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Saturday, August 23, 2008

JCrew Catalog: Did You Get A Copy?

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
I got the mail today and couldn't believe my eyes... there was the September J.Crew catalog in the pile of bills and unwanted junk mail. For joy! (I thought for sure I would not get one.) :)

I have to say, the catalog is beautiful. Is it comparable to the Paris catalog- no way (nothing will ever be in the same league as that catalog!) Is it better than the August catalog- you better believe it! ;) The catalog is also quite lengthy, containing 125 pages of luscious clothes.

There are lots of winter coats, sweater jackets, and berry trim dresses to be dreaming about tonight! What's interesting is an apology and an offer to take 15% off regular priced merchandise with code FALL included in the catalog. (The image of "the apology" is in the slide show.) I actually appreciate the inclusion of the apology (which comes across to me as sincere):

"An Apology From Us

Over the last few weeks, we have been updating and improving our web site to make shopping at J.Crew better for you in every possible way. But on the road to improvement, there were some unexpected bumps.

We want to apologize personally for that. There's no excuse. More than anything else, a great exprience for our customers is what drives absolutely everything we do at J.Crew.

Thank you for your patience with us and as a toke of our appreciation, please enjoy 15% off your next catalog or online purchase.

Millard Drexler
Chairman and CEO, J.Crew Group

Tracy Gardner
President, J.Crew Group"

UPDATE: As you can see, I took photos of the entire catalog. I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos. On a bright note, the entire catalog is there- including women's, crewcuts, and mens items. :)

Have you received your copy of the September catalog? If you did get one, did you get it by mail or did you pick one up at the store? What are your favorite items in the catalog? What do you think of the apology inserted in the catalog?

P.S. My laptop crashed yesterday and there is a good chance I lost all my data. I am currently borrowing my husbands desktop to use in the meantime. Therefore, I do apologize for any lateness in response or posting.


  1. No, I don't have a catalog...wish I did! If anyone wants to share a picture of their favorite item(s) that would be great!

    Also, has anyone noticed the rosette (camo) tank is 98.00 online but 89.00 in stores? My store did not have the gold tone one and I want to get it (I have the blue). Should I just call CS and ask for the price at the store? I can't get to a store and use the red phone.....

  2. I got the 20% off coupon in mine. It's a one time use only...guess they DO love me! Anyone else get this?

  3. Alexis, I'm so sorry to hear about your computer crash. I've been there a couple of times and know exactly what you're going through and how frustrating it is.

    I received the catalog yesterday and used the code inside to get a few things. I really do need to get back on my 'leash' as my spending has been too much and too often.

    I ordered a navy knit tie, dark khaki chinos, English plague belt in black, washed wool scarf in Bailey tartan and some funny boxers.

    Just to prove J.Crew isn't the only place I blow money I zipped to mall to run an errand. Found a Tommy long sleeved shirt in medium gray in cotton poplin for $23 regular $78. Then I finally bought the Ray Ban Wayfarers I've been wanting for two year.

    Time for me to go cycling for the rest of the day and burn off extra energy from my shopping buzz.

  4. Alexis: So sorry to hear about your computer!

    Didn't get my catalogue in the mail...I'll run to my mailbox and check again...

  5. I didn't get mine today. I was in a store yesterday and didn't see the new one there either. Hoping it would come today. I'm bummed!!! I order a lot of stuff, too. Just doesn't make sense...clhu

  6. Alexis: I am also really sorry to hear about your computer, and I hope all your data wasn't lost...fingers crossed! I didn't get my catalog yet and the mail carrier already delivered today... which means I won't get it until next week at the earliest...bummer!

    On the brighter side...we actually got a little bit of sunshine with NO rain earlier today! YAY!!!

  7. I picked one up at the store today - it's really good. I haven't gotten one in the mail yet with my apology and discount though :(

    I want to go on the site now and order some stuff, but it's DOOOOOOWWNNNNN :( :( :(

  8. We seem to be getting the catalogue earlier in Canada than the US, which is a little shocking! I've had mine since Thursday and am in love with the harlowe blouse. I can't wait for it to go online so I can get a better idea of the body shape.

    Has anyone else noticed that prices seem to be rising?

  9. Ha! Site works fine on Firefox, as does FALL coupon code. Thanks so much Alexis!

  10. Sorry for the random out of place post, but does anyone own a pair of last winter's distressed metallic mary jane shoes? If so, do they run true to size? Are they comfortable? Do you love them? Thanks for any input at all!

    And, I'm bummed I didn't get my Sept. catalog yet :(

  11. I didn't even receive the August catalog.

  12. I still haven't gotten mine (not that i have been running to the mailbox....okay maybe once!). I'm headed to the mall later. Hopefully my store has them in. They didn't earlier in the week.

    Sorry about your computer!

  13. I don't have a copy yet :( It seems like I get my emails/catalogs a lot later than many aficionada/os on this blog, so I will have to wait patiently (too much real-life stuff planned this weekend getting in the way of my JCrew addiction).

    Alexis - I hope they are working diligently to recover your data! I had that happen before and it took them almost two weeks.

  14. Alexis - I am so sorry about your computer. I really hope you are able to recover your data. This in no way compares, but my DVR did that this week and all my saved shows were lost. Obviously, not as major a blow as your computer. However, it was beyond frustratingand disappointing.

    Anonymous - I did not buy the distressed metallic mary janes, but did try them on. Thought they ran a little small but were darling. Because of the sizing, I could not comment on comfort.

  15. Alexis - I am so sorry about your computer. I really hope you are able to recover your data. This in no way compares, but my DVR did that this week and all my saved shows were lost. Obviously, not as major a blow as your computer. However, it was beyond frustratingand disappointing.

    Anonymous - I did not buy the distressed metallic mary janes, but did try them on. Thought they ran a little small but were darling. Because of the sizing, I could not comment on comfort.

  16. I tried on the sweater (3/4 sleeve, ruffles and ribbon tie) on picture #13...I liked the style, but the wool certainly not of a good quality. A bit disappointed at that.

  17. Alexis: Thank you so much for posting the catalog! First I have to say I am THRILLED to see the *mature* model in a couple of really made my day. :) Second, the Orange Lucille has made it's way to the TOP of my wishlist...I absolutely love the way it looks in this catalog. It's great to see it buttoned up with that FABULOUS collar! I saw a couple of other items that peak my interest, but nothing that I absolutely have to have right now...

