Referencing {FAQ}

Monday, July 14, 2008

Darlings, is it time for a J.Crew coupon code?

Yes, it is that wonderful time again! :) J.Crew sent an email offering free shipping on orders of $100+ with promo code SHOPNOW. This offer expires 7/16/08.

Also, "thanks!" to Anonymous at 6:37 PM & BGD who let us know in this post that J.Crew is also offering free shipping on orders of $150+ with promo code MUSTSHOP. This offer also expires 7/16/08.

[I did not get a chance to read all the comments today, but I just did a search for those who posted these codes. A big "thank you!" also goes to Anonymous at 2:18PM and 5:42PM & Yogichicki & Daniel Howell in the post "JCrew's Offer "Freeship" No Longer Works", as well as to Miramar in the post "The Great (Weekly) Exchange". :) ]

Does the code "SHOPNOW" and "MUSTSHOP" seem a bit desperate? It's like J.Crew really wants us to buy from them. But if that is the case, then why remove the FREESHIP code (which seems to be more attractive in getting customers to buy online)? Maybe it's because they want us to buy that minimum threshold. :)


  1. Isn't that funny! I received a different email with code MUSTSHOP and a minimum purchase of $150. It looks just like the $100 email you posted, but I must be on the sucker list if they sent me the $150 minimum! The $150 expires on 7/16.

  2. anon at 6:37 pm, I got the $150 one as well. looks suspiciously EXACTLY like the $100 Min email.

  3. Hi guys~

    I haven't checked every one's comments yet except for the ones of this post. But I will be sure to add your codes as well! :)

    Too bad you got the $150 min. I don't know how they "rank" us either.

  4. I know alexis - what the heck! How do they determine who gets 100 and who gets 150! I am definitely in the sucker category of 150 and it makes me a little mad! Or at least very aware that I need to curtail my jcrew purchases if the company thinks I'm more likely to spend 150 than 100!

  5. Kater: When Retailmenot had J.Crew coupons, I noticed that there were three minimum categories: $100, $150, and $175.

    Also, I noticed that they do the same with catalogs. Some catalogs get free shipping codes while others (e.g. me) have none.

    I never understood the "science" behind who got which one. I would hope there is something more than just "randomness". :)

  6. How do they determine who gets an email at all! I am a card holder AND have signed up to receive email updates under 2 different email addresses. I only got ONE email at one of the addresses for the 20% off private sale through July 12th : (
    I have called customer service and they confirm that they have my email address. WHAT IS UP J CREW!? Do you not want me to spend money?? (OK my rant is over) LOL : )

  7. I have a the silver jcrew card and got the $100 one, but to both my emails (only 1 is registered with the card). I'm still seeing $null on half of the sale things I click on :(

  8. I've got the silver J.Crew card as well, and I also (only) received the MUSTSHOP w/$150+ purchase email.

    I've noticed with Banana Republic that ever since I went Luxe I always receive the higher limit emails (percentage off with minimum purchase). After checking retailmenot and finding they have other codes out there I'm convinced they have me pegged as a "big spender." Lucky us for spending so much, eh?

  9. this is all so random! at least we have this blog to share so none of us miss a deal - or spend too much when we don't have to!

  10. jessica - I wasn't receiving promotional email from them either until I sent them an email. CS forwarded my email to the right people at J Crew and now I'm getting promotional email. I had tried to solve this with CS over the phone, but it didn't work.

    -As for the different promotional email and catalogs with or without coupons, I hope this isn't like what Victoria's Secret was accused of doing years ago. The prices in your catalog were different depending upon your zip code.

  11. I got the free shipping w/$150 at home and the free shipping w/$100 on my work e-mail... RANDOM. Thank goodness for this blog is right :)

  12. Thanks St! I will try that out!

  13. I have a silver J.Crew card (whatever that means!) and I got the $150 one as well.
    For the longest time, I could never get e-mails from J.Crew. I would call and they would confirm they had my e-mail (my card statements always seemed to come through just fine through e-mail) but I never got any sale notices or coupons. FINALLY, I was able to start getting them by submitting an entirely new e-mail address that I had never used before for any of my orders. Weird, I know.

