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Sunday, August 24, 2008

J.Crew Website Is Updated With New Arrivals

Finally! :) J.Crew updated its website: from the main page (offering a video from its Prague photo shoot), to the "Browse a catalog" section (showing the latest catalog), to new arrivals (in the men's, women's, and crewcuts' sections), to the "As Seen In" section (showing magazines from August, July and June), and to the "Final Sale" section.
I have to say it is great to see something different on almost all the pages. I am also surprised that J.Crew decided to update the site on a Sunday. Yet, I am thrilled that they did! :)

What are your thoughts on the new images of Prague? Do you like the new video? What are your thoughts on the new arrivals? Have you bought any new items already?

P.S. "Thanks!" to Anonymous at 5:56 AM in the "JCrew Catalog: Did You Get A Copy?" post who let us know when J.Crew's website was updated (which was 5:50 AM this morning). :)

P.S.S. "Thanks!" to Sarah & Anonymous at 11:29 AM (in this post) who let us know that the song in the Prague video is "Sunny Sunday" by Leona Naess.


  1. I wish they would have shown more of prague. And more clothing options. I felt a little bummed that it was all they showed.

    Luckily i am not IN LOVE with that many pieces right now

  2. Also why is the fall sale starting out as Final sale? Thats a new one!

  3. The NY Times has a full page ad for Jcrew in their Sunday Styles section!

  4. I got the new Studio Ball Skirt. I could NOT resist. It's lovely.

  5. I still haven't received my catalog, but it was nice to deal with my insomnia by checking out the new arrivals. Unexpected on a Sunday!

    Ordinarily I would be thrilled that some of the new arrivals in suiting are already on promotion (!!), but I am sad about the colors. Everything I like (Astrid suiting jackets, taffeta tie cardigan, open dream cardigan, Silvie dress) is available in only gray, yellow, and orange! I've opened myself up to some orange this year but I have enough. I don't want to wear an orange suit! So disappointed in the few color options. I wish we'd see some cooler brights like azalea and violet.

    I'd crossed my fingers for new colors in the Quincy hobo and a dressier version of the Uptown tote, and I got my wish on both counts, but not in the way I'd hoped. The quilted patent doesn't appeal to me--too busy, and if I wanted patent I'd get the plain and much less expensive tote they have in stores. As for the Uptown, I don't like this pale pink they're showing in the handbags--looks like dead flesh to me. (Well, I guess literally it IS dead skin, but you know what I mean.)

    I'm debating about the opera gloves--I'd really rather have chocolate brown than black, and I note that they're not showing the bottle green that was in the look book, so I wonder if they're reserving more colors for later.

  6. Hexicon, I know exacly what you mean about the color choices! I prefer the same ones you mentioned and they seem to be missing in many different items this fall. I am disappointed too....

    Also, I agree...chocolate brown long gloves would be perfect! I would also love to see a medium to deep purple.

  7. P.S. the dead flesh comment made me smile:) How true!

  8. Finally something new to look at. The video is kinda cool, makes me wish I was flying off to Europe. I especially liked the vintage feel shown, cars, train and so on.

    Seeing as I just placed a good sized order Saturday no real need to buy more today. But who am I kidding, like want and need are even remotely similar.

    I've preordered the argyle v neck from the look book. Like the cotton cricket sweater I expect it to sell out early. Otherwise nothing outside of a tie is calling out to me. Once it gets cooler I want a wool shetland sweater in a crewneck.

    Looks like they updated the cut of the university coat. Mine is from last year and doesn't have the same pockets they are now showing. And the 'lofty' wool is a little itchy, I have to wear a scarf around my neck. I wish it would be a much softer wool like my Boss topcoat.

  9. I am so sick of the final sale. It seems to be dragging on forever. Are they normally this long?

    Neither of the "free shipping on any amount" codes worked for me this morning, either. Ugh.

  10. Yes, I can't believe the final sale is still annoying...I guess with the downgrade they still have a lot of stuff to unload on us...but I won't bite...I hate final sale. I just bought some cute tops and skirts off of Boden's sale site.

  11. The website isn't really working right--I keep getting the "try again later message." What a pain!

  12. I'm so excited! I love Prague so I think it's great they shot the catalog there (almost as thrilled as the catalog from Scotland <3). Does anyone know the song or artist from the video on the homepage?

  13. I clicked on the sale section and got: "We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try a little later." Then I tried different searches, like "argyle" or "cardigan" and got the same message. Anyone else having trouble?

  14. Finally got it to work by hitting the refresh button. I am feeling nostalgic for the old website again--the photos of the sale items without models, I guess. Sob.

  15. Hmm... the video doesn't work for me! I'll have to check back later for that one. I did, however, look at the new arrivals. I like a lot of the sweaters/sweater dresses, but I'm going to have to wait for them to go on sale! I also have my eye on a white peacoat and either the light gold or red uptown tote.

  16. I am really glad to finally see the website updated...I have a few pieces from the new arrivals on my wishlist, but nothing that I absolutely HAVE to have right now. I hate to still see the Final Sale, but I AM glad they changed the appearance more to like it was *pre-ugrade*...much more enjoyable to look at now. :)

  17. Yes, I get that try again message too when I try to get to the sale section...I was just one it about 2 minutes ago too! So I hit the back arrow a few times and got back to the sale page that way and it works fine....Things still don't look to updated/working correctly.

  18. I got bored with the video. The song is annoying to me and watched half of it and turned it off. I usually watch the videos a bunch of times but not this one.....

