppers' hesitation to purchase:

After sales, will shoppers pay full price again?
By Anne D'Innocenzio
January 7, 2008

Shoppers are getting used to those 75 percent off sale signs, and that's bad news for merchants who worry they will also have to quickly slash prices on spring goods to attract customers. ...

Already, retailers including Bebe Stores Inc. and J.Crew Group Inc. are cutting prices on selected spring styles to lure sale-savvy shoppers. ...

Merchants struggling to clear out mounds of deeply discounted coats and sweaters are wondering how they are going to get nervous shoppers to splurge on new spring products.

The deep price cuts are making shoppers question the true value of items. If they can get $200 jeans at 60 percent off, will they be willing to pay the original price next fall? "Our sense of what is fair and what is a good deal has changed," said Michal Ann Strahilevitz, professor of marketing at the Golden Gate University's Ageno School of Business. She said that a sale has to be at least 70 percent off to be considered a bargain now. ...

And while spring inventories are estimated to be down as much as 30 percent from year-ago levels, many analysts say that inventories should be down even more. ...

As retailers work to clear out old merchandise, analysts say many are trying to hold back on discounting new winter and spring items. ...But many doubt that such strategies will work and predict early discounts on spring goods. The signs are already there. Bebe has cut certain spring sweaters by 25 percent, while J.Crew has marked some spring items anywhere from 25 to 40 percent off, according to Amy Wilcox Noblin, an analyst at PaliCapital Inc.

It will be years before shoppers are going to be enticed by discounts of less than 50 percent, said C. Britt Beemer, chairman of America's Research Group. ...

As mentioned in the "J.Crew Tries To Reset Price Points {will it work?}" post, I feel like I have been "trained" to see some amazing sale prices, along with some kind of promotion (e.g. free shipping and additional percent off sales). I find it difficult pay full price on a purchase when I think the item isn't "worth" that full price tag and will go "on sale" in just a few weeks. ;)

What are your thoughts on the article and customers inclination to wait for deep discounts? Do you think stores will maintain holiday sales and deals for the rest of the year?


  1. what new spring items are already on sale? I don't see any!

  2. All I noticed was the pleated cardi, the cashmere short sleeve cashmere swtr (Harper) and the ruffle tanks...from just a quick glance at the web. Maybe stores are promo more items? I am mostly avoiding both;)

  3. I have always been a sales shopper. I NEVER buy full price and by "never" I mean that in the last 8 years I have bought 2 items--1 from the GAP and 1from JCrew. I have a closest full of beautiful clohtes and don't NEED anything--so if it is not on sale or deep discount forget it!

    In other words, this so called sale thing is just plain weird in my book.

    JCrew has had sales for years...even really big sales in summers a few years ago so I don't know what the heck "they" are talking about...sales have been ongoing for years...

  4. I should finish my second sentence....I have only bought 2 FULL PRICED items in the past 8 years or so...b/c I fell in LOVE with the 2 items and wear them a ton.

  5. Anon @ 11:39, I'm with you. I have always been a sales shopper. For 99% of the items I buy, I wait for at least the first markdown. And most things always get marked down eventually within a few months. Of course on occasion, when I see something that I have to have, and my size is scarce, I will buy it full price- but that is rare.

  6. I too am a sales shopper. I will buy full priced items for certain things, but more often than not, I like a deal. :)

    I think J.Crew has had more sales now than ever before. By sales I mean the amount of additional percent off and incentives to get us to buy (e.g. teacher discount).

    I remember J.Crew always having a sales section in their B&M stores. But the additional percent off sales were not regular (which I feel like they are now). I use to be lucky if I found a store with an additional 20% off. Now, I find stores that have an additional 25% off, not enough (I think they should have 30% off like other stores).

    I also remember online not having as many additional percent off sales, as they had during this past holiday season (even when compared to other holiday seasons).

    Because of all this, I think it will be hard for me to go back to just buying sale items without any other incentive.

    I think it will be interesting to see how J.Crew will re-focus itself in terms of getting consumers to shop, while pulling back on the incentives. :)

  7. I will buy full price if it's something I think won't make it to sale in my size. This actually used to happen a lot at JCrew. I have items that I've worn into the store and the SA's comments were I wish I had gotten that, it just sold out so quickly. Now, though, everything is making it to sale, and nothing is selling out quickly. This is the problem that they are having. Staples that they make a lot of have always gone on sale yes, but special items used to sell out completely.

