Referencing {FAQ}

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

J.Crew's Fall 2011 Lookbook {part II}

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Faith & Marietta, as well as Fidele (in this post), who shared the following links.

Yesterday, we got some glimpses of the Fall 2011 line in the "J.Crew's Shooting the Fall '11 Lookbook" post. Well, the images are now out! The following are some links:
Trench coats, maxi skirts, trouser legs, capes! And the colors! I am in l.o.v.e. Hats off to you J.Crew! Although, don't think I didn't notice some questionable-crotch-fitting pants (here & here). ;)

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Fall items? Are you excited for what's to come? Do you dislike or like any of them? Which items were you hoping to see? :)

Dear J.Crew,

Could not help but notice most of the sites mentioned above were directly furnished with the images by you. I would love to be on that marketing & press list. Perhaps my previous attempts through direct requests were not received. I know J.Crew Corporate reads this blog multiple times on a daily basis (hi guys!), so I thought I might try asking (okay, begging) through this post. In case you don't have my email, it is: jcrewaficionada at yahoo dot com. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.

Love you always,
Alexis! :)


  1. That coat! It made me spit the water I was drinking for lunch right back out. I'm dying over it, dying dying dying.

    If it really is "Great Gatsby" inspired per Fab Sugar's description, I am so, so screwed. Time to start saving my pennies!

  2. Chloe: I KNOW!!! It's amazing. The buttons that shape!!! :)

  3. I'm going to be saving my pennies for this plaid blazer. No more blazer's till then. Overall I love the color palate, but I do agree with the very ill fitting & ugly pants on some of the models. I would also love to know more the silky greenish double breasted long trench.

  4. Oh! Lots of clean lines, strong shapes and great colours and patterns! Nicely done! Although I am reeeeeally struggling to see the Great Gastby references. Not quite sure which outfit says Daisy Buchanan. Thanks posting the links Alexis! This is my one-stop-shop for JC news!

  5. "in case you don't have my email...."

    Come on JC! It's very easy to get in touch with Alexis!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I am in love! The shoes on the girl in the middle seem a little out of place but I am just loving the colors and shapes for fall. Can't wait to see all these items in person!

  7. This is classic style- updated! Exactly what J.Crew should have been doing all along. I don't like the way the clothes were styled on the models (it looked frumpy and sloppy at the same time), but I see some great individual pieces.

  8. Wolfy: I loved that blazer and that handbag! Can't wait to see in IRL. :)

    Closet Crisis & Lindsay: I hear you on the lines, shapes, and colors. J.Crew is back! :)

    Kristin: I am not going to lie, I was surprised that so many sites were furnished with the upcoming collection. They have a system to share quickly. So clearly this blog is being left out. :( Don't understand why since no other site would cherish the images as much as us too. ;)

    Shortblonde: Exactly my feeling- classics with a twist. Loves it!

    Lolita.Lee.Love: LOL! Me too! ;)

  9. I am very glad to not see any sticks/leaves in the model's hair. ;)

  10. love love love. That coat up there is SERIOUSLY amazing. I think I may be glad I didn't spring for a coat this year. I will have to remember this through the summer. Lots of pieces to love here. The shoes! The color! The silhouettes! Oh man.

    I see the Gatsby mostly in the retro cuts. More reference than straight up direct inspiration. Either way, I'm loving it.

    Alexis, I cannot wait to hear how or if JC responds to you. It seems they may be afraid of the inevitable bad that comes with the good. Which, really, is sad. Because after all, you can't have the love without a little bad. Though this blog is brutally honest at times, it's only because of the love. And really, I don't think there are too many retailers that inspire the reactions JC gets here. It's been said before - we wouldn't be so disappointed in the declining quality if we didn't love them so.

  11. SilverLining: HA HA HA!

    AJR: That coat really is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I have enough winter coats, but I already decided I will make an exception to include that one. ;)

    I also wonder if JCrew will respond to the post's request. I doubt they will based on past attempts. But there is always the glimmer of hope I hold onto. :) I mean, it's not like I am asking for personal Q&A time with each of the top designers. It's just copying & pasting in one email address into J.Crew's marketing-press email system. ;)

  12. wow no wonder this winter has seen so many markdowns and clearances! What a wonderful fresh start! (except for the glaring omission from the blog roll which is the clumsiest of bad manners. huh.)

  13. Thanks so much for posting all these links, Alexis! I like the periwinkle (?) trousers.
    Although I am still waiting for the green silk paisley print that we saw during the Spring 2011 previews. We only saw the romper but I hope they make more than just a romper in that pretty print.

  14. I received a "newsletter" type piece in the mail that described the collection as Great Gatsby AND Bonnie & Clyde. I see the Bonnie & Clyde way more. Excerpt from the newsletter:

    Marissa Webb-our women's design mastermind-indulged her inner movie buff to build her vision for fall. The result is a collision of two opposing but equally alluring sensibilities: the ladylike structure, pulled back styling and satured colors embodied by the film Bonnie and Clyde and the fluid romanticism and the ethereal whimsy imagined in the Great Gatsby.