  19. Wow, I am pretty impressed with some of the new arrivals! I am in LOVE with the Silvie dress! I only wish that it came in eggplant, like the Soho dress. I think there is a great detail on both of those dresses where there is gathering at the back at the waistband. That makes it so the back of the dress won't cling so much to the rear ends of those of us who have a little "junk in the trunk!"

    Arrggh, I shouldn't have spent so much on summer sale items so I could have more money to spend on the newest arrivals!

  20. Julia - the song in the video is by Leona Naess. She's a favorite of mine.

  21. I too am having problems accessing the sale section but literally am overjoyed that the photos are different! It makes me feel nostalgic for the old site too, but think this is a big improvement.

    I like so much of the new stuff, it's insane. I mentioned the double-serge pencil skirts in my review yesterday - love them. Also love the two embellished astrids (berry and floral-ruffle), and the harlow blouse. I adore the fresh guava color, and think it will look great with the dream taffeta sash cardigan that I am lusting after in heather silver. My wish list is now out of all control. Like over 4K out of control. C'mon sale!

    also - the fontaine dress makes me throw up a little in my mouth. Blumre, the comment about it looking like a melted wedding cake was spot on! I couldn't agree more!

  22. The men's field jacket is nice.

  23. Sunny Sunday is the name of the song....I wonder if that is why the website was updated on a Sunday!!!

    It is named at the end of the video....if you watch all the way to the very end.

  24. I can't find the Fontaine dress....can someone please post a link. Thanks! I have to see this awful dress....thanks.

  25. Found it...

    My sister-in-law wore a tiered wedding dress like this one and it looked very good on her...

  26. Yay! while I was underwhelmed with the catalog, I do love the video! I didn't think it was possible to top Paris but I think they were able to recapture that magic.

    btw, the Stephanie dress is $128 in the store. But I'm glad I left it because now I'm loving the Carrie!

    I agree with blumre and ffm: there are some great new items that I want but nothing that I can't live without.

    Molly: Congrats on your skirt! What a beautiful piece!

    ps, I can't access the sale section. :(

  27. I don't care for the video. I agree with blumre that I wish I could see more of Prague.

  28. forgot to mention, the Stephanie is $128 in the store and $98 on the web.

  29. What do you all think about the Crisp cotton pleated tee $75 (96841)? I love the details at the top but worry about all that volume in the body. Do you all think the Maternity look will be too strong on it?

  30. weab: i was noticing that tee also. very pretty. definitely has the maternity thing going on though. it looks like a little tucking in will be necessary to wear it alone but then it might pouf out even more since it's "crisp"....or i'm thinking left out layered under a sweater...could it be belted at the waste? it's very pretty though :)

  31. I'm loving the dresses (particularly the Laura hammered silk in peacock), but I have to be honest with lifestyle with 2 kiddos does not allow for me to have too many beautiful purchases that are Dry Clean Only! :) The Georgia in Grey Mist...Mmmmm...

    Congrats to all of you who have already picked your faves! Your choices sound lovely!!

  32. Oh no, they got rid of the pictures with models in the sale section! It looks like the old sale section, with pictures of the clothes only. I like the models so I can see what the pieces look like on people, and so I can get ideas for outfits.

    I guess this is what I get for trolling the sale section rather than looking at the "nice" photos of the new items. :-P

  33. any thoughts on the dream open cardi? i'm thinking of getting it in carrot. (item #97657L)

  34. Hello.
    I am a store director at J.Crew in Dallas and I wanted to tell you how disgusted I am with the information you post on your website. You are feeding potential J.Crew customers complete, how shall I say this nicely?, CRAP.

    It would be one thing if you had your facts straight. Some of the things you post are actually somewhat true. However, many of the things you post are way out of line and extremely incorrect. I suggest speaking with an employee at J.Crew before you post such blatant lies.

    J.Crew is a wonderful company and we strive to make customer service our number one priority. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes. Your entire website is based on fabricated knowledge (and not even decent knowledge at that!) and I am so sad for you.

  35. If you go to the suiting section - everything is listed as on sale - even the basic black Super 120s. I have seen this happen before and disappear in a day - but don't know if that is the case now. But if you need suiting - act now!

  36. PS. I got the crystal-button colorblock sweater the other day (96233L). It is soooo pretty! I love the buttons.

  37. Um - not too impressed. I'm still recovering from problems with the summer final sale/website update. I don't think I'll be spending any more money on them for a while.

  38. Store Director - care to elaborate? I think this blog is a huge positive for J Crew and its customers. I don't see much on here that could be characterized as "crap" much less blatant lies.

  39. I'm sure that's not a store director. If it is, heads are going to be rolling in Dallas if anyone higher up in J. Crew reads that comment... :)

  40. I'm sure you are correct. Maybe a disgruntled employee?

  41. I thought the same thing. I can guarantee if a store director wants to do "press" or make a comment related to the store it has to be approved by a higher up. Just my two cents:)

  42. Maybe...or perhaps just a random idiot. :)

  43. Dear Store Director in Dallas,

    Wow - you must not have read enough of this blog. We are a group of J. Crew fans who discuss the clothing. We talk about our favorite purchases, our wish lists, and things that have worked and haven't worked for us. We discuss great deals, and ask each other for fashion advice. We also vent about problems with the website update. We do agree that J. Crew is a wonderful company, but it has let a few of us down lately. We have had some incredible customer service, and some bad customer service. I must say I am disgusted at your accusations.

  44. OK- I've decided to get the orange Lucille. I was worried about the black pants/orange top Halloween effect, but you can see from that video, it's a very red orange. Nice for the holiday season. Besides, with black pants and the mustard color, you could get the bumblebee effect.

    I'm enjoying the new catalog, and there are some stand out pieces. I agree though, that it's not super creative this year...but there's still stuff to covet.