  8. OT but has anyone heard when the newest spring items will be out this month? I know it's usually like the 3rd week of the month but I just wonder if it will be later than that even.

  9. In the past though JCrew had better after Christmas sales...this year it was BEFORE Christmas sales that were my opinion.

    I usually buy a TON after Christmas but this year I have not purchased anything from JCrew b/c the sales were not there...i.e. free shipping with a lower minimum and/or additional percent off higher than 20% and nothing I really had to have after all the other items I bought before Christmas.

    Also, not really interested in spring or resort items...I can wait as it won't get warm where I am until late March/early April.

  10. I saw the polka dot cherie on sale for $49.99 from $78.00, and this just came out not that long ago! I fully agree with the article, I as a consumer have gotten so used to deep discounts that I barely look at full priced items, unless it is a "must have".... and even then I have to really consider whether it is worth paying full price for, ie is it special enough. I have spent a lot of $$$$ these past few months at J.Crew (and a select few other stores), but all of my purchases were on deeply discounted items.... not one item was full price. I can only imagine how obscene my bill would be if I purchased everything at full price! I shudder even thinking about it. Let's face it, times are really tough right now, and who knows how long it will take for the economy and people's investment portfolios to rebound... until that time comes I don't forsee many spending precious $$$$ on full priced, not a necessity items. Even then, I hopefully will have myself trained to look for the deals and not be so quick to give my $$$ to retail stores... that's how we got into this mess in the first place.... too much spending, want to have, need to have mentality without thought to do I actually have the funds to pay the bill when it comes.... things have got to change.

  11. Site is down AGAIN!

  12. I've always been a sale shopper too (thanks, mom!) but I will pay full price for something if I know its not going to go on sale or at least not any time soon, kwim? For example, MAC makeup, designer denim.
    Regarding the deep discounts though I think as soon as the stores inventory matches up better with demand and items start selling out before going on sale than people will pay full price again. In an earlier article Mr.Drexler mentioned that spring inventories had already been purchased so we will probably see this spring stuff go on good discounts but possibly see lower quantities in summer/fall merch.

  13. I feel like my brain is wired to not even look at a sale unless it is at least 30% off.

  14. Are there any reviews of the taffeta a-line skirt. Maked down to $19.99 and beautiful colors, totally spring/summer. Would love to read any reviews! Thanks!

  15. I have become conditioned to stalk items that I want, waiting for a sale, BUT i would much rather that retailers set prices at a reasonable level to begin with. For instance JCrew reducing ballet flats to $98 instead of starting them at $135. I'll pay $98 (full price) for those ballet flats right off the bat (especially if I can get free ship. That (to me) is a reasonable price. I'm tried of stalking clothes and shoes because it's time consuming and I start to feel a little obsessive - LOL.

  16. Anon @ 11.39, i totally agree with you.

    I bought 1! full time priced item in the last 6 yers!
    I feel simply stupid paying full price for something that is going to be discounted in 2-3 months at least 30%. They prices shouldn't be that high to begin with and we all know that.

    They just try to put yourself at premium to BR and others alike. They they want you think that if you pay more for something it is because it's worth more....look at the tags - still made in China!
    I wouldn't recommend reading their financial statements for JCA :), but trust me, the full priced tags are a rip off!
    BTW, i work in investment banking

  17. I have the tafetta skirt in champagne and I love it. Its lightweight and is better suited for warmer climates or warmer weather. I think you can dress it down or up. The pink is a very candy pink color. I really liked it but they did not have my size.

  18. I'm really surprised there hasn't been another 20 or 30% off online, especially with it being Final Sale. There are a couple of items I would like to get, but I really don't want to pay the online price knowing that if they were available in my B&M they would be much less.

    As far as the article goes...I'm really glad to see consumers finally realizing how much of a markup retailers put on their merchandise, and that in most cases it's not worth the full retail price placed on it to begin with.

    I personally love a good sale and the majority of the purchases I make are sale items. However, I will pay full price for an item I really just depends on the individual piece.

  19. I've been trained by Mickey not to buy items at full price. It started with him at GAP and has continued to J Crew. I can remember waiting for things to go on sale at the GAP before I bought them and now I wait for items to go on sale at J Crew. I have only bought one full price item at J Crew in the last 3 years.

