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Thursday, December 11, 2008

J.Crew's Lisa Finkelstein In Marie Claire

"Thanks!" to Tina M. (in this post) and Brooke who let us know that Lisa Finkelstein, J.Crew's jewelry design director, is featured in this month's Marie Claire. (I subscribe to Marie Claire. So the moment I received the magazine, I scanned it to share.) :) To view the page better, just click on the image (or here).

In case anyone was wondering, she is sitting at the J.Crew Collection store in NYC. Moreover, Lisa is wearing all J.Crew (except the shoes) and she is looking f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s! I know she is wearing the Decade Dot Jacket (Item 10295; $298.00). (Incidentally, GigiOfCa has a great review of this jacket at her blog, which you can read here). Unfortunately, I am not sure which dress or necklace she is wearing.

What are your thoughts on the article? Disagree or agree with any of the "nine smart buys" selected (e.g. those very, did I mention *very*, high heels)? ;)


  1. Dear JCrew: for Christmas, I would like a site that works!!

  2. She is wearing a *Bug Pin*:)

  3. I hope she starts designing some not-so-chunky pieces (I overheard someone in the store commenting on one of the necklaces-"great for self-defense")

    I also hope for some neutral colors-I don't buy pieces that are too bright because I don't know how to wear them properly....

  4. Isn't she wearing the J crew dress that just came out in resort..... a reviewer talked about is in pink....I think she's wearikng it in the other neutral color, yes?

  5. Omg the bug pin! Not "our" bug pin here on the blog -- just "the" famous bug pin. My eyes saw 2 buttons pinned to the blazer. Make it go away. I think some of you will be very surprised when you see that blazer in person. Photos don't do it justice. Too bad it has a boxy cut. Maybe the trick is to wear it as a shorter blazer over a dress like she has on. Still a pass for me.

  6. I would be laughed out of the office if I wore the clothes on the bottom half of the page. I can hear the Minnie Pearl jokes now. Seriously, all you have to add to that stuff is a straw hat with a price tag hanging from it.

    There's a thin line between eccentric femininity and tacky cheesy kitsch. She looks cute in the photo, but the clothes on the bottom of the page should only be worn by Donna Reed on acid.

  7. Is she wearing the pink/white/yellow waterfall necklace? It's so pretty. I wonder why that one never made it to the website. The Valentino shoes she has on are TDF.

    I personally do not like much of her 9 smart least not photographed all together like that. The styles are all pretty different (like the shoes could not be worn with anything she has picked out of that line up) but I do like the coral jacket and the H&M dress together.

  8. I think her outfit is really cute...still not a fan of that bug pin, though. :)

  9. haha, how about the bug pin is actually growing on me!
    i still can't believe they're so stubborn that they haven't been marked down though.

  10. She looks fabulous....... I love here pieces separately and advice....

  11. OK, I have to say that for one brief frightening moment I thought the bug pin looked cute. Must have another cup of coffee.......

  12. Oh, to have her shoes... the ones on her feet, NOT her buying choice!

  13. Yeah... none of the clothes pictured could be worn to the office! Is she kidding? Maybe that one turqoise colored cardigan but it would have to be with neutrals everywhere else. I guess if you work in a creative field, maybe.

    I kind of like the bug pin... I'd buy one for, maybe, $5!

  14. According to the website the bug pins are sold out except for the one in Dark Peony! Amazing!

    Also, I had a shopping cart with over 11 items and lost the entire thing. VERY frustrating!

  15. ah... i cannot wait for spring. those colors are so pretty!

    i'm a graphic designer, so i could easily wear those clothes to work. :)

  16. She has on the BUG pin, lol! she looks cute, but have to agree w/ other posters, no way would i wear those shoes, and agree w/ most of her ideas, but not sure about you can be perceived as competent if you are really frilly one. Hope she does do less heavy pieces ~ agree about the accessories making an outfit.

  17. That jacket makes her look bulky. Dress is cute. I guess those in the 'fashion world', like devil wears prada have to go a couple steps beyond us everyday peeps.

  18. i would love to have to/be able to dress like that every day for work.