  45. Anonymous @ 12:20p - This blog is part of what is called free speech. The blog owner nor any of the partipants state or even intimate that the contents herein are solid facts. They're called opinions. And the next time you choose to share yours, you might want to consider omitting the words 'disugusted' and 'crap' -- esp if you're going to identify yourself as a store director in Dallas.

  46. someone nabbed the last academy cardigan from my shopping cart as I was checking out, but I at least managed to get myself a delightful paradise green summer weight cashmere cardigan, which has been out of stock for well over a month.

    however, looks like the search feature is down...sad.

    also, to the dallas store director -- are you serious? what lies? and j.crew should love this blog because i definitely buy 5x as much as i did before i started reading it.

  47. Kinda weird that she did not elaborate onwhat was untrue, she spoke in generalizations...means nothing to me.

    This site is generally very positive, the only negative has been customer frustration with the website, and customer service. I for only has experience this firsthand, and unfortunately my experiences in the last month has not lived up to the usual high quality customer service standards that JC normally has.

  48. -- just read other comments. Perhaps it's an underling trying to frame the store director. Didn't get enough hours this week?

    Moving on...I haven't had a chance to look at the site. I'm going to do it later tonite when I can spend a couple of hours. I am excited to see new goods! Yay to J Crew for updating on a Sunday.

    Also wanted to throw a nod to Molly's blog because it is also getting to the addictive stage. :-)

  49. hrrmmm, I noticed that the denim pencil skirt I ordered yesterday is not on the site anymoe, in any section. I searcehd for it by item number and it said "1 result" but displayed nothing. I wonder what the deal is? I keep hoping it will be that is going on sale and I can get a price adjustment. But then again, I can't return it if that is the case---and with a pencil skirt yuou never know about fit (at least me, post-baby, does not).

    I also have a tank for my husband to return that was marked final sale, when it was not. So I called CS and they told me it was a "glitch" and can be returned. I'm hoping they don't give him to much trouble.

    PS--I have roped my husband into doing my returns because my B&M is so bad CS-wise. He has a hard shell and I don't. I guess I get embarrassed and flustered too easily.

  50. ccbmum: Thanks for your thoughts! I'm going to wait on that one.

    Anon: I don't believe you are really an employee. If you were, you would know that most of the thoughts posted on this blog are nothing but GREAT publicity for the brand. whenever any item is raved about on here, many of us run out and buy it...and in several colors.

    In fact many j. crew employees who do post on here or have contacted some aficionadas personally, are always SO customer service oriented and nothing but kind. A lesson that may have slipped passed you. So what exactly are you calling "crap"?

  51. I for one instead of I only..sorry about that.

  52. Anon at 12:41PM: please tell me how you like the color..I read your "Halloween effect" comment in the other post and had to laugh. I would love to hear what you think about the Lucille in the orange

    Anon at 12:20: Take a chill pill, troll...

    Molly: I love your blog too! Just checked it out last night. I can live vicariously through you and your JCrew purchases :)...

  53. i am not overly impressed. i can't believe i still can not order the astrid ruffle jacket in orange with hot pink. i didn't feel the video was about the clothes, more like it was setting mood. i was not oooing and aahhing as i usually do over the new items. there are a few pieces i like though. there aren't many prints. not many color options for many items. nothing i feel i can't live without. besides, the past couple of seasons they have had pieces i felt i just had to have were sold out and i never got them, even when ordering the same day they were put online. Still haven't received my catalog. i'm somewhat disappointed.

  54. Anon@12:57 Which Astrid are you referring to?

  55. Okay, I have perused the site and made a list of the things I want. My dilemma is I need an XL because I am boobtastic (my new word to describe my chestal region, I should write about it on my blog perhaps), which means that I can rarely get anything on sale because this size goes fast. And, I live in Tucson, AZ where it is in the 100s this month and 90s until Halloween or so, so I can;t wear most of this stuff anyway. However, I still want it:

    1. Penelope mary janes in metallic silver: I love these. However, I think I can wait for a sale.

    2. Jacinda jacket in black: Love the ladylike look.

    3. Sequined chiffon ruffle cardigan: I have a feeling this one will go fast. However, I also have a feeling that with my large chest the horizontal ruffles will only accentuate this area. I listen to my mother and one thing she always tells me is: no horizontal stripes, top or bottom.

    4. Cashmere pavia cardigan in heather silver: Just lovely. Very fragile looking. And $378 to boot.

    5. Soiree jacket in heather silver: love the swinginess of it. Don't love the price.

    6. Boy jeans in resin rinsed wash: I always am on the quest for jeans. Lately I have been enjoying my Gap essential jeans. I'm worried these jeans will not fit right. I had several pairs before the baby, but seem to recall that my new hips after the baby were not conducive to the cut. I can't go check because I eBayed those jeans a while ago.

    Grand total: $1199. Almost a house payment. Whee!

  56. Thanks for looking at my blog you guys! "Thoughtcasting" is way more fun than I thought it would be.

  57. Does anyone know whether or not the teacher discount policy has been changed lately? I emailed from my work account asking for my 15% discount off of a recent order and customer service replied saying that they were no longer honoring the discount for phone and/or internet orders. Has anyone else experienced this?

  58. Hey, I just got an e-mail announcing the new arrivals as "early access for cardmembers"! Wow, I am pleasantly surprised. Not only did I actually *get* an e-mail, but it's being framed as a preview for card members. Progress!

    P.S. Dallas store director WTF? What exactly are the lies? Are we lying about all our lost and short shipped orders?