  18. The September catalog is great! I am a sucker for cute cardigans. I just wish they would put it online. My store had the bird's-eye crystal button cardigan and it's so pretty.

    I do have a random question. Has anyone recently purchased a cashmere sweater? I bought the cardigan in hazelnut. And instead of the plain tag on the inside that says "JCrew Cashmere" w/ the bow it is bright orangey-red and says "CELESTE". Has anyone received one like this? I'm just worried I paid full price for a previous year's stock.

  19. Anonymous - I was wondering about those names in the cashmere sweaters too. In Westport I noticed that there were several different names in the sweaters. Thought maybe it was something new they were starting. Any employess have the 411?

  20. I was in a store today and they had all the cute cardigans displayed on a table together. I got the sequined chiffon ruffle cardigan (actually, they are seed beads) and it is TO DIE FOR beautiful. It's on page 52 of the catalog.

    Did you notice how much stuff is store only? I want to try on the Floral Ruffle Astrid from page 24 but am afraid I won't be able to find one.

    I did get the printed skirt today that we saw in Natedec's eBay store. It's a hair too small, but I can get away with it I think haha. It has kind of a fishtail hem (longer in back) and it is wonderful.

  21. Anonymous - I was in a store last week and some of the cashmere had the style names, some didn't. I think maybe it's something new they implemented mid run as it wasn't even consistently done with all the colours of a style. I like the idea, though.

  22. I forgot to mention - J Crew's older model is also in this month's Talbots catalog. She's very striking and looks better in J Crew to be honest. I'm going to blog about her later and include some scans.

  23. I agree- Natedac's ebay store has all the goodies we can't find in the catalogue! Kudos to her for showcasing them :)

  24. OMG Alexis, I hope you recover your data!

    I have not received the catalog yet. I seem to get it about a week to ten days after everyone else (and it's not like I live in the hinterlands!). If there is a coupon in the catalog I'm sure that I won't get it, because of J.Crew's evident conspiracy to deprive me of any and all coupons. ;-)

    Anon@2:24 I have the distressed leather version in espresso--same shoe, just different color. I think they are TTS. They are higher than they look, and they did cut into the knuckles of my big toe at first, and for some reason they are really uncomfortable if I wear them with fishnets. I save them for the days I know I'll mostly be at my desk.

  25. I didn't get a catalog, and I can't wait until Monday!!! But I'm worried now, is it possible I won't get the new catalog??? I live in Canada so I won't be able to go to a store and get one.

  26. Thanks so much for the input on my cashmere sweater. PS the hazelnut is a beautiful color. I plan on pairing it w/ my florentine sweater this fall.

    What is the Natedac's ebay store? I can't find it. I'm on a quest for last year's cashmere in coral.

  27. It's on Ebay- she's a jcrew reseller (w/the best stuff IMO):

  28. Alexis -- Good luck w/the computer. Keep taking deep breaths. Those situations are completely frustrating.

    jcrewguyincanada - My husband bought a Tommy shirt and it's hands down one of the best he owns. Washes really well.

    Hey -- anyone recognize this blazer as a J Crew piece?

  29. Oh my gosh, I love the new catalog! I can't wait until I get mine in the mail - thanks for taking pictures and posting them, Alexis!

    Ps. I know exactly how you feel about the computer dying - mine crashed last month and I lost everything on my hard drive. Hopefully yours won't be as disastrous!

  30. Aficiondas--I've posted about natedac before. Please use caution when purchasing from this seller.

  31. Hex: What happened? I must have missed the post!

  32. Hi Alexis,
    Sorry to hear about your computer. Hope you will not lose anything.

    Since so many people mentioned how wonderful Paris issue is, do you think you could post that whole issue on your blog so that those of us who had not gotten chances to see it before could be satisfied? Thanks.

  33. Alexis,

    I have just discovered your blog and it is so funny! I thought I was the only closet-case nut who couldn't sleep last night from thinking about all the fab stuff in the catalogue I received yesterday! I also LOVED the Paris catalogue!

    I am moving to India in October with my husband for his work, and I have no idea how I am going to get through the next few years without J. Crew! I suppose I could order stuff and have it sent to a trusted friend and have it sent over UPS or something...

    I am waiting for the turtleneck tissue tees featured on page 55 to be added online. I also love that yellow bag and jacket on the back cover, but I am in massive debt from our wedding last month, so no big purchases for me right now...

    Have fun and keep blogging for us all!

  34. Melissa: not to worry about the catalog, mine arrived yesterday (Friday) bet yours shows up Monday.

    gigiofca: Thanks for the info on the Tommy shirt. It is fitted and much like a J.Crew one. The Tommy's collar is a little wider/fuller. And for $23 a good impluse.

  35. I started my JCrew diet today, even though I would like to order a couple of things in Sept. catalog, I just do not trust the web or phone ordering.

    Instead I spent my money at BR, and I got 20% my purchase without having to fight for it, and the item was not on sale. I was even surprised what ON had.

  36. Alexis: On NO!!! I email to myself daily and keep an extra hard drive around for my data. I lost a bunch of data once and I've been really anxious about it since. I hope that you will be able to recover everything!! I'll cross my fingers for you!

  37. I was just in the store today and thought my store's layout was very nice and organized. Creative but easy to navigate through the new items. The terry boatnecks were 39.99 plus 30% off so I got one in Snow. They had some really cute new graphic tees and a lot of beautiful cardigans. Love the beaded ruffle cardigan in navy. Love love love it!! I have to have this one day. I saw the charcoal astrid and liked it but there are many other things in the store I would buy first. The Belle skirts were nearly sold out, couldn't even try one on!!

  38. Hello Everyone!

    For all those who wished me luck with my laptop- I appreciate it. :) Unfortunately, things do not look good for my laptop. :(

    On a bright note, I updated the slide show to include the entire catalog (including men's & crewcuts). I also retook the shots of the women's items to get better detail/focus. :)

  39. website is down again.

  40. The website is up for me.

    (Although I should add that yesterday the site didn't work for me at times but did work all day for others.)

  41. Try the site in Firefox if you can't open it in IE. I did that earlier today with no issues.

  42. oh Alexis, you're awesome! that's a lot of work putting up the entire catalogue-it's gorgeous! I was in my JCrew store yesterday and they were completely out of the new catalogue - the SA were surprised at how quickly they went too - now I know why!

    sorry to hear about the unfortunate pooter crash :( are you getting help with data recovery utilities? good luck!