    Also, although both my recent orders claim to have shipped, I checked my credit card statements and I have not been charged for either order ... Something tells me the orders really didn't ship and I am never going to get them, :( This makes me sick, seriously. And if I COULD, I would return the deals I got yesterday from the store just on principal alone. Ugh.

  14. principle, not principal. Sorry.

  15. Just to add to the "randomness" chain - I have two emails registered at J.Crew, and one received the $150 limit, the other $100.

    Maybe because I buy most (if not all) by stuff using the email that received the $150?

    Go figure.

  16. I probably spend less than most people here just because I just finished my masters and I probably spend about $100 a month... some months if nothing good is on sale, then nothing at all. I also don't buy if i don't need anything. But I got the $150 code so I thought it was because they were trying to up my spending.

    I think they need to up the minimums because they are trying to make up ground. Couldn't they just put a $50 dollar minimum or a $75 minimum out there... I still can't afford $150 in one purchase on most days but I wish I could take advantage.

    On the other hand. I am waiting for certain items to go on sale and we shall see if there are any codes at that time.

  17. Also no sign yet of my madras jacket!

  18. Blumre, I don't spend a huge amount, either. About $150 a month when sales are good, but many months nothing. Many times, I won't order anything rather than meet the minimum to get the free shipping.

  19. Andrea, I will do the same thing. I can't usually afford that much on clothes and lets face it some months I need basics that jcrew doesn't make ( for example: bras and underwear). I am a good and loyal customer and who knows maybe next year I will have enough to really spend whatever I want. But for now I would like them to recognize that I shop there a lot and I would like some rewards.

    Alexis: I know JCrew posted on here a while back. What did they say to you? Did they offer you anything? I suspected they might want you to advertise for them. Did anything every come of that? You don't have to say obviously, I was just curious.

  20. blumre: what size did you order? There was still one at the Westlake, Ohio J Crew. Its up on the manequin so its probably a 2 or a 4. Maybe you could cancel your order if that works for you.

  21. Blumre: I actually never heard from a J.Crew rep again. Norman (who posted that it was his last day at J.Crew) was the last one I heard from back on July 3rd. I received no other contact. Oh well! :)

  22. blumre: There are a ton of madras jackets in all sizes at Lenox Square in Atlanta. Their number is (404) 237-2739 and they're still running the 25% off.

  23. Alexis-
    I remember in a previous post, you had mentioned that you got the gray city-fit buttery twill trouser. I just recently got that color as well... it's a beautiful color, but I'm just really not sure what colors to pair the pants with. Also, what do you wear for shoes... something very casual or slightly dressy?

  24. Another sucker here; I received MUSTSHOP too.

    JCrew can't modify the prices in the catalog per zip code since they make the catalog available on their website (with updated sale prices for catalog merchandise with the online catalog.)

  25. Who is going to spend to the max. when JCrew hasn't really changed the sale merchandise or prices since the web fiasco? No new merchandie, plus Final Sale! In that regard they are not being very customer friendly. I'm still smarting over some impulse shopping (final sale) I did with one of the other $150.00 min. codes anyway. :|

  26. Hello. I got the $150 minimum code. I guess they don't think I spend enough money. What's the point in sending out multiple codes with different minimum price levels? Just post one! Neiman Marcus is now offering free shipping at any price.

    Oh and off the tangent, Gap has additional 25% their clearance items at their b&m stores.

  27. webbysuzy: I was going to ask you earlier - what color of the double strand flower necklace did you have on backorder? I think we have the exact same taste in jewelry because it's on my wishlist, and now I'm so wanting to buy it with the new coupon...

  28. I got the $100 e-mail and I have the blue card - the first Jcrew card

  29. Well I think that trying to shop the stores right now instead seems to be a good strategy to satisfy j crew cravings. I've been calling around quite a bit and have been pretty lucky. Can't find a solid or polky San Telmo (sz4) yet but I got some buttery twill trousers in gray for 19.99, some kingston mocs for 29.99, and now a candace jacket for 49.99 all 25% off. Actually, I think the scavenger hunt has been somewhat fun:)

  30. Hi All- thanks for telling me where they are. I actually got the last size 4 in all on Manhattan on Saturday! I called every store and I wore it on Saturday night and go t many compliments. I will return the other one when it gets here (still nothing today... so who knows when that will be). Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Alexis that is interesting. I would have thought they would actually try to contact you and use you as a marketing device or try to.