  59. jacquelyn: I love your blog too! I, too, like shopping bargains and possess a...uh..."generous" top! Fun read - especially the Target stuff!

  60. Molly: I agree that Laura from J.Crew store at Woodfield is super nice :) Congratulations on your skirt. It is unique and beautiful.

    I am in love with the metallic herringbone Clea jacket. At some point I was considering exchanging the spicy mustard Lucille for the orange one but after seeing the video I think I may get the Clea and keep them both... and I thought I was already set for fall :)

  61. Hey, J. Crew just sent out a member to cardholders saying that they are letting them know first about the new arrivals. Too bad the aficionadas one-up'ed them! Alexis, I can forward it to you, just let me know your email address.

    As a Dallas resident and someone who frequents the Dallas J. Crew's (particularly the one at Northpark), the post from the "Dallas Store Director" is just plain embarrassing. First of all, I doubt this person is a store "director." Second, this just makes me want to boycott J.Crew in Dallas. Maybe they are disgruntled with people being empowered to actually ask for discounts or price adjustments that they are entitled to. One thing that irritates me about the Northpark store is that when sale items are marked at a promotional price or an additional 25% or 40% off, they never ring up that way, and you always have to ask them to take that percentage off. The last time that happened to me, the sales person gave me my total, and I asked "oh, is that with the additional 40% off?" and he said "oh, no, I haven't done that yet." Haven't done that YET? Hello, you just gave me my total and were going to let me pay that amount. It's like a bait and switch. Anyway, to the "Dallas Store Director," a big "SCREW YOU!"

  62. Thanks audrey! I am glad to see that people actually read my blog. I often wonder if I am writing into empty time and space. I love to write fun stuff and wish I could do it for a living. I am just happy that I am a writer by profession, even if it is technical writing (and kind of boring).

  63. Has anyone seen the twinkle tweed shift? I really love it! :) I am a big fan of shift dresses and like the scooped back and thin shoulder straps. I wish it wasn't a catalog only item, I'd love to see it / try it on in person first. I've actually been looking for a similarly-cut shift dress like that for quite some time!

  64. About the store director's comment ... he's the one full of it. Come on now, a store director telling you what store they are from and then posting anonymously. I'm not buying it.

    And like many others have said, why would they be against this blog. The blog ends up causing myself and many others to spend more.

  65. erika: I haven't had any problems, so far anyway), getting my student discount for online orders. I just email the order number, the total, my name and zip in and they've adjusted it. I would definitely try again. That's ridiculous!

    Also - is anyone else having trouble with things staying in their cart? The harlow blouse in fresh guava, the double serge pencil skirt in bright berry, and the hammered silk laura dress in bright peacock keep disappearing. I can re-add them, but it makes me worry that they are already selling out!

  66. I think what anon 12:20 means is that a lot of stuff that gets commented on is based on your opinion. Agree to disagree, but many of these bloggers are sheer complainers. Sure, sometimes we have a bad experience; someone didn't greet you b/c you assume it's b/c you're not wearing head to toe j.crew, I didn't get my catalogue before any of the other ladies here, etc.

    Of course, my comments will probably set off a few firecrackers here, b/c the truth sometimes hurts, and the same people who complain will complain about this post.

    Again, not that there is anything wrong w/free speech. We're all entitled to it. But when you ladies get a super-high off of the fact that j.crew or Mickey is watching and listening to you picking apart their CS, managers, PS, cashiers, I feel like it's wrong because you're essentially starting a chaotic witchhunt. This company takes all your comments seriously, and the worst part of is you ladies seem to spend 24 hours ripping apart a legitimate company. It's no better than a sewing circle, and frankly, it gives this board a bad name. I would know b/c I hear employees talk about it, and how the general negativity seems to affect everyone that works at j.crew.

    So, congrats, you've made it, you're infamous and you've got the right people at the company paying attention to you. They'll take some of things serious at first, but then the whining will get old. I'm sure they already know who's who on this board, and this is not by any means directed to people who just comment on color swatches, how things fit, or which styles you like/dislike.

    I don't like to use words like "crap or disgusting", because again, I think this is a legitimate board that could use a little clean-up in the moaning and groaning department. That would surely help keep my interest in this board going!

  67. Ashley, that's REAL classy. Don't need to stoop to the Dallas' store director's level. I don't doubt that she's a store director, probably just not in Dallas. Because saying who you are and where you're from would be sheer crazy.

  68. I've been thinking about the "store director's" comments.

    This site has been a great help to me. Some might only see it as a 'sewing circle' but what it really is a blog where people can ask questions, bounce ideas around and get some advice.

    Has there been complaining? definitely. Was all of it needed? who's to say. Does J.Crew listen to some of it? probably.

    I will keep reading and posting because I find so much good information here. Thanks once again Alexis.

  69. I get it: I don't think anyone on this board rips J. Crew just for the sake of it. It's obvious that we all love it, and there is NO doubt that we all buy even more as a result of reading this blog. I don't think anything on this blog does anything more to "ruin" J. Crew's reputation that J. Crew has already done itself (i.e. website issues).

    Tonie: Obviously you didn't get the meaning behind my comment. I was just being a little "spirited."

  70. JCrewJunkie: Regarding your question about Olivia from the previous post; I, too, am lacking in the chest department, and Olivia fit me just fine, without exposing anything.

    ccbmum: Regarding your comment about the Pavia cardigan from the previous post: I was also thinking that it could be knit! I am a knitter, too. By the way, have you checked out Ravelry? It is the holy grail of knitting sites (but it's really so much more than that). You can find some amazing patterns.

  71. I keep getting..

    We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again a little later.

    On the SALE section... I assume they are updating still.