  43. I'm getting bored with the site. I hope they add new stuff soon :(

  44. Wow! Thanks for this. Not too much exciting stuff for guys, but I think midfall we'll get some nice coats and fantastic sweaters (crossing fingers).

    Can you tell me about the men's watch? It looks like you can trade watchbands... Wish I would have waited before I bought my Brooks Brother one!

  45. sorry to hear about your computer :( losing one is horrible, I'm on my third desktop.

    I got the catalog a couple of days ago, and boy am I happy. I loooove the navy ruffle cardigan, the cashmere/wool winter coat (even more so than the Double Day Cloth which I had been coveting.) And the snow lepord print pea coat! too many temptations

  46. Oh, Alexis, I am sending you my condolences on the loss of your hard drive. It has certainly served you, and a league of loyal followers, well!

    Well, I was doing laps in my house today waiting for our postal carrier. My son was getting sick of me asking, "Sweetie, did you see the mailman yet?"

    When I saw him across the street, my heart starting racing, I could feel the blood pounding in my ears, and I began getting the shakes. Trying to play it cool, I let my son get the mail. He brought the mail, and I was happy to see a People StyleWatch, but it wasn't what I really wanted to hit the table. Amazingly, he came back saying, "There was one other thing," and threw the catalog on the table. The day-long anticipation threw me over the edge!

    Better than sex? Perhaps not. But it definitely felt like a starving woman was looking at a platter of steaming buttery lobster with a side of medium rare filet mignon.

    Oh, and I'll take a nice glass of meritage with that, please.

  47. alexis: so sorry to hear about your laptop. I try to save my stuff on my laptop, at school, and on a flashdrive, but that doesn't always happen. I have to put together a portfolio before graduating, and I worry that I'll lose what's only on my laptop. (I really need to get busy saving!)

    Also, thanks for posting the catalog. I still haven't received mine, but I'm usually behind most here. So, probably next week. I probably won't make it to my b&m until Labor Day, so I hope they don't sell out of items mentioned here and in the catalog! Plus, my b-day is coming up, so maybe I can get a new item or two! :)

  48. Just ran by the store. My toddler decided to meltdown the second we walked in (of course!). Grabbed a catalog and a two tone yellow scarf (LOVE IT!). The coats in the catalog are amazing. They had a couple in the store. I wish it got colder here....just no real need for a thick coat where I live. I was just in the store earlier in the week so nothing new to report. Still loving everything!!!

  49. I didnt get the catalog yet and that 15% off BETTER be in MY catalog too!! Oh and it better be in the one my mother gets too so I can use it twice (once will of course be in my mothers name) ... so there!

  50. hi alexis: thank you SO much for posting the catalog. i was in the san francisco westfield store today and asked for one and they said they did not have it. given their record of poor CS, i felt like they were lying...the sa said, hmmm, i'm not sure if we have gotten it yet, let me check and disappeared. yea right. i love the look of the orange lucille in the cat...oh no, do i want that one instead? i have the spicy mustard. i saw some of the new stuff in the store but wasn't totally wowed and my 4 yr old was with me so i couldn't really look carefully. but i did see some of the new sweaters and they were very pretty :) sorry about your's scary how much computers control our lives now! anyway, i enjoyed looking at the cat. you posted - thanks again!!! i'm going to try to get one from another store tomorrow :)

  51. Thank goodness after all the things I've bought, the J.Crew gods have finally deemed me worthy of getting a catalog in the mailbox! The September catalog is great, even though I don't have an apology insert. Did anyone notice on pg. 83 under Jenna's picks that the Donegal tweed blazer is priced at $98 ($100 cheaper than usual!) I'm sure its just a typo...

  52. Nothing for me today, again. I have been working my butt off on the house today and was sooo looking forward to kicking back at the end of the day with the new catalog :(

  53. I didn't get the catalog in the mail, but I haven't in a couple of months (since the website went nutty?). I was getting it before that. I was shopping in Princeton with my mom and my kids today. Everyone was pretty exhausted by the time we were in front of J.Crew, so I just ran in for the catalogue (not time at all to browse, although I wanted to). It is pretty nice. Baby C already took a bite out of the back cover (just the description of the berry Astrid, not the picture). I was also very pleased to see the berry detailed dresses. I really like the berry detail and would like to see lots of pieces that have it. I also think the Floral Ruffle Astrid is pretty. I agree that this issue is MUCH better than the boring August issue.
    There was no coupon in this catalogue (but, as I said, I picked it up in a store).

    And again, I'm very sorry for my politcal outburst yesterday. I know this isn't the place for it!

  54. i also saw the grey berry astrid jacket in store and must say that it is very pretty in person. the "berries" and ruffle-like material behind them looked much neater than the pictures of it in blue that we've seen. i would have liked to try it on but my 4 yr old wouldn't allow it today... :)

  55. Wow, why did I spell catalog so many different ways? Brain problems I guess.

    There's a Fiona-ish jacket (weird ruffle/hardware mix though) at Victoria's Secret, item number 227-469.

  56. molly: Congrats on your sequined-chiffon cardi!!! It caught my eye in the cat but my store didn't have it. :( Is it cropped? Do the stripes go across the back or only the front? How's the material feel? (sorry for the "20 questions". but that's one of the few items I zeroed in on from this cat.)

    Also, ccbmum & ffm: I think the orange Lucille looks great in the cat too! I just wonder if it's really that dark IRL??? If so, my spicy mustard one still has the tags on it...;)

  57. Alexis, thank you so much for posting the entire cat! That was so great of you. I haven't received mine and am sooo happy to see it. Thanks again.

  58. Sweet post! Thanks Alexis. I really love the JC catalogues; they seem to get better every year.

  59. My catalog came today! ( I had already gotten one from the store last week but it's nice to know they still have my address ;) )

    I can't believe it but it actually has the coupon inside too!!! That's a first! I NEVER receive their coupons! I only learn of them from all of you kind aficionadas!

    btw, I do love the lucille in spicy mustard...I just think the grass is always greener... :)

  60. Molly - I am with Weab, that navy cardi with the ruffles totally caught my eye. Could you tell us more about the fit and ruffles, etc.
    Has anyone seen the green beaded double strand necklace with the blue flower in stores? It is retail only, and I have it on hold in NYC, but will not be there to pick it up until Friday.