    When I go to a B&M I head straight to the sales area. I won't buy anything unless it is an additional 30% b/c at that point I know that I am probably getting the best deal on that particular item. It's pretty sad that I have to have additional 30% off and not 20% to buy.

    I have a hard time bringing myself to buy anything that is not deeply discounted b/c I know that the mark up on J Crew clothing is insanely high.

  20. I have never been much of a sale shopper. I now have a two year old, so I have to budget her clothes in now. The Crewcuts are expensive, so I try to get those on sale. $98 is a lot for kids shoes. I didn't mind it for Uggs, but ballet flats? And, I think I will continue to be a J Crew sale shopper because I haven't found the item quality is living up to the price. The problem is crewcuts are my favorite. The look is right for my girl. Not matchy smatchy, not too old, but not babyish either. For me, I will probably pay full price for shorts. There are fairly priced and I wear them all summer.

    I also want to see some new merchandise. Even with snow on the ground, I love to look at sandals and bathing suits! Plus we all need things for spring holiday.

  21. I wouldn't mind paying FP for something I liked, but to see that their items are "Made in Mexico", while they promoted that it's from England/Italy is a huge turnoff. I understand that it's just the fabric that's produced there, but still. It just leaves a sour taste.

  22. In terms of pricing strategy, I think anthropologie is rather successful thank jcrew is. Many of their items were sold out at full-prices or first mark-down. You can find items deeply marked-down at anthropologie, but then it is very hard for you to find a specific item. Anthropologie allow you to return items you bought disregarding how long ago you bought them. They did not monitor ebay as much as Jcrew. They do not need to worry about ebay. Their items from current season are not as popular on ebay as items from past seasons. Somehow that fact enforces consumers to buy things they really like at higher prices.

  23. THE WEBSITE is DOWN when will the INSANITY end!

  24. i live in a warmer climate so i am already looking at spring clothes... however, i'm always looking for discount codes. i'll buy "full price" but never online without a discount code of some kind.

    i'm usually not a sale shopper, i'm way too impatient. however in the past few weeks i have become more of one. things aren't selling out as quickly and i feel more likely that i'll be able to get what i want during the sale.

  25. I am totally a sale shopper. I've had the Dream Soho Dress sitting in my cart for weeks at $99 and today I saw it at $49 and bought it. I am patient and even if I love something, I know that unless I need, I can live without it until it becomes affordable. I do think that stores have conditioned people to wait for sales because most things go one sale and you can usually get stuff much less than the original retail price. And, when people want to live a more luxurious lifestyle on a modest salary, it's what you have to do. And more and more people will be having modest salaries.

    The only thing I don't mind paying money for are boots (Fryes, Uggs, etc.) and even then I try to find them online with a coupon code or through a cash back site.

  26. Website is down again! Maybe they're marking down spring items??? Wishful thinking! I try to be a sale shopper, but I will pay full price if it's something I really love, is unique and know I will wear a lot and that I'm worried will sell quickly.

  27. I wait till things are marked down, especially with crewcuts stuff. I have a 3yr old and I cannot justify buying $90 dresses or shoes for her when she will wear them for about 5-6 months. But when dresses are about $20-30, I am happy to buy many.

    Am waiting to get a few items when the 20-30% coupon is offered again online.

  28. Anon--I love the silk taffeta A-line skirt. Got it in aquamarine at the first mark down because I was convinced it would sell out quickly. (Ouch, could have gotten it for $19.99 if I'd waited) It was tough to choose between the aqua and rose, but I went with the aqua because I have a lot of pink/rose things. I got the spearmint cashmere tee and spearmint T-shirt to wear with it, but it will go with a lot of things. I like the idea of contrasting a black or gray top with turquoise jewelry too. I had a taffeta skirt years ago I wore with T-shirts all spring and summer.
    Sometimes those low on the hips skirts without a waistband can emphasize my slight pear shape, but this one is very flattering.

  29. Sorry for hijacking the thread but OT: Is anyone interested in a Black Wool-Cashmere Carrie Coat in Petite 0?

    It's unworn, but with no tags since it was a Christmas gift.

    I'm selling for $150 including shipping.

  30. I have ordered a few items (less than 5) since the holidays, for myself, only because we have a trip to a warm climate, leaving at the end of January. I ONLY buy full price when there is a special occassion, if I see something IRL that I REALLY love and there is only one left in my size, or when there are sales. Period.

