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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

J.Crew's Mickey Drexler Debuts on AMC's "Breaking Bad"

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Cass (in this post), Bug Pin (in this post), as well as MaryLynn, for letting us know about the following news & related article dealing with Mr. Drexler.

The following article is from the UK's Daily Mail (click here to read in its entirety):
Swapping his button-down for a hazmat suit? JCrew boss Mickey Drexler to try his hand at acting in Breaking Bad cameo
By Margot Peppers
August 21, 201

Mickey Drexler has made a name for himself as the CEO of JCrew, but the fashion mogul is briefly trying his hand at a new career path: acting. According to the New York Post, the 69-year-old businessman is set to make a guest appearance on Breaking Bad on Sunday, playing a customer at Walter White's carwash. His cameo apparently came about after he told producers he was 'obsessed' with the AMC show, so they flew him out to New Mexico for the one-day shoot.

Despite running the operations at JCrew, Mr Drexler will not be sporting clothes from the brand in his TV appearance. The paper reports that the former CEO of Gap is expected to wear a 'very out-of-character sweatshirt and ill-fitting jeans - definitely not from JCrew.

The crime drama series, which is in its fifth season, follows the life of high school chemistry teacher Walter White, who produces and sells meth to provide for his family. It's somewhat unsurprising that the JCrew boss managed to convince the producers to feature him in an episode after simply expressing his fondness for the show.
How random to see Mickey Drexler on a t.v. show?! Especially if you did not know about it beforehand. ;)

What are your thoughts on J.Crew's Mickey Drexler's appearance on "Breaking Bad"? Did you spot him when the episode aired?


  1. I would *love* to see him on Breaking Bad. I'm so behind on episodes.

    I think Bug Pin posted it straight away. Your bug pin is in the mail. Promise. lol

    1. Ha!Thanks Gigi..can't wait to get my new Bug pin! :))

  2. I think I may finally break down and catch up on this show on Netflix.

    1. Amazing show about crystal meth of ALL things! Sundance is currently replaying season 1 with 2 episodes a week.

  3. Imagine being so well connected that all you have to do is mention you love a show and you're on it? Remember when he complained about the starbucks coffee lids and the CEO responded to him asap? Must be nice!

    1. In his defense about the Starbucks thing, it sounds like Mickey himself responds to people quickly! I am always impressed when I hear a JCA got an email back from him. I'm sure he can't get back to everyone who writes to him, but not many CEOs would do it at all. I get the feeling he tries to be responsive and listen.

      I haven't seen the Breaking Bad episode yet. I recorded the second and third episodes of Season 5/second half but missed the first one so I'm holding out watching the others and hoping to catch it on a re-run. I need to watch them in order and it's driving me nuts not to have the first one. Love this show!!

    2. Hahaha no need to defend him. I agree that he responds quickly and the Starbucks lids can be a pain in the neck. I just think it's entertaining that he gets such a response from people.

    3. Cate, I think AMC and its shows are on primetime on demand or one of those other channels, so you might be able to find the first episode you missed.

    4. Thanks Cass, I didn't know that. I will definitely watch it there if I can :)

    5. teeny84, he does seem to get a response from people, of one kind or another! :)

  4. He's been obsessed? And then the part was his. Effortlessly.

  5. I can relate to this. I would totally use my big time business influence to worm my way into a cameo scene in Mad Men if given the chance. Preferably one that involved dancing in a mini-dress and lots of eyeliner. CEO's: just like us!

  6. I love breaking bad and can't wait to see him this Sunday! Even if it is in Ill-fitting jeans and a sweatshirt! Go Mickey!

    1. Hi Roxy, his cameo was in this past Sunday's episode. It was a very quick interaction. You could almost blink and miss it. But I know that voice with my eyes closed:))

  7. I actually think it is kind of cute and endearing. I have been lucky enough to have had a personal response from Mickey Drexler. He literally responded to my email within minutes and had someone from his customer service team follow up who was amazing. They were both genuine and attentive in their communication. So I say, good for him!

  8. Love "breaking bad" too. I watched last Sunday's episode but completely missed MD. By the way Walter White could really use some fashion updates. MD should send him a catalog.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)