  61. Acronis is worth investing in for those computer nightmare moments.

  62. anon @6:27 - I too noticed the donegal tweed "misprint" on the jenna's favorite page. I wish it was only $98!!!! I know it's a misprint!

    alexis: I am so sorry to hear about your computer! Hopefully you will be able to get the things you need off of the hard drive...I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    The only reason I got a catalog today was because I made another trip to the store. This time to the one in Tysons. I'm going to write a longer review of what I tried on, but I wanted to mention that there were a TON of olivias on the sale rack, just in case people are looking for them.

    more soon about all the lovely new merch!

  63. I got a copy and went up to my B&M to have a look. I must look really poor or something because not one person there acknowledge my existence. I carried around a whole armful of things as SA went right by me to help the college kids that are back in town---they were using the 15% discount as a major sales push. Anyway, when I finally found my way to a clean dressing room I tried on a sweater dress, a belle skirt, and a couple other items. The sweater dress is not for tall people or those with any kind of pooch. The belle skirt was too small (no size 14 so I tried a 12). I also tried on a dream cardi in L which fit alright but it was itchy. I would prefer the XL which I have tried to order in eggplant many, many times. The L seemed a bit snug in the arms but fine everywhere else. If my XL eggplant one comes in I will have to try it and see just how itchy it is---if it is not as snug as the L it might be alright.

    I was so disappointed in the service. I tried to flag people down many times only to have them tell me they would comeback when they had a chance. I understand they are busy, but in all honesty they lost sales from me. This is why I rarely go to my B&M. It is small and cramped and not friendly.

  64. Hi, how are you???
    Great blog!!! You have the photos of Emanuela de Paula catalogue for J.Crew??? I have a blog about her, and I know that photographed for the brand, but I don't have these photos, can you have???

  65. I posted a review of the sequin chiffon ruffle cardi on my blog. It's very pretty - no ruffles on back. Runs small due to stitching on ruffles. I sized up.

    40 is the new black

  66. weab: i'm guessing that the orange lucille is really not that dark :) all of jcrew's colors are so bright these days. my spicy mustard lucille still has the tags on too ;) but i still think i prefer the mustard because of it's versatility with other colors...especially for a jacket and at that price. for ex. while i love the orange with denim, it's hard to put orange with black because it reminds me of halloween! i'd love to see the orange one in person sometime though :)

  67. molly: i saw that sweater in the store and it's my favorite so far. i really wanted to try it on but 4 year old was dragging me away...sigh!

  68. BTW, I just tried to use the SHOP code for free shipping and it has expired---well, it was refused, in any case. SHIP*2389 still worked. I got the denim straight skirt and the cord skirt in dark grey. My loving husband says he will return them for me if I don't like them. What a champ!

  69. molly: Thanks so much for the great review! This cardi will definitely be something I try to get my hands on! I also LOVE how they styled it in the cat. The crisp white shirt underneath with layers of pearls just makes it look so chic and sophisticated!

    btw, molly, in your blog you mentioned that the deep persimmon of the Jackie is not the same as the Tartine. I've seen the persimmon Tartine IRL and LOVE the color but have not seen the persimmon Jackie IRL. How do they differ?

    ccbmum: I agree with you about the color combos with the lucille. I think the mustard one is a keeper. :) Let us know if you get the sequin-chiffon cardi. I would love to hear your thoughts!

  70. jacquelyn: poor b&m CS at jcrew seems to be too common lately...i don't know what's up with their training program. i forgot to add to my story above (at downtown SF) that after my SA reappeared after disappearing to see if they had any catalogs i asked her again if they had any and she said that she didn't get a chance to look (or she forgot or something) and that she would find someone else to look in the back for me. then ALL of the SA's were gone...seriously, there were no SA's on the floor. finally one appeared and was walking around eating a snack. i decided to ask her about the new catalogs just for the heck of it...while she was munching away she just said no. all the catalog trays in the store were empty though so i'm guessing that they must be in the back somewhere boxed up or something...whatever. the store wasn't even busy either...such strange CS!!

    weab: i'll post if i get the sequined cardi...or if i try it on. i'm feeling the need for some bling in my wardrobe :)

  71. Thanks so much, Alexis, for posting the lovely September catalog! The pictures were scrumptious...

    So I broke down and bought the Lucille jacket in spicy mustard online. There was no way I was going to make it to a store for an hour's worth of personal shopping before the end of the month. It was the only piece in the catalog that spoke to me (although I wish a less expensive item would do the speaking!) this season.

    Funny how I waited until DH is on a business trip to do my dirty work LOL!

  72. audrey: Congrats on the Lucille! You'll have to let us know what you think once it arrives! Also, LOL about the DH! I too get ALL my "dirty work" done when the DH is MANY MANY miles away!!! :)

  73. Alexis, thanks for all those great pictures!!! I really hope the catalog comes soon. Good luck with your laptop.

    FFM: How are you and your family fairing down there? Did you end up talking to the PS?

    Gigi: I dont recognize that Jacket... it could be from many years ago... but it could also be any old jacket from any store.

    I do find it VERY weird that these items aren't online when the catalog has already been sent out to so many of you! Don't you think they should be online and in the mail simultaeously?

    Though I am still bitter that everyone else seems to get their catalogs days before I do... :(

  74. I wanted to write a longer review of everything I saw/tried on when I went to the crew today. First though, the catalog they have at the store definitely DOES NOT have the coupon in it! I hope I get one by mail!

    Things I tried on:
    -the Berry Astrid. AGAIN. I love it, just can't justify the price because of the unfinished ruffles. I really hope my size is left if/when it goes on sale!. I went down a size from what I wore in jcrew jackets last year, but this seems to be the case across the board with all the jackets (andrea, wool fiona) this season except the ecole.

    -the andrea in honey glaze, which I bought! I love love love this jacket.

    -the dream-tie cardigan. I tried this last weekend, but this time, on the advice of others, I went down a size. I liked it a lot better, even though I initially liked it a lot. I ordered this over the phone in dark eggplant.

    -Super 120s suiting dress - Loved this, but again, I think the sizing is way off. I went down two sizes, and it was only a tiny bit snug. Very strange, but very cute. I love the buttons on the back, and will definitely picking this up at some point.