    I have three daughters in HS/college, and we MUST live by this policy!

  31. OK, WHAT is going on with!! Is it me, or have they been having trouble with the site for the past couple of months? It's so frequent now that I'm no longer surprised. I constantly get a home page that says the site is "having trouble". I've not been able to get on at all today and I've been trying, randomly, since this am. Any thoughts?

  32. I can't imagine paying full price after the deals I have gotten the past few months.
    I loved the sherpa hoodie so much I bought 3 different colors - the total for 3 on sale ended up being a dollar cheaper than buying ONE at original price. Deals like that make me just want to wait. If the item is popular and I have to visit a few stores to get the clothes I want, it's worth it to save a few dollars.

  33. I often will not purchase full price unless it is for a special occasion or a necessity, and with clothes this doesn't happen too often. On the occasion i purchase full price, i have think the object is worth it and not marked up. For instance, the ballet slippers under $100 are closer to their value in my view such that i might give them a second glance if I needed shoes.

    Deals are always welcome though. :) Having experienced them, i am very much aware of the high margins that have been in place and more careful in my spending. I just hope retailers don't sacrifice quality to reap the same margins. Essentially, the quality much match the price if i am going to pay full price.

  34. I learned the hard way to wait for a discount for items I just "had to have" fall 2007. J. Crew came out with a fantastic fall line (in my opinion), and I fell in love with the jackets and pants. I had a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of items sitting in my cart for days, and in a weak moment one day, I ordered them all. The very next day, they came out with a 20% off all items code. I could have saved hundreds. I immediately called, since my order hadn't even been processed yet, just to see if I could get the discount. I barely had the question out of my mouth when CS said "Of course! Let me do that for you." I was very lucky and would have been kicking myself for a good long while had CS not been nice. (And truly, that was good PR for J. Crew, because I told every single one of my friends how great J. Crew was......and then went back later to spend the difference on my "second tier" of items.)

    Now I have a self-imposed rule. I will only let myself pay full price if:
    (1) it's an item I love and inventory in my size is very low (especially after the turkey and hohoho promos -- if I wait too long, I think I will definitely lose out on items, and then I'll have to stalk the website like a madwoman or plead for items incessantly on the weekly exchange);
    (2) it's a suit (I try to wait for sales or at least a 20% off promo, but I'm a lawyer, so I don't feel bad about buying what is essentially a well-fitting uniform for work and court at full price); and
    (3) it's a formal dress (although now that J. Crew has expanded their bridesmaid and formal dress lines, I tend to have a much easier time finding a dress on sale, or at least for a more reasonable price than I had been paying).

    And even if I do pay full price, I will almost never order without a free shipping code. I was sad when J. Crew asked that codes be removed from the retailmenot site, because that was just a treasure trove of free shipping codes.

  35. Has anyone figured out why some items are listed final sale and some are not. I know it sounds like a silly question but not everything seems to be "final sale". However, this would be different from how J. Crew has operated in previous seasons, and I wondered if anyone else had noticed. I know I purchased something yesterday that never indicated final sale the entire check-out process and then was marked as final sale on my confirmation e-mail. However, I have also received two orders where nothing was final sale. Weird.

  36. I should also point out -- had this site existed back in fall 07, I might have learned the inventory tracking trick, in which case I would have known I could have waited for a sale! Thank god for this website. :)

  37. I just got a blade green cashmere Jackie cardigan for $34 on gift certificate money as well as a melon Portland merino cardigan for $20. I am getting used to these nice deals. It's going to be hard when prices go back to normal.

  38. Speaking of markdowns, has anyone seen the golden cypress silk dupioni skirt in stores? I have the champagne and love it! But I would love the extra discount even more ;)

  39. kitchy7 - inventory tracking trick? can you explain? Thanks.

  40. Site is down again.....

  41. Ameilia:
    I just ordered the melon portland cardigan too :) Just curious, how did you get it for $20? I paid $29.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hi Anon @ 4:53 - I bought it at my local B&M store and it was $29.99 plus 30% off, so it was around $20. I have it in black too and think it will make a great warmer weather sweater.

  44. Hi Ameilia :) Good job! I know I think it will be a great piece for winter and spring. I ordered the champagne color too. May I ask which store you use in case I decide I want more colors??