  15. The colors!! The Structured Bags!! The shoes!! The Prints!! The NOT SKIN TIGHT pants or TOO SHORT skirts!!! Bravo Crew.... you are back.... I'm officially on a spending/saving freeze for Fall 2011 Crew.

  16. I like what I see. Most especially the red bags and the dress in red! The green silk trench looks very nice too.
    Still seeing the chambray shirt in lots of the looks, I bought one when they first came on board but almost never wear it. Maybe this Fall I'll actually be able to work it.
    Yes I must have that red bag and and dress!

    And the coat!! ;)

  17. Second what many have said, esp. Milljcrew - must remember no more spring/summer clothes. Loving the pants and the stripe sweater/tweed skirt combo. Also the shoes...

  18. OMG...Classic lines + beautiful colors + shoe cuteness = drained bank account come August!

  19. Yay - finally back to stuff I can actually wear.

  20. I second you on the crotch weirdness with some of the pants. And that one all yellow outfit would make most people (myself included) look really frumpy.

    Love the clean lines, though, and the long skirts! And the great coats! Very nice!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This is what I love! Classic styling in fun colors and fabrics :)...I adore the handbags too - looks like classic Coach/Reed Krakoff.

    Man, I swore off buying too many items of clothing this year, but I may have to renig...especially since Fall is my favorite season...!

    Alexis: I know it would be fabulous to be included on their blogroll, but honestly, I think your blog concerns JCrew...mainly because we poke holes in their carefully orchestrated (clothing) presentations -- we discuss many on-going issues with declining quality, pricing, customer service inconsistencies. Sometimes, I get the feeling that while Mickey and crew profess to be on top of these things, for many customers, if they are left in the dark about issues, JCrew is more than happy to keep them in the dark.

    Plus, I'm totally selfish and want to keep this little community here to ourselves ;)

  23. Much like all of you, I am excited by what I am seeing. Hazaa! :)

    Audball: I totally agree with you, that I love how our community is honest in order to help each other. :)

  24. Hannah: Right? Some of the crotches look super low. ;) I am all for high waisted pants, but not like that. But I am hoping they will be better in person. :)

  25. wow, i'm loving everything.

  26. There once was a girl who stumbled upon Jcrew. You see it was a secret love at first no one else she knew Crewed. While her little friends at school were after the latest trendy pieces she stayed true to her self and always found a way to make cardigans, trouser and oxfords her own (the jcrew way).

    Each magazine was a wonder, each handled with gentle care. She would study each page so carefully that nothing would not meet her stare.

    Baby sitting money was saved and a few pieces were savored, but soon her closet was full and was not shared with another.

    This girl became a lady and she still always had her love with her. Year after year her love was on this journey with her.

    Then one day she started to look back and realized how much she and her retail love had changed, classic no more, maybe even a bore.

    This lady still stayed with her love because that is just what you do in hopes that some day her love would come to.

    Then what did her wondering eyes partake, amazing new styling just for her to partake?

    As silly as this seems it is perfectly true, still to this day my love for JCrew is still my little secret (unless you are a jcrewer and then you just have to see my outfit). I knew you ladies would understand and it amazes me how my (only) love for a retailer has come about. How did Jcrew become something I adore? Lets be honest clothing is just clothing. I think for all of us it is an expression of art, a reflection of how we feel and a step further for me it is nostalgic. Those magazines I pined over for so many teenage years created MY style. I like that it was current classic and I was on my own, not following every whimsical trend.

    Before this becomes a book I am elated to see some of the old Jcrew back. I just got back from my B&M (las vegas)and the service was wonderful! Moreover, I saw classic stripe shirts and thought of a million ways to make them "my own"! To top it off they put a classic GREEN Jcrew sticker on my wrapped up goodies, just like the old days.

    I feel like you are coming back to me Jcrew. I want you back, I want great polo's, oxfords, cardi's and all those classic pieces that I can make my own. I don't want to be everyone else, I don't want to wear minis, paper thin shirt, tons of layers, huge platforms, or follow every trend. I want to have my clothing for years and I want them to make it through those years.

    I guess I was feeling nostalgic today. The silly green sticker did me in. I am ready, I'm done trying to style something that isn't what I really want and I don't think I will have to for much longer (it was getting tragic and I almost had to leave her).

  27. Hey Alexis - fyi: the "•FashionIndie" link takes you to JCrew's Fall 2010 collection page on their site.

    Thanks for posting all these links!

  28. MeganCrew: One word- Amazing!

    IRL: Thanks! Just fixed it. :)

  29. The colors! The shoes! The bags! Oh my! That red dress looks so pretty! I am much more excited about this look book than I was about the spring one. I'm definitely going to try to rein it in and save up for fall!

  30. Does anyone know if the little leopard piece is a coat or a cape? Fingers crossed it's a coat! So much more practical!