    -double serge pencil skirt (96477L, p. 70 in new catalog). This is the perfect pencil skirt. I'm not kidding. It fit like a dream (again, went down a size from what I wore last year in pants), the colors are great. Just fab. I want it in every color.

    -marcella blouse. Thought this was ok. It was a little loose on me, but thought if I went down a size, I would lose too much bust room. I understand why lots of you love it though!

    -watercolor floral madison dress. Loved this print in blue (the camo one) but the dress was not the right cut for me. It was too high-waisted or something. Pretty pattern, but bad fit.

    -the city-fit watson pant. I wanted to love these, but again, the sizing was way off! I went down two sizes from what I wore in pants last year, and the waist finally fit right, but they still weren't winners. I think the fabric is too light weight or something. If they were a heavier khaki material like the city-fit cafe capris, I think they would be much better!

    -the cashmere santofa (?) dress. Like others have mentioned, all the cashmere at my store had a name attached to it. This was a sweater sheath dress with no sleeves, and a taffeta bow at the waist in a silvery color. It was very pretty, but a lot of $ I think it was 258. Maybe when it gets way marked down. You would also need a slip of some kind underneath because it wasn't lined, and was a tiny bit see through (as well as I imagine relatively itchy if you were sitting all day in it, even if it is cashmere!).

    the one thing I loved but didn't try on: the dream taffeta sash cardigan (new catalog p. 15, 97467L). This is gorgeous in person, and I love it in the heather silver color. The price at 148 seems steep though, especially as the dream fabric is still a little on the itchy side for me.

    Whew, I think that's it! I also ordered the jersey adelaide dress over the phone - hopefully it and the dream tie carid will actually come. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to make sure I shared all the sizing stuff I ran into!

  75. Thanks, Weab, I'll keep you all posted on the Lucille! :) My rule of thumb (after I lost out on a lovely Marimekko blouse at Anthro years ago) - if I obsess about it for over 3 weeks, I *will* have it LOL!

    My sweet DH is in Italy of all places (that rat! - said with love)! ;)

  76. blumre: i don't get my catalog until very late these's irritating especially since i've ordered so much from them in the past year. lately i just pick it up from the store...although i didn't have any luck with that today either. grrrr. ;)

  77. when will the new stuff get online?

  78. Weab, the persimmon tartine is more a more muted and true red than the Jackie which is almost neon. I like the neon tone a lot - I know it's not for everyone.

  79. audrey: WHAT!?! Without you?!? When my DH has trips to Europe, we finagle a way for me to get over there too and leave the kids with grandma and grandpa. There's NO WAY I'd let him do that by himself! After all, that's where we met. :)

    kater: Thanks for the great review!my b&m doesn't carry fp cashmere so I didn't see the dress you mentioned but it sounds ADORABLE!

  80. The new stuff will likely go online this week on Thursday. At least that's how it worked before the downgrade - stores get stuff a week beforehand.

    I have discovered that my mall has a lego store with meetings that just about coincide with the new J crew merchandise each month. Makes for a fun morning for mommy and boy. YAY!

  81. molly: Thanks for the info! I really love the shade of the Tartine but wanted the staying power of the jackie. I don't think I really want neon though...Now I'm really torn.

  82. Weab: I have the Jackie in persimmon and don't find it to be neony. It's bright, that is for sure, and I think it's a bit brighter than the tartine persimmon but only because it's cotton and not wool. I really like my Jackie.

  83. Hmmm can't get on Anyone else having problems?

  84. Jacquelyn, I'm so sorry about the poor CS today--I can relate--my B&M Crew store used to be terribly snobbish and just plain weird. (IE, I asked a SA for the time, and she told me the time and said "Oh I don't really know the time; I just made that up."--?!?!!! WTH?) Over the past year or 2 they've gotten MUCH more friendly. I hope your store turns around too! I have no idea why mine did--although I'm very glad--maybe a management change. Alas, my store is very small and doesn't get much stock in.

  85. I think what I am trying to say is that it's not one of those "Holy Cats!" colors. :)

  86. Kater thanks for those awesome reviews! I was very interested in what you said about the suiting dress! I also know what you mean about the sizing... it is completely IN SANE!

    ccbmum: I feel your pain... lets cross our fingers and hope we get them soon. There is no point to the in store ones other than to look. They don't have coupons. I hope mine comes soon.

  87. Pink1: I'm having trouble with J.Crew, on and off.

  88. ccbum - SF SA eating a snack! That's really bunny (bad/funny). I've been really happy the past couple of times I've gone in there, but it is a hit or miss store as you know.

  89. Also it looks like there is a very cool sweater jacket on Pg 12 of the catalog. I cant see it very well but it looks great... is that what it is? Its the one right before the cardigan with the insanely huge ruffle and with the tie by the neck. Can anyone tell me what this is? When I click on the picture it is still too small to see :(

    BTW Gigiofca: I am going to Banana on manday, YAY!!!

  90. gigiofca: I loved the "bunny" word you just used. Very cute!

  91. bunny??!!

    I'm going to start to work that into my vocabulary.

  92. jcrewbug: thanks for the info! I'm thinking the Jackie persimmon may be closer to the poppy color??? does that sound right? btw, love the "Holy Cats" expression! That's a new one on me. :)

    gigi: speaking of new expressions, Love the "bunny" one too. That's TUNNY (too funny) :)

  93. Blumre - That is so funny. I think you are talking about the Dream open cardigan on page 14. I actually commented the other day that it reminded me of the beach cardi you loved so much. It looks fantastic. Dream material in a large stitch. Seems to have a border about 1 1/2 inches wide in a lined stitch running around the edges of the sweater and the cuffs. Colors are carrot, honey glaze and heather graphite.

    Glad you said something about the Taffets sash cardi. Everyone seems to be loving it, and I think it looks just like the bed jackets all the women wore in the movie Pollyanna. And this is from someone who likes ruffles.

  94. blumre: Are you sure it's page 12, because my p.12 is just lulu flats. I wonder if maybe you're talking about p.14?

  95. blumre: the sweater on p. 12 (opposite the dream taffeta sash cardigan - the one with the big ruffle) is called the dream open cardigan. I'm guessing it's the same dream fabric that they use on other stuff. That is too itchy for you right? I remember you mentioning that for some reason.