  45. Anon - do you live around a B&M? I think most of the stores are doing 30%. If you get it from an out-of-town B&M they will charge shipping so it would not be much of a discount. Where do you live?

  46. Ameilia, true, I wasn't thinking about shipping. I'm in Georgia and the nearest B&M is about an hour away...not too bad but it's not like I can just stop by on my way home from work or anything.

  47. Anon @ 6:05 - Hmmm. I wonder if you couldn't get one in GA to give you the $20 and ship for less or something. It might be worth a try. They usually want to charge $6 which is kind of high but you could see if they would ship it for less or free. I love the melon sweater. It's very pretty and brings out the color in my cheeks and makes me look less pale. Hope you enjoy your sweater too :)

  48. dani_california -- if you enter 99 in the quantity box when you put something in your cart (or enter 99 in the quantity box of something already in your cart and hit update), it will tell you if they have 99 or fewer of those items left. I keep a little list of items I really like and check the inventory in one of these two ways periodically. It's a good way for me to see if I should order right away if something is low, or to see if I can wait for an item to go on sale.

  49. There's some error that shaves out the first digit - 29.99 becomes 9.99. Needless to say, I went crazy and bought 59 items.

  50. I posted this in another thread, but thought I would also post it here, because there seems to be more activity:

    Has anyone ever had a situation where a package was claimed as delivered, but you never received it? Did you get your money refunded? I ordered two packages that were delivered at around the same time and both have gone missing. :( J.Crew has filed claims, but I wonder what will happen next? Thanks for any help!

  51. Twice this season I've finally placed my order, only to have the item go on sale (or a discount kick in) the very next day. Yesterday I ordered the silk dupioni skirt, and today it's $20 less. I got a price adjustment the first time, but not this time since it was for a sale item. Argh!

    I just noticed that the Heirloom Cashmere Henley is NOT on sale anymore, after it was on sale this morning??

  52. Someone mentioned a couple of days ago that they snagged a $119.99 pair of shoes for $19.99 because the website shaved off the first digit. Wonder how much that error is costing J. Crew.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Haha I noticed the 19.99 shoes too, but was a split second too slow to purchase... =)

  55. 2 colors of the cashmere heirloom henley are on sale if you search only in sale section - snow and tangelo

  56. I am still probably purchasing too soon. Not buying at full-price but also not waiting for the price to drop past 30% off. I feel "trained" to leap at 30% because that's been my impression of JC's standard and sometimes bottom line mark down for catalog/web items.

    This year has been totally different. I cannot believe how merchandise keeps showing up and the prices keep dropping. And now the spring stuff is starting to show up!

    Though I am not a very patient sale shopper, I have become more patient when it comes to wearing my new purchases. Used to be that I'd clip the tag and wear the next day. Now I wait awhile because there is a good chance that I will be surprised by a price reduction or promotion that I can take advantage if I am able to return the item. Since I never pay for shipping (thanks to all who share those codes!) and I have a local B&M, I return and reorder.

    Last comment in a too lengthy post. There a couple of items on FS that I would love to purchase but I won't because I got similar items at a much cheaper price thanks to a pre-Christmas promotion. There no way I am going to pay more for a second pair of boots in January than I paid in early December. So I wait and stalk!!

  57. k7, i agree about fall 2007 being a super great collection. What did you get?

  58. A look back at my email confirmations shows I fell in love with the university trouser, wide leg trousers, and classic trousers (I must have bought every color -- excellent for work), Erin peep-toe heels (I have 6 different pairs of them, solid and patterned, and find them quite comfortable), Bella jackets, cashmere femme sweaters and schoolgirl cardigans, Eliza camis, felted-wool Adrian skirts, merino sweater jackets (so comfy), and the tweed pencil skirt (still one of my favorites).

    I'd been a J. Crew fan for 10 years, but I'd always ordered a few items here and there or bought a few items in the store when I was able to visit the city. Fall 2007 was the first time I dove in headfirst and reconstituted my entire wardrobe. I think all of those purchases were made with a 20% off promo, too (thanks to the first order getting the promo retroactively). I still wear most of the pieces if they fit, and the rest are in containers waiting for my magical shrinkage to occur. :)

  59. Oh, oh! I can't believe I forgot. Also the library print skirt (and scarf, and tote bag) and a cheetah print tote bag too. I think the library skirt and cheetah tote are my favorites from all '07.