  19. Is it me or does that dress bulge out just under the bust line. It makes her look pregnant which means I would look pregnant in it so not a buy for me. Love the shoes!

  20. I am surprised she isn't screaming in this picture from the incoming giant BUG that has landed on her lapel :0
    She created that vermin..she HAS to pretend she likes so they can sell the 5,000 they still have in stock at $50 a pop-doh!

    let me add--she has VASTLY improved her look from the last photo taken in store (bad).

  21. Funny. I didn't even notice the bug pin. My eyes were drawn to the shoes. I wish J Crew will get with the times and offer some of the peeptoe platform sandals. Those valentinos are so darling!

  22. Her 'smart splurge' shoes are laughable. I swear I saw those leopard print stilettos at the Bunny Ranch garage sale the other day. I also picked up a pair of 6 inch clear acrylic platforms that I can use for my second job on the strip.

    They are trying to pass THIS woman's taste off as desirable? For J Crew shoppers? Really?

  23. Actually, all the clothes pictured could be worn at my office. It;s nice to not have to wear expensive suits! Tucson business casual for the win.

  24. ^I agree, how smart is that $600+ splurge for the "bunny ranch" shoes? SMART is questionable.

    I agree with many that the particular pieces they have chosen are generally bad. One would have to assume she isn't the specific style-phyle that chose these items or they would have been J Crew!

    Somebody at Marie Claire took her explanation and then grabbed up merch they felt fit the description. Marie Claire made bad choices.

  25. My question is: Why isn't she wearing J.Crew shoes with all the other J.Crew stuff she is wearing? Is this a statment on the discomfort of J.Crew shoes? The Valentino shoes are very nice.

  26. I want the dress she's wearing so bad!!! I've got that issue and have been trying to figure out which dress it is...

  27. I think I could work with most of the clothing items (I am a corporate accountant in a business casual setting in Florida).

    I would pair the yellow skirt with a button front tailored shirt in white and wear my tan heels.

    I would wear the dress with a black cardi.

    I would use the green shirt with a white or gray cardi and black trousers.

    The cardi would get paired with a charcoal skirt.

    The glasses would be a no (but I don't wear glasses anyway).

    The necklace is a no because I hate costumy baubles.

    The shoes are just so wrong...

  28. yes for real, here she is decked out all in jcrew- except the shoes! even she won't wear the shoes because they're so uncomfortable! doesn't that tell you something? i mean the picture is taken in the shoe room of the collection store, yet she isn't wearing jcrew shoes! priceless!

  29. I love how she has her girls hiked as far in and up as is humanly possible without complete airway constriction. I think the way she's wearing her boobs goes perfectly with the animal print wedges.

    Is there such a thing as hoochie chic, and I just haven't heard about it?

  30. I saw Ivanka Trump wearing those Valentino shoes a while ago in a magazine and I loved them but since it was about interior decorating the article didn't name what she was's funny I'm finally finding out who makes them..too bad they're just a tad bit out of my budget

  31. LOVE her outfit, really don't like any of the items showcased. She's darling in her JCrew outfit, but why can't those shoes be JCrew? *SIGH*

  32. I think she is pregnant. Click on the photo and look at the pleated area, then how her face looks sort of full. It would explain why some other things look as they do. :)

  33. Anyone seen other designer shoes that has that platform peeptoe in anude color like those Valentinos? Unfortunately the nude color is sold out.

  34. I doubt she selected those sample pieces.
    Ok - where can I find Paul and Joe lipstick? Did anyone try the 800#? Not working for me.

  35. While I disagree with Lisa's playing up one's femininity at work - simply because not all work environments are open-minded - I totally agree with her advice to emulate Nan Kempner, who did not treat her clothes as disposable. Yes, Nan Kempner often wore haute couture, but her practice of re-wearing the same fantastic dresses/suits etc. more than once - as opposed to wearing a new dress to every social event, even through she could afford to - is not only thifty, but respectful of the work that goes into design.

    Now, as for J. Crew shoes - I have one pair (twinkle ballet flats). Is it just me, or are J Crew ballet flats uncomfortable? Has anyone had luck with some sort of insert to make the flats more comfortable, and if so, which one? Thanks!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)