    The number is 97657L and it comes in carrot (shown on the model with the pink harlow blouse, which I'm intrigued about - it's nowhere else in the catalog - does it have sleeves? come on jcrew!), honey glaze, and heather graphite.

    hope this helps.

  96. kater: No kidding about the harlow! They don't say much in the description and don't even show a drawing to the side or anything!

  97. btw, the Dream tafetta-sash cardi is also not my thing. But I must say that it's a lot softer than other dream pieces.

  98. Weab: Gosh I don't have anything poppy. It's interesting because in light of day I would say this cardigan in red with a hint of orange undertone. In light bulb light I think it looks a little more pinkish. Its not true red - it's way more intriguing. :)

    When I first got it I thought I wouldn't wear it much since it is a bit brighter than my normal wear, but I've only had it 1.5 weeks and I've worn it twice already.

  99. Jenn Brak: Thanks for letting me know! I am so bummed its the drema material!!! Its too itchy for me to even consider looking twice at :( Yea... sure that material could be a dream, but only if its a nightmare!

    Well I feel safe saying it here. I own one clothing item with ruffles (the Merino Ruffle Blouse) and thats it. Everyone knows I dont like ruffles. But to me that jacket looks like a short versions of a bed jacket or coat. I can totally see it coming right out of 1850!

    Kater: thanks as well. yes, too itchy... saddness, no fun open cardigan for me this year :(
    Weab: yes.. I got the p.g. numbers wrong.

    Sorry everyone it is hard to tell what pg items are on when looking at the fantastic pictures Alexis posted!

  100. Blumre: I really like the look of the cardi on pg. 14. I'm gonna check it out at the store tomorrow. I went in today and forgot to pick up a cataloge so I'm going back!

  101. Blumre: Have you noticed a difference in itchiness with different dream colors. I noticed Honey Glaze isn't as itchy as Navy in the dream ties.

  102. JCrewbug: let meknow how it feels maybe it will be softer than the other dream stuff.

    Haha Weab: just my luck the taffeta sash dream cardigan is softer than the others. The one I will never buy... I think Jcrew is trying to send me a message! lol

  103. blumre: the weave of the sweater jacket on page 14 looks different than the typical dream sweaters it's larger. so it may be softer than other dream pieces. I know that's the case with the tie-neck one next to it. (not that I like it, it's just softer and better feeling than other dreams).

  104. blumre: LOL! I think he crew is just toying with your emotions!

  105. Re. Tartine versus Jackie - I would opt for Jackie. The ruffles on the tartine are just too unmanageable. I was *this close* to getting the Tartine in Snow Leopard today and I just couldn't deal with the flopping and folding ruffles.

    Yeah, maybe "neon" is a bit of an overstatement about the deep persimmon on the Jackie. It's a clearer and brighter color than the deep persimmon in the merino Tartine.

    I really don't think you can go wrong with a Jackie - unless it's sour lemon teehee.

  106. Molly: I agree - the Jackie is a great cardi and especially in this color. I really do like it a lot. Depending what you pair it with this color could possibly go all year. What do you think?

    I have the tartine in heather mushroom and it's darling. Just got it yesterday.

  107. molly and jcrewbug: Thanks for all your help! I really appreciate it! I did end up buying the tartine in black a few weeks ago after thinking I hated it in the cat. I do really like the tartine but worry about it's longevity with the ruffles. I'm afraid I'll get bored of them or it'll start to date the cardi. That's why I know the jackie is always such a safe bet... If only the two colors were identical!

  108. Jcrewbug- I have noticed that difference in itchiness by color you mention. I actually find too, that the cable knit Dreams seem much scratchier than the flat knit.

    Also, Has anyone noticed that EVERY year they say they have made the dreams better with more cashmere? They must hear the itchiness complaint a lot.

    The catalogue states that both the sash tie and the open cardigans are 5 guage knits. Other dreams in the catalog are about 12 guage. That loftiness would make the cardigans softer. Keep your fingers crossed Blumre, it might work.

    What are peoples opinions on the wool/cashmere shawl collar cardi on page 54? I can just see myself using that all the time. I also love that it comes in heather camel.

  109. jenn brak: I think they styled it great in the cat and made it look more "sexy" and sleek than it really is. I think without the belt it would look too grandma-ish... It's a pass for me.

  110. I agree with Weab. The camel colored sweater I love is on page 53 - the bird's eye crystal cardigan in silver/camel. It was kind of itchy in person though. Different blend than the argyle sweaters and the sequin chiffon ruffled sweater. The ruffle was really nice though - substantial without being too big. It stood up nicely, but didn't overpower the overall look.

  111. Jenn_Brak: Oh my fingers are crossed very tightly! That sweater would be an awesome addition to my wardrobe

  112. whoops, this went undet he wrong thread so I am reposting

    Weab: Hexicon said Jcrew was like a bad boyfriend and she was right on. They just like messing with me!

  113. blumre: we made it through the storm with no significant damage, and feel very fortunate, especially since so much of Central Florida has been flooded. It finally stopped raining for several hours this morning and we actually got some sunshine, too! Thanks for asking btw! :) I did get in touch with the PS, but I haven't placed an order with her yet, actually I haven't placed an order at all. I'm trying to hold off until I see the new merchandise from the catalog in person, although the Olivia Shell is very tempting to me right now. ;)

  114. FFM - I swear that Olivia was on sale in Columbus, OH. For about $69.99. Maybe it was the pleated cashmere sleeveless, but I really thought it was the Olivia.

  115. jenn_brak: Was it marked 69.99? Elsewhere it's been 99.99. That's a great deal if it's 30% off that!!

  116. oh ffm! You MUST try the Olivia! I find that I want to wear mine everyday! It's so flattering and great for ANY occasion. We're having 90 degree temps here in TX and the top isn't too hot. Anyway, so glad to hear you and your fam faired well through the storms!

  117. FFM - No - it was about $70 with the additional 30% off, so it would have been marked at 99. Sorry to be confusing or confused. Not sure which I am, which must mean it is time to go to bed!

  118. Alexis, thank you so much for posting the photos of the catalog. Very thoughtful!

    I always get my catalog late for some reason and my B&M didn't have any new catalogs either, (on friday when I sent my husband to pick one up on his lunch hour, bad wife, I know).

    All this talk of the sequin chiffon ruffle sweater makes me want to check it out IRL. I'm not crazy about it from the photos. Black ruffles on navy? I've always thought black and navy together was a big no-no. Am I wrong? Love the styling of it 'though with the crisp white shirt and the pearls.