  60. I will only buy J.Crew on sale. And last time I ordered a box (a huge box) from them, I specifically only bought things that were marked more than 50% off.

  61. It's a matter of supply and demand. Anthropologie has a different strategy than J Crew in that they seems to have a large selection of items, but limited quantities, and they don't seem to restock. It's tough to catch their stuff on sale.

    J Crew seems to have a healthy supply of most items, especially basics like pants and tees. A few specialty items do sell out and those probably went for full price or close to it.

    Their new hemp suiting was 40% off last week. I got the navy skirt at around $50 and I think it was tailored well and I liked the fabric.

  62. Here's the catch folks- in various posts I see complaints about declining quality alongside complaints about high prices.

    Simply stated- these two things can't coexist at the extremes some people seem to expect. You can't have Prada quality at an Old Navy price. J.Crew is attempting to deliver affordable luxury but I am sure the decline in profit margins as people wait more and more for markdowns will take a huge bite out of the money that funds new lines, new designs, new materials.

    I see people saying- "Poorer quality so I'll wait." but its the waiting and buying 'cheaper' that is educating J.Crew that this is what the consumer is looking for right now.

    And I buy my share of sale pieces but this does not keep me from recognizing there are some amazing new things I want in my size now. Yes- you see these pieces in the sale section but often times your size is gone. This does not mean "I should have waited", this means I still couldn't have gotten a size 6 at a cheaper price because there are some 0s and 12s marked down.

    I bought Isabella heels (in the blue), the Victoria Ruffle cami (midnight), university trousers (amazing fit!!!), glass bead necklaces (2 colors- jade and black- such a great carry over for spring!), among other pieces at full price. I have worn all these things multiple times. They are great quality. All I can say are positive things about my J.Crew experience. I hope enough clients who LOVE the brand as a whole- the clothes and the service the company provides- can wait out these tough economic time.

    To Jeff 2:29- Just an FYI- the goods are pieced and sewn in Mexico or China however the fabrics and materials come from Italy, England, Scotland etc. This helps provide the quality materials (i.e. cashmere) and still keeps cost low.

  63. ^ I get that..esp. the first paragraph. I agree that people have mentioned a warped view of what needs to go on. I somewhat agree J Crew cannot lower prices and increase quality at the same time. Only to a point, though.

    Take for example, the shoes. They have an obscene retail price for quality that does not match. Period.
    I think they better find a new factory in China where they can make better quality for the price they demand at full retail. Otherwise, people are not going to buy this crap until it is on sale. I don't think consumers should support the retail price of the shoddy workmanship.

    So there are areas IMO that they need to work on if they expect people to pay full price.

  64. I don't think JCrew is worth full price. I love the clothes and shoes, but honestly...$400 for coats made of wool?
    I only pay full price for 2 things...
    1) running sneakers
    2) bras
    PURELY for the fact that I wear such random sizes in both that finding sneakers or bras that fit is RARE.
    JCrew final sale is lacking...

  65. Anony@11:30

    How long have you been shopping at JCrew?

    I don't agree with your comments.

    JCrew used to have super quality and reasonable prices. I have been shopping with them since 1993...every year I have watched prices go up and quality go down.

  66. ^ Name 3 apparel companies whose price points have NOT increased, while, what you deemd to be "quality," remained constant since the 1990s.

    And - production or assembly in China does not necessarily count as quality reduction, since virtually everything now is manufactured, produced, assembled or finished in China. In other words, "quality," if you base it strictly on where it was finished, assembled, produced or manufactured, is relatively equivalent across the board for most consumer goods.

  67. Anon @ 11:30 AM: Not to be rude, but I knew that. Still cheapens the quality of having them assembled in Mexico.

  68. Anon 8:43,

    I am not disagreeing with you overall, but I think average apparel prices paid have come down since the early 90's.

    I think the quality of said apparel has gone down as well (--> disposable clothing), so the question is more about value - did you get better value for your money then or now?

  69. ^ My point exactly. We agree.

    The person to whom I directed my comment implied that JCrew is the only apparel maker whose price points have INcreased while quality DEcreased.

    You point out, as my rhetorical question suggested, that prices and quality have both DEcreased across the board - in other words, these characteristics move together or directly, rather than inversely.

  70. ^ LOL. What I just wrote makes no kind of sense.

    I'm going to go have a drink and stop taking this stuff so seriously. It's just clothes.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)