    On one last note, my other obsession other than Jcrew is the Tudors tv show. And by defect JRM is also an obsession. I would love to see him or a look alike as a jcrew model. some of their models have looked really awful lately. For example the one modeling the 5" chino shorts looks really cracked out. Anyone else have special requests for models?

    Jcrewbug that does sound like tons of fun. I wish I could do that. Instead I was at the office until 8 p.m. in a meeting no less! :( Congrats to you though and good job!

  31. Anyone know if this top is a little sneak peak at Fall or is it old and I just don't remember it? It's SO cute!

    Sorry about the link, I'm an amateur...

  32. I received the $150 to the email address that I use on all of my purchases, and the $100 to the email address at which I have never purchased anything...seems that if you spend more, they don't give you as good of a is that good incentive? It's simply not.

  33. i think its new and I think it is on the side of hideous.

  34. I'm sorry but I have to agree with blumre! It looks like camouflage!

  35. blumre and lynn: Ok, so now I will save a little bit of money when it does come out. I don't think I'll be able to get passed the thought of camo. :)

  36. Anon at 12:15-
    I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend :-)

    Did you notice if you zoom in on the blouse twice, another picture entirely appears out of nowhere? Their website is SOOO screwy right now! I think they have so many problems, they won't even be able to FIND them all, let alone FIX them all!

  37. No offense taken. I appreciate the honesty! I did notice that weird thing it does when you zoom in.

    I finally got so fed up with all this mess and order issues that I sent them an e-mail detailing what I've dealt with...we'll see what they say...

  38. Hi Alexis, Thank you for sharing useful info. I've also got a email of free shippig code, but I am not sure if it is distributed randomly or not... On another note, my order before website upgrade (#90752 Kinzie peep toe) had been lost for weeks, but customer rep replied to my email: J.Crew will ship it as soon as the item becomes available and they will adjust the price because the item got marked down while waiting. Also they said if I want to cancel it and order another items, J.crew will offer free shipping. I hope everyone will be able to get free shipping and recieve orders without any issues!

  39. Why would I order from JCrew again anytime in the near future when I have 6--that is 6 orders from June 23 that I have not received. I am not stupid to fall for their gimmick this time!

  40. we should compile a list of all the things we find wrong with the website and email the list to them. Ex: Fiona Jacket: $null. Prices that are listed as "select colors: $29.99" and then when you select the item, it's actually $49.50.

  41. I have told every CS rep I have spoken to about the items listed on the Sale site that really aren't available, like the Fiona Jacket that has $null when you click on the picture, and have asked repeatedly that they tell take them off the website. I have also informed them about the item prices that are NOT really the price now, as all of the sale colors are long gone...those need to be removed from the sale section, as well. This whole issue reminds me of the old "bait and switch" gimmick...the CS rep I talked with about it yesterday commented that it makes them look like they are dishonest or lying, since the items are not available like the site promotes them to be...needless to say, I agreed. ;)

    BTW...received the $100 coupon this morning to the email address I use to make all of my purchases. I hate that they send the coupon the day before it expires, not to mention that if they WERE having a great sale and updating, then most everything would already be is that helpful?

  42. kater: I ordered the Double Strand Jeweled Flower Necklace that comes in fresh guava (pink) beads with an ivory color petaled flower clasp. I ordered this necklace before the giraffe, so I dunno if I'll keep the flower necklace, but definately keep my giraffe.

    I love jewelry more than clothing. I gravitate towards statement pieces. My favorite designer is Stephen Lagos, because he's an american designer with an old russian flair in his pieces. He's much less expensive than David Yurman.

