Referencing {FAQ}

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quick Note to the Aficionadas

For the next seven days, I will be away at a (boring) conference to present a paper. Although I will have Internet access, I will be more limited time-wise, to post as frequently as I do.

I will do my best to make sure there are new posts here every day. (I have already went ahead and created several posts that are scheduled to post for the next seven days, so the conversation can continue while I travel.) I just ask that you please forgive any tardiness with my replies and posts. ;)

I promise you once I return from this conference (did I mention it will be boring?) my attention will be 100% back onto this blog! :)

P.S. If you need to reach me, please feel free to email me at


  1. We will miss you! Good luck on your presentation.

    I will also be busy the next few days in particular. I got the Look Book from the store and will be having sweet J Crew dreams!

    We appreciate you, Alexis. Thanks again for this space.

  2. Good luck! Can I ask what kind of conference? I'm a science nerd, so I regularly present papers at conferences... they're usually boring, it's the evening socializing that makes them fun. (Neuroscientists are big drinkers!)

    Have fun, and thanks for everything you do on here!

  3. We will miss you...

    As always, thank you for your blog.

  4. Alexis: you are doing such a FABULOUS job on this blog! Good luck on your presentation! :) You will DEFINITELY be missed!

  5. Good luck on your presentation! I guess the next seven days would be a great time to start on my school work.. :/

  6. Alexis: we will miss you a lot! Good luck and try to get some hard earned RELAXATION in during the down time. :)

  7. good luck alexis! thanks again for the blog!

  8. We will miss you, Alexis!! Thank you for all that you do!! MUCH appreciated :)

  9. I am so excited I just found this blog!! I did a google search for j.crew complaints and found this most wonderful blog! I have been a J.crew addict for close to 13 years (and I have a delicous J.crew platinum card) and I can honestly say I have never ever been so frustrated with my beloved J.crew. Over the past 6 weeks I have placed about 5 orders (and yes I have a slight shopping problem)Well, twice now my order has gone missing. On the first occasion when I called J.crew hey could not re-send the item (just a favorite fit v neck T) because it was out of stock ack!! I can say I have had the pleasure of speaking with some wonderful customer service reps who have patiently listened to my long, drawn out tirades and tantrums regarding the awful website and my missing orders blah blah blah--I have somehow managed to get a $35 gift card and 30% off one order for all of my troubles. Honestly, what other company would do that?? My love for J.crew is unflinching but 6 weeks of crabby website, slow shipping and 20 minute hold times??? Come on now, give me a break. This was ridiculous three weeks ago now it is unacceptable and well..just beyond ridiculous. My husband works for a big credit card company (I won't say the name but rhymes with K.T. Porgan Mase) and he says they do test run after test run before launching any call center/website updates. Didn't J.Crew test anything???? Oh well, I am done venting. I love you J.crew my sweet. I'll be patient for you!!!! p.s. I love this blog!!!

  10. Thanks everyone for the super nice words of encouragement and support!!! It means a lot to me.

    I can't wait for this "trip" to be over with. (I get *very* nervous during presentations. I am fine teaching students in my class, but get me in front of my peers and I start mumbling a lot!) ;)

    I really will check on this blog every day. :)

  11. ooohh and to Alexis.....good luck with your presentation!!! I am sure you will do fabulously......just envision everyone wearing argyle cashmere cardigans from should become instantly calm

  12. I'm sure you'll do just great with your presentation. I do COMPLETELY understand about being nervous in front of your peers. I'm the same way - fine in front of my students, but a nervous wreck in front of anyone else! :) We'll miss you.

  13. Safe travels Alexis, maybe there is a jcrew near where you are going?!

  14. good thinking, caw! alexis, we'll miss you! but hopefully you can sneak out at least one evening to check out the j crew offerings in the area. good luck and we'll be excited to get back to full force blogging when you return! :)

  15. Good luck, alexis, I'm sure you will do amazingly!
    on an OT note,
    I just received my four orders from this Saturday, three of which came in a box(yes, I know,a bit addicted haha) and I opened the one package that was in a bag and tried on the shirt inside. Well the phone rings and after that's done with, I go back to open the brown bag, thinking it's the headbands I ordered. I peek inside and it's empty, save for two coupon-looking ad things. Well of course I'm a bit miffed that my dear jcrew would send me an empty bag, so I call customer service and proceed to wait, only to realize 10 minutes into the call that the headbands must be on one of the three boxes I hadn't opened yet...
    Maybe this'll teach me a lesson not to place multiple sporadic orders in one day next time..oh dear:)

  16. Break a leg at your presentation! We're all rooting for you! :)

    If you can... sneak out for some shopping! ;D

  17. Alexis, good luck with the conference. I'm sure it will go well! You are so articulate in your blog posts and comments, that I'm sure you are even more so in real life!

    A quick question - has anybody here seen the Jewelled Starburst Double Strand necklace in real life? There was a mixup in one of my previous orders and J Crew ended up shipping me this necklace since they first short shipped me a necklace, and then sent me a damaged necklace - anyway this was basically sent to me to make up for the difficulties for my previous orders. Only thing is, the colour is quite bright and I'm just not sure how to incorporate it into my wardrobe. Do any of you have any suggestions? For the record, I work at a conservative accounting firm, I get away with business casual in the summer but starting in the fall I'll be wearing business formal...I don't know if this helps at all. Any outfit suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

  18. Alexis: I wish you the best of luck on your presentation. Picture the crowd in j.crew! :0)

    OT, I am considering wearing my flamenco dot top with a pair of yellow cafe capris to my husbands firm's beach party. Which shoes and accessories do you suggest wearing with it?

  19. Again, thanks for the nice words of support!

    And yes... I have already printed out the locations (and directions) to all the J.Crews in the area. ;) My husband (who is coming on this trip for support) is just going to love that! :)

  20. That's awesome Alexis, I knew we could count on you. I have done the same many a time!

  21. Good luck Alexis! Have a great trip!

  22. Good luck Alexis....after you're done, reward yourself with a little shopping spree. It'll be justified! :-)

  23. Alexis, no, no, no! You cannot go. This blog is your first and foremost responsibility, you know!:) It's going to be like withdrawal here.

    Best of luck! Come back soon!

  24. alexis: i know what it's like to give a presentation to your peers...ugh. it's very nerve-racking but you are an eloquent writer...i'm sure your speaking is the same! good'll be missed! :)

  25. We'll miss you! Have fun at the J Crews there!!

  26. Alexis, I'm sorry I'm a little late in sending my good thoughts for your presentation and trip. =( There have been so many posts in the last few days, I can't keep up! You are one heckuva "blog master"! ;)

    But we're all sending you good vibes and peaceful J.Crew thoughts....don't imagine your audience naked though; you'll just either end up doubled up in laughter or doubled up in pain! ;P The argyle cardigans idea from anita2prozac (great name btw!LOL!) will do very nicely.

  27. Alexis, good luck on your presentation . . .

    But what we really want to know is: **What are you wearing when you present???**


  28. Good call Hexicon!

    Yes Alexis make sure to make a polyvore outfit for us so we know what you wore.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)