  119. Weab, I also have the jackie in persimmon and I find it bright but in a brilliant shade, not neony, more "alive"? It brings out the auburn highlights in my hair. hope that helps=)

  120. I spend thousands at J Crew each year and have yet to receive my catalog. I am so bummed. I love the color of the Persimmon Jackie cardi, but what top do you pair it with?

    Alexis: Thank you so very much for posting the catalog. Since I haven't received mine it was MUCH appreciated!! Sorry to hear about your computer. My husband is very hard on computers and is continually doing things that make ours crash. I believe that we have been through 2 or 3 in the past three years!

    FFM: Did you mention the Mineral Blue color the other day? Just wondering. I remember that someone mentioned that they had a top in that color. I am I keep my Spicy Mustard Lucille or do I exchange for the Orange which looks FAB in the catalog!!!

  121. One last thing and then I MUST get to bed. How deep is the neckline on the Olivia shell? Which color IRL seems to be the most versatile? I think that it is so beautiful, but with my super duper flat chest I worry about the neckline! :(

  122. jenn_brak: I noticed the exact same thing! It always says, "More cashmere than ever, our softest yet..." and it makes me wonder if the formula has truly changed.

  123. jcrewjunkie: re. the Lucille, could you order the orange and put the two jackets side by side with your wardrobe? Sometimes having all the complimentary pieces out makes the decision so much easier.

    Alexis: I'm sorry I missed all the info about your computer dying :( - that sucks. We had that happen to our PC years ago and I was in tears thinking we lost a bunch of photos...we got a back-up drive right
    after. I hope you get to retrieve your data...

  124. I am just so excited because I got notice that my Jackie cardigan in honey glaze has shipped! I love this color! I think I ordered this item a month ago. They had it waitlisted for early September, so pretty cool that it's coming early. :)

  125. From the catelog, I do not like this season's items. In my opinion, they lacks design originality. To me, it is the worst jcrew fall season since 2005.

  126. Anony@2:54, I feel the same way...the styles are boring the colors are boring...I don't like the honey is 70's gold...yuck! I usually spend about $1,000 a month at JCrew and last winter I almost doubled that some months I bought so much...I have a $125 rewards card to use and I can't find anything I like...all this talk of itchy wool and pilling isn't helping either!

  127. Good Morning! The web is updated this morning as of 6:00 am.

  128. I meant to say 5:50 am, I was on the site when it happened.

    I find the web better than the catalog. I always like the most expensive things!

  129. jenn_brak and weab: thanks for the information on the Olivia Shell. :) It's beautiful...wish it came in more colors.

    jcrewjunkie: I don't personally have anything in Mineral Blue...sorry! Btw...did you see my post that answered your question about the Piper Tanks?

  130. The website has been updated with the new arrivals. The SALE section doesn't have any new merchandise, but it HAS been CHANGED!!! YAY! Gone are the pics on the main page with all the's just the clothes now...almost the way the sale section used to be. It definitely looks less *busy* now...guess they listened to us (for the better) on something. ;)

  131. jcrewjunkie: I have a Perfect Tee henley in mineral blue, and it is really nice soft year round color. It is a lot like aqua blue that JC had last winter but there is more a greenish tint to it.

    I love the Perfect Tees this fall, especially the henley. I have already purchased 5 so far.

  132. I just woke up and just watched the new video...I love it!!! It's still no Paris, but the song is awesome and I just love it. The models are so amazing....

  133. The Sale section has been updated now...notice how in Sale and on the Full Price Categories it is no longer Jackets and Outerwear...Jackets have become *Blazers* and they have their own category now.

  134. blah...more of the same! :(

  135. ffm-it's sooooo much better, the sale section! Like the "good ol days" It actually makes me consider and want to buy something...

  136. caw: I completely agree...sooo much better! Now if they just had that nice heathered wheat/camel backround like in this pic Here again! :)

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. weab, ccbmum, and jcrewjunkie: What is the fit on the Lucille? Is it true to size or running big?

  139. I am having trouble getting onto their website now, it worked earlier....

  140. I have not received the September catalog yet, but I did get August, so I'm trying to be patient . . . I just found out I have been hired into a new position at work, so there I could use a few more work pieces - I'm waiting for that apology coupon! :-)


  141. The website has been updated!

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. How is the fit on the ASTRID? Thanks:) I don't live near a store....

  144. ffm-they should just hire you!
    okay, so I took a brief look at the new stuff. Hello, prices????? They just keep going up up up.
    I have that cash shawl collar sweater they brought back again, bought it on sale of course, but now the original prices is $213!! That's crazy, their cash is okay but let's face, it's still made in CHINA

  145. jcrewjunkie: with my chest I worry about necklines too (it really limits what I can wear to work). But really the neckline isnt as deep as it looks online! I think you would probably be ok with it.

  146. Sorry, can't talk... just saw your comments about the website being updated... I need to go get a napkin so I can wipe up my droll in a few minutes when I look at all these gorgeous pieces!

  147. OK so many gorgeous items... but for people who are worried about the olivia. The cashmere femme sweater looks to be the same outline but with a high neck and sleeves!!!

  148. How is it the hammered silk laura dress is less expensive than the tank? And its so gorgeous! Thank might be a FP buy for me! I really actually do need a few dresses for this fall and winter and that might be the ticket!

  149. WTF is that fontaine dress? She looks ridiculous!

  150. blumre, totally noticed that about the laura dress-I agree, beautiful and "cheap" THe fontaine dress looks like a cake! I need time to digest all this but am having family over any minute....argh!

  151. I guess all you west coast ladies aren't up yet!!!

  152. ugh the new sale stuff is obvipously there but it wont upload for me... and I think my denim pencil skirt went on sale!

    However overall, I am not truly in love with many things. That's a relief. Also it is obvious that they are starting retail only items.

  153. caw good luck with your family and staying away from J.Crew!

    That dress is worse than a cake... it looks like a wedding cake that was left out in the sun and melted. YUCK

  154. yes blumre, that's what I thought, a wedding cake ! I agree, I am not in lust but it's fun to look at all this new stuff...
    I have to go get bagels! I usually have more time at work to browse, lol...

