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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Love It Or Leave It: Gstaad Shearling Jacket

Gstaad Shearling Jacket
Click here for product page
Item 10615
Regular: $3,000.00

"Thanks!" to Marta (in this post) for pointing out this latest jacket offered by J.Crew. I don't know how, but I completely missed seeing this when it originally came out.

I will start off by saying that the price tag makes this jacket completely unattainable for me. (Unfortunately, this is just way out of my budget.) If I ignored the price tag, I still don't think I would purchase this jacket. Although I think the model actually pulls off "the look" of the jacket quite nicely, I am not sure if I would fair as well. In fact, I am pretty sure I would end up looking like a wookie extra in a Star Wars film.

I also think that the "long and plush" shearling at the collar looks great, but maybe not so much for the rest of the jacket. It just seems like too much to have it all over the body of the coat. I would also feel uncomfortable wearing the jacket, fearing it could get dirty when I sit down anywhere.

What are your thoughts on the Gstaad Shearling Jacket? Do you think I am being overly critical? Would you buy this or leave it at the store? Have you see this jacket first hand, and if so, what are your impressions? :)


  1. I bought two of these, took some scissors to them and now I have a rug for each of my fireplaces. Sure, $3k is a lot for a rug...but then again, so is $3k for a coat.

  2. Haha. I am on a role tonight.

  3. sorry, I meant roll. I guess I'm also on a misspelling roll as well.

  4. it looks like a furry $3k bathrobe

  5. I don't get it. I realize that J Crew is trying to make some changes but this is so far on the other end of the spectrum from chinos it's ridiculous. The Mickey days will either be seen as a period of sheer genius or a period where the company was pulled like taffy in a multitude of sticky directions. Website, etc...

  6. Maybe J.Crew could take all the profits from this coat (I'm guessing at least $2,982 from each sale) and hire themselves some decent web help.

  7. The outrageous pricing and poor styling (and pretentious name) of this item remind me of the Lucido coat (ugly shiny hefty bag tied at the waist). I would look like a dumpy old ewok in this coat. For three grand it better look fantastic on the model, and I don't think it does her any justice, either.

    Please, J.Crew, just make the website a friendlier place to shop, for heaven's sake. I don't think I'm going to be ordering Christmas presents on the J.Crew site given my "lost" order of last week and the Cyber Monday crash yesterday. It's just too unreliable.

    For some reason, when I think of this coat I can't get the image of Ringo Starr in Caveman out of my head!

  8. Another piece of j Crew designer miss, really, instead of pretending of being an upscale retailer fix your quality and your website once and for all. Pay someone to perform the role of Quality Control to check the parcels leaving the warehouse, is is so hard to check each item off in order > than 2, other retailers do it why can't you. Instead of going up you are going down.

  9. Anony@5:02 I agree. JCrew's quality is going down, service is going down, items missing from orders, orders lost, website I still love JCrew...yes, but they deserve every bit of criticism they are getting from them is just not fun anymore for me.

  10. Anyone notice that J Crew doesn't have any trouble charging the credit card, when it comes to a refund, or crediting you back for a lost item they make you wait. Boo J Crew!

  11. I find the model's styling ridiculous (jeans? tee?) but I can see how this jacket would work over a little black dress for a cold night out on the town. It looks really warm. I could also picture a few young celebs in this. That said, I'll pass.

  12. Anony@5:57
    Yes, the refunds...You have to really watch it at JCrew. They promised to refund me and it took 3 emails over 4 weeks for them to do what they promised the first time. It took them 3 emails to credit my credit card. No one ever did it. If I didn't check my statements and stay on top of it they would have never done it.

    Had the same problem with them 3 years ago with a credit that took my persistance. Really poor but now I know...and always double check. Makes shopping there not so much fun but for some reason...I keep going back....

  13. anon 6:57 - J Crew does not value or respect our business enough to fix these problems once and for all. I am done!

  14. It looks like a rug that someone turned into a robe! So tacky!

  15. I definitely think the coat is way overpriced...I have seen similar coats made by true designers at much lower prices. I also think it would look better if it wasn't *furry* all over...the fur should be just around the neckline, bottom of the sleeves, and hemline.

  16. Truly awful. I would wear it MAYBE if it was given to me but I wouldn't pay any amount of money for it. But others like it b/c only sizes 4 and 6 remain.

  17. It looks like someone slung a dead goat around her neck....

  18. I have a similar coat just to survive in the cold weather in Chicago, but it cost way cheaper than this... I would not buy a shearling coat if I don’t live in such a cold place like here because it looks kind outdated - looks like the jacket woodmen wear…(Sorry those who bought this jacket…I did not mean to offend you)

  19. The $ is crazy--I would honestly have to try it on to give it a real opinion but pretty sure it would just be way too hairy. I agree with FFM that the whole front should not be furry-just the collar and cuffs. Love the tie at the waist--maybe this coat in some other pretty fabric with a reasonable price;)

  20. I wouldn't buy this, because I think it is on the ugly side. :) But it looks really soft. I bet slippers lined in this material would be so great to wear.

  21. I guess they were going for an "extravagant fur coat" with this one.

    I'm not a big fan of fur in general but my mom is. She also ALWAYS wears shoes with a matching bag and is definitely one of my fashion role models. I pictured her face when she sees this coat and it wasn't pretty ;(

  22. I kind of liked the fur and the style, but not a fan of black shearling. Now if it's tan/camel and about $1000 less I may go for it.

  23. Please don't support the fur trade.

  24. Some of the most expensive JCrew collection items ---

    Not only they are out of my budget, but also they are way out of my taste.

    But seriously, it this the kind of taste you will have once you have ridiculous amount of money at your disposal?

  25. OT: Does anyone have a sweater in the honey glaze? I ordered a sweater in this color, as there was a narrow selection, and I am not quite sure what to expect.. looks different in different photos. Is it mustardy or more of a warm honey color? And, what colors do you wear it with? Thx!

  26. I have to agree with FFM and anon @ 3:40: Change the color, get rid of the furry look except at the sleeves and along the neckline and opening, and reduce the price, and i would give it a good once over.

    Not sure, but i have the impression that many of the very expensive J. Crew Collection items ($3000 range) are supposed to appeal to people with a very large wardrobe who might wear an item once or twice and are on to the next piece. I do think that many articles in the Collection are reminiscent of designer pieces sold at higher prices. I've seen "lacquered crackle" jackets from two other high-end designers at double the price.

  27. Anon @ 7:27: I actually never bought any fur-ever (nor I intend to support fur trade in any way).
    My mom lives Europe and it's really hard to convince her otherwise. I did try.

  28. I've seen this coat in person and it is G O R G E O U S!

    Don't know why the styling is "ridiculous". What is wrong with jeans with this coat???

    Just because something is expensive doesn't mean it automatically goes with formal wear.

  29. I do like shearling and fur coats but I definitely would not shell out 3k for a boring piece of fur like that when I could get something like this at about 1k:

    I also like the slightly metallic finish of those two coats!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)