  31. Eek, I'm excited! Love the pieces...but my heart started beating faster when I saw the shoes--gosh I hope they are part of the collection and not just props for for the shoot. The blush/nude platform penny loafers? The bright orange round pumps, and the turqoise ones....dare I say almost Juliet-esque? And the pointy tortoise pumps? Oh dear, I am in trouble.

  32. Those pants look exactly like the Lolli, did they recycle them?
    I am mostly excited by the jewelry, it looks like a departure from blingy-ness and a comeback of enameil, tortoiseshell etc. I want that link necklace! Also like the color combinations, very Prada-esque.

  33. I have to say, after so many seasons' of short skirts, the maxi skirts take some getting used to. Not that I bought many mini skirts from JC in recent years (simply not age appropriate for me), nor is it the case that I dislike long skirts -- there was a time when I lived in them. But it just seems drastic, if I suddenly go from 20" to floor length. I wonder how many ladies are ready for that look.

    Some of the dresses shown are darling, though.

  34. FINALLY! I'm actually excited. I see so many pieces I like and I'm thrilled I don't have to dig for them under bizarre layering and birds nest hairdos. This is more like it!!

  35. Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm loving so many items from this collection :) The silk dresses, fantastic coats, and I'm obsessed with the Periwinkle pants. I just hope that no seams come undone, or holes begin to develop with some of these items because quality has not been good as of late.

    Thank you for posting, Alexis! This is the only JC blog I check daily to catch up on my favorite brand. JCA has been THE official J.Crew blog for me ever since I've started reading it. J.Crew Corporate, get with the program already and credit this wonderful blog :)

  36. OMG !!! I MUST HAVE THOSE SHOES and those long skirts and and and...I'm gonna need another job or two or three !

  37. THE COAT. And that skirt! I am obsessed with long skirts right now and that one is CALLING MY NAME. Especially if it comes in different colors. Maybe in a hue similar to those amazing purple pants??

    Also, listen up, J.Crew! JCA deserves some love!

  38. Love the classic pumps in beige and that minty looking soft sage :

  39. Mary, I love the leopard, too. Whatever it is.

  40. LOVE! Yay J Crew ;)
    Exactly what said - I feel broke already

  41. Definitely lots to love, and I'm so glad to see simple styling again.

  42. Did anyone noticed there are almost no ruffles and splashes of sequins? (Except that red sequin all-over dress outfit - must be for the holidays) - YAY!

    The only item I am a little leary of are the striped red leggings. Otherwise, everything looks incredible!

  43. It's interesting to read the "reader comments" on the "other" websites. Seems that we are not alone w/our critical disappointment of recent seasons from J Crew Womens.

  44. That orange outfit is just awful!!! Why would you want to dress like Charlie Brown's great pumpkin??? LOL!

  45. Everything is coming back and better than ever. I am SO excited for this!!!

  46. I'm really not seeing either of Marissa's stated influences, but I think it's packed full of cool wearable clothes and there's definitely something for everyone!

    I'm one of the world's biggest long skirt fan but I don't like the floor sweepers. They actually look dumpy, and they'll be a complete mess at the bottom after the first wearing. However, I fully embrace the concept of fashion as art and I don't think that some of the items, or the items as styled, were necessarily meant to be entirely practical. They were meant to have impact, and that they did!

  47. I am going to hold off judgment until I see the production garments. J Crew has really disappointed me lately in the few items that interested me in the lookbooks not being the same IRL.

    I think the skirt with the buttons, the cable sweater and that wonderful coat w/ the buttons have promise, at least in these pictures.

  48. So I live in South Florida and have about 10 coats already, but I must have that one. I will take vacations to colder climates just to wear it.

    Ema, I also thought of the Lollis when I saw those pants. I love the periwinkle color.

  49. Not a huge fan of the loooong skirts, but I do love those dark purple trousers paired with the shirt and shrunken sweater. Classic and awesome! And the shoes look very promising too.

  50. amy kelinda, I tried an almost identical skirt (but in a lighter fabric) at Zara yesterday (same color too). I though that I was sweeping the floor in it because of my heigth (I am 5'2") but now I see that it is a trend...

    tamara, I agree that skirts that long are impractical and get soiled very easily (plus how long must be a coat to wear with that?). Definitively more of a summer trend to me.

  51. Bravo! Some great pieces to look forward to!! Yay!! :)

    Does anyone else think that some of the models look like mini-Jenna's? There's one with glasses that looks like a dead-ringer to me!

  52. Oooh, all the fabrics look so luxurious and pretty. I am loving the slouchier, wide-leg pants. I really hope I can pull that look off...

  53. I, too, am feeling the need to snip Spring spending in the bud-oh, the coats, oh the bags and I could feel my toes light up when I beheld the shoes! I'm definitely hoping they offer lots for pre-order, that always helps me plan my clothing budget, not that it looks like I'm going to be able to stick to one anyway. Just a little FYI: The Great Gatsby received an Academy Award for costume design and Bonnie and Clyde was nominated for the same but did not win one. Wonder if Marissa will channel Barry Lyndon for Spring 2012?

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Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)