  155. blumre: I don't see the Denim Pencil Skirt anywhere on the website...not even in the sale section. :(

  156. I'm so glad it is back to items only pictured in the sale section! Much, much better!!!

  157. blumre, sale section not working for me either....earlier today it had many typos, isn't that sad? Missing prices, etc....

  158. FFM: Oh its there somewhere! The website is all out of whack right now. obviously their tech issues aren't over yet.

    Also not a huge fan of this new video. It only showcases about 4 outfits! I do love prague... but it did actually show anything of the city.

  159. Hi, I know there has been a lot of talk about blazers and fit this new season but I wasn't paying attention b/c I didnt' think I'd be buying....Now I need some help....Anyone tried on the ASTRID? I am tall so wondering about fit...length, etc.

  160. hello all, Jcrew brings the old version back on FS. Nice.

  161. Maybe they are updating the sale section because I only got it to work once for me this morning!

  162. The sale section just loaded for me again... this time the are no models in the pictures. Just the flat clothes like before the upgrade! This is weird

  163. blumre: they went back to the old look of the Sale/Final Sale section except for not having the Heathered Wheat/Camel colored background behind the clothes. :)
    I like it much, much, much better this way.

  164. Really FFM: I dont like it. I loved that I could still scrutinize the items on the models if I decided to buy stuff FS. This may decrease my purchases

  165. What I meant is that I like it much better this way than the way they initially had it *post-ugrade*. It would be so FAB if they could post the pictures with that Wheat colored background like I mentioned in my previous post. :)

  166. blumre: once you click on the photo it shows the clothes on the model like before, only now you don't get all the *business* on the home can still scrutinize. ;)

  167. Oh thanks FFM, thats excellent news. Then I dont mind so much... and yes it makes it much easier to find items, agreed

  168. Oh, I am a happy girl this morning. I have to say, I love the ruffle astrid. Didn't think I would now I want it. My sale section isn't working either. I really hope there are a lot of good things on sale!

  169. FFM: The Joelle is showing up in nearly all sizes and lots of colors... you should call in and check on it... maybe you can get it now

  170. Has anyone seen the dark fog IRL? I really like this new color. I may have to have it in the Lydia!

  171. blumre: Thanks! They actually had the Grey Mist earlier but it sold out already. I'm debating...I would have to hassle with giving them my previous short shipped order number to get the price I was supposed to have paid, and I'm not sure the blouse is worth all of that to me at this point. I'll see how long it stays on there...if they are showing up today, then there is a good possibility they will keep adding more each day (I hope). :)

  172. musthavejcrew: I have seen the Dark Fog Lydia IRL, and I think it is actually darker than what is showing on the website. It reminds me more of the Dark Fog color of the Belle Skirt. It's really very pretty. :)

  173. FFM: the fit of the lucille is true to size...maybe a tad big in the shouldn't need to size up. it fits/looks best when it's buttoned up :)

  174. Thanks FFM. I go Wed to meet with a ps (and my 20% off) so I hope my store has it for me to see!

  175. musthavejcrew: now that I look at the two pics side by side, they actually look the same on the website. I think that both the Lydia and the Belle in Dark Fog are slightly darker IRL. I know Weab has seen the Lydia IRL, and we both actually thought it was called Slate, if that is any help. Maybe she will also answer this question. :)

  176. FFM: or anyone who knows... is the 30% off still going on in stores?

  177. Thanks ccbmum! Then I will get the size 4 if/when I decide to go for it! :)

  178. blumre: I'm not sure...last time I called was Friday, I think, and it was going on store doesn't open until 11:00 on Sundays.

  179. there are some gorgeous cashmere sweater jackets now...Cashmere Pavia cardigan and Cashmere Butterfield jacket but at those prices, i might as well buy another lucille in orange! i wish they made them in merino wool.

  180. ccbmum-my sentiments exactly! I also like the cash peplum sweater
    looks like the lily a bit, but the price is crazy crazy

  181. Their outerwear has really gotten pricey! I am glad I have a collection from years past!

  182. caw: i know, their outerwear has definitely gone up in price! since i know how to knit, i feel like i could find a pattern for that pavia cardi and make it myself...but i keep forgetting i don't have any time!! :)

  183. Hello everyone! Again, for those wishing me luck on my laptop- thank you! I will find out the status of my laptop (like if I will be able to save my data) latter today. I won't lie, I have been in a funk ever since it crashed. I never knew how much I relied on my laptop until it died on me. ;)

    Also, thanks to Anonymous at 5:56 AM who let us know when the site was updated. I am curious if that will be the new "update" time for the site. :)

  184. anon who asked about sizing on astrid: I went down a size from what I wore in jcrew jackets last year, but that has happened on every jcrew jacket this fall except the ecole. Their weird sizing perhaps?

    The astrid is pretty cropped. It hit me at my natural waist or when I closed it with the hook and eye. Whatever you wear under it is definitely going to show between the end of the jacket and the start of your bottoms I think, unless you have something that is extremely high-waisted.

    hope this helps!

  185. ffm: I took a 0 in the Lucille which is a size down from my usual. It sounds like you're thinner than me so I'm afraid the 4 might swallow you up! Also, I took a 2 in the Astrid which is about true to size. (I usually wear a 4P). I hope this helps! Let us know what you end up doing!

  186. kater, thank for the help with the Astrid...since I am almost 5'10" I think I might order my usual size 10 in JCrew jackets since it is cropped.....getting an 8 might make it really fitted and too short looking...I don't know...I wish JCrew had been more consistent with it's fall sizing.....It is so hard when one doesn't have a store to go to...

  187. audrey: I am horrible at making snap decisions. I think that putting the two side by side is an excellent idea! THANKS!

    ffm: I think that the Lucille runs true to size. Maybe a tad big big in the shoulders, but not enough for it to be a bother. Also, got the Piper are the best...thanks so very much!!

    anon @ 7:11 a.m.: Thank you for the info on the Mineral Blue color. I love the way it makes my blue eyes look! :)

  188. Hi, I'm so glad to have found you. I'm a grad student who's loved J.Crew for the past decade and it's so nice to see a blog devoted to them.

    Still haven't received my catalog, but besides the plain black wool pencil skirts and sweaters, the one thing I'm truly dying to have is the sharkskin skirt in royal violet. Or silver.

  189. FFM and blumre: the sparkle tweed pencil skirt isn't there anymore either :( I hope they find that and the denim skirt too.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)