  72. Ashley: I don't mean that anyone directly has the intention of ruining the reputation. It's just that complaints are taken seriously, and does wear on people after a while. J.crew does everything they can to make it a positive experience (and of course, there are a couple of bad apples in every barrel!).

  73. Ashley, we can still be spirited and ladylike!

  74. I find the information on this website useful.

    I don't consider being double charged, losing parcels, sending the wrong parcels complaining. Bloggers on this board have acknowledged that the CS have a tough job at the moment dealing with all the customer complaints, and I truly feel sorry for them, but when a company screws up like JC Crew has than it is a customers right to complain, especially when it comes to credit card charges.

  75. I know what you mean, anon 2:37pm. There sure are incidences when screwups happen...but again, they're probably flukey and happened on a rare occasion! I would be upset too, but then again, I'm confident J.crew will fix it and make you whole again...

  76. Tonie: Believe me, if you know what I really wanted to say, I think you would agree that I was being ladylike!

    And while maybe that person is not from Dallas, I get a little defensive because Dallas in general gets ripped on a lot :-( Sometimes rightly so, and many other times not! And this so-called "store director" from "dallas" does nothing do help that reputation. And of course, neither does my spirited comment...

  77. Ashley, I know what you mean. I was just implying that maybe if we didn't all resort to name-calling people would take us seriously!

    We all get frustrated and it's pitiful that the so-called store director would say she's from an area that she isn't. But if she really was where she said she was, perhaps J.crew would frown upon her comments....

  78. i get it: I'm sure most of the people on this site can attest that these problems lately have not been "flukey" and have been more the rule than the exception! I have been fortunate enough to only have one order out of approximately 8 short shipped since the website "upgrade", but there are other people who this seems to be happening to constantly.

    And my issues with the additional markdowns on sale items not being rung up in store has happened EVERY time at this one particular store. In fact, it wasn't until recently that I started noticing this. I have several receipts from the past where I was supposed to get the additional 25% off sale items, and it never happened.

  79. I get it -- the more I am reading your posts is make me believe that you are a troll just trying to stir the pot.

    If you are truly reading this blog you would not use the words fluky- It has happened to me 4 times in the last 5 weeks, and to others countless times.

  80. Ashley: Take it back! I've known j.crew to be more accomodating when they've made a mistake...

    But yes, they lost my orders as well, even during final sale. So, I placed multiple orders and took back biggie. Like they say, "just ask!" :)

    Anon, 2:52: to imply that I am a troll is incorrect. I don't go around starting trouble, I'm just stating facts. I'm not trying to rile anyone up, it's more of a best efforts of getting people to see clearly what others are perceiving this board to be. Sorry if I hit a nerve.

  81. I think it is time for a new topic...I just emailed JCrew and I hope others will please do the same...I would like for them to add the feature that would allow us to use multiple gift cards, rewards cards, etc. during our checkout. LLBean does a great, fantastic, outstanding job at letting me do this. I pointed them in this direction for inspiration. I would LOVE JCrew to add this feature. Please email them if you would too....

  82. Anon, 3:03- thanks for changing up this post. I'd hate for people to sit here and harp on my comments, but I felt they were valid and ought to be said. No ill will intended! :)

  83. for those of you that have the black San Telmo jacket. Do you love it? Its not a need but I've heard some wonderful comments on here regarding it and was thinking about buying one?

  84. I love the San Telmo. It's a def must have! :) I wear mine w/white cropped jeans and brown high heels. Gets me a lot of compliments too!!!!

  85. I get it: I agree that J. Crew CS is very accomodating and generous most of the time. For example, I am very grateful that on more than one occasion they have allowed me to return final sale items that just don't fit right.

    However, in the case of promo items and additional mark down not being rung up on a consistent basis in store, it's something that just shouldn't be happening. If I take my receipt in and ask for an adjustment, will they do it? Probably yes. But the point is, I shouldn't have to do this. Like I said before, this just seems like a bait and switch. And with the continued web order fiascos...this shouldn't have had to happen for such a long time. I think it's been at least 3 months now! There are people who have been very upset with canceled orders, credit cards being over-charged, etc. Will JC take care of this? Sure. Is it a PITA for the customer to deal with? Absolutely.

  86. I don't think a company like J. Crew - who is trying to build its reputation on customer service - expects any of us to brush off some of the stuff that happened during the downgrade.

    I came out relatively unscathed and said so on the blog. I was credited for a huge lost order that I'm not sure they ever found. I also ran into return troubles a couple of times at the store, but the SA's handled me with kid gloves and did a wonderful job dealing with the issue while keeping me happy.

    I have never asked to be compensated through any of this but would love to get a coupon with my catalog (if it ever comes). I am also peeved at the whole email situation. I never get them despite repeated attempts and that should be an easy thing to fix. That's why I'm SO GRATEFUL for this community that shares information like coupon codes. I hope J Crew doesn't try to take that away from us.

    Anyway, long story short, I think it's wrong to expect everyone to brush off the downgrade issues, especially since they center around two very emotional areas - how we look and money. LOL

  87. Jcrewmommy: Those are absolutely horrid things to have happen! And I believe that they should be constructively heard. Things do get lost, things get charged wrong, but I find it to be more of an occasional situation, rather than the normal situation. During any site upgrade will be a questionable time for all. But I agree (as I posted before), there are some bad apples to every barrel...

  88. i get it: Any good CEO or employee would look at the "negative" comments here with trained eye and take a lesson from the experiences posted to improve and extend the customer service experience. Frankly, if you read the posts and are offended/put off, you just are doing a disservice to yourself and your company.