  43. Well I'm up this morning and I combed thru the women's sales section and I see that they are restocking some sale items. I noticed that the Piper Tank in sea glass in now marked at 69.99 and they have a size 2 available. The Slub Fleece Zip Hoodie for 19.99 has a green color available in xs. The Waverly Jacket for 29.99 in soft azalea in size 8. The Brushstroke-print Chessy jacket in flame, size 6 for 49.99. And solid San Telmo Jackets in black sizes 4 and 6. So maybe J Crew is starting to update their sale site.

  44. Argh! I am so frustrated with J. Crew (recurring theme, anyone?)
    I just wanted to share some info I got from CS just now. I placed orders on 7/3 and 7/7 (trackig numbers still show "billing information received"), and after being on the phone for 27 minutes was told that they are "leaving the warehouse today". I don't know if that's true or whether they were just trying to placate me. Regardless, the tracking info still will not be functioning. In addition, I was told that all orders placed after 7/11 would ship out "normally" (then again, I was told that on 7/7 when I foolishly placed my last order). At this point I just want to get my packages, and be done with for the time being (and possibly forever, I am so outraged). End of rant.
    As an aside - both my husband and I receive J. Crew e-mails and we both got the $100 coupon. I order from the website, he never has.

  45. layla,
    I understand....I still have 7 missing orders from June 23--July 8. I have been pretty patient, not too upset but as I yesterday I started to feel very "put out" and I just want my stuff. I am about through with JCrew too......can't stand them right now. I have never had such poor CS from a company.

  46. anonymous at 8:03 AM: I hope you get your orders soon. So many people are in this really annoying situation (many worse off than me) - it helps to just rant once in a while and blow off steam!

  47. GAP had a class action law suit against them; had to do with their rewards card program...I received a $10 gift card as a result even though I wasn't directly involved in the lawsuit. I BELIEVE JCrew handles it rewards program the same as the GAP used to prior to the class action lawsuit....if JCrew continues to do business in this manner they are going to have some serious can't charge people multiple times for an item, not send out goods as promised, etc. The website problems can only be used as an excuse for so long, esp. since they continue to do business and don't shut it down....JCrew is my favorite company/clothing line of all time. 90% of my closet is JCrew. Love them to death but haven't worn anything JCrew in 7 days b/c they are making me so very angry!

  48. I can't believe they are offering more shipping codes - they must really want us to tie up all of our funds with orders that will likely be in permanent limbo! Shame on them - if this keeps up it won't matter how great the fall collection is, because people won't be ordering from the site. I had a couple of summer sale items to return but don't trust that I'll ever be credited for the merchandise - that's sad, .com has always been super speedy and great, but they can only get a free pass from us aficionadas for so long.

  49. FFM: You should call and tell them about your coupon And the fact that their timing sucks and ask to keep it until September (by which point you might have gotten all your orders). No harm in trying right? Bonne Chance

  50. blumre: that's a great idea about seeing if the coupon will extend until Fall...sad part is, it's not even a "real" paper coupon like the CS had promised. Apparently some went out in packages, but not in ALL packages...isn't that convenient? That's why the rep I spoke to on the weekend said to reference my order number to get the should be able to do the same, since you have had so many issues as well. I think that probably anyone who has had a major fiasco with an order can still get free shipping as long as you call in the order and ask for it. :)

  51. Lynn: I do have the grey city fit buttery twill trousers (as well as the navy). I find its great wearing the grey trousers with anything white (three quarter tee, short sleeve tee, tank top) and a pair of my capri sandals in white. It looks very "light" (e.g. comfortable) for the summer time even though I am still wearing pants. :)

    Blumre: I thought someone might contact me about the website, but alas no one did not. :(

    Naomi: I really hope you get your order. I can't believe its been lost for weeks! :(

  52. FFM: They actually did offer it to me at one point and I have it on a post-it on my desk. But if they e-mailed it to you, you could always have them e-mail you a different one or make that one null and void and then have them send you a new one. Good luck

  53. Good morning everyone! I also got both emails and the one for $100 was sent to an email I have never purchased from. My biggest beef right now with the website is that I can't track anything because I am canadian and it doesn't recognize my postal code since it is alpha numeric. I know this will require a phone call to CS but I just don't have it in me to do it.
    Silver-lining - my only advice to you with returns is to get insurance for them. I have sent 3 things back to lynchburg and 2 were lost-one for good. The postal service reimbursed me for that one, but I used the return labels from their website so it wasn't even like I screwed up the addy myself. Anyway, I think I am off the for a bit. I would love some new shoes but I have no retail stores near me and I have to rely on the web. It used to be a week for an order but who knows now. Thanks for letting us vent Alexis, this whole thing has just been frustrating.