    Right here , in black and white, are true experiences of some JCrew customers. It's not always pretty and yes, as a CS agent it may be a downer to read but it presents a wonderful opportunity to get *immediate* feedback on what is working and what isn't. If seeing three continuous posts about customers not getting a catalog seems like a whine to you, look at it another way - three very dedicated customers did not get a catalog - why didn't they and what can you do about it? It's a spending opportunity that was lost. Even is something is a fluke, a good company will try it's best to make sure it doesn't happen again. Make it a job to turn a negative experience into a positive one.

    If Mickey were smart (and I'm sure he is), he has a full time staff/person sifting through clothing and merchandising blogs such as this one. As an SA, I would want to know how to improve the service to my clients. It's all in how you choose to look at it...

  89. It is sad that there can't be more checks and balances to ensure the customer is always charged correctly, but I do believe in the good of people. If there is a screw up, there should be accountability, but we should make sure we all look out for ourselves too, because like my mom always said, no one is going to look out for you as much as you do for yourself! :) Momma is wise.

  90. Wow - Some of the comments this afternoon make me really sad.

    There are days that I think there is a lot of complaining on this blog too. But then I step back and think about why.
    1) When you really love something. it is so much easier to be disappointed when it lets you down.
    2) It is hard to complain about J Crew stuff in our real lives because of how it sounds, the lack of understanding, by others, of why we care.
    3) We are complaining about J crew, not politics or war or world troubles. I think everyone here does have a healthy dose of the reality of what the stakes are in our discussions on this site. Namely, clothing.

    Alexis has given us a fantastic forum. I seriously doubt J Crew uses the information they see here as anything more than a barometer of their current reputation by a small group of fans. Also, I would like to aknowledge that, by and large, all of us think the WORLD of the J Crew employees with which we interact. Not trying to be a peacemaker here, just hoping that something I enjoy as a breath of fresh air and escapist fun does not devolve into nastiness. Then I would still have my love for J Crew, but no one to share it with.

  91. I LOVE the items I'm seeing on the website - the floral Lydia is in my cart and waiting for a coupon! I have not received the email announcing the new arrivals (and I am a card holder!), nor have I received the catalog yet. Anxiously waiting!


  92. audrey and molly: not meaning to brush off any of the complaints. I do think it's legit, but should be constructive- wouldn't it be more effective to email the higher ups if CS is ineffective? We shouldn't post all the negative things about j.crew (and thank you to those who post positive things too!!!), and I'm sure they have people watching over this board- it's great for marketing!

  93. jenn_brak, I hope you're not offended by my trying to "calm" the board. I don't want to start a war here, just want to give an opinion of my observation. I, like many of you, are diehard j.crew fans, and it's refreshing to see everyone's reviews as well. Ok- no more Negative Nancy talk from me, I'm tired of beating this dead horse!

  94. audrey: I'm envious of the person (if there is one) whose job it is to read this blog!

  95. i get it: Completely agree with you! Constructive criticism goes much farther than a rant...but folks here should be allowed to rant here too, right? :)

    I do think it would be helpful, if problems do arise, to get as much specific information as possible regarding the issue out. It would only help any customer service team member. But sometimes you just gotta blow off a little steam!

  96. katherined: wouldn't it be fun? You get to spend your day tallying up marketing feedback by reading fun blogs and posts? You would get to see that your follow-ups make an impact? Better yet, you would get jcrew clothing at a discount! :P

  97. Could someone post a bit more about the recent card holder email? I haven't received it yet and was wondering exactly what it says. Is it just alerting people to the site update or does it have secret links to new items that can only be viewed if you get the email?

  98. chelsea, you aren't missing out on anything.....just that the website updated.

  99. Thanks for the update anon! I'm itching to place an order but need to hold off to the next credit card cycle.

  100. Chelsea: No need to stress! It just says "New arrivals are here...and we're telling our cardmembers first." It just links to the new arrivals pages for her, him, and kids. No secret or special links. If only!

    And I have been able to access the sale page, and I haven't noticed any new items added. It just looks more like the "old" sale page.

  101. audrey: very well put! I think you nailed it on the head when you said constructive criticism vs rant :)

  102. i get it ... said:

    Jcrew's CS used to be superior. However, since the updates of your systems, half of my online orders were not right. My CS experience was awful. My observation was many catalog SAs were not that familar with the new systems. However, they talked very authoritatively when ignoring customers' questions about their orders.

    You guys should seriously suggest Jcrew returning to its old systems before the new systems are ready. I am in a CIS field. The problems with your new sytem aren't small. They should remain at least for the rest of the year. The company who has been developing the systems should be fired.

  103. Yes, I am wondering how serious JCrew's problems are....I don't see them going away anytime soon b/c if it was a minor problem it wouldn't have lasted 2 months already...if they aren't running smoothly by Christmas....oh my...what a mess of orders/problems that will be....let's just hope by mid November this all goes away.....

  104. Didn't someone report that JC had alot of web jobs posted on the Monster Job board last week?

  105. Anon: I totally agree- I've been through mergers and acquisitions (Fortune 500 companies) and they're never smooth- the problem is that the information never gets communicated to the levels of the SA, CS. W/that being said, no wonder the CS people are frustrated!!

  106. Could someone compare and contrast the new Lydia blouse with the Elizabeth halter? Do they fit pretty much the same? How high is the collar on the Elizabeth? I tried on the Lydia yesterday and had to size down to an XS but I've never tried on the Elizabeth. TIA!

  107. I got the email too and it totally made my day. Wow! My wish list has grown. There are so many truly beautiful clothes.

    I went to my local B&M on Friday and bought a few things. While there, I saw the Astrid in gray, it is even more beautiful in person. Maybe that means mine is on its way!!

    Also, I love the final sale layout. Its the best of the old and the new. You can see the actual item and when you click on it you can then see it on the model. Way to go J. Crew!!

  108. Jcrewmama - That floral Lydia is breathtaking in person. I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw it last Thursday. Excellent choice, I hope your coupon comes soon. If your lifestyle permits it, it would look stunnig with a pencil skirt and a cardi for the office.

  109. Does anybody know how the Surplus Chinos fit? Is Dark Fog color a graphite grey? I don't live near a store.

  110. jenn_brak, you are reading my mind! I have the corduroy skirt in gray and chocolate brown. Either one of them with the floral Lydia and a cardigan in honey glaze (or the ecole blazer in honey glaze, which I already own!) Thanks for sharing your thoughts after seeing it in person - sometimes the photo and the actual do not quite match up! :-)


  111. jcrewmommy,

    Right back at ya'! :-) The name combines my 2 favorite things - my son and J.Crew, so how could I go wrong?


  112. The mens part of the catalog now posted... does not work.. the clothes listing on the right side DO NOT match the pictures. werirrdddd perhaps they are working on that.

  113. I warned my family members that when the new J.Crew catalog arrives at the house, it's all mine... they just roll their eyes.

    Audrey: that sounds like a dream job!!

  114. kathrined: I know what you mean! Except I live by myself...I've had the August catalog sitting on my breakfast bar, and everytime I sit down to eat something, I end up thumbing through that catalog. It never gets old. I just wish I had the new one! Luckily we can at least view it online now.

    I think one of my favorite things about the Prague section of the catalog is that new model with the long hair in soft curls. I would like a tutorial from the hairstylist from that shoot about how to make my hair look that way!

  115. Ashley: I always find myself not only in awe of the clothes, but the model's hair as well... how do they get those loose waves? I agree - they should have tutorials =)

  116. Ok, the video is working for me now (I just watched it.) I love it! Something about the clips and the music - its telling a story, whereas the Paris video was more of "behind the scenes" with the camera crew and models posing. I love the little boy running with the balloons and the nostalgic feeling of the clips.


  117. This
    video sort of shows how to make that hair. It's from FordModels, which is the same people that had the video interview with the J. Crew fit model Renay Arbour. All I know is that I would have to hold my hair in the curling iron for a lot longer than that, and I would have to use some heavy duty hairspray!

  118. Ashley: Thanks for sending the email- I made that into a post right now.

    Everyone: I apologize for my lack of posting. Exciting news for me: my big brother (and computer expert) was able to recover all my documents/data before reformatting my laptop! :) Of course, now I have to reinstall my programs (but a small price to pay to have my documents!) :)

  119. alexis: Congrats on the computer news! I'm sure you're breathing easier now. :)

  120. yeah alexis! I'm so glad you got your documents! I know how worried you must have been. What a big relief!

  121. Thanks Math Teacher & Kater: I was actually very depressed at the thought of losing my data (both my dissertation and pictures in particular). I am thrilled about the data recovery!!! :)

  122. Anyone think/know if they will give out a decent promo code for Labor Day coming up??

  123. i've always been a huge fan of the J Crew minis, they just posted the new felted wool mini, which i adore. i'm interested in the "Silk taffeta pop-on mini", especially in that bright blue. has anyone gotten it? any opinions on it, and how to coordinate it with other colors? thanks!

  124. Can the new Spectator Mary Jane Heels be worn with Navy Blue and Black?

  125. To the store director...YOU ARE A STORE DIRECTOR! Please excuse my ranting, but you work in a service field to please customers, please don't forget that! I've heard one too many times of stuck-up employees who treat their customers as if they are doing them a favor by letting them shop there. It's highly uncalled for. Customers are the ones who help you keep your job, for god's sake please at least show a little respect! There are many of us doing good for this country, doing a lot more than a store employee ever could!

    I'm really sorry for this long rant, I just hope store employees keep this in mind!

  126. Alexis: Yay!!! That's great news! I'm so relieved for you! Thank Goodness for GREAT Brothers!!! :)

  127. ashley: thanks for the the info about the Ravelry website!...i will definitely check it out :)

  128. Congrats Alexis, that must be a huge relief.

  129. Anon @ 3:55
    I have last year's Elizabeth, the one with pockets--very large. It sounds like the current Elizabeth is a bit more slim. I did not try on the Lydia in the store, but the difference I noted is that on Lydia the ruffles continue down the placket of the blouse, like a jabot, whereas the Elizabeth has the ruffles only around the collar. For this reason, I think the Elizabeth would be better if you knew you would be layering with a crew neck, and the Lydia would be better with a V-neck.

    I have the ivory so I wear mine for layering only--I dislike wearing a strapless bra and even a cris-cross bra shows the straps. I get lots of compliments on it--I wear mine with with last year's Alice merino sweater jacket or the deep-V wool jersey dress.

  130. ok, i tried the chiffon ruffle cardi in the store today and it. the fit is true to size for me. i wear XS and it's not tight fitting like the jackies are. i bought that as well as the charcoal herringbone fiona which i didn't like on me a few weeks ago...i'm going to think about this one but there's something about it in charcoal that i really like. it looks good with just the top button makes it fit in front better. i'm not usually a ruffle person either ;)

    i also got the Jewel-buckle grosgrain belt in cool graphite which is 29 something in store (it's 39.50 online)...and the gold skinny belt. i keep missing the boat on gold belts so i grabbed it this time. it's a nice one...kind of a matte finish. *thank you* to the best SA manager melissa in pleasanton, ca...just SO nice and helpful as are ALL the SA's at that store :) :) ok, i *REALLY* am done spending for a long long long time! :) (yea right!)

    alexis: congrats on saving your data...whew!