  54. annon-july 14/11:25pm, Lynn and Blumre what top are you talking about I am so curious to see it.

  55. Yoggiechick:

    How do you all post links so that they look like words and I don't need to paste that entire long thing.

  56. Alexis- Thanks for the suggestion! I'm guessing I could take them into fall as well if I paired them with black!

    Yogichicki- The link has to be copied and pasted... but you can also look up the Stretch summerweight chino bermuda because that's the picture it's in.

  57. Hi Blumre: that link is coming up as an error. I think you guys are talking about the watercolour paisley cardigan but I really don't know. Oh well, no biggie. I hope it isn't the florentine print sweater item 94743 cause I think that is super cute.

  58. In case anybody is interested in the French stripe tie jacket...stores have marked them down to 49.99 plus the 25% discount. Just got mine... I'm so happy I held this one off till now!

  59. Yogichicki-
    See my comment above. Look up item #89783, the Stretch summerweight chino bermuda.

  60. newyork0311: where did you find the stripe tie jacket? I am looking for one in size S or M.

    thanks in advance

  61. Alright ladies...I actually DO like that reminds me of the Brushstroke Talitha cami, but in different colors for Fall, and the little rosettes on the front are adorable, as well...very cute...I would buy it if the price was reasonable. :)

  62. momnyc: I bought them at the columbus circle store. I think they still have in the sizes you are looking for! Or try rockerfeller center...last Thursday I saw the had a whole new stack of the same jackets. Good luck!

  63. The idea of the top is ok, but the print is hideous! I'm not sure what they were thinking. J.Crew silk + camo does not go! Maybe it will come in different prints or solids.

  64. newyork0311-thanks so much for the tip. I've been waiting for that jacket to get marked down further too! did you happen to see whether anything else was reduced? i'm waiting for the swing tie front cardigan. I have it already it the ivory but would love the other colors too once it's cheaper!

  65. FFM and others, I like the top too...very pretty with the rosettes and I really like the colors...I would buy it...

  66. Good afternoon:
    i just want to let you know that they lost one of my orders that I placed on 06.29.08 and after calling for 15th (I'm not kidding) time yesterday, thy admitted that order, most likely, never existed...and will credit my card back. Sad, I was hoping to get two pairs of Kinzie shoes...Question for Newyork0311, were any other items mark down further in B&M?

    Thank you so much for this blog, also I've been reading it for a while, but still don't know how to register....please help.

  67. Hi Pushka! You can actually post with just your name and don't have to register at all. Below the Leave your comment and word verification boxes is the choose an identity section. Click on the Name/URL button and then write your name...your comment is now ready to publish, so click on that button. Your comment will post with your name on the top where anonymous usually is. Hope this helps! :)

  68. newyork0311: thanks for the store info. I will call in see if they my size.

  69. No, didn't notice any other item were marked down although I can only speak for tops as I done buy any jcrew bottoms :)

    Anonymous @ 11:45: love the string tie linen cardigan too! I have the solid one and the striped navy. Love them...wish I had the ivory!

    Momnyc: you are welcome! At that price the jacket is a great deal!

  70. okay - I don't hate the top. I am not big on the rosettes and I think the cut wouldn't do much for me, but if you could get it on sale it would be a good piece to have in the collection to dress up jeans etc. I also agree that different prints or solids would be a good idea.

  71. Perhaps people have stated this already, but I have one email address for the credit card account and that received the $150 limit email while the other email I use received the $100 limit email.

    That is not, right. I'm glad we are picking up on their tricks. Can't they just be honest and clear and equal to everyone?

  72. THANK YOU, you just saved me 20 bucks! :) Last day it was on offer too. :)

    Happy wedding-shopper from Sweden


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)