  131. Oh Alexis - That is such absolutely wonderful news. You must have great karma for putting together such a wonderful site for everyone.

  132. Hooray! What great news... happy days!

  133. They have some cute cardigans, I ended up buying the camel colored jewel-buttoned one. Does anyone know if the bubble necklace will go on sale? I am trying to decide which color (black/turqoise) would go with more outfits. I don't know if I should just go ahead and buy it.. w/15% off still over 100 bucks.

  134. O O ... their site crashed :(

  135. Website is working for me.

  136. Awesome news, Alexis! I'm so happy you were able to recover your stuff :D!

  137. Alexis: Like Audry I am so glad that you were able to recover everything. Whew.

    Ashley: Thank you for answering my question from yesterday about the Olivia ! MUCH MUCH appreciated!

  138. Anon at 6:47: The necklaces probably won't go on sale for a while. I got the turquoise one because I think it can be worn in all seasons. It's perfect for summer, but can also brighten up a fall/winter outfit. I wore mine the other night with my hammered silk tank in peacock.

    Some of the merino featherweight sweaters on on backorder until March and April of 2009!!!

  139. haters are crazy. :) j crew employees love this blog. i work at the catalog call center and reading jcrewaficionada is how i pass the time. it helps me know what to honestly tell customers about products, also. i get a first hand look of what real j crew customers like and dont like about certain styles, and i can convey that to my customers! i like hearing alll about it. p.s.: we do *sincerely* care that our system upgrade has caused problems. thanks for being so understanding.

  140. Anon: At the call center! Thank you for staying so positive! It's helped a lot that all of you have been as understanding and as helpful as you have been. SO A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU! I was short shipped when I ordered a refridgerator from Best Buy (yes I was short shipped on a fridge) so I know how important customer service is. You guys are definitely the gold standard!

    FYI Aficionadas the website is down again :( And my denim pencil skirt is no where to be found :( I know it is still in stores but I really wanted that extra 15% FP items online!

  141. anon @ 9:58p - I heart you big time! Keep your head up above all the difficulties you've endured answering the phones.

    jenn_brak - Great post @ 3:20p. I thought I was a nut job for saving pages from J Crew for the past 5 years and then I find out there are other women out there who save the catalogs in entirety and know them cover to cover. This is home!

    ccbmum - You got the ruffle cardi! As a ruffle freak I love it. I am afraid to go into Pleasanton because if I bump into Melissa my credit card will be in trouble. :-) They are all great @ that store.

  142. jenn_brak and gigiofca: I save my catalogs as well - I love looking back at them! The location ones are my favorites.

    And I think blogging is contagious - all the individual bloggers who've created their own blogs (to review clothing or other items) have inspired me to create my own. I've got the blog fever!

  143. Anon at 9:58 PM: I echo Blumre's comment: Thank you for staying so positive! You sound awesome and I hope that if I call CS, I get someone as understanding as you. :)

  144. Thanks so much for the information on the Elizabeth halter, hexicon. It sounds like the Lydia is for me! Thanks again and thanks to everyone for sharing their product reviews and to Alexis for starting this great blog!

  145. Blumre: Do you have a student or educator discount? They won't let me combine that coupon with my student discount so it's a wash. I bet if you called they would have it - I've noticed several items have been disappearing and reappearing.

  146. i think there must be a glitch in their system, because those featherweight cardigans can't be back-ordered that far... each time i click it shows a different date...?

  147. gigiofca: yes, i owe all my purchases today to melissa...she totally enabled me...i was in such a hurry, like i only had 10 min. since my DH and son were waiting for me outside somewhere. :) she said that they should have catalogs in next by Tues. at the latest hopefully.

  148. ok, so I placed an order for the clementina sweater, waverly jacket and a tee last tues 8/19, it's shopwing as been "released" online... and I have called 3 times and every time the CS's are telling me it's "been released to the wharehouse"'s now MONDAY, 6 days later and still showing as not having been shipped...should I assume it's not going ship? I REALLY want that ALmond Waverly!!

  149. bgd- Have CS try and find a tracking # for you, they usually will contact shipping to see what the status is.

    I have also had released or open and I have already received the parcel.

  150. bgd - I've placed two web orders since the website changes. The first one arrived while still in released/open status and after it had been cancelled - no tracking number. The second one is also in released/open status and shows a tracking number but UPS doesn't recognize the tracking number. So frustrating, I know!

  151. Is it just me? I haven't been able to go to the sale section on the website since 8:30am this morning. But other pages of the website work fine. I had the same problem yesterday for quite a long period of time.
    BTW, I'm waiting for the delivery of my Alexa dress today, so excited!

  152. Hi Blumre, I agree with you, you can barely catch a glimpse of Prague in the video. But on the other hand...that dark-haired male model who comes carrying a suitcase and then sits on the train staring at the camera with bedroom eyes...OMG...what a gorgeous man!

  153. The sale site will not load for me. How annoying!

  154. Who cares about Prague???
    I want the site to work.
    I've been all over Europe, & the video "ooh-la-la Europe" stuff is pretentious & impedes function.

    The site takes forever to load now (& my computer is screaming fast).
    I couldn't get on the site yesterday, & when I could, it kept giving me an error message when I was near to completing an order.
    Now...this silly film! Ridiculous!

    I want to see & buy pretty clothes on a functional site. If they cannot even get the site working properly (& quickly!), then they need to lose the artsy fluffy media.

    So annoyed. I've been a customer since college, but I'm about to give up on shopping with J.Crew.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)